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Japanese Fans Losing Interest in Kingdom Hearts III?

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Background: Famitsu is a famous gaming magazine in Japan. (Think of it like America's Game Informer.)


Famitsu holds an event every couple of months or so on their website where they ask their fans what their most anticipated game is. The only games that can apply are those that have been officially announced by their respective companies. Since Kingdom Hearts 3's announcement, the game has held a pretty steady spot in the top 5, but has recently been getting lower and lower in the ranks, sometimes barely making the top 10 or top 15. Right after this year's E3, the game plummeted in the ranks even more, Prompting many to wonder if fans are getting upset with the lack of Kingdom Hearts 3 news.


What do you all think? Do you believe that Japanese fans are slowly losing interest in the game?


Here's a detailed record of various Famitsu lists: http://nintendoeverything.com/tag/famitsus-most-wanted/

Edited by kingdomlanelover

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While I am waiting for the game to be released, I have to say that I am slowly losing my interest.

Think of it like what happened with Nomura and Versus. I lost interest even though I was waiting for the game! we only got the famous "Wait a little longer" and a couple of trailers every couple of years. Then Tabata came and we got news, trailers, etc and the interest came back.

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I'd speculate that this is the result of the news drought, as the same sort of thing happens in the Western Countries for the same reasoning, we just don't have Famitsu listings. :P


Besides, Kingdom Hearts III is not and cannot be our only focus in life, there are other games to play, like Overwatch (Which is definitely a drug.) or the newly released Pokemon Go (Augmented Reality, damn it!).


That and, well, whenever Nomura is in charge, case in point: FFVersusXIII/FFXV, which while under his lead, trickled out information at such a slow pace until Tabata took over....hmm...perhaps Tabata just needs to be in charge of news and trailers for all Square games? xD

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Eh it's just cause of the news drought. As soon as the words "KH3", "news", and "here it is" are all used in the same sentence, interest will boost back up again. Fans are just salty because there's one more game getting focus before KH3 is the center of the universe. Japan fans can be just as wishy-washy as we can be sometimes.

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Well considering that we've seen little to nothing beyond the E3 trailer last year interest is bound to diminish a bit until more news come in either TGS or in December as the 2.8 trailer said


That,and the long wait eventually kills the hype which is a big issue with Square Enix announcing their games too early

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It's not just an issue in Japan. People everywhere are losing interest, myself included. It's tough to be excited when there's been so little news on it since it was announced a few years ago.

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Well, I agree with what most members here have stated, the reason for the lowering in the lists is because of the lack of any Kingdom Hearts III news! But I guarantee that whatever Nomura has planned for December, it'll probably be something that'll boost the hype for Kingdom Hearts III going into 2017!  And since next year is the series 15th Anniversary, I'm pretty sure Nomura's gonna want to do something big to catch everyone's attention, and perhaps even possibly release KHIII as the 15th Anniversary game!  But yeah, I have faith that come December, we'll have enough news to keep us hyped for whenever Nomura decides to reveal more information, ya know? :3


The wait has been long and brutal, but thankfully, through anime, other video games, TV shows and the lot, I've kept myself distracted from Kingdom Hearts III, ya know? :3

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It's pretty disgusting how long we've had to wait for this game I mean there's been people that have been waiting since after they beat Kingdom Hearts 2 back in 2006 hell 2005 for japanese players. If for some

Ridiculous insane Ludacris reason we still don't get a release date in December I am going to lose total interest.I'm not even bother looking up news for a good while until i hear something big drops. I mean for Christ's sake we should have a release date for this game yesteryear or at least a release window.

Edited by RuDoe Ry

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I don’t want anymore lame ass side game of some other character or a dlc of the game where we know we will see this stupid ending. I just want confirmation that the fourth one will be coming and it’s not going suck! Well have our three main heroes going on MANY numerous Disney adventures and well get a BETTER ENDING!!! After we get our true ending of the game.... then they can make their side games 

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