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King Tag1999 (kingtag1999)

Which Pokemon Starter Type is the Best?

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I am playing Pokemon (not for the first time) and I would like to know which Starter type is the best? I've always gone with Water, did Fire once, but never Grass. I hear Grass is good, but it also has the most weaknesses. Anyone know?

I'm a person who likes to be dominating the different Trainers and whatnot if that helps (which is why I choose Water a lot).

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What game? Out of all the starters we have the overall best would have to be Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja line. The protean ability makes Greninja the most versatile and hard hitting starter of all time. STAB on every move and a crippling speed tier made it virtually untstoppable in XY OU competitive meta. The second best is probably Blaziken because speed boost is OP.

Edited by Robbie the Wise

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Depends on the Pokemon my friend! And if you're just referring to in gameplay, than the game too.


If you're just doing ingame I recommend using the Pokemon whose design appeals most to you. The story in Pokemon is specifically designed to be easy to beat no matter what starter or Pokemon you use so might as well use things you like. If you're asking just about my own biases though Treecko is objectively the best starter and therefore grass type master race

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I am playing Pokemon (not for the first time) and I would like to know which Starter type is the best? I've always gone with Water, did Fire once, but never Grass. I hear Grass is good, but it also has the most weaknesses. Anyone know?I'm a person who likes to be dominating the different Trainers and whatnot if that helps (which is why I choose Water a lot).

Ehhh people say grass types are the most frail because in the beginning of the game there's usually a bird Pokémon (be it Pidove or Pidgey) who's got Peck or Gust in their moveset. Other than that grass types aren't bad. Like everyone was saying my favorite is the one that appeals to me the most. I've got grass fire and water types that do throughout each gen.

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Well, for my personal tastes, I've always gone with the Grass types, as I've chosen Turtwig, Treecko, Snivy and Chespin!  But I do sometimes pick the occasional Fire type, such as Charmander and Cyndaquil!  To me, it's mostly Grass though.  I dunno why, but I really love Grass types! xD


And now, the real dilemma for me is that I don't know who to choose out of the new starters!  I can't decide between Rowlet or Litten!  Both of them are so cute, I don't know which one to go for!!! D:

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