Stardustblade358 806 Posted September 30, 2017 - Helios - Front Flank - Side: Mystras Rebellion - With Ren - Helios sobbed, listening to Ren, his dying words and wishes. He geld Ren's hand with the stone, holding it gently. "Ren..." Helios whispered, his voice trembling. "...let's meet friend..." And just like that, he was gone, the world turning silent to Helios' ears. The shock slowly dug into his body, the pain spreading until it eventually...cracked. However, it wasn't loud, nor strong. Instead, he took a deep breath, gritting his teeth as he swallowed hard, quiet tears streaming down his face as he forced down sobs that shook his whole frame. While shaking, he gently placed Ren's hands together on his chest. He gently and carefully removed the necklace from his neck, looking down on it. It was a relic, a talisman owned by those of the clan and their given name. "(Ren.)" Helios pulled the necklace over himself, strapping it on his neck as he held the stone to his chest. "I'll finish this, Ren. I swear." Helios whispered, allowing himself to fall onto his knees, holding the stone close, looking up to the ceiling of the tent. The light of his eyes seemed to dull, even for a moment, as he narrowed his brows in determination. "I'm long from done. But until then, I'll fight. Fight until my last breath and until the universe knows the whole story. For both worlds that we have come to love. So until then, when I have new stories to tell you...Ren...Ariana...just wait for me." Helios whispered, lowering his head once more as he closed his eyes. The memories were still bright and clear, their laughter, their adventures, everything. From the good times, to the bad. They would only be memories...but memories to live onto. 3 Scrapmaster, Nero Kunivas and Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted October 1, 2017 {Mariel: Mystras Rebellion; Center Flank - w/ Sifirei vs. Soren & Shiva} Raising her sword to try and finish Shiva off, Soren's words warned Mariel of his intentions. Not sure if she could pull Shiva into the path of the attack, the Guardian Angel instead backed up sharply, bringing Heaven's Flame up in both hands. She was prepared to meet the attack head on, but a familiar voice called out to her. Heeding Sifrei's command, Mariel beat her good wing to blow her up and to the left a few feet, barely enough to avoid the Archangel's spear. Her landing was far from graceful, but she stayed on her feet with her weapon ready. As Mariel required Shiva for another attack, the horn blew. She met the Queen's gaze, her face a mask of anger and determination as she listened to the message given to her for Raiden. Her expression did not change, though she did nod her understanding when Shiva was finished. Despite her desire to avenge her fallen brethren, she had long ago been taught that somethings were more important. With the Queen withdrawing, Mariel turned to see how Soren and Sifrei were doing. She let out a sharp whistle and her dropped blade shot up from the ground and into her awaiting hand. "I suggest you accept the Eidolon's invitation, demon." The bloody Angel said in a strained voice, her voice filled with odd harmonics that showed she was preparing a sonic scream. "Do it now while I still remember the brief aid you gave me." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaude 536 Posted October 1, 2017 - Lord Raiden, Mystras, Left Flank - Raiden often wondered what prompted individuals to stand in shock at a strange tactic such as an opponent's whistle and an afterwards jump off their own shoulders, but he somehow found himself caught in this situation. Agitated by the thought, he concluded that this lapse of physics and judgement was a momentary stroke of luck on Jynn's part and no fault of his own. "Fortune certainly seems to dog this prince," he commented to himself, eyeing the pegasus as it flew away with Jynn in tow, "though that strange power of his is more likely less than fortunate." Such black power -- it was more primal than the usual mana, and more powerful too. It is a wonder how Jynn could harness it, regardless of his mother's and my lifeblood flowing through his veins, thought he as he reset his sword and his stature. With that, he returned to his civic duty: ending this war, without major bloodshed, through minor bloodshed. His hands crunched and was flecked with enemy blood from the electricity that stroked the outside of his skin. Swallowing down his distaste for the fluid, he recast the lightening magic upon his sword once, twice, and thrice and prepared for grunt soldiers, but the horns were called and the retreat of Kilkes Seres soldiery was sounded. Those on the queen's side who were wise would have left quickly while covering their retreat, and those on his side who were wise would not attempt to harry and rout the enemy. While this was a battle, wars are best fought with honour and integrity. But why a retreat? Why now? The injuries and losses were great on both sides, but in terms of percentages Mystras was worse off. Were the shock troops successful in disrupting the ranks? Was it due to Prince Jynn's withdrawal? He did not know for sure. Raiden can only assume the situation from his position in the front lines, and as such he returned to the masses of confused soldiers, issuing out a new order: "Fall back and regroup. Bring the injured for the healers to restore. Neither this war nor this battle are concluded yet." - Jari Coriander, Kilkes Seres, Center Flank - Jari should have long since known that there was no calling back his dead friend, but he sat there and sobbed his little eyes out, his face and his hands covered with Morana's blood. The battle still raged around him for a time, but the horns were issued for a retreat. Sniffling while he drew himself up morosely, he stepped backwards and collapsed awkwardly, eyes up and looking at the sky. His throat felt hoarse, his face numb, and his orbits burned from blood, soot, and soil which did not belong. My friend is dead. Dead dead dead, he internalised. I wanted so much to learn from her, to be better friends with her, and maybe ask her out, I dunno, but none of that will happen. None of that will ever happen. Jari felt filthy, inside and out. His lack of action corrupted his conscience and poisoned his interest to go on living, but he had to do it, for Elia's sake, and Morana's sake too, given her respect for life and death. Issuing his final sorrowful respire, he packed himself up and left with the final remnants of Shiva's alive forces. When the battle is over, and if I'm alive still in the end, may I be the one to help send you off to the better place awaiting you, he thought, not once looking back as he shapeshifted and took off across the battlefield in fox form, leaving his helm and his admired crush behind. - Reginald Heathertoes, Kilkes Seres, Center Flank - Reginald observed the girl as she ran further into the forces of Kilkes Seres, panic written on his face still from the news of freeing Rufus from his imprisonment. However, the danger could not have been what he feared, if judging from her tone and lack of understanding. The imbecile was still imprisoned; even if the prison had no walls, he still had a tether. And then there was the crazed armour and the musclehead that still struggled against each other. Thankfully the only damage they performed was inflicted only to themselves, so he let them continue all the same. The armour intrigued him enough to assist, but he had other priorities. Feeling his arm clot and seal was relieving, he headed in the same direction as Rabiyu, not because he felt indebted to her or that he had any sort of kinship to her through the attempt of killing each other -- this was no anime, whatever that was -- but because she was going to kill someone else on his side, and that did not sit well with him. Unable to do anything with his wounded arm besides let it hang loose, he summoned a good chunk of his magical reserves and let it loose with his leftover hand, whispering under his breath "Sand Pillar" and "Sand Hurricane." The poor Kilkes Seres healer, probably oblivious to the surge of electricity garnered above him, was sure to notice some earth rise around him and turn into sand. The worst of the lightning was kept from striking him by a small gathering of sand, but not enough was there to take all of the brunt of the attack. The healer would have to help himself, or at least have someone else assist him. Next up was himself. Reginald raised himself to full height, tipped a make-believe hat with a wink, and disappeared in a modestly sized dust devil with him at the center. With such a lovely distraction, he slipped underground, feeling mighty okay with his actions. [Reginald left the battlefield.] