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PS4 Neo Reported To Be Revealed On Sept, 7

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Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/08/09/playstation-4-neo-reportedly-revealed-september-7-2016/


So it seems we'll finally see Sony new PS4 Neo and what it has to bring to the table compared to the original PS4. Now if only Nintendo could just tell us when they will announce the "NX" 


Edited by Tails

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Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/08/09/playstation-4-neo-reportedly-revealed-september-7-2016/


So it seems we'll finally see Sony new PS4 Neo and what it has to bring to the table compared to the original PS4. Now if only Nintendo could just tell us when they will announce the "NX" 


Maybe this will pressure them to give an announcement date.

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Lmao what's the point of buying this anyway. If you can spend full price on a PS4, overpriced games for $60+, multiple controllers, and now this new PS4 that'll be even more expensive then you can't complain that PC's are too expensive.


Oh and to play games in 4K on this you're gonna need a 4K monitor which will cost you even more money.


This is just another cash grab for Sony*yawn Guarantee this will only run games at 4K 30 fps and not at 60.

Edited by Shinobi Bacon and Eggs

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Gotta love how this discussion comes back to the Nintendo NX despite it being about the PS4 Neo.


Lmao what's the point of buying this anyway. If you can spend full price on a PS4, overpriced games for $60+, multiple controllers, and now this new PS4 that'll be even more expensive then you can't complain that PC's are too expensive.

Oh and to play games in 4K on this you're gonna need a 4K monitor which will cost you even more money.

This is just another cash grab for Sony*yawn Guarantee this will only run games at 4K 30 fps and not at 60.


And this is why Nintendo NX is going to be the console of 2017. PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio are nothing more than 4K VR upgrades from their original versions. Add to that, the Sony and Microsoft policy is that, you can't develop a game exclusively for the PS4K/Xbox Scorpio. Nintendo NX on the other hand can utilise 2014+ technology with the system's hardware and not be an extension of the Nintendo Wii U.

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Lmao what's the point of buying this anyway. If you can spend full price on a PS4, overpriced games for $60+, multiple controllers, and now this new PS4 that'll be even more expensive then you can't complain that PC's are too expensive.


Oh and to play games in 4K on this you're gonna need a 4K monitor which will cost you even more money.


This is just another cash grab for Sony*yawn Guarantee this will only run games at 4K 30 fps and not at 60.

Bro there are already great cheap old games like Infamous. 

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