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KHUX Hackers/Cheaters are back in Unchained χ together with the ranking

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That's because this week is a raid boss event that gives out double lux. That's why lux count will be really high, especially if you have a good party.


Edit: Actually never mind you're right. Just checked Unicornis ranks and the number one guy has played for one day and has 549,999,945 lux.

Edited by Robbie the Wise

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  On 6/9/2016 at 7:53 PM, Dustin Newton said:

there are no hackers, there's a raid event that gives double lux


if you are in vulpeus, you will know what i mean when you check the top 10. if you are not, i'm happy to share more examples of these hackers if you want to.


Edited: here's some screenshots of our current 1st rank post-58119-0-72152800-1465503021_thumb.png post-58119-0-99284000-1465503398_thumb.png

Edited by NPC

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I'm in Anguis, and all top ten spots are by hackers.  Trust me, I looked and they're all just like the guy in the picture you showed: all have weak keyblades with weak medals, and have only played for one day.  It really sucks for those that are working hard and doing it the right way!  And it looks like its happening in all unions too.  However, I haven't seen party rankings being messed up by the hackers yet, just solo, so that's something I guess.


I'm glad I'm not the only one angry about all this.  Oh, and don't worry; your English is fine. :)

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Preach it. Those idiots will never learn to play fair, and they'll still be annoying pieces of shiz until something happens.

Edited by Awesome Sauce

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I'm sad to say that I'm so used to hackers on leaderboards in other games that I'm pretty unfazed by this, personally. Yeah, it sucks, and "everyone does it" certainly isn't an excuse, but there's definitely more to the game than the high scores (the story and collecting medals are my interests), so I hope too many people aren't put off by this. :(


And a lot of the time, hackers don't do it for rewards (many leaderboards don't offer anything for placing) but more for the lulz or because they're just bored. Even if KHUX did something as drastic as take away the rewards system, we'd still see this problem, sadly.

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I don't even really see the point in doing it for rankings. The rewards aren't even worth it and can earned easily enough.


If I were to hack, it'd just be for more Jewels to get medals.

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its stupid! like i looked at top ten in vulpes yesterday and saw all top ten had just started had BASIC starting medals, only fought ONE RAID BOSS had insane amount of lux and there munny was like 999999999 w/e and they were lvl 250 with a basic starlight keyblade no upgrades....these are hackers its not the event! theres no way you can have all that lux and have only fought ONE RAID BOSS. personally i dont see the reasoning for this the benefits of ranking is kinda bland but its just sucks seeing all the hackers, its not gonna keep me away from the game since it doesnt effect me its just sad to see people hacking the game rather than actually enjoying it.

Edited by Maximz

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  On 6/9/2016 at 11:49 PM, catmaster0116 said:

How does one hack an online game?

majority of online games are hacked and normally with some sort of thirdparty program that edits something in this case they seem to edit their profile and have it appear to be extremely OP and then the server receives information and kicks it back and boom now they have all the lux and munny....  


  On 6/10/2016 at 12:01 AM, Robbie the Wise said:

It sucks because this week rewards include chip and dales which aren't exactly handed out...

very true 

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  On 6/10/2016 at 12:12 AM, Maximz said:

majority of online games are hacked and normally with some sort of thirdparty program that edits something in this case they seem to edit their profile and have it appear to be extremely OP and then the server receives information and kicks it back and boom now they have all the lux and munny....


Ouch. I did not know something like that existed.

I also hear that the prime offenders are Vulpeus too.

Gives me mixed feeling about being in Vulpeus.


With that said hacking to gain infinite money and lux takes the fun out of things.

But so does having to wait several hours for AP to replenish (depending on how much AP you have).

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  On 6/10/2016 at 12:42 AM, catmaster0116 said:

Ouch. I did not know something like that existed.

I also hear that the prime offenders are Vulpeus too.

Gives me mixed feeling about being in Vulpeus.


With that said hacking to gain infinite money and lux takes the fun out of things.

But so does having to wait several hours for AP to replenish (depending on how much AP you have).

to be fair, it seems to be suspect in every clan but vulpes is the most noticeable because the people that do it seem to just out rank the other factions.... because there are alot of em and it feels like its the default for hackers to chose not sure why my guess would be because vulpes is one of the more talked bout soooooo join the one that has the most people, hack, and try to blend ...maybe thats the mentality? idk im not gonna try to butter it up LOLeh... i mean i have 122 ap when i get annoyed with waiting for jewels i either switch to my other account and play for a bit then play another game, or i use the 100 jewels from the daily draw.....which i hate to do soooooooooo =/ LOL i miss the half ap because it made the game last longer than like 3 daily missions xD

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  On 6/10/2016 at 1:09 AM, Maximz said:

to be fair, it seems to be suspect in every clan but vulpes is the most noticeable because the people that do it seem to just out rank the other factions.... because there are alot of em and it feels like its the default for hackers to chose not sure why my guess would be because vulpes is one of the more talked bout soooooo join the one that has the most people, hack, and try to blend ...maybe thats the mentality? idk im not gonna try to butter it up LOLeh... i mean i have 122 ap when i get annoyed with waiting for jewels i either switch to my other account and play for a bit then play another game, or i use the 100 jewels from the daily draw.....which i hate to do soooooooooo =/ LOL i miss the half ap because it made the game last longer than like 3 daily missions xD


Yep. These days it feels like I end up playing for 2 or 3 missions and then have to wait 3 hours+ since I have 74 AP atm.

