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Do You Hate Having To Level Grind?

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If the game has an auto option during battle, then I would pick that while doing something else. If not, I would just mute the game and listen to music on my phone or laptop while playing. While the games I play have awesome music, it does get repetitive for grinding. Level grinding isn't too bad, but I absolutely hate item grinding. That's another topic though.

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It depends.  For the most part, I don't mind at all; heck in some games like Star Ocean 4, I love to grind!  In fact, the only two games where I hated it are: Dragon Warrior II, and Bravely Default. 


The reason I hate it so much in DWII is because I finish all the stuff I have to do before going to fight the final boss, and I'm only at lvl 20, when I'm supposed to around lvl 40.  However, none of the monsters give you a lot of exp, and they're all super strong.  Worse of all is that when I do level up, I only get like 1 hp and my mages get like 1 or 2 mp (same goes for strength, defense, and so forth), so it all feels worthless anyway.


BD is kinda similar.  While my hp and stuff go up decently, again there aren't many monsters that give you much exp.  Worse of all is that the bosses don't give you any exp, but the last four chapters are nothing but a giant boss rush!  And while all the bosses levels get higher each time, and thus stronger, my levels remain the same, and I get weaker fighting them.


Final Fantasy V, and Dragon Warrior VII can be kind of a pain too, but that's just because you have to level up your jobs as well (which you have to do in BD too).

If the game has an auto option during battle, then I would pick that while doing something else. If not, I would just mute the game and listen to music on my phone or laptop while playing. While the games I play have awesome music, it does get repetitive for grinding. Level grinding isn't too bad, but I absolutely hate item grinding. That's another topic though.


Ugh, I hate item grinding too!  Especially for synthing.  Glad I'm not the only one.

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Generally, I don't really level grind much(I like to be underlevelled)

Not a fun of grinding stats like AP though, which are required to learn some abilities/level jobs.

I, however, despise item-grinding. Sitting hours of hours just to get that one item because the developers of the game hate you and made the drop chance something like 0.3%. Add it with random encounters, (which I am not really a fun of tbh, I prefer having enemies on the are) and if it isn't a guaranteed encounter, it creates double RNG, which reduces your chances to an extremely low number.

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