The 13th Kenpachi 4,279 Posted June 15, 2016 Welcome to the first KH13 "Food For Thought" discussion, I had quite a demand so I decided to start making these! What is your idea of Love? Describe the concept/feeling of "love"! Be as detailed as you want to be and of course you can make it personal if you wish. No jokes or answers like "Pizza" I want this to be a serious discussion where we can all act maturely. Answers can include references to religious beliefs and teachings from any Holy Book. You can also include quotes from any person or entertainment medium to help you, oh and you can use pictures as long as they aren't silly memes. You can challenge people's ideas as long as you are 100% respectful towards their ideas. 4 MythrilMagician, Veemon, Xiro and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted June 15, 2016 Here's my thought about it. HUE Ok, seriously now. It really depends on the person, it's not the same for more than 1 person. If you know you can trust that person, you feel "butterflies" on your stomach, feel at peace with that person, there's something there. In my point of view. 2 The 13th Kenpachi and 2 quid is good reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AzureAce 544 Posted June 15, 2016 I don't have a feeling of love. I don't believe in it. And I'm just an emotionless asshole like that. 2 The 13th Kenpachi and Kittenz reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFinalPersonaKeyblade 1,029 Posted June 15, 2016 To me, love is a sort of undying commitment to the person that you care about deeply. It's like being with someone that makes you feel happy and secure, someone who can brighten up your day whenever you feel lonely or depressed, someone that is very special to you. The way love is developed is getting to know someone and how they feel about everything. As you interact with them, you see a new side of them that you admire. You start to get more and more invested in who they are, and you care for them and who they truly are. With that said, the way it feels is rather precious, and even inspiring, as you start to get more in tune with that person, and in turn, it will affect the people you regularly interact with. 1 The 13th Kenpachi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dave 5,715 Posted June 15, 2016 Love is caring about the physical and emotional wellbeing of someone else either as much or more than you care for yourself. Also worth emphasizing that Love is not limited to romantic engagements, and can be expressed on a daily basis with practically everyone you meet, in that you can care and be concerned with their wants and needs. 4 The 13th Kenpachi, Dracozombie, Sendou Aichi and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The 13th Kenpachi 4,279 Posted June 15, 2016 To me, love is a sort of undying commitment to the person that you care about deeply. It's like being with someone that makes you feel happy and secure, someone who can brighten up your day whenever you feel lonely or depressed, someone that is very special to you. The way love is developed is getting to know someone and how they feel about everything. As you interact with them, you see a new side of them that you admire. You start to get more and more invested in who they are, and you care for them and who they truly are. With that said, the way it feels is rather precious, and even inspiring, as you start to get more in tune with that person, and in turn, it will affect the people you regularly interact with. Do Love is caring about the physical and emotional wellbeing of someone else either as much or more than you care for yourself. Also worth emphasizing that Love is not limited to romantic engagements, and can be expressed on a daily basis with practically everyone you meet, in that you can care and be concerned with their wants and needs. Here's my thought about it. HUE Ok, seriously now. It really depends on the person, it's not the same for more than 1 person. If you know you can trust that person, you feel "butterflies" on your stomach, feel at peace with that person, there's something there. In my point of view. Do you guys think that the feeling of "Love" can deteriorate after your perspective on a certain person or a certain thing changes for the worse? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kittenz 4,281 Posted June 15, 2016 Well, what could be the harm I guess.... On the internet nobody know you're a dog, after all My current relationship The story was of course more complicated and such but here's the abridged version In a polyamorous relationship with two beautiful, kind and amazing boys who I am so lucky to have met on this site. We've been dating for a year and half now, the time sure does fly.All three of us are bisexual. Just for contextI joined in 2013 with my FB account, but because I was such a noob it used my real name. I had a poll of what I should changed my name to and ''KittensOnFire'' it was. I now realise it was weird name, yeah At the time, they were ''SoulEaterEvans'' and ''SkyKeybladeHero''. I can't remember what started it, but we talked in PM and things just kind of happened from there. I don't want to use their real names here, so I'll refer to them by what their usernames were.Sky told me he first started to like me when I posted links to Sokai hentai in random *Now removed, I got in trouble hahaSoul said he followed me for a while, but was unsure to say anything because I made a status I think, about how I