Gosh 122 AP...that means you'd have to wait 6 hrs to fully replenish from 0. Yikes :/


I hope Square Enix gives people an AP regen haste ability for those people with lots of AP. Imagine having more than 480 AP? That'd mean you'd have to wait 24 hrs for AP to restore without using up jewels or levelling up lol.

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  On 6/10/2016 at 12:42 AM, catmaster0116 said:

Ouch. I did not know something like that existed.

I also hear that the prime offenders are Vulpeus too.

Gives me mixed feeling about being in Vulpeus.


With that said hacking to gain infinite money and lux takes the fun out of things.

But so does having to wait several hours for AP to replenish (depending on how much AP you have).

Anguis' Top 10 is nothing but hackers as well. Though at least by appearances, this only holds true for solo ranks at the moment. Only a couple of the Party ranks look to be hackers.


EDIT: scratch that. Seems Square is handling it. Just checked and only first place is a hacker in Anquis.

Edited by Seiki

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  On 6/10/2016 at 1:34 AM, Seiki said:

Anguis' Top 10 is nothing but hackers as well. Though at least by appearances, this only holds true for solo ranks at the moment. Only a couple of the Party ranks look to be hackers.


EDIT: scratch that. Seems Square is handling it. Just checked and only first place is a hacker in Anquis.

yea SE seems to be handling it, just checked vulpes 1st place seems to still be the hacker, but all the other hackers are no longer in top 10....however i still question how people get 15mil lux in such short periods of time ..i guess the actual answer would be money + event raid boss =/ 

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Surprise, surprise. Hackers in a competitive game like Unchained X. Although the hackers may be ruining it for everyone else, it's really Square Enix's responsibility to deal with them so...they're going to have to find a way to patch that.

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  On 6/10/2016 at 1:42 AM, Maximz said:

yea SE seems to be handling it, just checked vulpes 1st place seems to still be the hacker, but all the other hackers are no longer in top 10....however i still question how people get 15mil lux in such short periods of time ..i guess the actual answer would be money + event raid boss =/ 


what do you mean? are they giving out warnings to hackers? Or just banning their accounts altogether?

Does money buy lux?


I guess the way Square Enix has KHX set up is eventually if you max out your AP enough you would have to resort to buying jewels to replenish the AP rather than waiting long periods of time.


Although I still can not understand how powerful some players can become like



at 3:27, person deals 3 hit combo each worth 23k damage...thats Insane...

I still struggle trying to deal a strike that is 3k

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  On 6/10/2016 at 4:50 AM, catmaster0116 said:

what do you mean? are they giving out warnings to hackers? Or just banning their accounts altogether?

Does money buy lux?


I guess the way Square Enix has KHX set up is eventually if you max out your AP enough you would have to resort to buying jewels to replenish the AP rather than waiting long periods of time.


Although I still can not understand how powerful some players can become like



at 3:27, person deals 3 hit combo each worth 23k damage...thats Insane...

I still struggle trying to deal a strike that is 3k


i mean it looks like they are banning accounts because all the top ten accounts with the exception of rank 1 are all gone.


also no what i meant was, money buys jewels in which case jewels can be used to refill ap. so basically im saying people are doing the raid boss during prime time and spamming it till they deplete all their  ap  and then refill it with the jewels they bought with money...thus they keep spending more money just to continue to spawn the raid boss so that they can get alot of lux. sooooooo in essences i answered my own rhetorical question.... >.> 


as far as the damage in the video goes.... first of all thats the japanese version and medals differ than NA version, also the keyblades are of higher upgrade than what we currently have. 


second the dmg hes doing is because of all the BUFF and DEBUFF medals 


  • Sora and pals  in the japanese version of the game: is an area of effect ability that restores some of the user's HP and raises attack power by one tier for 1 turn. This is an increase of approximately 25% to damage to all subsequent medals.


  • KH2 Kairi :  is a single target ability that raises damage from the user's Speed attacks by two steps. This is an increase of approximately 50% to damage. Strength Boost S II has a gauge cost of 3.


  • Vivi : is a single target ability that raises attack power by one tier for 1 turn. This is an increase of approximately 25% to damage to all subsequent medals. Strength Boost has a gauge cost of 2.



  • sora donald and goofy : is "Rapid Storm" which is an area of effect ability that reduces the enemy's defense by 1 step and has a gauge cost of 2.



  • Marluxia : is just a damage dealing medal which is also getting the benefit from the kairi medal buff along with all the other buffs and debuffs


  • Cloud illustrated version : which does Cross Slash which is a single target ability that reduces the target's defense against Power attacks by 1 step for 1 turn, then deals heavy damage (which cloud is a power attack medal sooooo it gains the benefit of the debuff)

sooooooo two defense de-buffs and 3 attack buffs and 1 damage medal


you can read up more on the NA and JPN medals here : KHUnchained Medals

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