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Pick an FF Cameo for a Disney World (READ OP)

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Pick an FF character that we haven't met in the KH franchise and choose a disney world/property that they would fit well in.


Don't spoil the movie too much and don't spoil the FF game or the character's backstory.


Choose the character based on their personality and backstory, it can be any disney world and any property, so Star Wars and Marvel and Pixar films can be included. Oh and include a little description of how things would work.



Vaan (Final Fantasy 12)

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In Treasure Planet! Vaan's dream is to become a sky pirate and own an airship, perfect for the world of Treasure Planet! Vaan could also be a resident of radiant garden who gives Sora parts for a keyblade glider. With FF12 HD coming out next year and hopefully KH3 coming out next year, this would be a perfect way to advertise FF12 HD. No characters from FF12 have been in the franchise so far, this could be a first!




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in Pride Lands! A lion, in a movie about lions? This needs to happen badly. Nanaki could even be the villain of the world, that would be interesting and ofc it'd be promotion for FF7 remake.











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Pick an FF character that we haven't met in the KH franchise and choose a disney world/property that they would fit well in.


Don't spoil the movie too much and don't spoil the FF game or the character's backstory.


Choose the character based on their personality and backstory, it can be any disney world and any property, so Star Wars and Marvel and Pixar films can be included. Oh and include a little description of how things would work.



Vaan (Final Fantasy 12)

Posted Image


In Treasure Planet! Vaan's dream is to become a sky pirate and own an airship, perfect for the world of Treasure Planet! Vaan could also be a resident of radiant garden who gives Sora parts for a keyblade glider. With FF12 HD coming out next year and hopefully KH3 coming out next year, this would be a perfect way to advertise FF12 HD. No characters from FF12 have been in the franchise so far, this could be a first!



Bro... I have nothing to say in this thread anymore xD


I have always had a strong feeling that Vaan will somehow be in KH3, because Nomura has said before that Vaan is his favourite character, and he did a design for him in dissidia, so it wouldn't be coming out of nowhere to include him. And now that Treasure Planet has a good chance of appearing in KH3, including Vaan makes even more sense!


Of course, this is all speculation

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I think Noctis has a pretty good chance of showing up. just cause of the pure fact FF15 will be new and latest in the series. i can see lighting too in kh3. i really dont mind who just long as its characters from FF we have yet too see in KH. (safe to say we will see cloud too. we need too no what happened too him after kh2) 

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Personally, Balthier and Fran seem to be the better candidates for Treasure Planet. Fran fits the alien theme and Balthier is the most popular male character in Final Fantasy 12. Anyway, here are my personal recommendations for Final Fantasy Cameos.


Minwu: Agrabah, Aladdin (Final Fantasy II)




I'm surprised that this hasn't even been considered in the first place, Minwu seems to be of Middle Eastern descent so he immediately has that going for him, plus, he's a White Mage so that could add some variety party wise. The premise I see with him is that, he's part of Aladdin's father's gang of rogues. In Final Fantasy 2, he's a character with vast wealth of knowledge. He could be the character that glue's the Agrabah plot to the overall lore of Kingdom Hearts. Maybe he has insider knowledge of Xehanort whilst being a valuable asset to Aladdin's father with knowledge of hidden treasures. 


Firion: Kingdom of Coronia, Tangled (Final Fantasy II)




In Final Fantasy II, Firion is a character that wants to fill the world with Roses because Roses are a symbol of peace and love in his book. Seeing as the story of Rapunzel heavily centre's on The Golden Flower, I can see a premise in which The King and Queen of Coronia hire Firion to try and find their daughter. I can see an interesting dynamic in which, if we are to believe that Marluxia is indeed wandering in the Kingdom of Coronia (judging solely on his nobodies), Firion and Marluxia may have a rivalry (akin to Marluxia taking The Emperor's role in Final Fantasy II). I could see an inital battle against Firion as he may be the original rider of Maximus (and tries to chase down Flynn Rider), but after understanding the presence of Mother Gothel, he may end up being a convenient ally to Sora.