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted October 1, 2017 Bherna, Jynn, and Dawson-Jynn's abode near Mystras Bherna is outside practicing swordplay with a guard. She was quickly getting the hang of it too, but she was too aggressive, and the guard had his wooden sword to her neck. "You're leaning too much on the offensive. I'm sure your father has told you that you need to balance your style, correct?" Bherna nods and goes back into her fighting stance, with the guard doing the same. But the sound of flapping wings stopped them from continuing. The war torn trio have arrived. Bherna gasps as she notices the comatose Jynn. "Dad! No, no, no!" She drops her wooden sword and runs up to him, hugging him tightly, sobbing. "Not again!" The guard is in shock. Dawson dismounts Mel and walks to the guard. "The battle didn't go as planned, and we all sustained some injuries. Do you guys have a healer inside?" The guard nods, and welcomes him inside, and returning to retrieve Jynn. Mel lamed to his stall with some ranch hands providing medical attention to his foreleg. Jynn was placed in bed within his private quarters to recover, and Dawson was taken to a healer to recover from his injuries. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted October 3, 2017 -Eclaire- Her magic gone and Alderon left, she turned to this genie, who had cancelled out the abilities of her divine parent. The woman gasped and fell to a knee, her sword and armor shattering into light as her Valkyric magic was sealed. Left in panties and a tanktop, she rose to her feet to face this genie, whom had ended her chance to kill Alderon. And that was when the soldiers around her began to falter, going limp. Rufus might feel it - the shift in pheromones, the new itch to get close to Eclaire. The woman was suddenly engulfed in black fire, and her Succubus form was given light to show. Black bat wings out, she advanced, growing claws. "I am a child of two worlds, genie. And I will not be sealed." She leaped at Rufus, aiming to slash him. -Rhaedyn- He simply yanked his arm in, and his spear changed directions and came at Alastor once more, aiming to cause more damage before he could react this time. Thane was not one to leave a foe such as him standing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nero Kunivas 3,046 Posted October 4, 2017 - Soren Monroe - Front Flank - Soren's words betrayed his intentions, as Mariel was able to respond in time to avoid as much damage as she could. It was then, that Soren heard the call of what sounded like one of Mariel's comrades...and the crackling of powerful energies hurtling towards him. Sifrei's Light Spear was too fast for Soren to completely avoid as it had impacted upon his lower-right back, his rock hard skin of his demonic form protecting him for the most part, though the Spear had embedded, but not completely and the handle fell to the ground under its own weight. Having had his arm gnawed on by a fearsome beast form of Helios's, the pain of this was nothing in comparison. Despite this, he almost immediately reached for the spear in pain, growling quietly but non-indicative of his pain. Soon after, a horn sounded and Soren, along with all other Kilkis Troops recognized it as an indicator that a flank had fallen. This battle was over and Mariel relented in her vicious attacks to listen to what Shiva had to say. Soren met Mariel's glare in turn, removing the spear as he did, his magma blood had left the tip white-hot and melted as he dropped it to the floor. "I am sorry for my betrayal, Mariel...but, my duty to the Queen has trumped all else...later than it should have, they say, better late than never...I don't expect forgiveness from anyone here, for anything I've done." Soren stated calmly, never taking his eyes off of Mariel's own until he was finished, when his attention was taken by Shiva, who said something rather unexpected, offering him sanctuary and healing at the camp. Soren was utterly taken aback inside, but outside he managed to remain mostly composed as he lightly bowed and responded. "That, is all that I ask for, my queen...thank you." The ex-Sentinel spoke sincerely and softly, his stand becoming more tall and secure rather than hunched over and wounded as he watched Shiva sound her own horn in retreat and departed for the camp. During this, an imposing man in armour had arrived, a massive angelic wing sprouting from his back and his aura radiant. Soren couldn't help but feel warmed by his presence, as if being near him brought him just the slightest of inner peace, which was enough for him to approach after Shiva had departed. "You...remind me of that Maxis fellow, if you don't mind me saying." At this point, Soren was relaxed, if a little awkward. - Meksis, the Chaperone, Armour of Light - Front Flank - Shiva's orders were heard clear as crystal and Meksis swiftly put away both of his weapons and reached for his horn, placing it to his visor and blowing into it, the horn's call echoed through the field, ensuring all that were under his watch would hear his signal. To this day, he still wondered how he could blow into a horn with no lips. Or lungs for that matter. Never mind, he gave Shiva a deep bow and quickly rose to his feet when Soren addressed him. Meksis couldn't help but chuckle at Soren's remark, deactivating Solidarity of the Chaperone as he did, returning to his base form and looking over Soren's wounds. "He and I are more similar than you, are the Sentinel, Soren Monroe, correct?" Meksis questioned the Demonic Fey, who shifted in place a bit, seeming on edge. "I was the Sentinel of, I am a traitor." Soren replied, causing Meksis to suddenly step forward aggressively and seem to snap. "A traitor you are indeed! You turned your back on Shiva and everything you stood for! Were it up to me, I would execute you where you stand for such treachery...!" Meksis pointed and thrust his arm towards and away from Soren, who simply listened silently, further dismayed at what he had done for these past few months. " what I would've said 20 minutes ago." Meksis then relaxed just as quickly as he had seemingly snapped, which caused Soren, having seemed to unflappable in the face of such deserved rage, exclaimed in surprise. "E-Excuse me..?!" Meksis gave a calm, friendly chuckle, taking Soren by his shoulder. "I saw all that you did. You still fought for the queen after realizing where you stood in this world, that I can respect and I do so greatly. Shiva is right to find you hard to trust, as you seem like quite the flip-flop and yet, in my eyes? Well..." The Chaperone patted Soren's shoulder as he stepped back a little and eyed Soren up and down, ultimately pointing at the demon's chest. "You never really stopped being loyal to her, did you?" Soren was totally caught off guard by Meksis's conclusion, he could not have been more correct, looking down to his right in both shame and relief. "'re right...I had second thoughts the moment I entered Raiden's villa, only worsened by his inability to commit to the cause he had rallied everyone else to to begin with. I, had considered leaving...only one man had kept me on the side of Mystras." Soren looked back at Meksis, sighing deeply. "Ren Mordecai, the Wind Drake...and escaped convict, under my watch as Sentinel. He--" Upon a sudden, he stopped short with a sharp gasp, looking towards the Mystran Armies, a feeling of dread settling in. Little did he notice that Meksis had done the same, though his dread was far worse, with a more immediate grief weighing him down. "Looks like I got him after all, Meksis...hehehehahahaa..." "You!...damn you...! ...who the hell are you?" "I'm you now, Meksis...we are as one~" "Never! You are an infection! Nothing resembling a part of me and I wouldn't have it any other way!" "Aww, I'm hurt~ ...not quite as hurt as Reeeeeeenn~" - Nergal, Remnant of Meksis, the Dormant and Hollow Wind - Kilkis Healer Backline - Breathing deeply and with considerable rasping, Nergal was able to laugh just a little bit, though he did cough as he did so. He was alive. More than ever, in fact...all thanks to Alastor. As the horns for retreat sounded, he noticed Alastor preparing to take his leave. Nergal rolled his body to the left, placing a fist and his forearm across his chest and mouthing "Thank you..." to him, smiling and hoping he would see Nergal before he teleported away. Once he had, Nergal had to relax, his arm falling to the dirt again, his broken, relieved laughter sounding once more as he gripped the dirt in his weak fingers, coughing the slightest bit of blood onto the dirt and his hands, which only served to make him more happy. His blood was a bright red, as it should be. Had he bled mere moments ago, it would be a dull and lifeless red. 