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Dagesh Lene

KHUX Nine Guardians of Light?

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Spoilers for Kingdom Hearts X [chi], Birth by Sleep, re:coded, and Dream Drop Distance:



In the latest update for Kingdom Hearts X [chi], the Player seemed to have a vision in which shadowy figures approached from each side.  The figures on the left numbered thirteen, and the figures on the right numbered nine.  It seems to be a vision of the battle between the seven guardians of light and the thirteen seekers of darkness, but if the figures on the right are indeed the seven guardians of light, who are the other two who are with them?


I have two theories as to who they are:


(1.) The other two are Donald and Goofy


I doubt that Donald and Goofy will want to stay behind and wait for their friends to either win or lose.  They are going to want to help in any and every way they can.  So, it makes sense that they will also take part in the battle.


(2.) The other two are other Keyblade wielders, but which Keyblade wielders?


As of right now, not counting any of the characters in Kingdom Hearts X [chi] and Unchained X, there have been fifteen characters who we know have wielded a Keyblade: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Roxas, Lea, Xion, King Mickey, Master Yen Sid, Master Eraqus, Master Xehanort, Young Xehanort, and Vantias.


Master Xehanort and Young Xehanort are confirmed to be seekers of darkness.  Vanitas was destroyed by Ventus, although he might return as a seeker of darkness.  Master Eraqus was killed in Birth by Sleep, although is sounds like he lives on inside of Terra, Master Yen Sid is Keyblade Master no more, so he probably can no longer wield a Keyblade.  Terra, Ventus, and Aqua all need to be saved.  Roxas and Xion have both become a part of Sora.  So, that leaves Sora, Riku, Kairi, Lea, and King Mickey as possible guardians of light.


Not only is part of Kingdom Hearts III most likely going to be saving Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, but it is also very likely that Roxas and Xion will both return as their own persons.  So, that gives us a total of ten possible candidates for the guardians of light.


I do not know for sure which of these ten will end up being guardians of light or if others from Kingdom Hearts X [chi] and Unchained X, such as Ephemera and Skuld, will end up becoming guardians of light, but I am going off the assumption that characters from those games will not return in Kingdom Hearts III (at least not as guardians of light).  However, I personally think that one of them will be a seeker of darkness, which will bring the total down to nine, which is the number of figures that we saw on the right in the latest update of Kingdom Hearts [chi], but who will it be?


In Dream Drop Distance, Master Xehanort told King Mickey, after he had listed all Keyblade wielders that he knew of, that Sora and another on his list belong to him now.  Who was the other one on his list?  The only two of King Mickey's friends that I could possibly think of possibly being in Master Xehanort's possession are Terra and Ventus.


In the secret ending for re:coded, King Mickey told Master Yen Sid that they are getting closer to finding out where Ven's heart is, which means that they still don't know for sure where it is.  Also, neither King Mickey nor Master Yen Sid know where Ventus' body is either (as far as we know).  So, just looking at this, it seems possible that Master Xehanort could have been talking about Ventus.


I assume that Master Xehanort knows where Ventus' body is by talking with Aqua's armor, since Terra would not know what happened to Ventus, which is why Xemnas was looking for the Chamer of Waking.  However, since we see Ventus still sitting in the Chamber of Waking at the end of Dream Drop Distance, Master Xehanort could not have turned him into a seeker of darkness.


I have heard some people say that Master Xehanort might have meant that since he has Sora, he also has Ventus, since Ventus' heart is in Sora.  However, while Master Xehanort may know where Ventus' body is, he does not know where Ventus' heart is (as far as we know).  Therefore, he could not have meant that since he had Sora, he also had Ventus.  So, that leaves Terra.


Terra is the only one of King Mickey's missing friends that neither King Mickey nor Master Yen Sid knows the location of in any way (that we know of).  At least they are getting close to finding out where Ventus' heart is.  They have absolutely nothing on Terra (that we know of).  So, since the last time we saw Terra was when he was a vessel for Master Xehanort, it stands to reason that he might still be a vessel for Master Xehanort, and therefore, one of the seekers of darkness.


True, Terra was successfully fighting Master Xehanort's control with Eraqus' help in Birth by Sleep, but that doesn't mean that he succeeded in forcing Master Xehanort out of his body.  Also, Xehanort did return as Master Xehanort instead of Terra-Xehanort in Dream Drop Distance after Ansem and Xemnas were destroyed, but that doesn't mean that Terra got away from him.  If he did, wouldn't someone have found him by now?


Therefore, I think that, if Donald and Goofy are not the other two figures on the right who are standing with the seven guardians of light, the nine figures are Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Aqua, Ventus, and King Mickey.


However, those are just my thoughts.  What do you guys think?  I know that this is a very long post, but I just wanted to make my point as clearly as possible.  If I failed at that, I am sorry.


Edited by Dagesh Lene

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Regardless of theories as to who specifically they might be, I'm just going to go with the idea that they brought some allies along, whether it be Donald and Goofy or Roxas and Xion or whoever else they bring along. I mean when you think about it, 7 on 13 isn't exactly a fair fight, it would make sense if the guardians tried boosting their numbers a bit, even if they don't exactly fit into this prophesy that Xehanort is trying to follow. I mean it doesn't necessarily mean that they will form the X-Blade with everyone else, they're just helping even out the odds.


