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How many fallen worlds will we see in Kingdom Hearts 0.2?

How many fallen worlds will we see in Kingdom Hearts 0.2?  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. How many fallen worlds will we see in Kingdom Hearts 0.2?

    • 1 (only Castle of Dreams)
    • 2 (Castle of Dreams and maybe Enchanted Dominion?
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6+, let's go crazy with this one!
    • Something else? Comment below!

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  On 6/26/2016 at 10:56 PM, Felixx said:

I'd say only one, Castle of Dreams. Since Nomura said it'll be the length of a KH3 world.


(and nice pun man xD)

Except he also said that we'd be visiting more than one place in the most recent interviews.

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  On 6/26/2016 at 10:57 PM, ShadowKeyblade said:

Except he also said that we'd be visiting more than one place in the most recent interviews.

He did? Well I guess we also see some places of the Realm of Darkness, but I think only one fallen world.

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Castle of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands and Enchanted Dominion in this exact order, which is the same order you go to them in BbS, I believe it is not a coincidence Nomura decided the first world Aqua sees in the RoD is CoD(lol), the same she first goes in BbS

Edited by MasterLorX

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- Castle of Dreams

- Dwarf Woodlands

- Enchanted Dominion


All three of them.


Because it makes sense that the worlds of the princesses of light fell into the RoD.

Aqua met Ven in Enchanted Dominion so she will have a memory of him like Terra.

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I think what would be cool is if she explores Destiny Islands in the Realm of Darkness since we know at some point she will meet Mickey and we know Mickey is in the Realm of Darkness during the first Kingdom Hearts and it would be cool to see her reaction to be like "no this was those boys home I wonder what happened to them"

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I want to say 2 to 3 worlds cause the demo at E3 was like 15 minutes with Castle of Dreams, so maybe we'll see Dwarf Woodlands and Enchanted Dominion in the Realm of Darkness and both worlds would be like 15 minutes each just like Castle of Dreams was. But that's just my opinion.

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My guess would be three: Castle of Dreams (vision of Terra), Enchanted Dominion (vision of Ven), and the Dwarf Woodlands.

HOWEVER, I think it would be pretty wicked if they threw pieces of a new world at us for the demo. Imagine Aqua walking into a snow covered courtyard and just seeing the sword in the stone. And then, Sora would go to the whole version of the Sword in the Stone world in KH3.

BBS 0.2 was originally suppose to be a prologue to KH3, so I think that would be a cool connection.

But probably not :)

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It would make sense to have Castle of Dreams, Enchanted Dominion and Dwarf Woodlands ALONG WITH Radiant Garden, on where we would find King Mickey. It would be cool to see how Ansem the Wise's apprentices suffered when the world was falling and it for sure would cover that empty space between BBS and KHI's events regarding to Radiant Garden/ Hollow Bastion.

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I honestly think that we'll see three fallen worlds in 0.2, those being Castle Of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands and Enchanted Dominion! I'm already loving how twisted and dark Castle Of Dreams looks like, and I can't even begin to imagine how grim and creepy Dwarf Woodlands and Enchanted Dominion will look like! And all in the glorious Kingdom Shader, to boot! :D





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Personally, I'm hoping for 5.Castle of Dreams (obviously)Enchanted DominionDwarf WoodlandsBeasts CastleDestiny IslandsThe resaon I chose these specifically is because the first three would tie in to BbS, the first four would reflect Sora's Awakening in the first game, and parts of all 5 make up parts of End of the World, You can see objects from Castle of Dreams, Enchanted Dominion, Dwarf Woodlands and Beasts Caste in Volcanic Crater and Homcoming was entirely based on Destiny Islands. Given the time frame this takes place in, as well as Mickey's presence, there's bound to be some overlap with the first game,like how Days overlapped with the first game, CoM and KHII (albeit it was only the last scene of Days and it only overlapped with one of the first scens in KHII)Anyway, given the overlap I see no reason all these world can't make an appearance.

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Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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I'd say at least 3, Castle of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands, and Enchanted Dominion. I mean that way you get some BBS nostalgia along with overall redesigning familiar elements like how that Castle of Dreams sequence was, and you could still fill in some space with "regular" areas of the Realm of Darkness similar to what the Secret Episode had. Though if they added a lot more, that would be really cool. Oh wow, imagine how dark it would be if one of the last worlds you come across is Destiny Islands! I mean, you're supposed to come across Mickey while he's in the realm so that would have to be taking place during KH1, so it would be perfectly chilling to see a destroyed and distorted Destiny Islands in a nightmarish setting like that.

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Definitely Castle of Dreams, Dwarf Woodlands and Enchanted Dominion...the home worlds of Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty respectively. Those are the Princesses of Heart that we didn't see in KH, after the worlds were destroyed by darkness.

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