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*Insert name here* GO!

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The members need to light a fire under their butts so they can get outta the red in that thread/game. LOL They are so lazy!


Ikr I haven't even been posting in it for the past couple weeks because I want them to get out of the red. xD Step it up guyssss 

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Dark Souls Go


It's either beat it or win it. Halloween every day intensified. The more you beat the more souls you get to spend on stuff. If you die you lose them all. Your closest weapon is a spork. Good luck.

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Digimon GO! You have to use the GPS and AR camera to try to catch Digimon and raise them to fight other Digimon

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"DragonBall GO!"


Search around the world to for the mystical orbs to grant your wish or search for strong opponents to battle!


Also: watch out for wild Saibaiman. You don't want to get Yamcha'd.


"DragonBall GT GO!"


It's like DragonBall GO!, but lamer.


"Sly Cooper GO!"


Become a thief, form your team, and steal the greatest treasures! Disclaimer: We are not responsible if you get caught by the real life police cops. You're on your own.


"Soul Eater GO!"


Choose to be a Weapon or a Meister, find your partner, and search for evil beings to destroy. *a few months later* "#WITCHLIVESMATTER! THIS GAME IS OPPRESSIVE TO WITCHES!" Updated feature: special tracking software to find members of #WitchLivesMatter so you can kill their asses.


"Nolanverse Batman GO!"


Become the Batman! Track down random thugs and shout "WHERE ARE THEEEEY???!!!" to give you information on crimes going on in your area instead of doing actual detective work.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Persona GO!


It's like Pokemon but you get to decide how you summon your Persona: Guns, cards or whatever Persona 5 uses (I think they're masks... idk)


Metal Gear GO!


Find all the Metal Gears!... AND DESTROY THEM!!

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