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KHUX was the keyblade graveyard originally daybreak town?

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I think it's safe to assume that the Keyblade Graveyard and Daybreak Town are the same world. Since the Daybreak Town is the only world that exists before the Keyblade War and the graveyard is the result of said war, the Keyblade Graveyard is what was left of Daybreak Town after the war. Kind of depressing when you think about it. A peaceful world, with an inviting name, ending up as a deserted wasteland. I mean seeing Radiant Garden with its beauty befor it became Hollow Bastion was one thing, but this is just... wow.

Slight correction, Daybreak town is not the only world per se. All the worlds exist but they're combined into one giant world(*Cough* Pangea *cough*). That's why they use the Times to summon future world's because their current world is too big to go out and collect Lux.

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That's what I've been thinking for awhile now, but in the latest X update, Aced's final words to Ira make it sound like the War will take place in another land, which honestly has thrown me for a loop. It may just be a strange choice of words? Like the 'place of the final battle' is a part of Daybreak Town, not another world altogether. 


ALSO, assuming Daybreak Town is the Keyblade Graveyard, it only took days for the bright and peaceful town to become the devastated Graveyard. And the Player experienced it all. 


Yay us.  :sad:

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That seems to be what the general implication is, as Daybreak Town is the only part of the world that you ever actually travel to. However, for all we know it might also be an entirely separate location. After all, Aced said that he would be at the site of the final battle, so that would suggest that the area is already present somewhere. With that in mind, it's possible that it could also take place somewhere away from town, like the wilderness that surrounds it. Either way, everything as it currently is in the game will be destroyed and changed forever due to the huge surge of Darkness that will be unleashed afterwards, so the battle doesn't even have to take place in the town itself for it to be destroyed like that. I find it more likely this way, as we see no signs of civilization in the Keyblade Graveyard, not even any ruins or fragments or anything to suggest that it used to be a bustling town. I realize that age could probably do stuff like that, but unless there were MILLIONS of years between that event and now (and so far the implication seems to be that this was thousands of years, if not exactly 1000 years ago...really tight timeline if you ask me...), there's no believable way for it to take place in the town and not have any signs of the town remain after all those years. The whole canyon-like structure of the Graveyard just seems to suggest it used to be a once-flourishing area of nature, so the wilderness away from the town makes a little more sense to me.

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I think Daybreak Town is the Keyblade Graveyard, and somewhere out in the seemingly endless expanse of barren land lies the ruins of a once peaceful civilization. In short, yes I think Daybreak Town and the Keyblade Graveyard are the same, but the town's location we have yet to visit. I can just imagine the castle and the town...completely in ruin. That'd be pretty awesome in a dark way.

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Slight correction, Daybreak town is not the only world per se. All the worlds exist but they're combined into one giant world(*Cough* Pangea *cough*). That's why they use the Times to summon future world's because their current world is too big to go out and collect Lux.

I know I'm replying a month later, so y'know being late and all xD, but didn't Maleficent state in Re:Coded (the movie) that the Book of Prophecies can summon worlds "that have yet to exist" as in, they do not exist yet?

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