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The 13th Kenpachi

Something That Makes No Sense To Me.

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Um yeah I already knew that you were referring to that scene.


What I was saying was that if there were Organization illusions here then it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think that the ones in the Organization sitting room could also be illusions...

Except they weren't (at least not all of them) because Lea was attacked by Isa, Riku was stopped by Ansem SOD, Mickey was grabbed by Xemnas and Master Xehanort was about to transfer a piece of his heart in Sora. So at least those were real and not illusions.

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That wouldn't have worked anyway, since the guardians of light wouldn't have 7 people to fight. The GOL would have had to go and find Aqua and Ventus since Sora would be a seeker so there'd only be Yen Sid, Mickey, Riku, Lea and Kairi. That would have taken time and eventually they would have had to go back to their times. They'd run out of time.



Then they would have taken the 7 princesses.


Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't it laid out like this:


13 Darknesses: 13 Dark Vessels brought together By Master Xehanort

7 Lights:  7 Princesses of Heart

7 "Guardians" of Light: 7 Keyblade Wielders assembled by Mickey and Yen Sid to fight in place of the 7 Princesses of Heart


I think people's problem with this is that most of the time people dont realize that theres a difference between the 7 Lights and 7 Guardians of Light.  Im almost certain Mickey and Gang arent actually lights (Except for Kairi), theyre just placeholders so the 7 Lights (Princesses) dont have to fight 

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Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't it laid out like this:


13 Darknesses: 13 Dark Vessels brought together By Master Xehanort

7 Lights:  7 Princesses of Heart

7 "Guardians" of Light: 7 Keyblade Wielders assembled by Mickey and Yen Sid to fight in place of the 7 Princesses of Heart


I think people's problem with this is that most of the time people dont realize that theres a difference between the 7 Lights and 7 Guardians of Light.  Im almost certain Mickey and Gang arent actually lights (Except for Kairi), theyre just placeholders so the 7 Lights (Princesses) dont have to fight 

Once again, that hasn't been stated within any of the games that the 7 GOL will protect/help the princesses. It's something the fans have to assume so that the plot makes more sense.

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Once again, that hasn't been stated within any of the games that the 7 GOL will protect/help the princesses. It's something the fans have to assume so that the plot makes more sense.

it is said though, in the Secret Ending of DDD


Yen Sid: Indeed. Those seven pure hearts form the very source of all lightin the world. If they are lost, the world will again give way to shadow.Thus, even if we deliberately avoid finding our seven lights to avertanother Keyblade War, Xehanort will still target the seven princesses inorder to forge the Chi-blade.Mickey: So...there's gonna be a clash between seven lights and thirteendarknesses...and there's nothing we can do to avoid triggering the KeybladeWar?Yen Sid: To protect the seven pure hearts, we will need seven lightsstrong enough to stand against the thirteen darknesses.

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Once again, that hasn't been stated within any of the games that the 7 GOL will protect/help the princesses. It's something the fans have to assume so that the plot makes more sense.

Yin sid said this in the Secret ending.

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Everthing that Kaweebo said.



 This, this, all of this. You, sir or madam, make more sense than anyone else. What everyone seems to forget is that the Xehanorts are all great big liars who will say anything to further their plans. Heck, their catchphrase might as well be:



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