was fed up with how guys I knew acted. I seemed really fed up with guysWhen we really got crushes on each other, was when we saw each others photos in the ''Post a picture of yourself'' topic.I followed their posts a lot too, I thought they were cool, and I started liking them more and more. It only got stronger the more we talked, and the original PM now has more than 360 messages. Most were made in just the first few months of us crushing on each other.I still remember our first skype, and even what we were wearing. We now talk everyday on Skype.Me and Soul are 17, and we're certain our parents would disapprove. So we've kept it a secret. Sky is 21 and was able to tell close friends and family. His friends were surprisingly supportive.Distance separates us, I live in Australia, Sky is living in Brazil but will move to Japan soon, and Soul lives in america but is Filipino-American and often goes to the Philippines. However, we are determined to not let that stop us. ;u;True love travels any distance, overcomes obstacles and lets nothing get in the way. True love doesn't limit itself and becomes something unique to you. That's what my idea of love is.Our dream is to meet, but most of all live together. We will have to face hardships, since most people don't recognise polyamorous relationships. Or even understand how they exist. But I refuse to let others stand in the way of our happiness. My dream is that one day, this will be us ;//u///;What is a polyamorous relationship? We are like the second one/second triangle on this chart thingy One more thing, I only love them and would never touch anyone else. It's not about that. People assume it makes you/you must be promiscuous or sleep around. But that is simply not true. I fell in love with them, for who they are, that's all there is to it. I just wanted to dispel that myth.I've always fallen in love with two people at once, and they each unlock a different part of me. We are each like a glue. This is just who I am. I love them equally and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.On a happier note. More of the anime pairing that acts like us in a lot of ways DoDo you guys think that the feeling of "Love" can deteriorate after your perspective on a certain person or a certain thing changes for the worse?I personally believe if you're with the wrong person, then yeah. If that person became abusive towards you or there was a side, a bad one, you didn't know that they had. I think open-ness and communication is key 1 The 13th Kenpachi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MythrilMagician 6,963 Posted June 15, 2016 Love is a tricky thing to describe, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a very important thing to have in your life. Your love for your friends and family is one of the things that make you, you. What you're willing to do for them, enjoying your time with them and trusting them are all fundamental parts of love. If you enjoy spending time with someone, you know you love them. Love could also be associated with inanimate objects, like a love for books, love for food and love for video games. You know that if you enjoy something it means you love it. So in conclusion, I believe love is enjoyment. Enjoying something or being with someone is a sign you love them/it. Like how I love this site. 3 Sendou Aichi, The 13th Kenpachi and Veemon reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted June 16, 2016 I don't have a feeling of love. I don't believe in it. And I'm just an emotionless asshole like that. You're a nobody! ;)What is love? Well love is sacrifice. Putting yourself last and everyone first from the least to greatest among you. Also, God is love and all who live in love, live in God. 1 The 13th Kenpachi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 16, 2016 Wow, everyone's got some pretty good descriptions of what they think love is! (Sadly, the stupid quota won't let me like your posts, so please forgive me! >_<) Well then, time for me to post my thoughts on the subject! To me, love is like a puzzle. It's a mystery. It's that one little thing in your life that always creeps up on you, and before you know it, you're in for an amazing ride! But even though love can be amazing, it can also hurt sometimes. Love is equal exchange. You get to enjoy, but you also suffer. Kind of like a balance, ya know? To me, when I fall in love with someone, I tend to get a new perspective on life. I see things differently, and when I'm with the person I love, I want to talk to said person, get to know everything about her, likes/dislikes, opinions on different things, you name it! Having things in common is a good way to connect with someone and gradually have strong feelings for said person, ya know? But, what love's the kind of sensation that makes you feel empowered! It makes you feel like you can take on the world, that you can do impossible things! It helps wake you up in the morning, and it's the kind of feeling that makes you want to smile ever day! It's the sensation of wanting to share your life with the person you love, to experience the good, the bad and the ugly together, ya know? Cuz just as there are good times, there are also bad. That goes for any relationship! It's the kind of feeling that you don't get afraid to act as your natural self in front of the person you love, ya know? But, if you're not careful, and if you don't value the love you have, it can and will be lost. If love isn't nurtured, then it most certainly will whither. And even when love is plenty, sometimes things happen, life pulls a sucker punch on you, and well, a broken heart is what's left. In my personal experience, I've had three relationships! One was with KHLover12, a member of this site. It was my first relationship, and well, I didn't know much about how relationships worked, so yeah, that was something! We had a lot in common and we liked each other! But, our relationship didn't get off the ground all that much, since we both messed up badly! Haven't seen her again around here! Then there came my second relationship with a member also from this site, which was the one that lasted the most. For three years and four months, if I'm not mistaken! And that was with Kirie! (Or Ami, for those who knew her personally.) We shared a beautiful relationship, one that became a very significant part of my life! It was a wonderful three years, and we did everything together, we shared everything, and we trusted each other with our darkest secrets. We had so much in common, and we loved each other. I know that what I felt with her was real! And well, obviously, as with all relationships, there did come times where we had arguments, but we'd solve 'em by talking things out, ya know? We also messed up on equal sides. We hurt each other, but we forgave each other. And well, I will admit that I was a bastard and I cheated on her with one of my best friends, Selina, back when I was in High School. It was at a time where our relationship was a bit in disarray. I sought comfort, and Selina did so, and well, things spiraled down into chaos for a bit. But eventually, we sorted things out, and I asked for a second chance, ya know? And after that, we fixed things up, and up until our break up, things were going splendidly! But well, Kirie wanted to focus on her studies, and she wanted to keep pushing forward in her life, and she said that our relationship was a distraction to her. She wanted to be able to keep moving forward, and I realized that she was serious about ending things. And so, we ended things peacefully. But my heart was broken for a very long time! It took me more than a year to mend, but with time, I started to accept the fact that life had done its deed, and time had moved on, ya know? I could't let myself be tied down by my feelings, ya know? Thankfully, we are still very good friends and we keep in touch! Then, there came Forever. (Also known as PandyMonium or Caramel Covered Ansem.) At a time where seven months had passed since the break up with Kirie, I had already become friends with Forever. She was a really nice gal, and she rocked! She was pretty awesome, and very smart! We had long conversations and we loved talking about Kingdom Hearts and all, and overall, she was great to hang out with! Over the course of time, as I got to know her, I really liked her, and I started to have feelings for her! And well, after a while, I confessed my feelings to her, and we became a couple! That was short lived though, for I think it hadn't even been a week, and I decided to end things with her. You see, after our relationship had started, memories and feelings for Kirie were brought back to the surface, and then, I felt as though I was lying to myself. I was constantly feeling for Kirie, and I didn't want to get Forever involved in this. I didn't want to break her heart in a vulgar way, so I ended things quickly...maybe I was a coward back then, maybe I was too afraid to start over. But well, it was my loss, ya know? Fortunately though, even though things had grown sour between us after the break up, we eventually became friends again, ya know? What am I trying to tell you? That love is a tricky game! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you're in the middle ground! But most importantly, with love, you learn to build perspective, you gain maturity, and you grow as a person, ya know? You learn from your mistakes, and you ensure that you don't repeat them the next time around, ya know? And well, after a while, I truly moved on, and I was finally ready to start fresh and forge a new relationship! Which brings me to my current lady friend, whom I got the crazies for! Her name is Karla, and I met her back in December on the day The Force Awakens premiered in theaters! On that day though, I just walked up to her to ask her what she thought of the movie for a Youtube video I was making, so I never knew I would come upon her again, ya know? But one week later, when I went to see the movie again, I encountered her in a Hot Topic store! The minute we started talking, we just kept on talking and talking and talking! We laughed, we fanboyed/fangirled about anime and video games, and it got to the point that my friends told me they'd leave us alone while they checked out other stores, and some of the people in Hot Topic thought I was a clerk there! (That was also probably due to my clothing, since I tend to wear graphic tees and bear my KH merchandise on me, as it were! X3) It was awesome, because I just loved how she smiled at me! We looked into each other's eyes a lot, and I did it on purpose to see if she'd look away! I found that she'd look back at me with a fierce intensity...and I loved it! Gahh, she drove me crazy! We exchanged Kik names, and we talked on Kik after that, and we gradually became good friends! Given my experience with my previous exes, I wanted to take things slower this time around, and get to know Karla in detail, ya know? And overall, we gradually became very good friends! I saw her again in a Star Wars Fan Event convention this year, and then again at this year's Comic-Con! During both conventions, we spent a lot of time together, and I really loved hanging out with her, ya know? And it didn't help that when we'd look into each other's eyes, we'd hold our gazes...gahh, that drove me nuts! And well, I haven't seen her again since then...and I probably might not see her again. At least, maybe for a long ass time! You see, in about 9 days, she leaves for the US, and well, that means that things get left hanging in the air, ya know? I wanted to tell her how I felt about her so badly at Comic-Con, but I was so stupid! I spent 6 whole hours with her there, but we never had a moment alone, since her brother and niece were with us the whole time! But still, it's my fault, cuz I could've simply asked them to give me a moment alone with her! That thought has haunted me ever since, and I haven't been able to tell her how I feel. I don't want to tell her by text or by phone, I want to tell her in person! But, with only 9 days for her to leave, I probably may not get the chance to see her, though I pray I can! Did I mention she's adorably short? Like, I can put my head on top of hers kind of short? GAHHHH! D: Love really hurts sometimes...the things we want to say most are oftentimes the hardest to say...*Sighs.* How true those words are! I really wanted to see if I could go further with Karla, but at this point, I don't now if I can... Good God, I delved a bit too deep into my personal experiences, so I fear I've written way too much here! Apologies for that! D: But yeah, to summarize it best, love is a feeling worth having. It can hurt you, sometimes even outright cripple you, but it's a feeling that's worth all the pain, ya know? Love can't even be put into words sometimes, because it just defies all logic and reasoning, ya know? At least, that's what I make of it! Love is also brotherly love, motherly love, family/friend love, love for a pet, love for hobbies, love for anything! Love is universal, not just in relationships, but in every aspect of one's life, ya know? God is also love, and he is life! Amen! But yeah, that's my two cents on the subject! Two cents? Lol, more like two quarters! 2 The 13th Kenpachi and Alicia Maddox reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MythrilMagician 6,963 Posted June 16, 2016 Do Do you guys think that the feeling of "Love" can deteriorate after your perspective on a certain person or a certain thing changes for the worse?Yes, that is possible. If you love someone and they do something that is completely against your ideals or anything that you find despicable or unacceptable, it's likely that your feeling of love towards that person could deteriorate. Quarreling with your beloved is likely to change your feelings for them. Normally people would say that nothing lasts forever and that can also be said for love. Love doesn't last forever, of that I'm sure, however, real love would defy that logic. Your beloved will definitely do things that you won't like, but if you can accept those actions and forgive them, then I believe that to be the very definition of true love. However, not all actions are forgivable, so the possibility of love deteriorating still remains. 1 The 13th Kenpachi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlipMode 141 Posted June 16, 2016 So I don't really believe in "love" but I do believe you make some kind of stronger connection with certain types of people and that's just how we are biologically designed. I love some of my family and some I don't. I love some of the girls I have dated and some I don't. At the end of the day its no different to how some people prefer oranges over apples, its just how you are designed and that connection you have to certain people works in the same way. I mean I look at all the happy couples around me and wander how many of them actually love each other and how many are staying in it because they don't think they will find any better or because they have kids or some kind of other commitment with the other person. I live a "come and go" mind set, once the feeling of love is gone, that's it, I'll end the relationship, if not then I am just making things difficult for myself and the other person. I guess you could say then my opinion on love in a nutshell is this: Love is simultaneously not wanting to lose someone but also knowing that one day you will, in the meantime you make every moment count. That's kind of how I live life in general really, nobody truly wants to die but at the same time, I know I will one day and the biggest fear I have is having regrets at the final moments so I make it all count until then. And that goes into how I view love and all kinds of relationships really. I mean everything else burns away, everything ends, we end. But its the connections we make with other people and the feelings we have for them that really makes us human and makes life worth living, so the more of that you can try to let in, the better. 1 The 13th Kenpachi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alicia Maddox 2,141 Posted June 17, 2016 Wow, everyone's got some pretty good descriptions of what they think love is! (Sadly, the stupid quota won't let me like your posts, so please forgive me! >_<) Well then, time for me to post my thoughts on the subject! To me, love is like a puzzle. It's a mystery. It's that one little thing in your life that always creeps up on you, and before you know it, you're in for an amazing ride! But even though love can be amazing, it can also hurt sometimes. Love is equal exchange. You get to enjoy, but you also suffer. Kind of like a balance, ya know? To me, when I fall in love with someone, I tend to get a new perspective on life. I see things differently, and when I'm with the person I love, I want to talk to said person, get to know everything about her, likes/dislikes, opinions on different things, you name it! Having things in common is a good way to connect with someone and gradually have strong feelings for said person, ya know? But, what love's the kind of sensation that makes you feel empowered! It makes you feel like you can take on the world, that you can do impossible things! It helps wake you up in the morning, and it's the kind of feeling that makes you want to smile ever day! It's the sensation of wanting to share your life with the person you love, to experience the good, the bad and the ugly together, ya know? Cuz just as there are good times, there are also bad. That goes for any relationship! It's the kind of feeling that you don't get afraid to act as your natural self in front of the person you love, ya know? But, if you're not careful, and if you don't value the love you have, it can and will be lost. If love isn't nurtured, then it most certainly will whither. And even when love is plenty, sometimes things happen, life pulls a sucker punch on you, and well, a broken heart is what's left. In my personal experience, I've had three relationships! One was with KHLover12, a member of this site. It was my first relationship, and well, I didn't know much about how relationships worked, so yeah, that was something! We had a lot in common and we liked each other! But, our relationship didn't get off the ground all that much, since we both messed up badly! Haven't seen her again around here! Then there came my second relationship with a member also from this site, which was the one that lasted the most. For three years and four months, if I'm not mistaken! And that was with Kirie! (Or Ami, for those who knew her personally.) We shared a beautiful relationship, one that became a very significant part of my life! It was a wonderful three years, and we did everything together, we shared everything, and we trusted each other with our darkest secrets. We had so much in common, and we loved each other. I know that what I felt with her was real! And well, obviously, as with all relationships, there did come times where we had arguments, but we'd solve 'em by talking things out, ya know? We also messed up on equal sides. We hurt each other, but we forgave each other. And well, I will admit that I was a bastard and I cheated on her with one of my best friends, Selina, back when I was in High School. It was at a time where our relationship was a bit in disarray. I sought comfort, and Selina did so, and well, things spiraled down into chaos for a bit. But eventually, we sorted things out, and I asked for a second chance, ya know? And after that, we fixed things up, and up until our break up, things were going splendidly! But well, Kirie wanted to focus on her studies, and she wanted to keep pushing forward in her life, and she said that our relationship was a distraction to her. She wanted to be able to keep moving forward, and I realized that she was serious about ending things. And so, we ended things peacefully. But my heart was broken for a very long time! It took me more than a year to mend, but with time, I started to accept the fact that life had done its deed, and time had moved on, ya know? I could't let myself be tied down by my feelings, ya know? Thankfully, we are still very good friends and we keep in touch! Then, there came Forever. (Also known as PandyMonium or Caramel Covered Ansem.) At a time where seven months had passed since the break up with Kirie, I had already become friends with Forever. She was a really nice gal, and she rocked! She was pretty awesome, and very smart! We had long conversations and we loved talking about Kingdom Hearts and all, and overall, she was great to hang out with! Over the course of time, as I got to know her, I really liked her, and I started to have feelings for her! And well, after a while, I confessed my feelings to her, and we became a couple! That was short lived though, for I think it hadn't even been a week, and I decided to end things with her. You see, after our relationship had started, memories and feelings for Kirie were brought back to the surface, and then, I felt as though I was lying to myself. I was constantly feeling for Kirie, and I didn't want to get Forever involved in this. I didn't want to break her heart in a vulgar way, so I ended things quickly...maybe I was a coward back then, maybe I was too afraid to start over. But well, it was my loss, ya know? Fortunately though, even though things had grown sour between us after the break up, we eventually became friends again, ya know? What am I trying to tell you? That love is a tricky game! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you're in the middle ground! But most importantly, with love, you learn to build perspective, you gain maturity, and you grow as a person, ya know? You learn from your mistakes, and you ensure that you don't repeat them the next time around, ya know? And well, after a while, I truly moved on, and I was finally ready to start fresh and forge a new relationship! Which brings me to my current lady friend, whom I got the crazies for! Her name is Karla, and I met her back in December on the day The Force Awakens premiered in theaters! On that day though, I just walked up to her to ask her what she thought of the movie for a Youtube video I was making, so I never knew I would come upon her again, ya know? But one week later, when I went to see the movie again, I encountered her in a Hot Topic store! The minute we started talking, we just kept on talking and talking and talking! We laughed, we fanboyed/fangirled about anime and video games, and it got to the point that my friends told me they'd leave us alone while they checked out other stores, and some of the people in Hot Topic thought I was a clerk there! (That was also probably due to my clothing, since I tend to wear graphic tees and bear my KH merchandise on me, as it were! X3) It was awesome, because I just loved how she smiled at me! We looked into each other's eyes a lot, and I did it on purpose to see if she'd look away! I found that she'd look back at me with a fierce intensity...and I loved it! Gahh, she drove me crazy! We exchanged Kik names, and we talked on Kik after that, and we gradually became good friends! Given my experience with my previous exes, I wanted to take things slower this time around, and get to know Karla in detail, ya know? And overall, we gradually became very good friends! I saw her again in a Star Wars Fan Event convention this year, and then again at this year's Comic-Con! During both conventions, we spent a lot of time together, and I really loved hanging out with her, ya know? And it didn't help that when we'd look into each other's eyes, we'd hold our gazes...gahh, that drove me nuts! And well, I haven't seen her again since then...and I probably might not see her again. At least, maybe for a long ass time! You see, in about 9 days, she leaves for the US, and well, that means that things get left hanging in the air, ya know? I wanted to tell her how I felt about her so badly at Comic-Con, but I was so stupid! I spent 6 whole hours with her there, but we never had a moment alone, since her brother and niece were with us the whole time! But still, it's my fault, cuz I could've simply asked them to give me a moment alone with her! That thought has haunted me ever since, and I haven't been able to tell her how I feel. I don't want to tell her by text or by phone, I want to tell her in person! But, with only 9 days for her to leave, I probably may not get the chance to see her, though I pray I can! Did I mention she's adorably short? Like, I can put my head on top of hers kind of short? GAHHHH! D: Love really hurts sometimes...the things we want to say most are oftentimes the hardest to say...*Sighs.* How true those words are! I really wanted to see if I could go further with Karla, but at this point, I don't now if I can... Good God, I delved a bit too deep into my personal experiences, so I fear I've written way too much here! Apologies for that! D: But yeah, to summarize it best, love is a feeling worth having. It can hurt you, sometimes even outright cripple you, but it's a feeling that's worth all the pain, ya know? Love can't even be put into words sometimes, because it just defies all logic and reasoning, ya know? At least, that's what I make of it! Love is also brotherly love, motherly love, family/friend love, love for a pet, love for hobbies, love for anything! Love is universal, not just in relationships, but in every aspect of one's life, ya know? God is also love, and he is life! Amen! But yeah, that's my two cents on the subject! Two cents? Lol, more like two quarters! Wow. You poured your heart out on this one Shige. But that's ok. It shows just how far you've come and it actually shows your maturity. I admire how well you've been able to push past these things and at each time, have gained a new experience and perspective on the idea of love. I'm still praying hard for you and Karla, but at this point Shige, I really, REALLY think you should tell her anyway you know how before she leaves. Even if it means calling or texting. It sounds to me like she might have been interested in you too. Who knows, she might even be thinking the same things you are as well. As for me, that's a DEEP question. Since I am a Christian, my idea of love is based on what love is described in the Bible. Love is patient, kind, long suffering, forgives all things, is selfless and unbiased and is non-judgmental. Love is giving of yourself without asking anything in return or manipulating anyone. If you love someone with all your heart, then you will accept that person reguardless of their faults and sins and see them the way God sees them. Loving someone is lifting them up but also telling them what they need to hear because its good for them and helps them make the right decisions. If you truly love someone, then you MAKE it work. You strive to take care of and nurture your relationship with that person Because, as Shige said, love is not easy. Its very hard and needs to be fought for. But oh man, it is so WORTH fighting for! I've never experienced true love, but I have experienced God's love to me many times, and while I know no man can truly replicate that, I believe that true love would remind me of God's love. So, that's my view. 2 The Transcendent Key and The 13th Kenpachi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites