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Which of the upcoming consoles will you buy?

Which of the upcoming consoles will you buy?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the upcoming consoles will you buy?

    • PS4 Neo
    • Project Scorpio
    • A potential PS4 Slim?
    • Xbox One S
    • Nintendo's NX
    • None of them.
    • I'll buy the current ones instead.
    • Something else? Comment below!

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I'm gonna say NX. Despite knowing next to nothing about the system, Nintendo will always hook me with their IPs. Plus I absolutely love my Wii U despite what people say about the system.


I see no reason to upgrade to the Neo or a potential PS4 Slim as I already own a PS4. I could use an upgrade from the 500GB HDD, but thankfully I don't need a new system to accomplish that.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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1) Already own a PS4 so there's no way I'm buying another

2) I am very salty about Microsoft, so no

3) the NX has yet to appeal to me but it's the only other system on this list I've heard of


so NX it is! 8D

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  On 7/2/2016 at 12:01 AM, ladydualwieldin said:

1) Already own a PS4 so there's no way I'm buying another

2) I am very salty about Microsoft, so no

3) the NX has yet to appeal to me but it's the only other system on this list I've heard of


so NX it is! 8D

What this person said! 

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Selling OG PS4 and buying a PS4 Neo and thats only for improved framerates (hopefully if devs use it). No need to buy any Xbox since i have a gaming PC and microsoft exclusives are launching on Win10 in addition to Xbox

Edited by sagman12PC

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Well most likely a NX, but a PS4 Neo might be nice some day, once I can afford it. I also admit, although I'm not much of a Microsoft gamer (touched my 360 like 5 times in my life), I am a little curious about Project Scorpio. But I think my money's first priority will be towards an NX.

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Nintendo NX. Because the Nintendo NX an entirely original console. PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio are like the New 3DS of the 3DS family.

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I'll get the NX,as a big Nintendo fan its only natural,I want to play the new Mario,Zelda,Kirby ,Metroid and since the N64,I own all Nintendo's home consoles

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The NX. I'll just get the normal PS4 since I have no use for the Neo. Not really interested in the Xbox One, either. I've always loved Nintendo's exclusives, so that's what I'll go with out of everything that's currently announced.

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Well, I'm enjoying the current consoles I already own, but in terms of the new ones coming in the horizon, I think that I'm going to be getting the NX, but only after I know more about the system!  I already have a PS4, so there's no need for me to get another one!  And I've never been a fan of Microsoft's consoles, so yeah, I think that the NX will be my next console purchase once time has passed, ya know?  I want to play Breath Of The Wild on it, and I hope Nintendo commits to releasing an impressive gaming library on the NX, ya know? :)

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Possibly a Neo, but only if I get a 4K TV at the same time; not immediately, at any rate. And if the NX involved dedicated handheld integration (as has been rumored) I'm all for it, but beyond that, nope.

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Depends on how good and how expensive the new consoles will be. I might pick up the NX if it's something that interests me because of the Nintendo exclusives, but otherwise I'll just pick up a Wii u on sale.

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Since we barely know next to nothing about either of them, I will go with the PS4 Slim option + Most of the IPs I´m interested are in SONY´s platforms.

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