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Elrandir 783 Posted October 5, 2017 (edited) - Rabiyu - On her way back -Rabiyu stood motionless, watching as the healer was saved from the full impact of the lightning spell, all thanks to Reggie. She turned around and managed to get a glimpse of the Druid disappearing, one would thought she would be angry, but she was not, instead she was slightly amused by the strange fey. Rabiyu was about to continue her attack, until the sound of a horn was head, one that signaled the retreat of a side, which so happened to be Kilkis Seres' side. "It seems that this battle is ours," she said calmly, "but the war is not over yet." It was time to return to assess the damage that Mystras suffered, how many were wounded, or worse, died in battle. A slight pain in the heart of the elf made her realize that one of her acquaintances fell during the fight, and she had to confront the situation. Slowly she rose from the ground and into the sky, most of Kilkis's aerial forces were retreating, and there was no point in attacking a retreating enemy. Rabiyu could see the vast amount of bodies lying on the ground, the red colour of blood all over the battlefield, it had been centuries since the last time she had seen such a scene, it frightened and excited her at the same time. Giving one last look while looking for survivors Rabiyu began her way back, dodging any enemy soldiers on the path. It took a few minutes but she was almost there, until she noticed that one of Kilkis Seres's soldiers was not retreating, and instead was walking towards a familiar face, Rufus. She made her way towards the Djinni and the enemy, not as fast as she wished, the wounds she suffered were slowing her down, and the healing potion she had was given to the Druid, why? she didn't knew the answer, it was not because she was worried for him, or as a sign of good will, but something compelled her to give that potion to Reggie. Well, there was no use to think about that, she had to focus on what was in front of her. The Elf quickly summoned her bow and arrow when she landed a few meters away from the Djinni, aiming directly at the one who leaped towards him, the arrow that she released was now flying towards Eclaire, a simple warning shot. "You must be the newly made retainer of the Queen of Ice, correct? The Valkyrie, or is it succubus now? I can smell her scent within you, mixed with your soul." Rabiyu said flatly, "The Djinni is under my care, Succubus, and I will not allow you to hurt him. I suggest that you follow your queen's example and retreat from the battlefield. I am sure the battle has taken its toll on her mental state, and she needs someone to be at her side. After all, it is our duty to be at the side of those who we serve and protect." Oh, Rabiyu had the perfect poker face at the moment, but the reality was that she was bluffing, just a little. She COULD fight against the Valkyrie/Succubus, but it would be difficult. She hoped that the woman could listen to reason and follow Shiva's example. - Sifrei Mond - With Mariel -Sifrei landed next to Mariel and kept an eye for the enemies. He had seen the queen a few times in the past, but the current look she had was something quite strange. "Let us retreat, Mariel, whether he finds forgiveness from the queen, or her subjects, matter not to us," Sifrei said calmly as his spear slowly reformed in his hand, "The heart is a fickle thing, as you just were witness, but that lack of loyalty can bring a great deal of misfortune, and the lack of real trust in the future. His actions will be met with skepticism and doubt from now on." The Archangel watched the retreating forms of Shiva and her soldiers getting lost in the distance, they also had to return, Mariel looked like she needed help. "Come on, Mariel, it is time to return, " he said, "we will have one of the healers take a look at you." Without another word Sifrei turned around and began the way back, helping Mariel along the way, pondering about the imminent misfortune that would fall upon the unconscious girl who, undoubtedly, would be asking for her brother's whereabouts the moment she returned to consciousness. Edited October 5, 2017 by Elrandir Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted October 5, 2017 Dawson-Jynn's abode near Mystras Dawson walks out of the healer's room, all recovered from his injuries. Worried about Jynn, he asks about his progress to a guard in front of the room the prince sleeps in. "I'm sorry, but he is still asleep. We don't know when he will awaken." Dawson sighs. So it might take days, weeks, or even months before then huh? Hmm. I should let Queen Shiva know about the his condition. He faces back to the guard. "Where is Melstrome kept?" The guard tilts his head. "Why do you ask?" This guy is quite curious about what Dawson was planning. "I need him to take me back so I can tell Shiva the situation." The guard takes a moment to understand, but he then nods. "Follow me." As soon as the guard shows him Mel's stall, he goes back to his post. "Make sure he comes back in one piece." It was a large stall. It could easily fit seven horses with a few feet to spare. Mel stood near a corner napping and with a special wrapping around his leg. Dawson approaches him and wakes him up. "Hey. Is your leg alright?" Mel puts his weight on the leg. It seems to be fine, especially when there is no saddle to carry. "We need to go back and tell Shiva about Jynn's condition." Mel's ears prick up with interest. He opens his wings and follows Dawson, while the latter opens the outside doors and mounts Mel. "Make haste!" The horse lifts off and speeds back to the combat zone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted October 6, 2017 {Mariel: Remnants of the Center Flank with Sifrei} Mariel did not reply to Soren's words, her expression seemingly etched in stone. But like she promised, she made no move against him as he departed. The magical flames of Heaven's Fire extinguished themselves before she sheathed the blade, but she kept Bright Guard out. This battle was over. But more bloodshed would come. Still remaining silent, the Guardian Angel followed Sifrei away from the battlefield. She began the trek under her own power, striding without sign of her injuries. But as the fury and adrenaline faded from her system, she began to walk more unsteadily. Her head was spinning from loss of blood and all her limbs felt numb. Sifrei's aid kept her going a few more yards, but she fell to her knees after a failed attempt to step over the body of a dead soldier. "Hold a moment." Mariel finally said through gritted teeth as she fought to control her spinning head. She used Bright Guard as a cane to keep herself steady as she closed her eyes. "I'm not making good time and I have a message for Raiden that he needs to hear." She said, her voice managing to sound stronger than her current physical state suggested. "You need to tell him that Shiva wishes to met with him tonight near Lake Kresnik, on the outskirts of Milos. She said to come alone. She wants to end this war, but not in a bloodbath." Mariel opened her eyes again, but they did not glow, looking more like her humans eyes. "Though I suspect one more death is destined before this war ends. Raiden needs to know this at once. Go, Ophaniel. I will make it to the healers on my own." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted October 7, 2017 Dawson-Center Flank Mel began to circle over what was left of the Kilkes Seres army. It was almost a cemetery with how many bodies there were. Amongst the destruction, Shiva, on her mount, stood. Dawson was quite hesitant to make any attempt to communicate with her without Jynn's presence, but this had to be done, so he built up some courage and guided Melstrome down towards her position, landing next to her. Facing downwards, he tries to think of what to say. "I have news for you, your majesty......" He pauses and braces himself for Shiva's possible reaction to the news. "........ Your son has fallen into a coma after a duel with Raiden. I took him to his mountainous abode so he can recover." He then looks back at Shiva. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaude 536 Posted October 7, 2017 - Rufus Contralto, Mystras, Center Flank, VS Eclaire - Rufus blinked in surprise as the armour fell apart and disintegrated. Perhaps it was because he did not know that it was magical armour, or perhaps it was because she was less clothed than one could expect after the removal of armour, but he flinched all the same. The air changed soon afterwards, however, and he felt a new, strange feeling that could only be described by the djinni as an unbearable, itchy heat, but unlike those close by he did not feel weaker because of it. The reason for this is that he only loved one individual out there, and she was not even close to a human at all. After the transformation, Rufus swallowed hard, finding out that the nullification of magic would not hamper her too horribly at all, and in a panic he cut off the anti-magic and side-flipped to the left, dodging the swipe. He missed the fact that the arrow swept past both of them, but Rabiyu's voice nearby was unmistakable, and he called jubilantly out to her. "Milady! A hundred graces to you for coming to my aid, even if unneeded," he voiced with piping lungs, the barnstormer within him coming out in full force in voice and action as he braced his hands on his hips. He turned toward Eclaire. "Yes, run along, little lady devil. A thousand versus one is a poor ratio when you're the one, especially when your abilities are dampened. Leave. Live! It's better than the woebegoneness of fighting an legion, is it not?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted October 7, 2017 (edited) - Sifrei Mond - With Mariel -Sifrei listened carefully to what Mariel had to say, and although she wanted to sound strong Sifrei did notice that she was struggling with her current condition."I do not think that is a good idea, Mariel, I really don't, " he said to the Guardian Angel, "but if it is what you want then it will be done. If you are sure that you can make it to the healers then I will gladly take your request."The Archangel looked at the Guardian angel for a few more seconds before raising into the air and moving to the spot he spotted the Lord of Mystras before. The task proved a little more difficult than expected, there were still a lot of soldiers helping each other, bodies lying around, and a few retreating enemies, but with a careful look around the battlefield, Sifrei managed to spot Raiden." Your Lordship, I hope that you are alright after such a battle," Sifrei said to Raiden while landing and bowing slightly, " I bring a message from Mariel of the 7th Legion, given to her by the Frostbearer herself."It took a moment for him to recall Mariel's words, but given the importance of the message Sifrei didn't wanted to make any mistakes."The Queen asked for your presence near Lake Kresnik, on the outskirts of Milos tonight," he said calmly, "she also requested that you attend to this meeting alone. Her desire is to end this war, but that a bloodbath is not needed." Edited October 7, 2017 by Elrandir Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted October 8, 2017 {Mariel: Remnants of the Center Flank} "I'll make it." Mariel answered, closing her eyes again. "Thank you, Ophaniel." She remained on her knees as Sifrei took flight, only opening her eyes after he was away. He definitely wasn't a typical Archangel. A proper Arch would have known better then to put the life of a Guardian Angel ahead of something else more important. While she would have preferred to deliver the message herself, it was better that Sifrei did it. If she was the one to tell Raiden of this offer, she doubted she would have been able to keep from voicing her disapproval of the offer. Treachery was a possibility and would take the fight out of many who stand against the Queen. But Mariel knew this line of thinking not to be entirely objective. Raiden had been her charge years ago, and her protective instincts for him hadn't faded. A common problem among Guardian Angels, but still a difficult one to deal with. If she had told Raiden of Shiva's offer, she would have insisted to go in his place. In her current state, she doubted Raiden would have gone for it. Plus, it would have jeopardized a chance for peace. Like it or not, Mariel had to accept she couldn't protect Raiden in this case. What ever happened, she had to trust that he'd make it out alive and set the world on the proper path. After taking a few deep, steadying breaths, the injured angel began muttering ancient spells under her breath. Calling on the healing magic of her station, she directed it to numb the pains, clear her head, and stifle the bleeding. She would need better help to get back in fighting form, but Guardian Angels were made to take a beating and recover quickly. This healing magic should get her to the healers for better care. Keeping up the muttering, Mariel got shakily to her feet and be pagan her trek to the healers, using her sword at times like a walking stick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted October 10, 2017 --Queen Shiva -- Kilkis Seres camp-- The ride to the Kilkis Seres campsite was a brief one, perhaps less than a mile from the battlefield. Shiva wasn't sure where they stood in terms of troops, but one of their flanks had fallen in combat, and she needed to assess the situation to determine how to progress. Further, she hoped that Raiden would honor her request and meet with her in private. Perhaps it was a dangerous--no, foolish--idea, but she couldn't resist. It was time for her to step up and be the queen that she wanted to be, not the queen that she was forced to become. Not long after arriving she was greeted by her son's friend, the Palico. Her eyes grew wide as he uttered the condition of her son, her lips a thin line. Raiden had done this to him? After he'd promised to protect their son . . . . Her hands clenched into fists along her sides, which she had to pin to her body to keep from shaking. "Are there healers with him?" she demanded. "If not, take a couple of our finest with you to his abode. Keep me posted on his condition." A part of her wished that she could request to go with Dawson, to rush to her son's side, like she always used to if anything would befall him, but she knew it wasn't an option. She had to be the ruler of Kilkis Seres, and a ruler couldn't desert her army during the middle of war. Shiva strode toward Dawson and gripped his shoulders, looking into his young face with a solemn expression. "Tell him that I love him, and that I thank him for being by my side, despite everything that I've made him endure." --Yevgeni Malachite -- Departing the battlefield-- At least Draksis had a fair amount of sense to him, even if he were following Raiden. This man drew the line, determined how far he were willing to go for Raiden's cause. At least he wasn't a blind follower like the majority of the soldiers he'd encountered. Heck, he were probably more sensible than even Shiva. "The Overworld needs humans like you," Yevgeni said to Draksis at last. "And for that, I wish your endeavors a success. I only wish that it were someone other than Raiden leading it. The man . . . has a way of following his passions a bit too recklessly." "My name is Yevgeni Malachite, but simply Yev will do," he responded. "Till we meet again, Sir Draksis, to which I'm sure that we will." With a slight bow, Yev left Draksis and retreated from the battlefield. He had to