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School and My Increasing Anger

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Alright, since I've seen others do these, I guess I'll do this as well. School is starting for me tomorrow. It felt like as if my summer just started but now it's ending as I enter my next big step towards 7th grade. But, that is not the only thing that I want to talk about.



Another thing is my increasing anger. Day by day, my anger continues to grow, and my patience decreases. My anger grows over the little things, such as school starting tomorrow, or my mom ordering commands at me, or my dad's anger towards me growing, or the bullies at school.



I'm really starting to hate some of the stuff that I do every day. No, I'm not talking about this site. I love this site. It's one of my life's only pleasures. I have no friends at school, I hardly have any friends outside of school, I'm also sick and tired of my mom and dad ordering commands at me. I'm also tired of people ordering me around at school, like the stupid childish power hungry asshole kids they are.`




My anger continues and keeps on growing, my voice is changing little by little, and I have to deal with kids who think they're the greatest people in the world (which they aren't) I'm really starting to hate school.

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i'm goin to give you two explanations of your predicament

1. From sixth grade on your body releases large amounts of testosterone. Over 200% more than one might usually have. This imbalance of hormones (can and often does) make you irrationably angry at the slightest things. It makes you want to rebel against your parents and others. Desparing yet?, don't be your hormonal levels will be back to normal by 25.

2. Alot of from above but also that there are alot of a**holes at school especially in middle school (7th grade easily worst experience EVAR). Your best bet is to make a few good friends that will stand by you no matter what and go from there. With your friends by your side you can just treat the a**holes and things they say as insignificant. *If you can't find any really good friends, then your next best bet is to lay low, try not to invite the a**holes attention. Should that happen anyway just stay strong and perservere(kinda lame i know but it works)*

Phew, thats my 2 cents

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I almost fell into the depths of becoming a bully myself, I didn't know my own strength. But then I snapped out of it before it took a hold on me. And I remained a nerd.

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I know how you feel. I'm going through the same thing..just as a girl..which is 50 times worst, let me tell ya. Have friends who like you for who you are, and not from what everyone else wants. Be yourself and if people don't like it's their lose. Everyone goes through this so your not alone. And there is nothing you can do about your parents making you do stuff...their your parents that have a right to do that.


And about your anger increasing...it's going to get worst so hang in there. If you ever need to talk, send me a chat. (:

I'm not really good at giving advice...but I hope some of it helped. Hope everything gets better for ya. (:

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Don't worry about it to much.. Ill tell you a secret I had no friends outside of school until I got into 10th grade is when I really started to get out and hang with friends just try not to worry about life right now cause once highschool starts it gets all better.

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I understand how you feel :(

I won't lie and tell you things'll get better, because they won't if you don't make them. Try sitting with a different group of friends, pick a new table for lunch or something. You're a great person and if they don't like you, well, then, that's their problem. They seriously missed out especially if they're Lakers fans.

But there's someone who'll really, truly like you (:


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Deal with bullies by taking self-defense lessons, then beating the shit out of them. Don't listen to the crap about telling a teacher. Doesn't work and gets you a bad reputation.

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