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To be honest, I think it was the fanbase who made it ambiguous, it clearly said we would see KH3 in winter, it was the fanbase who said "we will see it in winter for sure! But it doesn't say we won't see it at E3 too!", I could see what SE meant, there was a clear "No KH3 for E3" message there.

I don't think that's true to be fair. They should have been more direct. Anyhow, it doesn't bother me.

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I was hoping for it but this just backs up 1 point


Square's PR for Kingdom Hearts 3 is really awful. The statement at the end of the 2.8 trailer was extremely ambiguous and could have meant a few things. They should have just come clean and said no KH3 at E3 like Hajime Tabata did last year with Final Fantasy 15. That's an example of good PR.



Oh well, Horizon Zero Dawn, FFXV, Spiderman PS4, Detroit Become Human, new South Park game, Watch Dogs 2, God of War 4 can keep me satisified. At least the leading devs for those games know their audience well unlike *cough *cough Nomura.

The livestream schedule is out already, no KH3 and only 30 min interview with Tai Yasue for 2.8

I don't think that's true to be fair. They should have been more direct. Anyhow, it doesn't bother me.

I would like these posts, but I reached my quota for today even though I slept for about 9 hours 

To be honest, I think it was the fanbase who made it ambiguous, it clearly said we would see KH3 in winter, it was the fanbase who said "we will see it in winter for sure! But it doesn't say we won't see it at E3 too!", I could see what SE meant, there was a clear "No KH3 for E3" message there.

I agree with SHinobi. It would have been 100% more obvious that kh3 wasn't going to be at e3 if SE just said that kh3 isn't going to be there because I think just saying that more kh3 news will come in the winter didn't really mean that it'll be in the winter. some people thought we would get a small teaser because SE never directly said that kh3 will not be at e3.  
Edited by Zeldablade7

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