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Kingdom Hearts III placeholder for Nintendo NX

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Wait is the game $118 or the console?



Why is it $120 to get KH3 for NX there? I know it's not confirmed to be true, as I don't know if KH3 really will be on the NX, but still that's a lot of money for one game.



Placeholder prices for Australia. Their economy is very unfamiliar to me so I can't really comment on the unusual pricing.



Multiple reports on the NX clearly identify that Square Enix are in support of the system and have early access to the Dev Kits.



It would be a placeholder price, they do it with a lot of games. They are allowed to lower the price of pre-orders, but the can't increase them. So once the price is released (assuming it's real) they'll lower the price. Generally here in Australia new games will be $99 at EB Games.

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It would be a placeholder price, they do it with a lot of games. They are allowed to lower the price of pre-orders, but the can't increase them. So once the price is released (assuming it's real) they'll lower the price. Generally here in Australia new games will be $99 at EB Games.

Remind me never to move to a place that charges $99 dollars for a single copy of a game! Also, you all probably don't make that much money, do you?

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Remind me never to move to a place that charges $99 dollars for a single copy of a game! Also, you all probably don't make that much money, do you?

The standard of living is pretty high here. Other places usually will have games cheaper, and if you want it from EB you have to price match. You can usually find it somewhere for like $80. I make about $1200 a week and I just turned 20. I don't know how that compares to other countries.

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Nope. It's because of third-party support that it failed. And they didn't really do it for it being under-powered, but actually for it having that gimmicky gamepad. They didn't really know what to do with it, and thus they lost interest. Note that the system is more powerful than PS3 and X360, and so many titles were still being released in those two, although in the WiiU either they weren't or they were released much later, like with Assassins Creed 3 or Watch Dogs.


Yeah, that is the primary reason. But under-powered hardware for the current generation really is unacceptable for games that now demand strong processing power. Nintendo tried to go with the Wii/PS2 approach with the Wii U, however, the gimmick of the gamepad was too much of a detriment for third party developers.


Looks like it was confirmed fake.




That doesn't change the possibility of it being on the NX though. The Nintendo NX is reported to have a home console component of some sort.

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