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Neena ~ The Zealot ~ Mystras; Raiden's Villa


Things were coming down a little. She could disrupt things now. Throw everything into chaos with a well-placed arrow. But somehow... she felt now wasn't right. Things were idle, not tense. Just because things were quiet didn't mean they were awkward or tense. Patience Neena, patience. She poured wine still, but she was growing restless. She needed to do something. Intel. Easy, and most essential. But her target... who could she speak to, con into telling her things. She noted the arrival of Jynn and the man's guard, as well as Raiden speaking with him. But still, the situation remained quiet. Jynn seemed intent on allowing things to go on as they were despite any potential threats. Damn his reasonability. Neena needed everyone here to hate each other, but it seemed they were all devoted to some form of peace. With her eyes focused on a target, the Sentinel of the Temple, Soren, she bent down so that her face was by his ear. "Things are most interesting aren't they? I love how interesting they are, truly. This world was getting stale, I do not think I'd have liked to live centuries with just the same old things happening. Do you feel the same? Is that why you are here now?" She asked him, her voice a little cheery, bubbly. She was playing a role right now. She didn't want to be seen as herself after all, that might be bad.


Cerberos ~ The Mercenaries ~ Mystras; Outside Raiden's Villa


"Didn't we just escape this place?" Viridem commented, her voice filled with sarcasm and distaste for the situation. 

"Situation changed." Ryonne answered curtly. He looked at the walls, and wondered how secure the place was. They were looking for a vault, they knew that much. Scaling a wall seemed the easiest way in, considering just walking in the front door seemed an incredibly easy way to get killed, or at the very least found out. Neither of which were good. Swanson, whilst Ryonne stared at the wall, walked up to it, and pulled out a grappling hook. He tossed it up, and it caught on the roof tiles, he pulled, and assured it was steady, gestured to it. Ryonne nodded slightly, though he didn't like how careless that had been. It was one thing to be caught staring at a wall, it was another to be caught tossing a grappling hook. But it was done now. "Quickly," Ryonne commanded, moving towards the rope and scaling it, all the way to the roof. Viridem and Swanson joined him soon after, and Swanson pulled the rope up and stowed it back into his bag. They were inside the compound. Now for the vault. And hopefully, they could do it all without being seen.


Gel ~ The Farmer ~ Avarice; Market


They spoke about travelling back into the Sondon, about going to rescue Henry. And Gel thought.... He'd just left there. He'd escaped, made it away with his life. He could find something new for himself, free from danger or risk or anything. He could live the life he'd always wanted to, the simple one. But he looked at Helios, the Fey, the person who didn't fit here. And Gel knew he couldn't just let things be. Things would only get more crazy, if he was there or not. And Gel figured, might as well try and be as much the voice of reason as he could be right? He didn't know how effective he could be... But if there was even a chance he could help return things to normal shouldn't he take it. He took a deep breath, took a last look at the Avarician market, then looked back to Helios and the twins. He nodded emphatically. "I'll keep with you guys." He answered, moving towards them. "So let's get going I guess?"

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--Alderon and Curvis- Raiden's villa--


Curvis found himself completely enraptured in Raleigh's every word as she recounted her adventures to him.  He'd taken a seat alongside her somewhere during the middle of it, propping his elbow on the table as he turned and listened to what she had to say, a dreamy expression on his face the entire time.  Once she'd finished her tale he took up the glass of wine in front of him and began churning it, causing the ruby red liquid to swirl.  "I must say that sounds like a marvelous adventure.  I wish that we'd be assigned such objectives sometime.  Unfortunately His Majesty has us doing more mundane forms of work, or at least for myself.  I often am just standing guard all over the place, once in a while training new kids and breaking a few ribs."


He chuckled, resting his chin in his hand as he turned to look her in the eyes.  "When did you decide to become a mercenary, if I might inquire, and are you happy with the outcome?  Is there anything in life that you would rather do more?"  A food critic most immediately came to Curvis' mind, but he knew better than to utter this suggestion aloud.


On the other side of the table King Alderon was calm once more, carefully placing a napkin in his lap as he began to take a bite into the thigh of this rare bird he'd never once tasted before.  He was certain that he'd have to ask Lord Raiden if he may take a pair of these birds to breed down in the world below.  How he would adore to have this every year on his birthday, at least!


It seemed that he was no longer concerned with Midnea's behavior and had already dismissed the situation with Lorleanna.  He offered her his own wine to taste, as well as inquiring hers and Draksis' opinion on the food, namely the drumsticks from the unnamed bird.


The king was not quite so jovial when Raiden returned with guests, however.  They were dressed rather differently from their own merry lot, seeming more uniform in appearance and particularly more serious.  The king's heavy brows furrowed slightly with concern as Jynn took a seat and began to explain his situation and concerns.  Alderon, of course, stilled his tongue and didn't say a word.  While he was new to the Overworld he was not a fool.  Apparently Jynn had some connections with this queen that they feared, and any detection of their human ties could very well end disastrously.  Thankfully it seemed that Raiden had things well under control, and so long as he and his friends kept a level head.


As Raiden convened with the prince a snowy owl soared through the banquet hall, wings outstretched.  It perched itself upon Raiden's shoulder, tilting its head with amber eyes locked onto Raiden's.  On its leg was a letter with a royal seal.  Apparently it was sent from Kilkis Seres.


Should Raiden choose to read the letter that was contained, it read:



Dear Raiden of Mystras,


I fear that we have allowed our differing views to go on for far too long.  Should we continue traversing our varied paths it is inevitable that more lives will be lost, and it won't be long before a full-on war breaks out.  I very well remember our childhood dreams of unity and prosperity, and, while it brings my heart joy that you are living our dream, as queen of Kilkis Seres I am duty-bound and cannot tolerate the course under which such actions are taking place.


I would like to convene with you at 11 o'clock tonight, at the place where we share our fondest memories.  Meet me there, and we shall resolve our differences once and for all, for the good of all fey.


Yours forevermore,

Shiva de la Alexandria


Jynn Venas-Raiden's Villa

Raiden's reaction was somewhat questionable, but didn't give a clear indication. Perhaps he's not involved, directly. Upon hearing Raiden's questions, Jynn proceeds to answer the first question. "I was sent here by my mother. The reason for her not showing up, is beyond me. She trusts you, but she probably had other matters to deal with. Who knows what she's thinking under that headdress of hers." He paused and thinks to himself. There are things she doesn't even tell me. Jynn gets sidetracked for a minute before continuing to speak. "Anyways, initially, me and my allies were only sent here to help investigate who was behind the tinkering of the Shrine. But when it was disturbed again, I felt that I needed to inform you." Jynn then pauses and the looks to Alicia. Jynn wasn't sure what to say about her upon Raiden's second question. Alicia did seem to be the most loyal to Jynn of Yevgeni's group. Jynn then faces back to Raiden. "This is Alicia. She is a friend of mine. You have no need to fear her, she is a good person." Jynn then stretches and looks at a nearby clock. It is getting late. "Well thank you for your time Lord Raiden. I apologize for interrupting anything. We shall take our leave." Just as the Prince was about to leave, a snowy owl intervenes. Wait, the owl seems familiar. Was this Queen Shiva's? As he watched the owl perch on Raiden's shoulder, he noticed that the bird had a letter.

(Sorry for the edit. I just read the last paragraph from the previous post.)




- Lord Raiden, at his villa overseeing the feast and engaging in conversation with Prince Jynn -


Raiden smiled at both youths, or as close to youths as the longer-lived fey can call it.  That was a good response, one which would not be off-putting to the other or too in-depth.  Jynn had a good and calculating head on his shoulders.  However, in this case, that was not a good thing at all.  He would make a dangerous adversary if things got bad.


Then came the owl, swooping through an open window, flitting over several heads, and landing on Raiden's shoulder with a ruffle of feathers and a wide-eyed stare.  A scrap of a letter had been strapped to its leg, which Raiden promptly unfastened from the bird and read thoroughly.  A frown overtook him as he looked up at the prince and his protector, both of them probably curious.  He pocketed the letter in an inner pouch close to his heart.  This was one thing Midnea was not going to burn.


"It is a letter from your mother, the queen," he voiced quietly, for only the three to hear.  "I agree with your point of view.  'Who knows what she is thinking under that headdress of hers.' "  He quickly prompted a smile and made a proper bow to the prince.  "I will not tarry you any further if you have urgent business, but should you need to spend the night in Mystras I can arrange a free night at the Five Sisters Inn for you and your companion.  Thank you for stopping by, Prince Jynn.  The exit is the same way you entered.



-Raleigh Marin, at Raiden's villa and entertaining Curvis -


Raleigh reached for her fourth glass of sweetened almond milk, smiling at the compliment to her story and a little more over the thought of him training squires and young knights.


"There is nothing I would like more than to continue my adventures, or the mercenary business.  It suits me.  I have the freedom I crave and enough to retire whenever I feel like it, whether or not things get better down there.


"However, Curvis," she said, leaning in a little closer, "life isn't fun without entertaining a few risks.  This feast, for example, is such a rare and bounteous location filled with luxury and food!  You don't often get to see that, and we both have visited two such settings back-to-back.  I guess what I'm hinting at is that we are on a marvelous adventure ourselves.  If not anything else, I think His Majesty Alderon gave you quite the adventure right now."


