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Ultima Spark

KHUX A substantial amount of EN Unchained script (for future updates, spoiler warning)

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Extracted/obtained somehow by ShardofTruth. Story script, items and other such stuff. Scattered and not in any particular order.


Stuff of note:

  • Ephemera = Ephemer (kinda pointless to chop off a letter...whatever)
  • The worlds conjured by the Book of Prophecies are called "holograms", which likely ties into the datascape in some way (so Maleficent's speculation about Jiminy's journal and the BoP being connected may be going somewhere, they're likely based on the same concept)
  • Ava's speech in the recent trailer matches with the text dump ("When the time comes, and there is war, you mustn't fight but instead you must fly away from here to the world outside.")
Edited by Ultima Spark

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Ephemer? That's terrible news. D; Somehow I just knew they wouldn't get his name right. At least they didn't call him "Trevor" or something unoriginal and American. Good to know, though. *off to tell friends*


It's confusing that Ava's speech is in the files. Shouldn't that come after Skuld is introduced? That hasn't happened in JP KHUX yet - it's due to come in our next major update.


(And with these text files extracted from the game, I wonder if it's possible to translate these files into other languages and recompile the files and still have a working apk...)

Edited by ssceles

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