Though I also find this curious, why does no one else ever stop to consider the end of the Dream Drop Distance opening (the cinematic one, not the Xehanort flashback)? Like the part with Sora, Mickey, and everyone else summoning light against Xehanort, that might prove as some kind of clue as to who the participants will be, or if nothing else just a tease of the battle to come. The opening movies are usually symbolic in nature, so it's not like literally everyone there is going to be there in the way they are portrayed. Like Terra was raising his Keyblade with Aqua and Ven along with Sora, but for all we know he might still be on Xehanort's side when the battle starts. And what about Kairi? I don't remember her being in that part of the opening but for all we know she will have learned enough to be a willing participant in the final battle as well.


I will say though, my gut feeling is that Donald and Goofy will be there in at least one way or another, those guys would never leave Sora's and Mickey's side. I mean, they didn't miss out on the last two final battles, so I doubt they would here. But those characters were all cast in shadow for a reason. We have no idea of knowing what the truth behind this teased scenario will be until we see it unfold ourselves.

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That is a good question. I was rather wondering myself exactly who the other two are. If the seven lights are Ven, Terra, Aqua, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, then who are the extra two? I in all honesty haven't a clue. Nor can I reasonably come up with the two possible names without contradicting story plot points. Lea is a possibility, but who could be the other? Not someone already gone. Maybe Yen Sid? I don't know.

Edited by KingdomHearts3

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Terra isn't a GOL imo, he's under xehanort's control. Xehanort said himself that one of them belongs to him.

That doesn't mean he won't be eventually. Heck, maybe the Lingering Will could count as a Guardian of Light. Considering the game of chess in the KH3 trailer from E3 2015 definitely holds some symbolism with the... uhm... symbols, Terra will probably be one of the Guardians of Light.


Yes, Xehanort stated he has Terrra but that doesn't mean he'll hold on to him forever. The Key to Return Hearts will most likely help or be the cause for his return.

Edited by Master Eraqus

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He doesn't mean he won't be eventually. Heck, maybe the Lingering Will could count as a Guardian of Light. Considering the game of chess in the KH3 trailer from E3 2015 definitely holds some symbolism with the... uhm... symbols, Terra will probably be one of the Guardians of Light.Yes, Xehanort stated he has Terrra but that doesn't mean he'll hold on to him forever. The Key to Return Hearts will most likely help or be the cause for his return.

For them to get Terra back they would have to go out of their way to find him and get him back. They wouldn't be able to do that. LW is a mindless beast that attacks on instinct, no way he's a GOL... Edited by Shinobi Palace

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For them to get Terra back they would have to go out of their way to find him. They wouldn't be able to do that.

Well, to find and/or get back Terra, it all really depends on what happened to him after the destruction/'death' of Ansem SOD and Xemnas. This could fall under these two popular theories:


  • Xehanort has returned as Terra-Xehanort, but Xehanort's heart has changed its form to look like old Master Xehanort.
  • Master Xehanort and Terra reformed into two separate beings instead of Terra-Xehanort.

With the case of the second theory, it's possible that if/when Terra reformed, he was still a vessel for Xehanort due to his body being Xemnas. Either way, that's another topic for discussion.


With that said, the Key to Return Hearts will most likely help with Terra's return. And when I think about it, it might not be until the final battle in KH3 and the Lingering Will could simply count as a Guardian o Light.

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I have faith that when the final battle comes Terra will end up on the correct side, i feel the 7 Guardians will be Riku, Sora, Kairi, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, and Mickey. Then the last 2 could maybe be Donald and Goofy idk, I really dont want them there tho, or Lea and Roxas. However while i like Roxas i kinda got the impression that he's accepted his position within Sora, from DDD when Sora told him that he deserves to be his own person, Roxas says "No, it has to be you" and Xion is in the same situation if not worse, with her just being data from Sora. But i could be entirely wrong, weirder things have happened

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Well, to find and/or get back Terra, it all really depends on what happened to him after the destruction/'death' of Ansem SOD and Xemnas. This could fall under these two popular theories:



[*]Xehanort has returned as Terra-Xehanort, but Xehanort's heart has changed its form to look like old Master Xehanort.

[*]Master Xehanort and Terra reformed into two separate beings instead of Terra-Xehanort.

With the case of the second theory, it's possible that if/when Terra reformed, he was still a vessel for Xehanort due to his body being Xemnas. Either way, that's another topic for discussion.


With that said, the Key to Return Hearts will most likely help with Terra's return. And when I think about it, it might not be until the final battle in KH3 and the Lingering Will could simply count as a Guardian o Light.

They would have to find him, beat him up a lot, then try to bring his old self back. Would Mx really let them do that? MX would be at a disadvantage then. He'll never let that happen, it's a war, you don't run into the enemy stronghold when you are outnumbered. It took 2 people just to beat xemnas. If they do that they're stupid.

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They would have to find him, beat him up a lot, then try to bring his old self back. Would Mx really let them do that? MX would be at a disadvantage then. He'll never let that happen, it's a war, you don't run into the enemy stronghold when you are outnumbered. It took 2 people just to beat xemnas. If they do that they're stupid.

I never said Xehanort would let them. He obviously wouldn't it. I'm saying that we don't even know if they have to find him. As I stated twice, the Key to Return Hearts is most likely going to be the key item to return Terra. And once again, we don't know exactly what happened to Terra. It could be the two theories I mentioned before or something else.

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My guess is Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aqua, Terra, Ven, Mickey, Donald and Goofy.  Would be cool because then its 3 sets of 3 friends fighting together

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My theory is that Sora is will be neutral (not a part of either sides).  The chi 'Player' is the representation of Sora, and due to his balanced heart during the war, Kingdom Hearts will open up to him.

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