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KHBbS HP Increase Help Needed

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Okay so I pre-ordered the guide when I pre-ordered Birth By Sleep, and as I go to Olympus Coliseum and fight Zack the second time he kills me with his first combo, so I look in the guide and see that the Terra they're using has three times the health I have.


so I need anyway you can think of to gain more health, I'm already working on a few,


1. The ability hp boost

But this one can only be put on three times, does anyone know if it can be added more times than that?


2. Leveling up as much as I can

CAN I gain health this way, like, is it even possible?


3. Asking all of you

Cause I won't pretend I'm the best gamer of all time, I'm not even close.

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No, Critical doesn't cut your health in half, it doubles the damage you receive, and halves what you deal.

The HP boost ability is a pretty good bet though, even though it only works 3 times, it gives a fairly sizable boost.

The easiest way to get it is to fuse two thunders with a Soothing Crystal. You can also get HP boosts in the Mirage Arena, but that's probably going to be a lot harder than Zack.

But here'es some tips for Zack.

Right when he starts charging Heroes Pride (The attack you're dying from) start charging your shotlock on him. If it's Max level, you'll finish just before he uses the move, so you'll be invincible and deal some good damage. Then, dodge his regular attacks, and right after, use Zero Gravity (It helps if it's Zero Graviga) he'll float in the air and take much more damage than usual.

Finally, try and get the Last Chance ability. This allows you to survive the combo, if you get hit. I you don't feel like getting that, you can D-Link with Aqua, and use her Auto-Life ability (As long as she's level two)

But the real question is, if you're not the best gamer, why did you choose Critical in the first place?

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Thanks, but the KH series is my best series of games, and my favorite, and I wanted a challenge. Plus not beigng the best gamer doesn't mean I'm not good.......even though I'm really not that good either. I guess I chose critical cause I was sick and tired of playing it safe and when I first started playing the game it was either that or proud mode (to get the secret ending easyer) and on critical you start with an extra command slot. It was a stupid choice but one that's working for me until now (Cause I chose to meld up to get the mega flair command that takes up two slots).

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No, Critical doesn't cut your health in half, it doubles the damage you receive, and halves what you deal.


Man if that's the case, explain how health on beginner is flippin across the screen.... No disrespect but i think personally you haven't played critical. You are right about the whole damage situation though.

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No, Critical doesn't cut your health in half, it doubles the damage you receive, and halves what you deal.


Man if that's the case, explain how health on beginner is flippin across the screen.... No disrespect but i think personally you haven't played critical. You are right about the whole damage situation though.


No, the guide clearly states the differences in Critical, there's nothing about half health (That was in KHIIFM+)

Now I haven't really been playing attention to beginner (Never really played in on any KH) but perhaps that gives you double health.

But I'm fairly certain Critical doesn't halve your health.

(Wouldn't halving your health and doubling damage be kinda cruel?)

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I didn't want to believe it seeing as how the quide doesn't state it, but i'm fairly sure Critical mode does halve your max HP. The HP gauges max is half of that obtained on Beginner, Standard and Proud. I'm on max right now, or close to max with Aqua anyway and i've currently got 97 HP, IIRC my Jap version on Proud has 200 HP.


As for the OP, unfortunately nope. It can only be put on three times, the rest of your HP is obtained by beating certain arenas in Mirage Arena.


Edit: My max HP with Terra on Jap BBS, so it may certainly not be half, but it's definitely less in Critical mode.

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Good luck, KoV. The first one you need to beat them with for each character is fairly easy and you don't really need to be a high level to beat it, so you should hopefully be fine. Second one might be a challenge, but as long as you're level 30-40 (depends on your skill level) it wont be too much to do.


Here's a scan from the guide showing what arenas give out the HP bonus's if you want to know which ones they are:



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