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Who's the traitor among the Foretellers in Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover?

Who's the traitor among the Foretellers in Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover?  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's the traitor among the Foretellers in Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover?

    • Ava (Vulpes)
    • Gula (Leopardos)
    • Invi (Anguis)
    • Aced (Ursus)
    • Ira (Unicornis)
    • There's more than one!
    • Someone else? Comment below!

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 ♪In the end nothing really matters because the paranoia is tearing them apart anywaaaaaays ♪


I fancy the idea that there is no traitor and these dumb kiddos are just becoming a self fulfilled prophecy. Though it seems a bit early to make firm theories yet. Regardless this is just my own opinion. 

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The person in the black coat is the traitor. Why I say so is because of this. He is a traitor to light. Ira spoke with him and asked him if it isn't their duty as Keyblade wielders to avoid the war and the black coat figure said "not possible". Plus, he was rather fascinated with the darkness and they way he mentions the World is full of light, it's like he is a little bit disgusted with it.

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Maybe there isn't even one and it's just the hooded guy pulling the strings.


i doubt it's Unicornis, Ava or Leopardos


Unicornis is way too shocked by the fact that something happened what wasn't in the book of prophecies.


Ava wants to set everything right, i don't think that she is the traitor (But maybe she did a mistake and now feels guilty?)


Leopardos doesn't seem like the traitor because he doesn't want to fight Ursus.


I think it's eiter Anguis, Ursus or there is no traitorWell, we'll see in December xD

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  On 6/9/2016 at 10:33 PM, Niallertube said:

There is no traitor in my opinion. I believe the guy in the hood is manipulating everything. He is the mastermind behind all of this.

I made a video theory on him if you want to have a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnW-oFqQDWc

Woah, good to see your on KH13 now :P  I tweeted ya yesterday about that whole fiasco with people thinking he was Demyx :D


But yeah, I don't think there's a traitor at all. They all clearly lack motivation to betray one another. The hooded dude is pulling an Obito Uchiha and playing everyone around, I think he's the 6th apprentice who didn't get a book. He wants Kingdom Hearts power so he pulls the strings and causes the war to happen. Also, in the trailer Unicornis says the current incident is not in the book, I think the Hooded man ripped those pages from the book to toy with the foretellers minds a little. After the war happens, the hooded figure lives on to have two apprentices-Xehanort and Eraqus. He then teaches Xehanort all about his ways, I made a theory here



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Honestly in my opinion, I think the traitor is Ephemera. I don't know but something about that kid feels off, I have this weird feeling and I don't trust him. And I feel the same way with Skuld. I really don't know who is the traitor but I honestly hope there's no traitor among them.

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It's definitely Ava. Nobody would suspect her. She is the traitor, but she is still a good person. She actually cares about the worlds and their inhabitants, while the other foretellers have their own selfish agenda. Ava realized that and turned against the others, which makes her a traitor but nevertheless she is the "main hero" of this story.

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Idk at this point @ _ @'

my bet is on Aced or super shady coat dude


but you know...

maybe there's no traitor at all?

maybe the foretellers are just getting too paranoid that they are turning against each other in there own "traitorous" ways?


It could also be someone we've never met yet.

Where's their master in this type of situation?

Isn't it a little weird how the Master of Masters left his pupils to fight this on their own without checking up on them?

Cus I mean ever since the foretellers saw that creepy page on the book, it's been getting me real suspicious on their Master, not the foretellers.



But for now, I think it's Aced and the hooded figure.

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I'd like to say the hooded man (black coat), but after seeing a few comments saying that Ava might be the traitor, I'm starting to believe that she could be. Even though I can't follow up with Chi and Unchained as much as i want to T-T.

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The hooded man seems to be pulling the strings and setting everyone up to be suspicious of each other to fight which would lead into the Keyblade War. The most likely character he (or she but the voice sounds masculine) would begin with would probably be either Ira (Unicornis) or Gula (Leopardos). Ira, in the trailer, was seen with the hooded man talking about the keyblade wielder's duties to prevent war. It might be possible that they may have spoken before from the way they were talking. On the other hand, Gula seems to be the youngest of them all aside from Ava and would most likely be manipulated due to his possible naiveness. Ava is more unlikely to be manipulated, from the trailer we see her wondering why everything's going wrong and at the end of the trailer she is rounding up keyblade wielders. 


IN CONCLUSION/Shorter Answer!! We don't have enough information to point out who most likely be the traitor (if there is one) but it's most likely that the hooded man is manipulating everyone. And also I've never done a in-depth possible theory for Kingdom Hearts before so this may be completely inaccurate xD

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With what we were given from the trailer, in my honest opinion, I think that Aced might be the traitor!  When talking about the traitor, he went into a fit, complaining about how Ira had made that accusation.  Sure, he could've been pissed because Ira's jumping to conclusions, or maybe he got nervous and tried to butt in on Ira's suspicions and try to veer him off that train of thought, ya know?


Then we see that shot of Aced looking at Ava, who has her back turned towards him.  She seems like she's desperately searching from someone...or maybe running away from someone?  Aced may have wanted to attack her!  And let's not forget that scene where he was fighting against Invi!  Rather viciously, I might add!


And then there's this line: "We must defy the Master's teachings, to protect the world!"  That line got me thinking, if he is the traitor, his judgment is probably clouded and he believes he's doing the right thing, while probably not doing it in the best ways, ya know?  I dunno, he seems fishy, but then again, Mr. Hood seems laid back in all of this, which makes him a high suspect as well!


Either way, whatever the case, I'm sure Back Cover will be a thrilling story to go through!  We may be unexpectedly surprised!  I really love the idea the members here are tossing around about there not being a traitor at all, and that these poor fools are picking each other off for no reason other than their mistrust of each other! :O


Gahhh, December, you're far away, but I can wait! :D


Edit: Oh, and apparently, from what we could make out, Aced killed Gula, so there's that too!

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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