Something else attracted her attention, the lord of the city talking with two newcomers of which she was not wholly knowledgeable.  They were speaking low, and Raiden's back was to the table, but perhaps what they were discussing was important.

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Jynn Venas-Exiting Raiden's Villa


Jynn bows to Raiden. "It was a pleasure to meet you again." As Raiden offered Jynn a place to stay for the night, Jynn thought about it for a moment. I don't know. What if he is suspicious of me and is placing a trap? I better not accept the offer. "Thank you for the hospitality my lord, but I have to return home. Good night." He then heads down the hallway. As he nears the exit, he then thinks to himself again. Hmm. His first reaction was questionable....... However, I didn't get any leads from it. Perhaps he's not directly involved. He sighs. Raiden might've known about Jynn's presence. "Come on Alicia, let's call it a day." He then opens the entrance door.


After Jynn closes the entrance to Raiden's Villa, he notices a large black and white figure walking around. It was Melstrome. Jynn whistles to catch the gelding's attention. Mel then gallops to the two. It was apparent that he has returned to the spot Jynn sent him off, and has been looking for his owner since he returned from Kilkes Seres. The horse then rears and kicks wildly with his front legs. Jynn tries to calm him down. "Whoa, whoa, whoa Mel, what is wrong?!" As Mel stands on all fours again, he looks towards the city square, the same place Jynn sent him off, also the place before Jynn found Yevgeni and Rabiyu, and he probably saw the light coming from Yevgeni's attacks at the Flowering Hyssop when he returned. Jynn then realizes this, and angrily mumbles to himself. "Those two......." Completely unaware that Baxter has gone against orders, Jynn mounts Mel and then faces Alicia. "Looks like Yevgeni and Rabiyu are up to no good.... Come on!" The equine then quickly canters to the city square.


Bherna Lao- Forest near Mystras


As Aqua gets hit by Jimba's attack, Bherna calls out to her. "Aqua!" She then turns around and heads towards an area between Typhon and Jimba. As she lands on the ground, she decides to taunt the aggressive punisher. "Sorry to interrupt your playtime, grumpy. But would you dare kill the daughter of the Prince?" She knows she has no chance of defeating the punisher, but she wanted to create a distraction so that Elia, Rufus, Aqua, or Typhon to make a move. But at least she can probably outmaneuver Jimba, if she follows her father's teachings.

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Aeternum Siblings, Helios and Gel - City of Avarice
"Aura!" Aurion said, "Are you ready? It's time to go."
The younger Aeternum sighed and rubbed her cheeks, she had to face her fear, she HAD to, it was to help someone in need.
"Alright," she whispered, "I'm ready!"
Aura walked back to the group and nodded at Helios.
"Let's do this," she said to the fey, "Let us go back and look for Henry."


(Will post for Rabiyu later. So excited to see what happens!)

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-Helios - Avarice to Henry's location - The siblings and Gel-

Helios smiled. He didn't hesitate, quickly transforming into something new, as if to amuse his human friends. This time he decided on a Manicore. It would be large enough for four people. He hoped. He shook slightly, lowering himself so he could allow them to climb onto his back. Once they did, and made sure that they were hanging on, he ran out into the streets. Before anyone could question what was going on, he jumped off the ground and flew off into the sky. All they saw was a shadow, a blur, and if they tried to look further, all they saw was a dot in the sky. "Everyone ok back there? You better hang on! The wind's going to push us faster than last time!" Helios said as he off, using the winds to glide across easily. He had already locked down on Henry's scent by memory. From when he first met him back at the dungeons. The most he could compare it to was the scent of burning pine wood, sweet due to the sap within them. The closer the Sodon they got, the stronger the scent became. Air travel by far, the best way to travel. Maybe one day Aura would come to like it. He would be more than happy to take her flying all over the Overworld! He suddenly locked on, eyes sharpening. "I got him!" Helios roared, taking a sharp dive to lower altitude. Closer. Closer. Closer. Blood. Ash. Closer. "There!" Helios said, seeing Henry up ahead. He was fighting against someone. The poor guy hadn't gotten a chance since they escaped the dungeon! "Hang on, we're landing!" Helios called, diving down as he let out a loud roar. He flew down, quickly forcing himself to land in between Henry and Vark. He gave Henry a soft purr, nudging his head. "Sorry we took so much. Get on, we're getting out of here! We can have introductions later!" Helios said. He turned to Vark, growling ever so loudly before roaring again at him. He had already raised his scorpion tail, pointing it at Vark dare he tried to attack any further. They were getting out of here, and Helios be dammed if they left anyone behind.


-Morana - Mystras Mountain Range - Jimba's fight-

Morana narrowed her eyes slightly. Oh? The Queen's granddaughter, and the Prince's daughter? She had never seen her before, and this would be the first time she had ever lay eyes on her, but she could tell that she was truly as spunky as she expected for someone her age. But not a very wise move with someone as...explosive as him. "Lady, I really don't think that is a good idea." Morana said as she jumped off from the branch she was sitting on, landing gracefully as she raised her arms. Though her voice wasn't expressive, as usual. She walked up to get closer to the fight. She really didn't want to get close to that acid, but leaving it all to Typhon wouldn't be fair either. Her skin began to crawl and part from her back, her spine slowly emerging to the surface of her back, a tail of it emerging from her back, expanding forward as it pointed at Jimba. She waited, and when she saw a chance, she jabbed straight at Jimba, aiming to stab his face. If she could at least get an eye, he would be in enough pain to calm back down.





Imagine this with Helios' colorscheme




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- Henry - Dealing with Vark - About to take off -


"Eh..." Henry spoke after seeing all the fancy maneuvers vark did, and finding them rather inefficient and complicated to do. but hey, to each their own, who was he to judge? Henry would much rather punch a problem and blow through it than maneuver around it. As Vark held his sword's bladed end to Henry's cheek Henry let out a smirk. 


"I am not even trying...look down." Henry with a tone a bit arrogant, but true, he wasn't putting in much effort in the fight. Vark would look down to see Henry's arm covered in darkness, as it manifested an arm blade, with its tip right at Vark's abdomen. "You can slash me in the head, i'l survive. But do that and you won't have enough time to dodge at this range, and you'l have to deal with puncture lungs and a large dark spike sticking out of them, im sure you wouldn't like to drown in your own blood just today, besides, you probably got a concussion from that headbutt" Henry explained to vark with a smile on his face. Vark had potential, but Henry wasn't nearly impressed enough to care right now.


Henry looked to the side and upwards, spotting Helios flying down upon them, "Oh hey, my ride's here". Henry commented dryly. As Vark jumped backwards Henry's arm was still covered in darkness. "Thing's hard to dissipate...Oh I know." Henry spoke as he stabbed the blade onto the ground, as it channeled right onto it. 


Soon enough Vark would notice dark tendrils forming around his feet, binding him, first his legs and then his arms, it seemed strong for the moment, but they would lose their power over time. "Dark magic is really cool." Henry commented with a dry smile, before looking at Helios, Aura and her brother. "Hey sorry for taking so long. I was busy with that guy" Henry spoke, pointing towards Vark, before walking over to his sword and picking it up.


He quickly walked over to Helios and sat in front of Aura's brother, while Aura was probably regaining her composure over the flight.

"Its good to see you guys again though, now lets fly!" Henry spoke, before turning his head towards Vark, and giving him a small wave with a smile. "May we meet again, oh and by the way. Name your skills better." Henry commented. Before Helios would do his thing.



- Mikhail and Typhon - Witcher and Bugman - Jimba boss fight.



Typhon was quickly thrown off, landing on his back, however, safely he was satisfied enough that his acid worked, as his face began to twist itself back to its original form, it almost reformed fully, only the jaw which was left out of place, quickly put back in place by Typhon with a loud crunching noise doing so. Painful as hell, but necessary.


However Typhon's satisfaction turned into horror at not Jimba surviving the acid, but the death of some of his loyal bugs. Grunting with a sad tone to it as he held his hands into fists. 


Mikhail then walked by Typhon, putting a hand on the bug man's shoulder. "He just won't stay down will he?" Mikhail asked. "Guess its time I took out dimeritium" Mikhail spoke about the bomb, made from a rare ore. Which when refined could disable and weaken magic in magic users. It was usually used by witchers to deal with ghosts to stop them from phasing and sometimes weaker ghosts died outright from just the bomb. Though he doubted that Jimba would just up and die with the bomb in the case it hit him. 


Holding the bomb in his left hand, it was easy enough to cast a protectice barrier around himself and Typhon to block the blast. But Typhon didn't need ,it he saw Bherna, a random kid who just walked into the scene. And was about to be blasted. 


"Damn it all" Typhon grunted to himself, fighting against the pain lingering after his earlier transformation. Enough for him to dash off from Mikhail's barrier, much to the Witcher's dismay as Typhon lunged at Bherna. Grabbing her as both of them jumped out of the blast area safely. 


