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Gym class used to be one of my favorite classes. Note that I said usedto be.


We have some new school-wide policy thing, for Kindergardners, too. When you walk into class, you have a new warm up.


What, you ask?


Run a mile, do 200 push-ups, and 200 sit ups. Oh, not so bad you say? Here's the catch: You have twenty minutes to do it.


Seriously? WTH?

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^ Actually I am xD

But, meh, it's only a half-hour long, so I probably don't have it bad as some other people.


Anyway, but twenty minutes for all of that? No one's finished it, and no one will xD I think it's one of those things where they want everyone in shape, but for five points, you can opt not to do the warm-up o-o I'm already doing bad in health, so I can't opt out, sadly. But anyone who's too lazy just sits on the bleachers. They're accomplishing nothing in this xD

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That's insane for a school and the fact that it all has to be done in 20 minutes is ridiculous. Did the people who came up with that idea even try it for themselves to see if it's actually possible? If it is then your gym instructors must be hardcore bodybuilders or former Navy SEALS.

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... That sounds like a warm up to me.

But then again I'm an athlete so. xD

The only thing I'm not sure about are the push-ups an stuff. But the general requirement for sit-ups and what not should normally be 20 or so.

You should try to have your parents take that up with someone. o-o;;


But are you really sure it's 200 and it's not an over-exaggeration? Like maybe.. it really is just 20 in a number of intervals or something? o-o;; --- For example, you have to do a large number of sit-ups, but they style or technique/stretch you're doing is different?

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Meh, I'm pretty athletic, but it's still exhausting xD


It is 200, but I don't think they expect us to finish or anything. I think it's more like they want us to do as many as possible, so those who can go past the limit they'd set do =/ We just moved from 45 minute classes to block scheduling, so I guess they don't know what to do with the extra time xD

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