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Don't worry about it! You're doing amazing! I think we all are!


Aw, thanks! :)  And yeah, I'm really having fun with this, and I hope everyone else is too! :D

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I know this might be a bit early to announce this, but I now have a Summon for everyone that wants one! Only thing is do you guys want me to announce them now or wait to find out in the RP?


I would like to know what they are now if possible.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Grace-Shiva, Johnny-Bahamut, Lazuli-Phantom Train (For a reason!), Kelon-Odin, Aaron-Alexander, Anton-Rahmu, Millicent-Infirit, Willow-Leviathan or Possibly Siren.



Now just to note, Carbuncle will be a Summon. The only thing is...Who will get it? Find out soon...


Next time on Final Fantasy Z! 

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*Desperately tries to resist the urge to open the spoiler*

Couldn't last two seconds.


I hope we get em in really epic ways!

Edited by Sun Wukong

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Once again, I know I've said this before, but I just love how you guys are giving your characters depth and adding to the story just by posting. xD

It just keeps giving me more ideas as time goes on, which I appreciate. :)


Oh boy...This'll be a fun one. xD

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Although, if anything needed to be addressed, maybe just a little more control over what happens in the story so it doesn't get too crazy.


I mean, I'm pretty sure we all know how crazy a Final Fantasy plot can get....*cough* 7.

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Although, if anything needed to be addressed, maybe just a little more control over what happens in the story so it doesn't get too crazy.


I mean, I'm pretty sure we all know how crazy a Final Fantasy plot can get....*cough* 7.

*Cough* VI *Cough* X

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Alright. We're getting deeper into the story, but I just want to address a few ground rules so the story can go smoothly.


- Let me handle all of the upcoming plot-driven events. I get that most of you are trying to contribute to the story and I enjoy that. But with the Airship lurching and everything wasn't exactly planned or even thought of by me. So please don't put in any plot-changing events without my permission. Please talk to me before posting anything that relates to the plot. If you want to bring in minor characters for shops or even short side-quests, be my guest. But anything major, that's my job.


- Please think about others before posting ahead in the story. One of us is really upset that we went on without her, so please give others a chance to post before posting yourself.


I hope everyone will follow these rules from now on to provide a great Roleplaying experience. Now let's continue and have fun! ^_^

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Do you guys mind if I took a break for a while, just to get my mind straight about this? This is a important and to you guys, a fun RP. And I apologize for doing this so suddenly, but I just need to get my mind straight.


And I might even well...Remake the RP to structure it better. But that's a possibility...


I'll hopefully see you guys soon!

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Do you guys mind if I took a break for a while, just to get my mind straight about this? This is a important and to you guys, a fun RP. And I apologize for doing this so suddenly, but I just need to get my mind straight.


And I might even well...Remake the RP to structure it better. But that's a possibility...


I'll hopefully see you guys soon!


Go ahead and relax. :)  I know I haven't been a big help with my excitement, so I apologize for that.  Good luck! :D 

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Hmm..... Do you guys mind if I took a break for a while, just to get my mind straight about this? This is a important and to you guys, a fun RP. And I apologize for doing this so suddenly, but I just need to get my mind straight. And I might even well...Remake the RP to structure it better. But that's a possibility... I'll hopefully see you guys soon!

Take a break man. I hope you feel better... You can talk to me if you feel pressured or need to vent or whatever.

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Do you guys mind if I took a break for a while, just to get my mind straight about this? This is a important and to you guys, a fun RP. And I apologize for doing this so suddenly, but I just need to get my mind straight.


And I might even well...Remake the RP to structure it better. But that's a possibility...


I'll hopefully see you guys soon!

Like the others have said, take time off if you need to. I've had to take breaks with my own hosted RPs in the past (Still in the middle of that process right now, actually), so it's something I definitely understand. Running an RP while dealing with other important things can get pretty stressful. There's definitely no issue with taking a break to clear your thoughts and calm down.

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Do you guys mind if I took a break for a while, just to get my mind straight about this? This is a important and to you guys, a fun RP. And I apologize for doing this so suddenly, but I just need to get my mind straight.


And I might even well...Remake the RP to structure it better. But that's a possibility...


I'll hopefully see you guys soon!

It's... fine with me, i guess. I just really hope you'll feel better soon about this...

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