Letting go of her after his heroic deed he kneeled as he looked at her. "You alright kid?" Typhon asked her, hoping she wouldn't be scared by how he looked, even though his form was back to normal. and not spitting acid anymore. The muscles had even disappeared, as the effect of Jimba's blood had waned.



- Alicia - Exiting Raiden's Villa - Pissed off -


Alicia was rather frustrated at the whole dealing with Raiden, he didn't like whom he had his company with, nor did he liked that armored knight, whom she felt a familiar power, she couldn't explain it, it confused her and left her puzzled to no end. But she expressed clear anger as Raiden sent them away, basically ignoring Jynn. 


But she wouldn't have time to think of that. Noooooo, There had to  be a fight between Rabiyu, Yevgeni and someone else.


"Alright...let me handle this." Alicia spoke, putting her hand gently on Jynn's shoulder as she walked in front. A style in her walk...as she began to channel a lot of magic power, and it was really a LOT. Her hair was even standing up as her aura increased. As she kicked down the bar's entrance down.


One,two,three...fifteen magical projectiles formed around Baxter, surrounding the man entirely as she walked into the door, casting a spell with her left hand as it was raised up, her eyes glowing a violet color, as her aura emanated pure, raw, power.


"What do you three think you're doing?"  Yevgeni and Rabiyu, as well as Baxter, would all feel the crushing weight of her Aura, Yev and Rabs would also notice some projectiles floating near them as well, at an alarmingly close range, the ones near baxter were basicaly point blank range to him. all fifteen of them. All set to launch themselves and explode on contact releasing an amazing magical explosion. 


"Unlike yev I am not going to underestimate anyone, and unless you want your body to be unrecognizable in a few moments you best explain yourself, and apologize to Jynn." Alicia spoke letting a magical low pitch tone at the end. Alicia looked like she was ready to blast this bar off existence if they didn't cooperate.


"Yev, Rabs. Our mission here is done, really rather not pick any unecessary fights." ALicia spoke. Still holding her spell. With her sword held by her right hand.




- Alastor - The Storm Caller - Attending the feast  with Draksis -


"So I turned around, looked him straight in the eye..." Draksis spoke with a smile on his face, retelling one of his stories to Alastor who had shared his own. They were both speaking as if they already knew each other, this was great. It wasn't every time Alastor would find someone to connect to and bond with. But Draksis was a special human, the man had a lot of charisma, you could tell he was respected by eveyrone in the room, even Raiden himself seemed to like him from just looks.


"THe bandit leader broke down, literaly. all you need is a little intimidation and they break like twigs" Draksis spoke with a laugh, and a chuckle from Alastor, who actually had put his helmet away so he could be more social.


"Tis like that with every wanabe leader. No conviction, no strenght" ALastor spoke as something caught his eye, something which unerved him immediately, Midnea sending off a knight out of the feast, to do what? Who knows, the witch is mysterious. Still, this was worth checking out, he was rather bored just talking. Nodding towards Draksis as the latter did the same. Alastor put on his helmet. as he walked by Raiden. 


"I'l escort the prince safely out of the villa. If you don't mind." Alastor spoke. with clear suspicion in his voice ,"I fear trouble is afoot" Alastor spoke as he began to walk out, a few moments after Midnea's red knight. So he wouldn't know he was being followed, just yet. even if he did, he would not outrun Alastor. 


Midnea was not to be trusted, he knew that, and if she couldn't be trusted, neither could her servants.


it was time to hunt

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Jynn Venas-Flowering Hyssop


As soon as Jynn dismounts Melstrome, Alicia offers to handle the situation. But Jynn wanted to know what is going on. As he enters the bar after Alicia, he notices a familiar face; Baxter. BAXTER?! Why is he here?! Why is Bherna not with him?!. Alicia begins threatening the three feys and begins using her powers. Jynn raises his arm. "Alicia, no! Leave Yevgeni and Rabiyu be! They are not at fault here! Baxter went against my orders to protect my daughter! Get him home, stop him if you must, ALIVE!" He then looks to Baxter. "You better cooperate with her!"


Jynn had no time to speak more, as he runs back outside and mounts Mel again. He was in a huge hurry to find his daughter. "Get back to the mountains, now!" The Pegasus then summons his wings and takes off. Jynn then talks to himself. "Bherna most likely would've joined Aqua and Elia on their task. She's too adventurous sometimes......."


Bherna Lao-Forest near Mystras


As Jimba blasts an energy wave, Bherna froze. Everything Jynn has taught her has been temporarily forgotten. Suddenly, someone tackled her and moved her away from the wave attack. It was Typhon. At first glance, Bherna was intimidated by the cyph. But when he asks if she's alright, she becomes less so. "Yes, thank you. I was stupid for doing that......"


(Sorry for the short post. Also didn't want to ruin Scrap's fun with Alicia, so I took a logical alternative.)

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-Arthur - Lord Raiden's Villa - At the feast-

Arthur listened to Draksis' story from where he sat, smiling softly. If there was a man he wanted to be like when he grew up, Draksis was definitely the example to follow. He was strong, smart, witty, charming; he was the perfect example of what every knight should strive to be. Even in a whole, brand new world, he was able to make friends and display greatness out of the gate. But he couldn't still shake the fact of the fact that the Prince of the Overworld had come by, and that it was...a pretty close call, from where he saw it. His attention was brought over to the Red Knight that was sent off by the witch...that mysterious woman who from as far as he could remember has had the king's eyes and ears, sometimes even more than the princess herself. He would have followed behind the knight, but Alastor was quick to walk off, maybe behind the knight, maybe not, but Arthur decided not to risk getting caught sneaking around by Alastor out of all people.


-Morana - Mystras Mountain Range - Jimba's fight-

Morana's eyes widened as she quickly pulled back her tail. "Damn it!" Morana hissed. As the blast occurred, Morana slid on her knees, bending back as her head barely touched the grass beneath, the beam shooting a centimeter away from her face and straight into the nearest trees. The trees exploded, pieces of wood going up into the air as fire covered up whatever was left, leaving horrid aftermath in its wake. Morana rolled over onto her knees. "Would you calm down?! What is your problem?!" Morana screamed, dashing to run behind Jimba and then jump onto his back, holding onto him as she began to scratch him up, much like a cat would. This man was absolutely insane. By the time that this fight ended, the forest of the Mystras mountain range would be nothing but ashes and fire.


-Helios - To the Overworld/Isopolis Shrine - Aura, Aurion, Gel, and Henry-

"My pleasure." Helios hissed, and with one last glance at Vark, he flapped his wings and took off high into the sky, leaving flying dust and his claw marks behind. He gained some wind under his wings, turning to a specific direction before flying higher, as high as the sky would allow, on route to the entrance of the Overworld. "Oh yeah! You should meet our new friend!" Helios said as he pointed at Gel briefly with his scorpion tail. "This is Gel...He's like you. A survivor of Alderon, I mean." Helios said, introducing the two as he eventually reached to fly above the clouds. Helios could feel his heart wanting to escape his chest, his body slightly trembling if it wasn't for his own self control. Home. He was heading home. Yet not without the responsibility of his actions on his shoulders. He had to warn the Queen of the threat known as Alderon. He didn't even know that soon Alderon would be the least of everyone's worries. They eventually they saw something on the distance. It was like a waterfall. Following the source of the water revealed the entrance of the Overworld, dark and as always, full of mystery ahead. Thankfully he could at least see where he was heading in the dark. "Here we go guys. It's going to be dark inside the shrine. Keep your heads low, and don't think about letting go." Helios said as he flew right in, entering the shrine, the darkness enveloping them. He didn't know what to expect. Sentinels, guards, wandering creatures, Alderon himself? Who knew.


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Rabiyu - City of Mystras - Flowering Hyssop
It was really amusing watching the child making a tantum, more so when he tossed the table and made the stairs collapse. perhaps he forgot that she could fly, oh, right, when she reunited with them before they didn't saw her flying. The High Elf jumped and floated, still aiming Baxter, there was no chance for him to earn forgiveness.
"For a royal knight you are very stupid," she said flatly, "and hot headed too. Also, do you think your rank means anything to us, it doesn't, not for me at least. I am far above from the likes of you, child, do not forget that."
Rabiyu was about to shot Baxter, but she decided to shot the table that was flying towards Yevgeni, it was blown to pieces by her black arrow and it would allow Yev to attack Baxter, yes, that was the plan until visitors arrived and magic was used. Alicia and her spell was something to be recognized to be sure, not as an immediate threat, but a threat nonetheless.
"As you can clearly see, Alicia," Rabiyu said calmly, "we are having a fight with this, excuse me, I do not know how to call him."
The Elf slowly floated down, followed by the magical projectiles all the way.
"In any case. This person came here, in the middle of a bar in Mystras and asked for something that was not his," she said, "we were trying to go to Lord Raiden's villa as backup, but he chose to fight instead of going to help, and then he tried to blame us for his stupidity."
Rabiyu then looked at Alicia, her face devoid of emotions.
"Now please, as your prince said, let us be," Rabiyu said, "I do not see the necessity of an apology, nor I will give one.  I came on my own accord, and every time our "leader" and his servants got in our way. I do have a great amount of patience, but it's growing thin with every passing disturbance."
It was then that the Prince spoke, and boy he was angry with Baxter. He had gone against the Prince's orders, and that was a bad idea. The Prince left in quite the hurry, that was for sure, Rabiyu then looked at Baxter and gave him a small smile.
"Danger follows your Master, he gave you an order and you disobeyed, " she said coolly to Baxter, "I wonder what kind of punishment you will get for not following orders like you were meant to."
The smile then disappeared, and in its place was a blank face.
"You dared to attack your comrades, you were going to steal one of mine possessions, just to fullfil your selfish wish," Rabiyu said, "I do not have a grudge with you, child, I just find you insignificant at the moment. If you try to attack me once more in the future, there will be no interference then, no Alicia or Prince to save you, and I will pierce your heart when you least expect it."
The black arrow that was stuck on the floor got free by an invisible force and quickly returned to Rabiyu's hand,
"I wonder if we should remain together at this moment, Alicia," she asked the young woman, "When your own comrades attack you  what would YOU do?"
Rabiyu was curious about Alicia's answer, but she was more focused on a strange uneasiness that was traveling around all her body, something was not quite right, she could feel danger, and not from Alicia, Baxter or Yevgeni.