know who blew the horn, and also had a need to speak with Shiva before it was too late. Things had a potential to either play out perfectly into his hand, or fail miserably, and he had to ensure that it was the former. --Alderon Niles -- Mystas Camp - near death-- The king barely made it to the healers in the back rank before collapsing. He didn't remember being brought to the healer's tent, or the spear being removed from his shoulder. It was bandaged heavily, making it nearly impossible for him to move that side of his body at all. When he opened his eyes he did not feel pain, but instead a numbness that crept over his entire body as well as his mind. Visco . . . . It occurred to him in that moment that, if he died now, no one would save his daughter. His kingdom would be without a ruler, and Visco would remained cursed forever. He had to at least ensure that someone would live on to accomplish his ends, but whom was there to trust? Draksis? The boy that fancied Visco? He couldn't see either from his position, but rather a darker-skinned fey sobbing over someone with bright-red locks. A frown furrowed the king's brow; he'd seen him from somewhere before . . . . It was then that he realized who Helios was, and a shower of guilt washed over him. He had been so superior, thinking nothing of putting the boy through torture and experiments only to benefit his people and save his daughter. Seeing him now, in his own world, it suddenly felt very wrong that Alderon had treated him like a mere creature worth experimenting upon. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came forth. His world became a blur of colors, and the numbness enraptured him entirely. A fuzzy warmth enveloped him as he greeted unconsciousness once more. 2 Nero Kunivas and Stardustblade358 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaude 536 Posted October 10, 2017 - Lord Raiden, with Sifrei, walking back to the heart of the Mystran forces - It took Raiden a moment to recognise the angel of the North as he dismounted the winds with prowess, sword lying at the ready in case it was an opponent attempting to challenge him. He nodded in agreement and in thanks to Sifrei's words, though Mariel's name struck him with interest and he spoke "Please continue" in turn. Patiently, yet with baited breath, he listened to the recitation. It certainly sounded like Shiva's words, and the situation sounded eerily similar to their rendezvous before communications broke down into violence. He mulled over the situation, deep in thought about what would cause her to change heart, before opening his eyes again to the nearby angel. If observed carefully, one eye shone bright while the other was bloodshot, overuse "Very well," he answered, the words coming out forced and full of irritation. "I will meet with her alone, as specified, but prepared. I am fairly certain that I will come back unhindered except by her acts of diplomacy, but in the case I do not come back I will need to delegate my affairs to those trusted of me. Will you accompany me back to camp, Ophaniel, starting with the healer's tents? I need to assess the situation as well before meeting with Shiva." Smiling, he offered the area next to him and slowly started his trek to the specified location. "And what of Mariel? It may have been a few millennia, but I would think that she would prefer to act as messenger than pass news along." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Unversed 168 Posted October 10, 2017 (edited) -- Edited July 24, 2018 by The Unversed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted October 10, 2017 -Eclaire- The mixed woman looked upon Rabiyu...but her Succubus state faded. Again barely modest, she held her bleeding side and slowly retreated backwards, making sure not to turn her back on anyone. Once her magic returned though, her armor flashed back on, and she took flight. Angels and Succubi fell in beside her, even her mother and aunt joined with the Order. Many had been lost. Jeremy and Raz was helping the Throne Prince carry the body of their fallen friend, Maginhilde, Princess of Dominions. She had been slayed during the holding operation, and now the Throne prince wept. Maginhilde was his dearest friend and companion. The Chief Dominion, Princess of Mare Regem...she would be missed. The Order was hurt. But they had chosen. Parting ways with the Angels, who went to the Wandering City of Hunter, Eclaire lightened down and began walking. Soon enough, she came upon Shiva. Weak and weary, Takao's midair healing barely completed, she slid to her knees. "I am sorry, My Queen. I failed to end the King...I failed." Her hands formed fists. Then her vision grew blurry, and she toppled over, finally spent. -Rhaedyn Thane- He sat apart. The broken stump was enough for the Iron Lord. His weapons on his back, his cloak lay still. The man was weary, but not done. Tired, but not triumphant. Evil still lived, and so must Rhaedyn Thane march. He stood and began to walk, this time heading to where someone else now led him. "It seems I must visit the Angels." -The Order, City of Hunter- The funeral was being planned. Raz and Jeremy sat with Takao and Xion in the Convocation, all quiet. They had lost many good men and women, and a dear friend. This battle had hurt them all. And there were many more to come. This was but one battle...but none could fathom the losses. Wendigos, dragons, both sides lost so much. For a mere idea. But none of them entertained what ifs, or "they were right." They only fathomed the losses. For Jeremy, he had lost the most. Icarus had been at the forefront, following him unquestioningly. Now everyone hurt. For a war he could have avoided. A war he fathomed, was neither just nor injust. But on principle, a rebellion that resorts to siding with malice has no just backing...only a rotten foundation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted October 11, 2017 - Arthur - Side: Mystras Rebellion - Healer Tents - Arthur was wrapped up in bandages and fixed up the best he could be at the moment. Bandages wrapped across his head and face, healing plants pressed against his skin in order to ease the healing process. No broken bones, miraculously, but lots of cuts and bruises that would make him ache for the following weeks at the very least. He got lucky. Too lucky. He just hoped he hadn't ran out of it just yet. Rolling past him, into the emergency section of the tents, he saw the flash of his king, only a blur of movement as he was taken away. "Your majesty!" Arthur began, wishing to follow, but quickly stopped on his tracks. "We cannot allow any distractions inside the ICU right now." The healer insisted, leaving Arthur to nod in understanding. He watched as the healer stepped back into the area, the curtain falling over and separating the sights once more. He sighed, holding his head. Taking in a deep breath as he reached into his armor, taking out the envelope with the flowers and letter. He hadn't seen Visco since they had left for this world, and that was long, long ago...he wondered how she was doing. He reached inside, taking out one of the many flowers he had shoved in here, before returning the envelope to its hiding place. He lifted the flower to his eyes, twirling it between his fingers. It was as crimson as that of the blood that covered his sword. "No matter what you do to it, as long as the core remains intact, it shall always regrow and flourish." He murmured, holding the flower close. Day one of war was over, and yet it already left a devastating path in its wake. His king lay at the hands of healers and medics, allies lay dead in the fields, while others were left with injuries both physical and mental that they would never be able to recover from. One day in and they were already so broken...but that also meant that the enemy was just as broken as they were. Maybe. "(Then let this flower represent humanity.)" Arthur thought, gripping it tightly. "(That no matter how many times we are pushed down, broken, persecuted or starved into long as we exist. Our core. Our faith. Our pride...we will come back.)" Arthur held the flower, gently, but tightly tying it around the details of his sword's hilt. A promise. He would not allow humanity to fall...even at the cost of his own