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Of all the games at E3, the one I am most anticipated for and wishing it could be there is an indie game in development called Titanic Honor and Glory, a detailed and fully explorable recreation of the RMS Titanic's maiden voyage and sinking which is sure to win a lot of awards for its accuracy and attention to detail. IT's also in Unreal Engine 4, used for the recent Kingdom Hearts games.


For more information, feel free to visit their site and be sure to donate to them as well as trying out their environmental demo: http://www.titanichg.com/

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Supposedly they ran out of funding for this one. 

They guy making it recently released a two and a half hour animation of the sinking on the April 14th anniversary, but he said the full game might not get made due toi lack of interest by crowdfunders. 

It's too bad: the only other game to bother with 100% accuracy for the ship was a 1993 cd game. It'd be nice to see the ship in full 3D, rendered with modern computers, and not janky mid 90's sprites. 

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I assure you that it will definitely be made. I don't think they're gonna give up on this one. If I had eight million dollars I would donate a lot of it to them.

One can hope. 

Interest in Titanic has waned since '95. Most people don't want to shell out hundreds for a tour of a ship. 

But it might happen in the crowdfunding goes better..he started another one, and he's using the two hour animation as an example of what can be done. 

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That video I heard is monetized, so at least they have some cash (I'm thinking $9000 doing the math with how much money can be earned on YouTube). If you have a debit card like me, you can still donate. I gave them a dollar and even that seems worth able. Next month, I might give them eight and then the next month fifteen. So at least I know they'll still be getting money from outside resources.

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