Snow: Arendale, Frozen (Final Fantasy XIII)




This inclusion was a no brainer for me. How could you not have a guy named Snow in a Frozen world? it's too good of an opportunity to pass. So what could his role be? simple, he's with Kristoff's Ice company. If we are to assume that the Frozen world will take place during the period of the Animated Feature Film, he could join the journey of Sora and Anna as an ally of combat (as Anna and Kristoff don't seem to be the combat type) simply becuase he's Kristoff's friend. The whole "true love" motif could also play with Snow, seeing as he's in a relationship with Serah from Final Fantasy XIII, he could be obliviously supportive of Anna being in love with Hans.  


Ace: San Fransokyo, Big Hero 6 (Final Fantasy Type-0)




I decided to place Ace in San Fransokyo for two particular reasons, (1) In the secret ending of Type-0 HD, Ace transforms into a Japanese inspired samurai warrior so he has that going for him to justify his inclusion in this world, and (2), He's a college boy. Big Hero 6 are comprised of college students so it makes perfect sense. I can see Ace as a student from a different college who wishes to be a smarter student so he sees what Big Hero 6 are up to. Curious about the shenanigans that are occurring with corrupted Baymax, Ace would want to tag along with the adventure. He'd probably have an age change to be the same age as Hiro to solidify their friendship.


Barret Wallace: New Orleans, The Princess and the Frog (Final Fantasy VII)




This is going to be an interesting case as we do not know if The Princess and The Frog would occur before or after the events of the original movie. The original movie is clearly too good to pass, however, if we base it during the movie's events, it'd be difficult to do combat as a frog, however, if it's after the events of the movie, Square Enix would have to have an excuse to revive Doctor Facilier. Anyway, I can see Barret's role as a puppet for Doctor Facilier. Out of haste, Barret could have done a deal with the Shadow Man to see the whereabouts of his daughter if he served him, and he agreed. So basically, Barret is an inital enemy. It's be refreshing in the context that the Final Fantasy enemy turned friend enounter would not be limited to Olympus Colliseum, 

Edited by Guest

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Hm, there are a lot of Final Fantasy characters I'd like to see, but I never really thought about which worlds they should be in.  The only ones I really thought about were:Locke (FFVI) and/or Zidane (FFIX) in Corona.  With them both being thieves, I thought they could be friends or rivals with Flynn, and help Sora and co. in some way.  But even with these two, I haven't really thought about them plotwise in this world.


Minwu: Agrabah, Aladdin (Final Fantasy II)




I'm surprised that this hasn't even been considered in the first place, Minwu seems to be of Middle Eastern descent so he immediately has that going for him, plus, he's a White Mage so that could add some variety party wise. The premise I see with him is that, he's part of Aladdin's father's gang of rogues. In Final Fantasy 2, he's a character with vast wealth of knowledge. He could be the character that glue's the Agrabah plot to the overall lore of Kingdom Hearts. Maybe he has insider knowledge of Xehanort whilst being a valuable asset to Aladdin's father with knowledge of hidden treasures. 


Firion: Kingdom of Coronia, Tangled (Final Fantasy II)




In Final Fantasy II, Firion is a character that wants to fill the world with Roses because Roses are a symbol of peace and love in his book. Seeing as the story of Rapunzel heavily centre's on The Golden Flower, I can see a premise in which The King and Queen of Coronia hire Firion to try and find their daughter. I can see an interesting dynamic in which, if we are to believe that Marluxia is indeed wandering in the Kingdom of Coronia (judging solely on his nobodies), Firion and Marluxia may have a rivalry (akin to Marluxia taking The Emperor's role in Final Fantasy II). I could see an inital battle against Firion as he may be the original rider of Maximus (and tries to chase down Flynn Rider), but after understanding the presence of Mother Gothel, he may end up being a convenient ally to Sora.


Snow: Arendale, Frozen (Final Fantasy XIII)




This inclusion was a no brainer for me. How could you not have a guy named Snow in a Frozen world? it's too good of an opportunity to pass. So what could his role be? simple, he's with Kristoff's Ice company. If we are to assume that the Frozen world will take place during the period of the Animated Feature Film, he could join the journey of Sora and Anna as an ally of combat (as Anna and Kristoff don't seem to be the combat type) simply becuase he's Kristoff's friend. The whole "true love" motif could also play with Snow, seeing as he's in a relationship with Serah from Final Fantasy XIII, he could be obliviously supportive of Anna being in love with Hans.


Oh man, all I can say is that I love your idea for these three!  It'd be so cool for these to happen.  Well done!

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Personally, Balthier and Fran seem to be the better candidates for Treasure Planet. Fran fits the alien theme and Balthier is the most popular male character in Final Fantasy 12. Anyway, here are my personal recommendations for Final Fantasy Cameos.


Minwu: Agrabah, Aladdin (Final Fantasy II)




I'm surprised that this hasn't even been considered in the first place, Minwu seems to be of Middle Eastern descent so he immediately has that going for him, plus, he's a White Mage so that could add some variety party wise. The premise I see with him is that, he's part of Aladdin's father's gang of rogues. In Final Fantasy 2, he's a character with vast wealth of knowledge. He could be the character that glue's the Agrabah plot to the overall lore of Kingdom Hearts. Maybe he has insider knowledge of Xehanort whilst being a valuable asset to Aladdin's father with knowledge of hidden treasures. 


Firion: Kingdom of Coronia, Tangled (Final Fantasy II)




In Final Fantasy II, Firion is a character that wants to fill the world with Roses because Roses are a symbol of peace and love in his book. Seeing as the story of Rapunzel heavily centre's on The Golden Flower, I can see a premise in which The King and Queen of Coronia hire Firion to try and find their daughter. I can see an interesting dynamic in which, if we are to believe that Marluxia is indeed wandering in the Kingdom of Coronia (judging solely on his nobodies), Firion and Marluxia may have a rivalry (akin to Marluxia taking The Emperor's role in Final Fantasy II). I could see an inital battle against Firion as he may be the original rider of Maximus (and tries to chase down Flynn Rider), but after understanding the presence of Mother Gothel, he may end up being a convenient ally to Sora.


Snow: Arendale, Frozen (Final Fantasy XIII)




This inclusion was a no brainer for me. How could you not have a guy named Snow in a Frozen world? it's too good of an opportunity to pass. So what could his role be? simple, he's with Kristoff's Ice company. If we are to assume that the Frozen world will take place during the period of the Animated Feature Film, he could join the journey of Sora and Anna as an ally of combat (as Anna and Kristoff don't seem to be the combat type) simply becuase he's Kristoff's friend. The whole "true love" motif could also play with Snow, seeing as he's in a relationship with Serah from Final Fantasy XIII, he could be obliviously supportive of Anna being in love with Hans.  


Ace: San Fransokyo, Big Hero 6 (Final Fantasy Type-0)




I decided to place Ace in San Fransokyo for two particular reasons, (1) In the secret ending of Type-0 HD, Ace transforms into a Japanese inspired samurai warrior so he has that going for him to justify his inclusion in this world, and (2), He's a college boy. Big Hero 6 are comprised of college students so it makes perfect sense. I can see Ace as a student from a different college who wishes to be a smarter student so he sees what Big Hero 6 are up to. Curious about the shenanigans that are occurring with corrupted Baymax, Ace would want to tag along with the adventure. He'd probably have an age change to be the same age as Hiro to solidify their friendship.


Barret Wallace: New Orleans, The Princess and the Frog (Final Fantasy VII)




This is going to be an interesting case as we do not know if The Princess and The Frog would occur before or after the events of the original movie. The original movie is clearly too good to pass, however, if we base it during the movie's events, it'd be difficult to do combat as a frog, however, if it's after the events of the movie, Square Enix would have to have an excuse to revive Doctor Facilier. Anyway, I can see Barret's role as a puppet for Doctor Facilier. Out of haste, Barret could have done a deal with the Shadow Man to see the whereabouts of his daughter if he served him, and he agreed. So basically, Barret is an inital enemy. It's be refreshing in the context that the Final Fantasy enemy turned friend enounter would not be limited to Olympus Colliseum, 

I was thinking about Snow being in Frozen, if I recall, people can turn into crystals in Frozen right? Just like Serah, so perhaps Snow is looking for a way to get Serah back.


How would Barrett be in The Princess and the Frog? I really don't see him fitting in that world besides the fact that he's black and so are the main cast...

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I was thinking about Snow being in Frozen, if I recall, people can turn into crystals in Frozen right? Just like Serah, so perhaps Snow is looking for a way to get Serah back.


How would Barrett be in The Princess and the Frog? I really don't see him fitting in that world besides the fact that he's black and so are the main cast...


Yeah, that seems like a good plot point to add (as long as it doesn't over-complicate the Frozen story in the game).


In the original The Princess and The Frog movie, Prince Naveen's butler ended up siding with Doctor Facilier because he wad fed up of serving the Prince. I can see Barret replacing the Butler character but with a different twist. With the fact that he's black, it makes him blend in with the main cast of The Princess and The Frog world that much better.



Hm, there are a lot of Final Fantasy characters I'd like to see, but I never really thought about which worlds they should be in.  The only ones I really thought about were: Locke (FFVI) and/or Zidane (FFIX) in Corona.  With them both being thieves, I thought they could be friends or rivals with Flynn, and help Sora and co. in some way.  But even with these two, I haven't really thought about them plotwise in this world.



Oh man, all I can say is that I love your idea for these three!  It'd be so cool for these to happen.  Well done!


Cheers, I really thought this through. Funny how skipped Ace entirely :P

Edited by Guest

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Lightning for Olympus Coliseum seems to be pretty obious


Also love the call for Vaan in a Treasure Planet World, and Nanaki in a Lion King world (if there is one)


However I feel Noctis will probably be in the Big Hero 6 world

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Cheers, I really thought this through. Funny how skipped Ace entirely :P


Yeah, I skipped Ace and Barret because I know little to nothing about FF Type-0 and FFVII.

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It would be cool to see any of the Cid's in a Great Mouse Detective world, in that Ratigan's whole plan revolves around him getting someone with a high level of technical expertise, and if he could get a Cid to build something for him, who knows what even grimmer plot would be simmering in his great criminal brain.

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I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned Gilgamesh.




He would fit in Kingdom Hearts quite well, especially with his fixation on legendary swords.


So I can see him challenging Sora to fights for his Keyblade. And making offhand remarks on how he has met different versions of certain characters (Leon) before.


Also, because of his situation they could use the same Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts, like they did with Auron.

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I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned Gilgamesh.




He would fit in Kingdom Hearts quite well, especially with his fixation on legendary swords.


So I can see him challenging Sora to fights for his Keyblade. And making offhand remarks on how he has met different versions of certain characters (Leon) before.


Also, because of his situation they could use the same Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts, like they did with Auron.


Somebody already did, here, let me quote who that was.


Olympus Coliseum

Lightning, Kain Highwind, Jecht


Any world



If Kairi gets a playable role


Edited by Guest

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Vaan in a Treasure Planet world. Let me add that to the list of things I never knew I wanted. Really, any of the sky pirates from FFXII could work well in that world, particularly Vaan and Balthier.

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Should worth mentioning that the following is within the unlikely assumption that the cameos will be good.


Star Wars-Golbez, Cecil



Yes, I read the op about spoilers.
However, IV is one of the most star wars inspired FF, especially with Golbez being Cecil's brother situation is like Darth Vader and Luke.



Any original KH world- Gilgamesh


Collecting rare swords. Sounds like the Keyblade to me (Until BBS)


Agrabah- Zidane


He is a thief. Need I say more?


Bartz- Olympus Coliseum 


Plenty of characters will fit that world, but as a traveller, I feel that he will suit the most.

Edited by Shun Kurosaki

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Yeah, that seems like a good plot point to add (as long as it doesn't over-complicate the Frozen story in the game).


In the original The Princess and The Frog movie, Prince Naveen's butler ended up siding with Doctor Facilier because he wad fed up of serving the Prince. I can see Barret replacing the Butler character but with a different twist. With the fact that he's black, it makes him blend in with the main cast of The Princess and The Frog world that much better.






Nah...I just can't see Barrett fitting anywhere other than Radiant Garden. Not because he's black, but because Radiant Garden seems like it better fits his personality.

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Nah...I just can't see Barrett fitting anywhere other than Radiant Garden. Not because he's black, but because Radiant Garden seems like it better fits his personality.


Radiant Garden has more than enough characters. I genuinely believe that The Princess and The Frog world is the best world to introduce him.

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