(Will post for the siblings tomorrow, I hope.)

Edited by Elrandir

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--Yevgeni Malachite -- Flowering Hyssop--


The blond threw locks of hair over his shoulder.  "Trust us?  Oh, believe me, I think you've severed the bridge of trust between us when you demanded the lamp.  There is no forgiveness for you now."  He fluttered his wings.  "I was a lord and retainer to King Alexander well before you were born, boy.  There is nothing you can say about me that could tarnish my reputation."


His beams of light spread forth, though they did not seem to harm Baxter as Yev had hoped.  He hadn't taken into account that Baxter's scales could provide a fair amount of protection.  His eyes narrowed as Baxter threw nearby objects in his direction, chiefly a chair.  Before the chair could meet him, however, Rabiyu released her black arrow into the heart of the wood, causing the chair to splinter into mere fragments.  Baxter, however, was still coming up to him.  He'd started to raise his rapier in front of him for protection, one hand on the hilt and the other on the smooth side of the blade, only a few inches shy of the tip.  A golden light traveled from the hilt to the tip of the blade, an incantation to cast mighty guard on the very blade itself, no doubt to protect himself the very best he could and so his weapon would not shatter.  When Baxter's punch hit it met with the clang of Yevgeni's rapier, which wavered heavily under the brute force of the punch and nearly threatened to snap.  Yev gritted his teeth as he received the hefty blow, wings tensed in an outstretched position as he dug his heels into the floor.  The force was strong, and it took all of his might to hold his ground, his own blade digging into the soft fabric of his glove and beginning to pierce his flesh.


Eventually he managed to disengage, unlocking his blade and fluttering to a table a short distance away.  He extended a hand, preparing to unleash another light-based attack when the door to the tavern burst open.  There stood Alicia, and boy did she look furious.


And that is when her spell was unleashed, no questions asked.  Many projectiles encircled Baxter, though some greeted both of the other elves as well.  At first Yevgeni scoffed, lowering himself from the table and taking a step toward Alicia.  He allowed Rabiyu to explain their plight, and once finished Yevgeni nodded.


"I bore witness to the encounter as well, Alicia and your Royal Highness," he added at last.  "Baxter demanded for an item of trivial importance, and when Eliltari did not comply he became hostile and attacked.  Our actions were forced, though I will not deny that I wish to teach this boy his place in the royal court.


"Are you sure that you wish to escort him back to your mountain home, Prince Jynn?  After all, he disobeyed a royal order, and assaulted two of your knights.  What assurance do you have that he will not do it again, or perhaps he has turned traitor?  He cannot be trusted.  Perhaps it would be more efficient to take his life here and now, which I would be more than happy to accommodate.  You can turn around, Your Highness, if the sight of blood is unpleasant to your stomach."


A sly grin crossed his face as he turned a glance toward Baxter.  The foolish boy, thinking that he could take them both on singlehandedly.  He had to admit that Baxter had guts, something he did admire, though he didn't appreciate being made a fool of.  Since Jynn left before he could answer Yev's proposal the blond sighed and sheathed his sword.  "You got off lucky, Young Baxter.  Let it be known that if King Alexander still held the throne, oh, I would pity your very existence on this planet right now, and the death by my blade would be a mercy."




In the compound that Ceberos slipped into was a blue-haired man.  His clothing was that of a traveler, a gray cloak wrapped around his form as he stole a nervous glance around.  Whether he heard them--or chose to ignore them--was difficult to say, and rather quickly he swept out of the room, leaving the trio in peace and harmony.  No one else could be detected where they had landed, which was either a godsend or a curse, soon to be disrupted by angry fey wanting nothing short of their heads.


Down the hall were several rooms, though one was guarded by a tall woman with red hair.  Her wings sagged behind her as she leaned lazily against the wall, spear in one hand and book in another.  Her features were nearly as sharp as her blade, and it would take either a fair amount of cunning or skill to get past her.  Beyond that not a single soul was in sight; it seemed this part of the villa was rather deserted.  The room that she guarded was a treasury, with many different items belonging to Mystras' past and present.  Weapons of past heroes littered the walls, along with trophies and an array of other trinkets.  In the center of the room, however, was a dagger in a glass case.  This dagger had a rugged edge, its hilt wrapped in worn leather.  On the hilt was a pendant with a thunderbolt, the blade once having belonged to Ramuh himself.  The case was surrounded with a faint aura of gold, as if protected by something of some kind.  It was up to Cerberos on how to proceed, though time was of the essence.  It was unknown how long the halls would be vacant.


--Everyth Castanova -- Effie's house--


The raven-haired woman followed silently as Effie led herself and the princess to the home.  Thankfully the walk was short, as their excursion and the use of her magic was causing Everyth to grow weary.  The home was old and yet strangely cozy; Everyth was partly jealous that Effie even had a place to call home.


Once inside Effie was very hospitable, which Everyth was quite grateful for.  Her prime concern, however, was the princess.  The poor thing had scarcely said a word since they had left the castle, and she seemed incredibly cold.  Effie invited Everyth to join her outside the home, to which the sorceress shook her head.  "You go on ahead, Effie.  We will go in shifts, just in case we were followed as you had suspected.  Visco would be easy prey right now, especially since she is not up to her usual standards.  You go ahead and get washed up first; I will rummage around for some clean clothes while remaining here with Princess Visco."


She didn't see how they could be pursued, but you could never be too careful.  A soft smile crossed Everyth's lips as she glanced upon the face of the princess before turning to her side, sitting down alongside her on the bed.  "It will be all right, Princess.  Don't forget that the Black Knights also reside in Sondon and will fight for your kingdom.  Everything will be just fine.  Please take heart."  She tenderly wrapped an arm around her and held her close.  "Tell you what: how about I tell you a story to pass the time?  That would make you feel better, wouldn't it?"


Despite Visco no longer being the young child she would've been had it not been for the curse, Everyth still treated her like a young girl.  It had come as such a shock when Visco had returned with doglike qualities, and Everyth still hadn't been able to fully accept it.




Within the heart of Sondon the duke of Helvadoria was acting a complete fool.  He lamely followed Pracia at a far distance, hoping to tempt the woman with promises of riches and glory should she succeed in capturing Princess Visco for him.  He was still quite a ways behind her, however, and had a difficult time finding her.  He'd seen her disappear in this direction, but how would he find her?


--Elia Cabret--Mystras Mountain Range--


As Jimba sent a blast in the direction of Morana, Elia had released one of her own: an arrow aimed directly for Jimba's heart.  He then unleashed his blasts in hers and Aqua's direction.  The fairy managed to narrowly outrun and avoid the blow thanks to her haste magic that she'd cast upon herself earlier, though she didn't know what would become of Aqua.


"Aqua, no!" the raven-haired girl screamed out.  Now she was getting mad.  She got a running start and soared high into the sky, wings beating together frantically.  "I will not allow you to harm another one of my friends!"


She began to charge her attack, an orange aura engulfing her bow.  She interwove haste magic within the arrow itself, so that it would hit Jimba with an incredible amount of force and speed.  If she was lucky it would be able to knock him back some at the very least, if not harm him drastically.  Elia's eyes darted over toward the direction that the attack was unleashed upon herself and Aqua, hoping that her friend would emerge from the smoke and dust unscathed.


--Alderon Niles and Curvis Sourati -- The Feast of Fools--


The king looks delighted that Midnea enjoyed his wine.  So much so, in fact, that she'd finished the entire glass!  He chuckled lightly, resting a hand alongside her back.  "It would seem that I must request a fine order of this wine from Lord Raiden before we depart to our homeworld since you enjoy it so," he said jovially, offering her a wide smile.  "When we get back, my lovely Midnea, we will have so much to share with our kingdom.  They will be overjoyed to hear of our adventures, and our promises of a new prosperous world!  Just you wait and see the joys that await!"


For a short while the king droned on about politics and a new world with unicorns and rainbows, though it became obvious that he was growing rather tired, and perhaps just a slight bit drunk.  Finally he pushed back his chair from the table.  "I think that will be enough for now.  It has been a long weary day for an old man for me, and I must retire to my chambers for the evening."  He offered Midnea another one of his smiles and a kiss on the hand.  "Please enjoy yourself in the rest of the night.  We shall talk more when you are ready."


Placing a hand behind his back, the king strolled from the dining chamber, on to his own quarters where he would retire for the night.


On the other side of the table it seemed that Curvis was very much enjoying this evening chat with Raleigh, though he knew his time with her would soon end as more people began filtering out of the dining hall.  Her words did ring true to the youth's ears, and he did ponder them briefly before nodding.


"Yes, I suppose this is one grand adventure that we've found ourselves embarked upon, isn't it?" Curvis drew in a sip of wine, considering Raleigh's almond milk and tempted to ask her if it was any good.  He decided against it, considering this was her fourth glass and most food seemed to be good in the eyes of the ravenous woman.  "Do you ever suppose that you'll retire from being a mercenary, either joining King Alderon's ranks officially or moving on to a life more common to the average, well, underworlder?"


(Will post for Shiva once Sabre posts)

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Jynn Venas and Bherna Lao-Forest near Mystras


As Jynn nears the mountains, he notices a small forest fire. Are there feys down there? He then commands Melstrome to head to the forest. Mel was starting to feel uneasy by the situation, pointing his ears backwards. When he gets close, he notices six individuals. At the same time, Bherna, notices Mel and Jynn. In an attempt to catch her father's attention, she yells out to him. "Dad!" Jynn hears this and jumps of his steed.


As soon as Jynn lands, he quickly runs up to Bherna and Typhon. "Are you two okay?" He hugs Bherna and is glad she is okay. Bherna then points to Jimba. "He is attacking everyone for no reason!" Jynn then faces Jimba. "I see. Then he shall receive his reward of bruises and cuts." Jynn then looks to Typhon. A cyph? That must be the answer to this guy's aggression. And another reason why I should fight him. "Sir, get my daughter to safety." Jynn then stands up and walks towards Jimba, but keeps his distance. He examines Jimba carefully. It was clear that from Jimba's stature, a melee fight would be risky, but with all that muscle, he must not be as agile as Jynn is. "I will say this only once. Cease hostility. And if you do not........" Jynn then calls fourth his sword. "........ then there will be consequences."

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- Lord Raiden, just finished conversing with Prince Jynn at Raiden's villa -


Raiden smiled at the young man's manners, though he could not help but ponder over whatever the prince was thinking.  If his suspicions were correct, Jynn's thoughts matched Neena's and Lorleanna's information, but who was to say that it was correct?  Perhaps the letter tucked closely to his breast, or perhaps the thousands of years of understanding the inner workings of people.


Regardless of the matters regarding Isopolis, it was time to move onto the feast, but guess who was at the head of the table, eating from his plate?  It certainly was not Lorleanna, and in fact was a very distinctive figure:  Midnea.  Oh, how he wanted to wring her neck.  However, Alastor snapped him out of his reverie with his request to escort the young prince.


"Please see to it, my friend.  He can take care of surveillance from here, and I entrust the prince's care and the safety of Mystras to you.  No holds are barred as long as you keep the witness count low."


Ever so dutiful, Alastor was, and ever so sharp.  Raiden would have had no suspicion at all had Alastor not given voice to his own concerns, and that made Raiden proud to have him as a friend and ally.  In the meantime, Raiden took a seat amidst the humans, more specifically next to Arthur, taking Curvis' vacated seat.  He smiled at the waitresses and waiters as they promptly replaced the dishes with clean ones and turned to his human companions.


"Such an interesting day, is it not?" he voiced to Arthur kindly, having enjoyed the youth's question from before.  "How was your trip up to our fair lands?"


((The "he" that Raiden is talking about is The Infiltrator, the guy that is protecting the feast from above and still churning information.  He is probably quite happy to be higher than Soran at the time.))



- Raleigh Marin, dialoguing with Curvis at Raiden's villa -


Raleigh broke away from her draught of her almond milk glass, brushing off the milk mustache discourteously with her sleeve as she considered her answer.


"Retiring . . . is a difficult thing," she replied, pursing her lips.  "Don't voice this to a soul, but I considered it several times and always came back for more work or journeys.  I do what I love and love what I do -- such is my way -- but I could probably say that I haven't found anything better.  For all I know, once you delve into adventure, you're hooked for life.  I can't go into knighthood under a lord.  Besides, I don't have the honour for it.  Assassin, remember?"  She flashed a grin as she pointed at herself.  "No, my other dream job would have to be something more exciting than killing and travelling, but I don't know what it would be.


"But enough about me.  What about yourself?  Do you view your life to change much in the days ahead, perhaps make your way up to Royal Fey ambassador?  That title would be a nice one, wouldn't you say?"


She spoke this with a look of seriousness that would otherwise, to any other person, be a sarcastic simper.  Perhaps it was because he was unique, or perhaps it was because she had an interest in him.



- Rufus Contralto, shot down by Morana and locked in battle with Jimba in the mountain forest near Mystras -


A sigh escaped the unfortunate genie as he was entirely ignored by the Wendigo girl.  Perhaps he was too far away or too quiet.  Yes, that could have been it.  However, he worried for all of his comrades when the mighty Jimba started churning further magic, even with half of his face . . . melted . . . off.  Grossness, thought Rufus as he eyeballed the monster, but I cannot let his ugliness fester in my mind, not when I can do something!


Rushing between him and Morana in a flurry of hair and speed, he performed something that he thought and hoped would change the course of the battle:  he cancelled Jimba's first blast wave attack after two seconds of their release and the others after one second.  This was done in a sequence of destructive waves that nullified the magic in perpetuity once it was outside the body, and effectively "silenced" Jimba, the user of the magic.  Furthermore, perhaps he arrested the man's attention temporarily to boot, allowing another individual to attack Jimba.  With all of these things and his lack of corporeality, perhaps he could do a world of good to his fellows in this situation, as long as they were not struck by the magic in those time periods.


Even though this had great strengths to it, there were deficits.  Rufus could not absorb or nullify magic while something is going through him, and it took great concentration.  He focused entirely on Jimba with all of his will, and that funneled his vision.  However, as long as Jimba did not learn his secret or move from his spot too speedily, Rufus felt that he had nothing to fear.

Edited by Vaude

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-Arthur - Lord Raiden's Villa - At the feast-
Arthur felt his heart skip a beat as he heard a rather familiar voice. He glanced to see that it was lord Raiden himself, sitting next to him. "(Did...did I get caught sneaking around?!)" Arthur thought. For a moment all possible bad scenarios ran through his head. However, he managed to keep his cool. He hadn't done anything bad. To be upset about something as silly as to wander around was ridiculous. Arthur smiled softly at lord Raiden. "This has been the most eventful day for my life up to date." Arthur admitted. "The trip was like nothing I had ever faced before. To be able to see the clouds over the banister of the ship like the sea foam in the ocean. The flying birds no further than a few feet away from the windows. Then to enter the shrine and come to this world, with new people, new discoveries, customs and stories...Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined to be a witness to all of it in such a short amount of time!" Arthur said, his smile bright and sincere. "I still pinch at my arm to make sure I'm not dreaming where I stand." For a moment, his thoughts went to the princess, and then turned to look at Raiden once more. "The daughter of King Alderon could not join us, as she had to stay behind in order to watch over the kingdom. I was hoping to bring her a souvenir from this world back to her once we do return. Do you any any suggestions of what I could get her, my lord? I thought of flowers, but I worry they would wilt by the time we reached down." Arthur asked, a small glint of curiosity in his eyes. Of course, whenever it was about Visco, Arthur always seem to become happier than the usual.


-Morana - Mystras Mountain Range - Jimba's fight-

When Prince Jynn showed up, Morana was quick to jump off Jimba's back and back away from him, not wanting to become a disturbance in a possible bid for peace. She found herself stepping next to Rufus, who she had to admit looked kind of odd in her eyes. A...Genie? Maybe? Or was it Djin? Regardless, she had never seen of his kind before. Today was surely a surprising day. Not to mention his abilities. Morana took a step closer, somewhat protectively in case Jimba thought of attacking this way again. "Impressive." Morana murmured, glancing back at Prince Jynn, then back at Rufus, and then back at Jimba. "Hopefully the prince will be able to calm him...if not I fear the forest won't be existing much longer." Morana murmured as she kept an eye on Jimba. He had done enough damage as it was. If he were to continue, they might not have any other choice but to kill him, or leave him unable to fight anymore. As much as she could see however...Jimba didn't seem the type to stop even when a figure of authority was right there in front of him.


-Helios - To the Overworld/Isopolis Shrine - Aura, Aurion, Gel, and Henry-

Helios flew in darkness for a few minutes before the lanterns of Alderon's ship came into view. "There it is." Helios hummed, flying past it. "Alderon's ship. We're close." Helios hummed, flying forward as he began to remember the path he had taken so long ago with his friends. "The exit should be around...here!" Helios gasped, flying even faster as he could see the light at the end of the tunnel. He soon emerged, the sunlight almost blinding for a few moments before his eyes adjusted to the light, his eyes widening as he landed on the soft grass beneath to catch his breath. "We're...here. We're home! WE'RE IN THE OVERWORLD! WE'RE HOME WE'RE HOME!!!" Helios cheered, happily jumping around a bit despite the humans on his back, his heart fluttering as he looked around. The world that they had all talked and heard about was right there, and they were part of it. He wanted to throw himself onto the floor and roll around the grass, but he managed to hold that urge. "Isn't it beautiful? I have to show you the cities and the capital and the forests! I can take you guys home too! Mom would be more than happy to meet you all..." Helios paused. There was something they had to do first. At least, Helios had to. "I plan to make my way to the capital in order to warn the Queen of their presence, in case she hasn't known of it yet. Your testimonies would verify my claims if she doesn't believe...a traitor like me." Helios said.

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Cerberos ~ The Mercenaries ~ Mystras; Raiden's Villa


Ryonne had paused at the window for several moments, even as Viridem and Swanson joined him inside. He held a finger to his lips, looking at the blue-haired man. He was close... too close. It was unsettling. Yet... just like that the man departed. They all released breaths of relief, though Ryonne still felt disturbed. They should have been seen, yet he just left. Perhaps he didn't want to get involved. Whatever the case... this was not the time to look a gift horse in the mouth. They were in a realm where people had wings and powers beyond their wildest dreams. They needed every advantage they could take. The trio regrouped, staying crouched beside a wall near the window for a quick escape. Ryonne gestured for Viridem to check out the next corner, which she did after a swift nod. She moved slowly, staying in the shadows, and staying quiet, peeking her head around to check the hallway. She surveyed it swiftly, observing the hall, the guard, the doors. Viridem moved back to the others. One, she held up a finger, noting the guard. Ryonne nodded, then glanced to Swanson, and held up two fingers. Plan number two for taking down a single guard. Plan number two was as fast and quiet as it got, the others were a bit louder. Some were also nonlethal, but in this instance that care didn't need to be taken. Though, they were far easier. Viridem flicked back out into the hallway, crouching behind cover, pulling a dagger from her coat. The flash of green grabbed the guard's attention, and she stood from the wall, looking towards the corner. She began to move towards where Viridem was hidden. The moment she got close enough though, Swanson surged from behind the corner and rolled so that he was behind the guard. The guard, distracted by Swanson, didn't see as Viridem stood from behind her cover and threw the dagger, which landed squarely in the guard's throat. The guard staggered, then fell, right into Swanson's arms, so that her body hardly made a bump on the floor. 

"Good to know these Fey aren't tougher to kill than us," Viridem commented dryly, recomposing herself as Swanson took the dagger from the dead woman. He slung the body over his shoulder and handed the knife back to Viridem. 

"Don't get cocky now, our sample size is too limited to make judgments." Ryonne answered her, beginning to move towards the doors. Viridem rolled her eyes. They tried each door, checking inside. One room was empty and looked rather unused, so that is where Swanson discarded the body. Finally, they opened up into the treasury. Swanson whistled lowly as he entered. It was an impressive room, filled with impressive objects. The dagger especially, lay in its case. They gathered around it for a moment, staring at the prize. Finally, Swanson lifted the cover off and snatched it, stowing it away in his coat. Ryonne gave him a look, but Swanson smiled and shrugged. They'd need to do that anyway, might as well just stop wasting time. 

"Also there's an axe here I want." Swanson said, turning away from his partners. Ryonne shrugged. He didn't see the harm in it. He didn't like to think of them as thieves, but they'd been hired by a client to steal from and thus damage this Lord Raiden's position. Might as well just go the extra bit. 

"Take whatever you like." He said, grabbing a pendant from a nearby jewelry box. It glowed with import, and Ryonne wondered what sort of tricks lay within. He slipped it on over his head. He'd have to try out what it did later. Viridem's eyes landed on an emerald glaive, engraved with pictographs of wind. She pulled it off the wall, and in an instant, it shrunk down to the size of a long dagger. And with just a thought, it extended again. 

"Hmph. Neat I guess," She said as Swanson took the crew's final prize. A massive double bladed battle-axe. It felt almost too heavy to carry, but the longer he held it, the better it felt in his hands. It soon became balanced. Swanson swung it onto his back, where a mechanism for holding battle-axes was at all time. It was a little conspicuous, but Swanson just kind of was as a person. And with that, Cerberos exited, intent on escaping without another noise.


Gel ~ The Farmer ~ Isopolis

On the flight over, which Gel was having a rough time of, just as a note. They were going so very fast and Gel hardly had had time to get himself settled. Even as they paused, Gel still spent that time just kind of focusing on not throwing up. And they were in the air again about as fast as they'd landed. He really hoped there would be not as much of this flying thing as there was right now. Helios told Henry to meet him, and Gel struggled to lift a hand in a kind of wave. "Hi! It's nice to see you. Yeah they basically did to me what they did to you? But also you're like way cooler than I am." Gel greeted. Finally, they reached their destination... the Overworld. Gel would have time to revel in it later though, as he got off and away from Helios as swiftly as he could, catching his breath as Helios talked excitedly about all the things he wanted to do now that he was home again. Gel gave kind of a gesture of confirmation though he was facing away from them all. "Sounds good, you guys just uh, plan for a second, I'll be with you in just a moment."

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Aeternum siblings with Gel and Henry - Isopolis
Aura quickly followed Gel's example and got away from Helios as fast as she could, her stomach was not good, at all. Aurion was looking at her with a slightly worried look.
"You alright," he asked, "I know it was sudden, but look at the bright side! We rescued Henry!"
Aura just smiled weakly and nodded, sure they had managed to help Henry, and now they were in the Overworld, but she was getting very dizzy at the moment, she just had to rest for a few minutes. Aurion meanwhile was looking around the place, it was not THAT different than the world below, nevertheless something did feel different, the environment felt brimming with life, it was like watching one of those fancy paintings the nobles had, but it was much more amazing.
"This place is beautiful, Helios," Aurion said, "no wonder the King has his sight on it."
The younger sibling was felling a little better so she joined the conversation.
"Indeed," she said, "and we would be more than happy to help you, Helios. This Queen of yours must know about the plans of Alderon."

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Neena ~ The Zealot ~ Mystras; Raiden's Villa


Things were coming down a little. She could disrupt things now. Throw everything into chaos with a well-placed arrow. But somehow... she felt now wasn't right. Things were idle, not tense. Just because things were quiet didn't mean they were awkward or tense. Patience Neena, patience. She poured wine still, but she was growing restless. She needed to do something. Intel. Easy, and most essential. But her target... who could she speak to, con into telling her things. She noted the arrival of Jynn and the man's guard, as well as Raiden speaking with him. But still, the situation remained quiet. Jynn seemed intent on allowing things to go on as they were despite any potential threats. Damn his reasonability. Neena needed everyone here to hate each other, but it seemed they were all devoted to some form of peace. With her eyes focused on a target, the Sentinel of the Temple, Soren, she bent down so that her face was by his ear. "Things are most interesting aren't they? I love how interesting they are, truly. This world was getting stale, I do not think I'd have liked to live centuries with just the same old things happening. Do you feel the same? Is that why you are here now?" She asked him, her voice a little cheery, bubbly. She was playing a role right now. She didn't want to be seen as herself after all, that might be bad.




- Soren Monroe, Former Sentinel of Isopolis - Feast of Fools Kings -


In the midst of Soren's pondering, a servant approached the ex-sentinel and leaned down so she was near his ear, questioning him on just how interesting the current state of affairs was and what he thought on the matter, why he was here and if he felt the same in general. It was odd that the servant approached him of all people on this he thought but, he had been too quiet and deprived of chatter, so he leaned back in his seat and spoke. "They are interesting indeed, that I cannot deny... if Lord Raiden lives up to everything I think him to be, we're in for quite the adventure, so to speak. A stale world is not good for the mind." Soren spoke honestly, his voice with little inflections as he was quite calm. He then looked at the servant speaking to him, now a little curious.


"You're a, servant for the feast, are you not? What is your name, fair maiden?" He questioned her, interested in a servant's perspective.

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Eclaire - With Shiva


The woman's sobs lessened considerably as Shiva comforted her. No one really ever had hugged her with such sincerity before. She managed a small smile before the final question...all through Shiva's struggles, hardships, and woes, she saw something...she saw Eclaire ad a retainer. Her eyes wide, she pulled away to look at her. The shock was evident, the confusion clear as day...but she slowly stood, and suddenly wad clothed in light itself. By the time she had turned to now shocktoodtand over Shiva, she was clad in the Valkyrie armor her race inherently possessed. She fell to away knee, bowing her head.

"My Queen. I will do whatever it takes. You have rekindled my dreams...my hopes. I will not let your dreams or legacis ever flicker. I will ensure that yoit peace is not fragile as glass, but strong as iron."


The woman paused...finally, he looked up. "I ask of one thing. A kiss. Through the Succubus inside me I gain lifeforce through intimacy. I wish to carry with me a piece of your life, so if you do not return - that you will never abandon your people. For I swear upon myself, my parents, and the Goddess of Light who blessed my unholy birth, that I will never abandon them. It is my sole request. To carry with me an ember of your life, so wherever your legacy flickers, I may rekindle it's flame."

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-~Aqua: The Fight against Jimba~

Aqua had to admit to even she was on the verge of attacking Jimba. Two things, however, stopped her. One of them was the attack he had sent right at her and Elia. The second was that he has already had something terrible done to his face. She did have time to think about that as Elia had run off somewhere. She knew it could be far from the fight. This was a relief to Aqua. She created the same water wall spell as before. She quickly made the wall to 4cm by adding an extra layer.  Just in the nick of time too as the spelled hit her a mere 3 seconds later. Well, rather the blast had hit the wall.


The water wall took most of the blunt force. She was still sent flying backward a few feet.  This action sent up dust flying around her. She sat up. She was dizzy and muddy. The wall had broken apart and caused the dirt around her to quickly become mud. "Oh yuck.." She groaned to herself. 

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- Maxis - The Living armor - Conversing with Ivany -




It was pretty dark, Ivany's lab. Dim lights and torches on the walls illuminated only slightly, shadows creeped on all corners as Ivany worked. Ivany had been working on some mixtures she'd thought would be useful, being the queen's chemist/doctor/therapist was rather boring for some reason. Nobody would come for special concoctions, bombs, or even chat. Well...all except for Maxis.




Maxis walked inside the lab...or rather materialized from the shadows from it. "Ivany..." Maxis spoke. "Yes Max?" Ivany replied, standing upright. Perking herself up and stuffing her chest.




"We need to talk" Maxis spoke. "Its about the queen isn't it?" Ivany asked him, to which the living armor simply nodded.

"Yes." Maxis spoke, taking a seat on a seemingly nonexistent chair. "She's acting weird..." Maxis spoke. "I am worried".




Ivany's expression turned into a frown as she looked at him. sitting down on a small chair as she looked at him. "What's going on?"




Maxis sighed. "Well, first she spoke to me asking me what she should do in there tiring times, second, she spoke to me as if she was ready to die, and spoke to me about her son, and of course i'l protect him. But god dammit." Maxis spoke, clearly distraught for once.





"Its like she plans on dying, on doing some crazy stunt trying to make things better." Maxis spoke. With another sight, a bit more angry this time. "Will she though?" Ivany asked him. Clearly concerned now.




"I don't know, i'l be there for her...but I know one thing." Maxis spoke. As Ivany was about to ask why, Maxis simply responded before she could do so.




"Its not going to fix things, I know her too well, and it is her husband we're talking about Its NOT. going to fix anything, its only going to make things worse!" Maxis spoke. Slamming his fist into a table, as the table broke in two.




"C-can't you do anything about it? I mean, she can't die!" Ivany spoke, "Her son is still not fit to rule!" Ivany added.

"I don't know." Maxis spoke as a dead silence began and prevailed for a few minutes.



"And that's what scares me..." Maxis finished.





- Henry - The Dreadnaught - Within the overworld -



"Oh yeah i've heard of you Gel, you've been off the record ever since you escaped." Henry commented with a smile at Gel, nodding approvingly of him as they flew. Worried about Aura getting sick of the heights, but thankfully he didn't need to worry much.




The moment Henry stepped into the overworld he could not enjoy the scenery too much, as immediately after stepping in his skin literaly began to crawl, shift and turn. Great...his power was mutating now that he was in the atmosphere of the overworld.




Grunting in pain and a few short breaths as the pain stopped, Henry quickly recomposed himself before anybody not paying much attention could notice. His skin was still itching and crawling a bit...but not much, he could endure it for the time being, maybe it meant a new power? who knows.



Putting his hand on Helios's should. And looking "We can't expect a warm welcome from the queen. she probably dislikes us humans, not only that but I don't think a traitor would be welcome in the kingdom of...whatever it is." Henry explained his thoughts.




"I'l provide what help I can, but we probably won't have much of a choice but to enter through the front door unless you know of a back entrance, and if we get through the front door we should expect the guards to take action. He knew all too well what being a traitor meant...and it meant constant shifty eyes and hostile actions on sight.




"If push comes to shove, stay behind and follow my lead". Henry added.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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-Helios - Outside of Isopolis Shrine - Aura, Aurion, Gel, and Henry-
Helios looked over as both Aura and Gel had to take a break and step down to settle down their heads and stomach contents. "I keep forgetting flying is a new thing for humans. Sorry. I'll go less bumpy next time." Helios said as he chuckled. Helios looked back at Henry and shook his head slightly. "The Queen is usually kind. If she's angry at someone it's definitely going to be at me for disobeying the rules. However." Helios wagged his tail as he looked back at Henry. "I was hoping that maybe she can give you and Gel refuge in this world. Maybe she can allow you to call the Overworld home. You both are persecuted down below, after all. With your abilities, you should be able to blend in with the population up here with not much problem." Helios said. It was the least he could do. He knew that he might suffer punishment, but he and his friend had caused alot of problems by just going down there...he needed to make it right. Somehow. "Oh I know a perfect way to get in there." Helios said. "We are going to...fly right in." Helios said. He honestly had no idea how to get in there otherwise. "Once we land in the grand hall the commotion might be enough for the Queen to come down personally. The Queen is not heartless, I know that for a fact. She must listen. She has to...I'll make sure that no harm comes to any of you." Helios insisted as he looked back at Henry and then at the rest. "Once you all feel better, get back on my back. I'll fly us to the capital."

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-Arthur - Lord Raiden's Villa - At the feast-

Arthur felt his heart skip a beat as he heard a rather familiar voice. He glanced to see that it was lord Raiden himself, sitting next to him. "(Did...did I get caught sneaking around?!)" Arthur thought. For a moment all possible bad scenarios ran through his head. However, he managed to keep his cool. He hadn't done anything bad. To be upset about something as silly as to wander around was ridiculous. Arthur smiled softly at lord Raiden. "This has been the most eventful day for my life up to date." Arthur admitted. "The trip was like nothing I had ever faced before. To be able to see the clouds over the banister of the ship like the sea foam in the ocean. The flying birds no further than a few feet away from the windows. Then to enter the shrine and come to this world, with new people, new discoveries, customs and stories...Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined to be a witness to all of it in such a short amount of time!" Arthur said, his smile bright and sincere. "I still pinch at my arm to make sure I'm not dreaming where I stand." For a moment, his thoughts went to the princess, and then turned to look at Raiden once more. "The daughter of King Alderon could not join us, as she had to stay behind in order to watch over the kingdom. I was hoping to bring her a souvenir from this world back to her once we do return. Do you any any suggestions of what I could get her, my lord? I thought of flowers, but I worry they would wilt by the time we reached down." Arthur asked, a small glint of curiosity in his eyes. Of course, whenever it was about Visco, Arthur always seem to become happier than the usual.


- Lord Raiden, passing the time with Arthur as he finally enjoys some food in his villa -


The lord of the villa emitted a kindly smile toward the young and pleasant knight.  He was so vibrant and full of youth, an aspect he especially enjoyed from the younger and less long-lived fey.  Everything was new and everything was free of worry slaved by centuries of doubt, plus young love, while common enough, was beautiful.  Raiden could see that Arthur cared for the princess and knew an apt way of displaying his affection.


"I know of one flower that would be perfect for her.  The amaranth is known in these parts as the undying flower.  You can stamp it, burn it, leave it in the cold, and cut it, but so long as the roots or the flower bud is not shredded they can stand the test of time, growing to fullness in five days and lasting forever.  You see these flowers, young knight?" he asked, putting to attention the bulbs of beautiful red flowers in tasteful blue vases on the dining table.  "I give you full permission to take as many as you see fit to her.  In fact, I beseech you:  take them to the lovely daughter of King Alderon."


With that, Raiden started snatching up some close-by foods, including a brace of breadsticks and some sort of vegetable pudding, and delved into them with relish.

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Aeternum siblings with Gel and Henry - Isopolis
"That will cause a huge ruckus," Aurion said before he smiled, "huge enough to get the attention of a queen."
Aura shook her head and sighed, apparently it was the only choice if the wanted to have a word with this "queen".
"Indeed," she said, "Let us hope they do not think this is an attack, that could prove a problem for us. You more than any of us, Helios."
The younger Aeternum looked to the sky before looking at the fey.
"I still don't like this," Aura said flatly, "but I guess we have no choice besides flying. Let's do this before I change my mind."

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--Queen Shiva -- Kilkis Seres--

A soft smile played upon the queen's lips as Eclaire rose, a brilliant light surrounding the rose-haired woman as her clothing transformed from her white dress to valkyrie armor.  "That's more befitting of you," she said brightly.  "I know that your efforts will make me proud, Eclaire, and that you will stand up for Kilkis Seres no matter what happens within the Overworld.  Knowing that you and Maxis will be here to ensure the safety of my people brings my heart great peace, especially knowing that my dear son will not have to endure all the hardships of ruling a kingdom alone."


It took Shiva several moments to process Eclaire’s final request, her brows furrowing together into a frown.  A kiss?  What sort of request was this?  What was Eclaire implying, and was this one of her Succubus tricks?  Moments passed into minutes as the ice queen remained perched on the side of the water fountain, thoughts swirling in a jumbled mess in her head before responding: “Well, all right.”


It had been a very long time since Shiva had kissed anyone and she almost did not know how to!  She remained seated while closing her eyes, leaning forward toward the Valkyrie to bestow her parting gift.  A curious one, she thought, but not one that was preposterous that she couldn’t provide.


--Yevgeni Malachite – Mystras –

The elf watched with little respect as Baxter chided them for their lack of concern for Prince Jynn.  He sheathed his rapier; as much as he wished it, this wouldn’t be the time to use it.  “It is not your place to claim knowledge of Lady Eliltari’s wishes, boy.  You still are young and foolish, and do not yet understand the world and the way it works.”


He leapt down from his perch on a chair, his wings dematerializing into opalescent shimmers that dispersed and disappeared into what remained of the tavern.  “Also, you were not there to meet King Alexander, and thus I would request that you hold your tongue before speaking ill of His Majesty.  Our king was a great ruler who did everything in his power to ensure peace for the Overworld, completing tasks that many would not even dare perform in this day and age.  It did not matter what he had to sacrifice in order to maintain peace, something that many are too selfish to provide in our royal court.”


He gave a long glance at the doorframe before shaking his head.  “But enough, I have no further business in this group.  I was sent by the queen to ensure that Prince Jynn had arrived to Mystras safely, and my task is now complete.  Good luck in whatever pursuits you, well, are pursuing.  I have no doubts that our paths will cross again one day.”


With that, the blond exited the building, his maroon robe billowing behind him.


It was only a short walk to the Mystrian town square, where a water fountain sat at the heart of it.  No sign of the human trio Cerberos was in sight, which Yev was not entirely alarmed by.  He was early, and perhaps they had yet to retrieve the dagger.  It occurred to him that perhaps his favorite humans had been caught or, worse, killed by Raiden’s men, but he wasn’t ready to bet his money on that.  The trio seemed quite cunning and resourceful for humans and he was willing to put faith in their success.


--Everyth Castanova – Effie’s home, Sondon Outskirts—


It brought the woman great sorrow to find that Visco could not be comforted.  She continued to hold Visco close, stroking locks of stray strands from the princess’s dog-like face.  “Very well, I shall begin to tell you the story of a little maiden who had to flee her home, lest her wicked stepmother found and killed her.


(The story that Everyth told Visco, though it is long so I hid it in spoilers)

Once there was a young girl who adored her father.  Her mother passed away when she was young, and thus it was always just the two of them.  Years passed, and finally the girl’s father remarried, to a woman who was haughty, arrogant, jealous, and cruel.  She despised the girl for the love and adoration her father cast upon her, and thus, after her father’s passing, the stepmother plotted to kill her.


It was out of the kindness of their butler’s heart that he warned the young woman of what her stepmother planned to do, and urged her to flee from their country home as far as she could.  She took one of her prized horses named Black Beauty and fled off into the stormy night, leaving the stepmother and her huntsmen baffled by her disappearance.


Day and night the young woman traveled, and would not stop until she found safety within a small forest.  There was a cottage fine and well-kept, to which she traversed upon to see if anyone was home.  “Hello!” she cried out, but none answered her.  Finally the young woman opened the door, but found no one home.  The storm was still violent outside, and she was ever so fatigued and drained.  She thought surely whoever owned the cottage would understand.  Once inside she fell asleep in one of the beds, where the owner of the cottage found her.  The cottage belonged to a witch, who had been out hunting for her meal.  She grinned at the sight of the sleeping maiden, desirous of stealing her youth for herself.


The young maiden awoke and was startled by the witch’s ugliness, though the witch remained kind and gentle to the girl, suggesting that she would like to eat supper with her.  Overwhelmed by the witch’s generosity, the young woman consented, dining on the delicious game that the witch had caught and cooked.  She asked how it was that such a lovely young woman stumbled upon her home in such a storm, and through tears the young maiden explained the gravity of her situation.  The old hag consoled her, suggesting that she stay here with her for as long as she desired.  The young woman was delighted at the suggestion, and said that she would be the old witch’s maid if she but allowed her to stay.


It was in the night that the young woman was asleep once more that the witch performed her evil action: she cut off the woman’s long golden strands of hair and brewed them into a potion.  Once drank, the youth of the young woman had vanished, and now she looked ugly and unpleasant.  She cried and cried once she awoke and found the wrinkles on her face and the graying of her hair, and wished to relay the story to the old witch so that she may be comforted.  The witch, however, was gone to the kingdom of Vale, where she would wed the prince who was searching for his new bride.


Much time had lapsed that the young woman mourned over her youth.  It had been weeks before she even set a foot out of her door again!  One morning she was picking vegetables in the garden when the prince himself arrived at her door.  He treated her respectfully and with kindness, despite her old and ugly appearance.  He told her stories of his kingdom, and she relayed her own of her family home.  The prince took a great liking to the maiden’s horse, Black Beauty, to which they went riding together.  He brought her to his kingdom and showed her around, to which the maiden found so much joy and delight.


The witch, however, saw this interaction between her prince and the young woman, to which she grew incredibly jealous.  She then plotted to kill her, but, again, the young woman was warned by the witch’s servant.  She told the prince that she had to flee and explained all of the atrocities that the old witch had committed.  Even though it was almost too unrealistic, the prince believed her, and slayed the witch himself.  After her death the young woman’s youth returned to her, and she could now live with joy without fear of the old witch.  The prince took her as his wife, and together they ruled the kingdom and lived happily ever after.


“The end.”  Everyth stole a glance down to gauge the princess’ expression, hoping that her choice of tale wasn’t too dark for her.  As she finished Effie had returned, promising her the shower that she very much desired.  She carefully released the princess and rose, nodding to Effie in thanks.  She then disappeared out the door and to the three-wall shower, where she’d finally manage to wash the grime off of her once and for all.


--Elia Cabret – Mystras Mountain Range—

Her arrow met with Jimba’s shoulder, but it hardly scathed the Punisher.  She didn’t mean to feel discouraged so soon, but she felt the odds of winning this fight weren’t in her favor.  At least Aqua managed to get away, much to Elia’s relief, and was holding her own very well despite her earlier challenges.  Elia couldn’t have been more proud of her friend.


Their foe certainly had a lot of energy; Elia had to give him credit for that.  She was amazed when he lifted the ground where her friends stood.  This punisher was no joke, and she was partly appalled that the queen would even hire such a fiend to do such atrocities.


As the rock began to crumble the small fairy sped away, her haste magic still well in effect.  She swerved around the rock as it fell apart around her, managing to ascend further into the sky without being struck.  Something drastic needed to happen in order to take Jimba down.  They needed to strategize and plan their blows so that they could work together, though with the given situation there was really no way that such a conversation could be held.


The fairy carefully made her way back to the ground, running in the direction of the massive punisher.  When she stood before him she outstretched her palms, a purple light beginning to form within them.  The magic shot out from her palms and encircled Jimba, fixating predominately upon his limbs.  Should the magic take affect as she’d been hoping, Jimba would find himself slowed down and his movements stalled, though it wouldn’t last particularly long.  She then ran toward Jimba’s side and leapt in the air, charging her arrow before landing on her feet behind him.  She sent the arrow flying toward his back, hoping that it would slow him down even more.


--Curvis Sourati – Feast and Raiden’s Villa—


Raleigh’s words were both understandable and yet difficult to take in.  He held his wine glass between two fingers, jerking it slightly so that the liquid swirled within.  “I suppose it could become addicting to adventure, if that is what your heart so desires,” he said finally after a fair amount of contemplation.  “But I do wonder if that sort of life gets lonesome.  Always trusting none but yourself, having no one else to fall back on but you.  With all due respect, it seems like it could become quite exhausting, though keep in mind that this is coming from a knight whose first adventure just so happens to be this one.”


Finally he took a sip, wondering how to continue the conversation with the raven-haired assassin.  He dabbed at his mouth with a napkin, eyeing the plate in front of him.  Apparently he hadn’t yet made room fully from the last feast, for he found it difficult to finish what he had on his plate.  Perhaps it was the conversation or the company he kept, or an odd combination of all three factors.


Thankfully the knight had little thinking to do, as Raleigh prompted the conversation forward anyway with a question.  He was partially startled that the mercenary could find anything remotely interesting about him, let alone inquiring about his own personal goals, but it was quite welcomed by him nonetheless.  He cleared his throat.  “Well, I do wish to take care of my family.  My mother and younger siblings, to be precise.  Unfortunately my father passed away young and left my family with naught but debts, so I am doing everything in my power to ensure that they live comfortably and can move on past this tragedy.”


This gave him a moment’s pause, his gaze drifting off into the far distance as though deep in thought.  Finally he managed to snap himself out of his reverie and continue.


“As for myself, I will admit that I desire a change of careers one day.  While knighthood is something that has long existed within the Sourati name I myself do not feel the calling as my fathers before me did.  I still have a desire to practice medicine and heal the sick, though I do not see this dream coming to fruition any time in the near future.”

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