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Sleep, Bathroom or Shower?

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What's your favorite private thing to do of the 3?


I love sleeping. All pain is subdued, dreams can occur (or nightmares), and the chance to relax after a long day.


You don't have to be detailed with the bathroom xD just curious to see how others feel about these things that we do every day.

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My username should give it away  xP


Gotta say sleeping, whether I've had a good day or off day, it's always just nice to wind down, relax, and get comfy in my bed, and not have to worry about anything for that time. I can just feel so at peace when I do that haha. 

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If I could renouce one of my natural needs I would renounce sleeping. We spend one third of our lifes sleeping! Imagine how much more we could do if we did not have to sleep!


That's why I like showers. It like to clean things, body and mind. And that's where my musical performance happens too.

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