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The 13th Kenpachi

Sonia Kruger Wants To Ban Muslims From Entering Austrailia

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Is this girl serious? First of all, any of the victims during the Niece attack could've been MUSLIM. I've studied Muslim during my freshman year of high school and it's a very peaceful religion! No where does it say to go kill massive amounts of people. It's just stupid assholes who are using a religion as an excuse for their bullshitery. The terrorists are dipshits. Not Muslims.

Of my my closest friend is Muslim. (You know who you is) and if I see this bitch I'm gonna slap her like for real. I'm going to go New York Bronx Puerto Rican Cuban on her ass.

This girl needs to go watch some All my Children or some shit and stop yapping her mouth. Feckless bigot.

Seriously, you don't see people talking shit when there's a terrorist who wasn't Muslim. Terrorists don't discriminate. It could be utterly anyone. All it takes is for that one asshole.

I agree with you but you're being a bit uh crazy. 





but 'Muslim' isn't a religion aha, it's Islam xD. You said you studied Muslim. But yeah I agree with you for the most part.

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I agree with her and trump , no one's arguing to kick out Muslims that are already citizens but to put a temporary halt on Immigration until ISIS is taken out, we need to stop trying to be politically correct for every single situation, it's impossible to identify every person involved with ISIS so the only option would be to continue to slowly take them down which will take years possible over a decade and in that time how wise would it be to allow them to waltz right into our countries because people are afraid of being politically incorrect.


I feel i need to clarify that I am not claiming every Muslim supports ISIS or even that most of them do, I myself live in a Muslim neighborhood and have Muslim friends, the fact is though that tough decisions need to be made at a time like this.

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I agree with her and trump , no one's arguing to kick out Muslims that are already citizens but to put a temporary halt on Immigration until ISIS is taken out, we need to stop trying to be politically correct for every single situation, it's impossible to identify every person involved with ISIS so the only option would be to continue to slowly take them down which will take years possible over a decade and in that time how wise would it be to allow them to waltz right into our countries because people are afraid of being politically incorrect. I feel i need to clarify that I am not claiming every Muslim supports ISIS or even that most of them do, I myself live in a Muslim neighborhood and have Muslim friends, the fact is though that tough decisions need to be made at a time like this.

I don't agree with your opinion but I respect the way you said things. Each to their own.

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I agree with you but you're being a bit uh crazy. http://www.gifwave.com/download/3zPt/anime-hunter-x-hunter-gon-killua-killua-zoldyck-gon-freecss-hisoka-hunter-hunter.gifbut 'Muslim' isn't a religion aha, it's Islam xD. You said you studied Muslim. But yeah I agree with you for the most part.

I wasn't being literal with that xD although, I studied Islam and the Muslim culture in general. Like every culture, it is very rich and interesting.

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At this point I'm fine with her saying something like that. Why? She's a T.V. hostess. Her words aren't going to change anything for this country, but if Turnbull looks at this and says he'll do what she said should be done, that's when I'll start scratching my head. Also, I'm pretty sure she made up having Muslim friends just so she doesn't make herself look too bad.

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“I have a lot of very good friends who are Muslim, who are peace-loving, who are beautiful people, but there are fanatics.

“Personally, I would like to see it stop now for Australia. I want to feel safe and I want to see freedom of speech.”

Okay, so if there were immigration restrictions on Muslims, yeah, Muslims who support ISIS and the like wouldn't enter the country, but what about all the other Muslims who are as faultless as the Muslims who are your friends? And what about refugees? (I guess this is kinda written at Mrs. Kruger, but y'all should get the point.)

Terrorism may still be an issue, but I don't think something like this, which punishes many due to the actions of a few, is a very good solution for it.




 Also, I'm pretty sure she made up having Muslim friends just so she doesn't make herself look too bad.


EDIT: Actually, even that isn't necessarily the best point to use, because, yeah, you wouldn't want them deported or barred from entering because they're your friends. As for everyone else? Meh.

Edited by Xiro

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Most of the victims of terrorism attacks are Muslims. Everyone is looking on Nice and Paris and Orlando, but nobody looks on islamic countries where Muslims are daily victims of terrorism attacks. Would these victims agree with you, Kruger?


Blind people seek simple answers for complex problems.

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Just because there are Muslims that are terrorists doesn't mean that they're all like this!  When will people learn!? D:


I think it sad that Muslims are crucified for the acts that terrorists do!  Yes, they do terrible things, but you can't judge an entire people because of the violent ones! That's just messed up!  The peace loving Muslims that try to make a life for themselves, an honest living, are probably often the subject of suspicion and fear, and that probably makes life hard for them, which is sad, ya know? :(


I mean sure, it's good to take cautionary measures to ensure security against terrorists, but banning all Muslims?  That's sad! D:

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To be honest I feel that banning Muslim from entering a country is going to just cause more rebellion and problems.  The way I view it is this: if someone wants to do something wrong, no matter what they will find a way to do it.  They'll find connections, something, and I just don't think banning an entire religion from entering a country is the way to go.  It is discrimination, and it's unfair, no matter what your belief may be.  There are very many good Muslim people out there, and just because some crazies who claim the title of a Muslim do something stupid doesn't mean we should ban an entire religion from entering a country.  That's just so wrong to me on so many levels.


My apologies for the rant; I'm very opinionated when it comes to this topic. : P

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To be honest I feel that banning Muslim from entering a country is going to just cause more rebellion and problems.  The way I view it is this: if someone wants to do something wrong, no matter what they will find a way to do it.  They'll find connections, something, and I just don't think banning an entire religion from entering a country is the way to go.  It is discrimination, and it's unfair, no matter what your belief may be.  There are very many good Muslim people out there, and just because some crazies who claim the title of a Muslim do something stupid doesn't mean we should ban an entire religion from entering a country.  That's just so wrong to me on so many levels.


My apologies for the rant; I'm very opinionated when it comes to this topic. : P

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The main thing all of the anti-Muslim actions do is just to further help terror organizations like ISIS recruit more people.

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