sanity. "Heaven can wait...there's still work for us in hell." - Helios - Side: Mystras Rebellion - Healer Tents - Helios watched as the Healers carefully wrapped Ren's body in white sheets, readying the bed for any other critical patient that could come in. "He is of the Wind Drakon Tribe. He...his family might...wish to bury him in their ways." Helios muttered, his grip still shaky. One healer walked over, gently guiding him away. "Come along now." He hummed, guiding Helios out of the area. Helios frowned, closing his eyes momentarily. "(“How lucky was I, to have had something that makes saying goodbye so hard...good night, Ren.)" Helios thought as he followed, only pausing as he watched non-other than King Alderon himself being brought in for emergency healing. Even he could tell the man was between life and death as he was...much like Ren was just moments ago. He didn't know what to feel. Part of him screamed for vengeance, for the hatred he had felt for so long. Because in all, he still felt it. He hated Alderon. He hated what he and his men had done. To him. To Ariana. If it wasn't for him...they might still be together. He hated him so much...but yet...thinking of his death brought him no comfort either. By the time he was guided out, he bumped right into Arthur, staring straight at him. "You." Arthur hummed. Helios blinked a few times before looking away. Arthur pursed his lips, frowning. "I'm...sorry about your friend." Arthur said. Really? That's all he could come up with right now? Helios shook his head. "...he was a know it all." Helios hummed, smiling fondly for a moment. "A curious soul...I'm sure that now with Ariana, he has a whole new world to explore and discover. This time in peace." He said, forcing himself from crying any further. "Once he said something from a book. I didn't understand its meaning back then...but now, its meaning seems so clear to me." Arthur looked up, for a moment, his eyes full of curiosity. "What is it?" " 'If the road is easy, the destination is worthless.' " Helios looked up, his pupils sharpened for a moment, taking Arthur aback. "I hate your king and the men who selfishly followed his orders without any second thought. I will always hate him, now, and for eternity, for what he did to us. That shall never change. But I don't hate humanity. The three of us...have come to love the world below. We broke the rules to explore on our own risks. The chain of reactions that our actions have caused is unstoppable. But I will not allow their deaths to be in vain. I will break down the barrier, and unite the worlds how it should have been from the very beginning. That is my promise." Arthur couldn't help but to scoff, quickly covering his mouth. "You're going to have to kill a lot of people to make that happen." Arthur murmured. Helios growled to himself. "I refuse to take a life in a war where both sides are full of innocents." "Now you're just being picky." Arthur smiled a bit, only to frown soon after. This kid was different from the Fey he saw in the grand feast long ago. His eyes now burned with a life and passion he hadn't seen before. It was a fire...a fire he saw once in a dream. "Well, if you're going to play the part of the diplomat." Arthur said, his hand at the hilt of his sword. "Then I'll play the part of the knight." He looked up. "We both want to save humanity, right? Then I'll be the sword. You see, I foresee death! And I shall be its author! So...don't stop me from doing" Arthur asked, offering his hand. Helios looked down, gently extending his hand before shaking it. "" Helios stared, before an amusing smile pursing his lips. Arthur definitely noticed. "What you smiling about?" "Just thinking...not too long ago you were stopping me from throwing mashed potatoes at your princess with scorn." Arthur groaned. "Yeah...don't do that again, please." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted October 11, 2017 - Henry - Mystras Side - Healers tent - The job the healers did for Henry was lackluter at its best, they simply removed his armor and wrapped his wounds in bandages, without even using any healing magic or medicine, if it wasn't for Henry's enhanced physiology it was unlikely he'd be alive due to his chest wound. Thankfully that healed up nicely, at least the bandages were enough to staunch the bleeding. Afterwards, the healers simply ignored him while they dispersed like headless chickens to heal the higher priority individuals. Henry slowly opened his eyes, to find himself on the bed, his armor laid out on the side, badly damaged and his sword as well. Bandages covering most of his chest in a diagonal line. Right accross his upper torso. He grunted as he slowly rose to a sitting position as he looked around. "How...did I get here?" He asked himself. 'I have no idea' Ariana gave her answer as Henry simply raised an eyebrow confused, "Really?" 'Yeah, the moment that armor tried to take over your mind it all blacked and me.' Henry was clutching his head with his hands. "you mean when he stabbed me in the chest..right?" He asked her. 'Uuh...yeah, when you were stabbed.' Ariana answered with a lie, it seemed Henry had no memory of what happened. Henry slowly moved himself to the side and onto his feet, feeling a sharp pain from his lungs, but nothing too major. He clutched his side with his hand as he walked around the tents. Soon enough he reached where a...friend was. Helios, what was he doing here? And interestingly enough, the boy was talking with Arthur, Henry overheard most of their conversation around the end and chuckled. "Now you're talking like a stone cold killer Arthur." Henry spoke with half a chuckle and a cough of pain followed soon after. Damn, he couldn't laugh. But Henry didn't feel satisfaction from the joke...because it reminded him of himself back in his knight days. "Knights protect their subjects with the utmost honor and courage. Thats the royal knights code." Henry tried his best to sound as gallant and knightly as possible, much to arthur's possible chagrin. Before he turned to Helios. "I didn't expect to see you so soon Helios, how've you been?" Henry asked the boy with sincere friendliness. - Alastor - Mystras - Remnants of the center flank - Alastor was watching over the remains of the flank, making sure they made a safe retreat back to camp, his job was not done until every soldier left the battle. He stood with his arms folded, his eye still that of a viper's. Out of all the troops one caught his eye, one with a different kind of aura, one that of an angel or some sorts. He had heard Raiden had some Angels keeping watch of the world below, but he never saw one to say for sure. "Do you need help?" Alastor asked her as he approached her from the side. Not hiding any of his features, after all he was proud to have his eyes and the tatoo on his arm. "Its not a good sign when one sees an angel limping." He continued. Walking beside her, while holding out his hand. In case she needed the help. - Maxis - Kilkis Seres - Healers camp - "Shivaaaaaaaa" Shiva would hear Maxis's screaming her name like a kid looking for his mother, he was still limping and with a partialy crushed leg, and a missing arm, but he was keeping up nicely. He stopped in his tracks as he saw her speaking to Dawson. He stood there in total silence...and awkwardness. "Gee I think we interrupted something." One of his clones, which inherited his injuries as well, snarked. "Shut it,you!" Maxis repleid. "Surely you mean us, right?" The clone retorted as the original sighed, forcefully de-summoning him. He slowly approached Shiva and Dawson. "Oh my god, a cat!" Maxis commented in pure surprise, like a child finding something he never saw before. "Wait. This cat's different." Maxis spoke, sounding sincerely curious. Before turning his attention to Shiva. "My lady I need to talk to you." Maxis spoke to her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted October 11, 2017 - Rabiyu - With Rufus -Rabiyu barely listened to what Rufus had said, she was more interested in the enemy in front of her. It felt like an eternity, but in the end the woman retreated backwards until her body was covered in armor and she flew away."I'm glad she managed to see reason," Rabiyu said before taking a deep breath, "I'm afraid to admit it but I was bluffing."The Elf kept watching the retreating form of Eclaire until she lost sight of her, at that moment she turned towards the Djinni."Do not worry, Rufus, It is my pleasure to help," she said with a small smile, "Now, let us return, I feel that this will be a small reprieve until the next battle."There was a lot to think about at the moment, but Rabiyu wanted to reveal what she discovered before the retreat of Kilkis Seres."Rufus, I have something to tell you. You see, I was in a battle with a rather peculiar individual. Great magic user, but there was something familiar, I knew that I had felt that kind of magic before," she said while taking out Rufus' lamp, "and then I remembered this. I fought against someone named Reggie, and it appears that he is the one who made you what you currently are."Rabiyu stared at the lamp for a moment, before she looked at the Djinni."He looked terrified for a brief moment when I told him that you were free, but I'm afraid that this "freedom" is not true freedom. He made it sound like you were something very dangerous to be allowed freedom," Rabiyu said to Rufus, " Excuse my bluntness, but is there a reason for him to say such thing? I know we don't know each other very well, but I wonder if you can tell me what this Reggie meant with his words."-Sifrei Mond - With Raiden -Sifrei followed Raiden closely, he, like Eliltari, had to take care of Raiden and help him in whatever he needed."My apologize, Your Lordship, but Mariel fought against the Frostbearer and suffered a few injuries," Sifrei said with a hint of worry, "but she asked me to deliver this message to you because she felt that it would take longer if she was the one to bring such an urgent message."The Archangel looked behind him for a moment before once again looked at Raiden."I know it was a bad idea, but something told me that she was not going to take no for an answer, so I agreed to her request," Sifrei said, "she told me that she was going to return, and while I worry about her, I trust that she can make it back. I also think that there was another motive, a personal one, but I didn't want to pry." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted October 11, 2017 - Helios & Arthur - Side: Mystras Rebellion - Healer Tents - With Henry - Helios' eyes glistened at the familiar voice, turning to Henry. He was alive! Hurt, but alive! "Henry!" Helios said, not hesitating as he threw his arms around him and hugged Henry. He was careful to be gentle, as to not hurt him further, as he nudged his cheek against him. Arthur stared at Henry, pursing his lips. He still became in awe whenever he saw Henry. Hearing so much of the Dreadnought here and there can make you think that way. Even now. Yet, Arthur was quick to smile softly, his signature smile upon his features once more. "I'm fighting for my kingdom, and for humanity. Even if it means to be a killer. It comes wit the should know that, shouldn't you?" Arthur said, feeling the bandages on his face. It was all part of the process of war. Fight. Kill. Repeat. Until one side won. He just had to make sure that it was theirs...he had to clean his sword. Helios let go of Henry, but still held his hands tightly. The pain of losing one friend aching in his chest even with the gratitude of another one still being alive. "I am..." Helios paused. "...alive." He decided on, because saying he was fine would be a lie. "I...I met Ren, Henry. I saw him. I talked to him. I fought alongside him and..." Helios let go of his hands, returning his attention to the necklace around his neck, holding it as close as he could possibly hold it. "...and I've lost him. He sustained an fatal injury and...he's gone." Helios said, his voice slowly becoming a whisper. His nails dug into his skin as he gritted his teeth. "I haven't forgotten what you have told me...of how I shouldn't let no one change who I am. Who I wish to be. Even in this war..." Helios looked up at Henry, smiling, even with his eyes becoming teary again. "He's...with Ariana again. And I plan to live on to make sure that neither of their deaths were in vain. I am going to fight alongside the human race, tell their story, and break down the barriers and unite the worlds, how they were once long ago. I refuse to stand by and let a world that we have come to love to die at the expense of the prejudice of a mistake from long ago. I realize this is foolish, in a way. To betray the chance the Queen has given me...but to turn my back on you, and Aura, and Aurion, and everyone else who came to show us the beauty of humanity, would make me nothing more than a coward." Helios forced a determined smile, his grip on the talisman lessening, now holding it against where his heart would be, looking at Henry, and unbeknownst to himself, at Ariana. "This is the choice I have made. And for the Queen to underestimate me shall be at her own peril." He was determined. If once a child, from that moment he decided he was not one any longer. He has found his answers, the road he would travel. Sure, he would have lots of troubles on the way, perils to overcome, dangers to face. Ren and Ariana were already at the end. But he would make sure that by the time he got there to greet them, he would have one hell of a story to tell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrapmaster 1,731 Posted October 11, 2017 - Henry - Mystras - Healer's tent - Henry maintained a straight face as Helios hugged him, and even nudged cheeks with him, he was happy to see Helios safe and sound again, sure. But the boy's reaction made Henry feel too awkward to do anything. 'You should hug him back' 'I am too embarrassed' Henry's words to Helios had to wait as he turned his head to Arthur as the boy spoke, the boy seemed...much more cynical than the last time the two of them spoke to each other. Arthur's words struck a nerve at Henry, but he kept it cool and didn't show it in his expression. Only frowning and looking down for a second. "More than you think..." Henry replied, his words sounding melancholic and somewhat depressed. "You're half right, you fight for your kingdom. But you are sorely responsible for any blood you spill, not your kingdom, and whatever cause you have, the moment you take a life its all on you..." Henry began explaining the plight of killing to Arthur. With a serious face and a serious, and philosophical tone. "And the moment you think you have the right, to kill, to take a life...thats when you need to look in the mirror, and really think about whats right or wrong." Henry spoke to Arthur, maintaining his earlier tone but adding a bit of frustration in it. After finishing his view on killing to Arthur, Henry promptly turned his attention to Helios, who was excitedly speaking to him...about Ren. "You did? Thats great!" Henry spoke, also sounding happy himself. 'Ren?! He's still alive?!" Henry's expression however, grimaced as Helios spoke of Ren's demise to a fatal wound. Which caused Henry's heart to feel a stinging sensation. And to feel a sharp pain to his head the moment Helios spoke of Ren's death, Henry did his best to hide the feeling to pain. 'Oh...' 'Ariana...' 'I don't know what I was expecting' Helios then began talking about his motivations and his choice. Which made Henry. And Ariana smile proudly of him, Henry placed a hand on Helios's Shoulder. "Im proud of you Helios, you've come a long way." Henry spoke, sounding like an older brother proud of his younger one. "If one is foolish enough, he can change the world." Henry spoke these simple words for Helios. "When you need me most, Helios. I will be there. Don't hesitate to call on me for help whenever you need some." Henry spoke to Helios, with a warm smile on his face. 'The boy has grown...' 'Yes...' 'You're sad that he doesn't know you and me are linked...aren't you?' 'Yes, though it is best he does not know.' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted October 11, 2017 {Mariel: Remnants of the Center Flank with Alastor} Mariel trudged on for a ways before stopping when she saw someone approaching her. She tightened the grip on her sword, but loosened it when she recognized Alastor from Raiden's introduction back in Mystras. She halted her magical muttering and worked her jaw to work out some tension that had built up. "Glad to see you survived the battle, Ser Alastor." The Guardian Angel greeted. "I will certainly take help." She took Alastor's hand with her free right hand, though only put a little weight on him. "Considering I haven't fought an Eidolon in centuries, I think I did pretty well." she continued in conversational tone, her head starting to feel light again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nero Kunivas 3,046 Posted October 11, 2017 - Soren Monroe and Meksis, In Mourning - Scene of the Battle - Meksis's arm fell from Soren's shoulder as the latter slowly turned to face the Mystran Armies, who've now fled to their own camp, which he could barely see in the middle distance, slowly taking a couple of steps as he truly realized what had just happened. "Ren..." Soren could feel it in his heart, the boy was dead...and he felt responsible and despairing, as did the Chaperone beside him, Meksis too looked on in remorse for what he had technically done. "I...felt it too, Soren...and I fear the worst." Meksis cursed himself under his breath after speaking to Soren, he had thought that maybe, just maybe, Ren would survive...but as the ever present chuckle of the deranged infection ringing in his mind told him, Helios was too late to save his friend. Meksis however, had to snap to attention when Soren, in his grief, attempted to sprint off towards the Mystran Camp, prompting Meksis to grab him by the arm hastily, stopping him in his tracks. "Soren! You can't!" Meksis pleaded with the former Sentinel, who only continued to look towards the camp, his demonic forms hollow eyes still telling of his utter misery and despair, but his run had ceased almost immediately upon Meksis's making contact with him. His heart screamed at him to keep running despite the pleas of his knightly partner in grief, but his legs grew heavy and his free arm sank...what would him running accomplish? "If you run now, Shiva would see it as you returning to Raiden and if you betray her again...!" Meksis continued, his grip still tightly upon the rock hard arm of the demonic fey as he took a step closer to Soren. "Listen, it'll be hard enough for you to find forgiveness in anyone else besides me, doing this now will only destroy your chances completely. If you come back with me now, I'll put in a good word for you to Queen Shiva, but that is the most I can do! I haven't much sway in Kilkis Seres..." Meksis made his offer in a more stern, yet still caring and pleading tone...and his words were heard by Soren's ears, who finally sighed and stood back, relenting enough for Meksis to let go of him. "I'm sorry, Soren..." Meksis uttered in a solemn tone, then looked to the Mystran Camp himself, sighing as he spoke. "But forgive me, and believe me when I say, that your grief compares not to mine..." This caused Soren to do a double take as he turned his head to Meksis, deeply puzzled at this statement. "Why?!" Soren asked, truly curious as to why he said that. It was only when he looked at Meksis that something began to click in his head as he turned his body to face the Armour of Light when the realization began kicking in. ", you..." Soren uttered a few words, laced with tones of further despair, shock, fear and most of all, an unyielding rage. " killed...Ren?!" Soren's words shook Meksis, who became deeply flustered, realizing the personal attachment Soren had to the prisoner he watched over. "I-I...Soren--" Upon a sudden, Soren growled, seizing Meksis by his chest and lifting him and screamed. "YOU killed Ren?!" His guttural, demonic growls did everything to accentuate his anger at Meksis, who did not fight back, but he did respond now that the situation had escalated. "...y-yes..." Soren then shook him as he responded in turn. "Why?!" Meksis then grunted as he felt Soren's hands become hotter, the Demons flames intensified throughout his rock and magma body as a result of his sheer rage. "It was not my choice! I, I have an infection...a Darkness of some kind...whatever it is, it's sentient and very, very cruel and took me over when Ren said something to break my will, giving it enough time to seep through the cracks and take my body. It can mimic my power exactly, albeit via the shadows..." "You make it sound like me killing that whelp was a bad thing...?" "Shut...up. You have no say in this..." "It did not hesitate, Ren stood no chance in his Black Dragon state...I, I thought Helios had got to him in time and would be able to get him to a healer! But...he, was too late...I had mortally wounded Ren as it turns out, I suppose...all the blood should've told me what his fate was..." Meksis explained to Soren, whose flames for a moment intensified as he glared at Meksis, only to die down as he lowered him down and let go, reverting back to his Base Form, revealing to Meksis what the man looked like ordinarily. Soren's now less foreboding appearance gave way to his true, expression-filled face, upon which was that of misery...but a sort of acceptance. "...This was my fault..." Soren spoke brokenly, but Meksis immediately walked towards him and made him look at him. "Stop. While it may be true, you cannot go on like this. Brooding only hurts you, Soren. I won't ask you to move on from his death in short order, but I will ask you to stop regretting your past. Regret just makes a man weak, do you understand?" For a moment, Soren seemed to be distant emotionally, but he then sighed...and looked right at Meksis and nodded. "You''re right...but I feel like there...there is more I could've done." "We'll discuss this on the way to the camp. Hold one moment." Meksis smiled in spirit, then let go of Soren's face and put two fingers to his "mouth" and whistled sharply. Soon enough, the whinny of a horse sounded as Meksis's Mount from earlier in the battle had arrived, safe, sound and ready to go as Meksis stroked the Mare's mane. "Ahh, you certainly know how to survive such chaos. Good girl!" The horse was pleased with Meksis's praise before he swiftly mounted his steed and looked to Soren, extending a hand. "Come, Soren! Get on!" Without hesitation, Soren agreed and took Meksis's hand, who then helped him onto the back of the Horse. "It'll be a short ride to the Kilkis Camp, but you'll have enough time to tell me more." Meksis assured and prepared to usher his horse forward, but Soren placed a hand on his shoulder quickly. "'ve known mine this whole time, but I don't know your name." Soren asked, his tone a little kinder than prior. "My name is Meksis and I'll be your Chaperone for this evening, Sentinel of Isopolis. And if you'll allow me, for as long as you need me." Meksis answered proudly and kindly, looking back to Soren as he reassured him before facing forward. "To the Kilkis Camp, Ella! Yah!" Mustering his horse, Ella, into motion, Meksis and Soren rode off towards the Kilkis Camp, across the plains of battle, its soil now enriched with the blood of fallen Fey and Humans. (I'll post for Nergal later, this post is long enough and I'm tired.. ) 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora's Baby 729 Posted October 14, 2017 ~Aqua: Left Flank, Side: Doesn't Matter: Talking to a Human~ Aqua watched the mage go. The magic faded and the floating chunks fell to the ground. The broke into small chunks upon impact. “I’m a faceless mage, I only joined at someone’s suggestion. No more no less, if I disappeared hardly anyone could tell. Well, one or two might, but that’s not the point. You heard what I said right? I’m not killing again, not for some feud or anything else. I’m just a traveler, I never thought of myself from any kingdom. So I’ll hide in the woods for awhile and wait it out a few days. I always bring my gear.” She undid her hair and let it fall loosely around her face, framing it. “Unless you have a better offer?” She questioned. The truth be told she hoped he did, otherwise she could just travel around some more. Now that she thought about she could take several paths. She needed more training and needed to learn more about humans. Those two things seemed most important. “Perhaps you are going to the world below? I always dreamed of going to see the fabled “Land of Human’s” tall tales and fables only take you so far.” She gave a dry laugh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites