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KHBbS Where are you in the game???

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Meh, I've been very busy with school work. I haven't really gotten very far yet. As Aqua I've gotten to Radiant Garden, and stopped after rescuing Kairi. With Terra I just made it to Enchanted Dominion. I saved and turned it off. As Ven I've found all the hiding dwarfs, and then saved xD I'm pratically nowhere yet. Then again, I've got LOADS of homework tonight :( I probably won't get much farther for a while.

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Still waiting cause Amazon takes FOREVER! But I've been watching the playthrough and I'm gonna do Terra first



yea same here i still dont have it becaues of Amazon and it said that i wont get it till the 13th that sucks and im still thinking if i should be Terra or Ven first. anyway what day did Amazon say you will get it?


Edit: my mistake it says that it will ship Birth by Sleep on the 13th and that i will get it on September 20-24 man i am never pre-ordering games from Amazon again they suck.

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Just beat terras story on proud was epic.


Indeed it was.


But now im working in defeating VLS on proud, them going to start the long process of defeating the MF. *shudders*

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Currently, i'm up to Neverland in Vens story. I clocked Terras story last night.


Edit: Just finished Vens story. I should probably have the main story completed by tomorrow night.

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I feel like a total noob ._.' I've only played on Terra's story and I am about to fight Braig in Radiant Garden *shudders* but then again, I haven't played BBS that much because of school work.

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Well, i've beat Vantias Sentiment with Aqua, which was easy. Now i'm leveling up, doing mirage arena, getting all abilitys and then i'm going to attempt it with Aqua. Could take a while to do though.

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15 hours into Ven's story, and training to level 36 so I won't die so fast in the keyblade graveyard since I'm on proud. I like to take my time with games so they last longer. :D

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