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The 13th Kenpachi

Favourite FF Protagonist?

Favourite FF protagonist?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite FF protagonist?

    • The Warriors of Light
    • Firion
    • Luneth (3D version of FF3)
    • Onion Knight (Famicom version of FF3)
    • Cecil Harvey
    • Bartz Klauser
    • Terra Branford
    • Cloud Strife
    • Squall Leonhart
    • Zidane Tribal
    • Tidus (FFX)
    • Yuna (FFX-2)
    • Vaan
    • Lightning (FF13, Lightning Returns)
    • Serah (FF13-2)
    • Noctis

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Sorry, I had to vote for 4, I can't make my mind up xD


Bartz is awesome! He has nothing I don't like. However, he doesn't have anything that makes him that unique (I'm talking about FFV Bartz, not what was poorly written in Dissidia)


Cloud Strife is amazing IN THE ORIGINAL FFVII, in the other games he's nearly annoying, he seems to be heartless, quite different from what he was in the first game. The reason why he's not clearly on top is because he is still kinda cold at times, and a character like Tidus is a lot better in that aspect, needless to say that in FFVII there wasn't a character that had this role (as far as I remember), so that indirectly puts Cloud down.


Although I've seen a lot of people saying stuff against Tidus, I don't see anything wrong with him! He's an amazing character! But similar to Bartz, there's nothing in him that I like more than the other 3 characters I chose.


Lightining can be annoying at first, but as you get closer to the character she just becomes great! Especialy in Ligthning Returns! Still, her coolness can be disturbing at times, similar to Cloud (but Lightning isn't a copy of Cloud regardless of what people say! Just because neither of them are as cheerful as Tidus doesn't mean they're exactly the same! Hell, look at Squall and Cecil, they're not cheerful either and no one says they're a copy of Cloud!).

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Seriously though, tough choice. Of the list I voted Terra and Zidane. I like Noctis so far, but as Final Fantasy XV isn't out yet I have no way to determine if he's actually a good character. Also chucking my avatar from XIV into my vote, I loved being able to create a character of my own and play through a FF story. :)

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Cecil Harvey and Zidane.

Both are pretty similar in the fact that they both have a brother who changed their lives, both had another villain involved, and both forgave their brothers

Also, Cecil cares for the entire party, including his future wife, and does actually gives a firetruck what happens to the rest of the world...unlike a certain protagonist.

While Zidane easily is the protagonist with the most interesting backstory in the series.

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  On 6/6/2016 at 4:22 PM, Shun Kurosaki said:

Cecil Harvey and Zidane.

Both are pretty similar in the fact that they both have a brother who changed their lives, both had another villain involved, and both forgave their brothers

Also, Cecil cares for the entire party, including his future wife, and does actually gives a firetruck what happens to the rest of the world...unlike a certain protagonist.

While Zidane easily is the protagonist with the most interesting backstory in the series.

(Highlighted in red) who are you referring to?

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  On 6/6/2016 at 4:36 PM, Shinobi Palace said:

Care to expand upon your statement about 'Squall not caring' more?



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  On 6/6/2016 at 5:44 PM, Isaix said:

I like Cloud and Squall almost equally but I slightly prefer Squall.Why is Noctis here,FFXV is not even out yet,I'm sure there's a lot more to learn about him

There's a lot of info out already about Noctis, you can never have too many options. A few people on this site love him.

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  On 6/6/2016 at 6:34 PM, Shinobi Palace said:

There's a lot of info out already about Noctis, you can never have too many options. A few people on this site love him.

Yeah I'm sure I'm gonna like Noctis as well based on what I know about him,but saying that he's your favorite out of all FF characters already.A lot happens in the Final Fantasy games,there are always unexpected events that can completly change the way you view some characters

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Going off of the list, Terra, but it's hard to call her the singular main character of FFVI when the story's main focus is on three characters. My real favorite is one of those three, specifically the protagonist of the final act of the game: Celes Chere. Seeing her grow over the course of the game was really interesting. Some of the absolute best moments in the game focused on her (The opera, the intro to the World of Ruin, etc), and that brief glimpse of her losing her hope and will to fight was powerful, though the moment that follows with her gaining this will again and showing the determination to set off once again on her own, bring the group back together again, and fight back against Kefka was even more powerful. Few RPG protagonists come anywhere near her in my opinion. Not only is she an excellent example of a redemption story, but she also reminds players that there's always hope, even in the face of a seemingly impossible challenge.

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Cecil is my favorite protagonist of the series, because he has one of the most satisfying arcs. At the start of the game, he's basically living the high life: he's on the winning team, he's captain of the Red Wings, he's respected and renowned, and he has a steady relationship with Rosa. Typically, these are the sort of things that you get once you beat the game, not right at the start. And yet, Cecil is troubled because he has a feeling that what Baron is doing, and in turn what HE has been doing, is wrong, the tipping point being once he abets in the destruction of Rydia's village and finally sees first hand that there are people being affected by all of this, and the loss of humanity compels him to leave all of his success behind and try to turn things around. What's important here is that the decision to go on the hero quest is triggered entirely by Cecil's own moral character, rather than have the plot push him along or have something force his hand. He changes because he wants to change, and as someone who likes good guys who are actually good, that's a solid bedrock to build a character on.


And even then, it's not an easy path. The shit he's done is still all around him, and Rydia and other villages he visits are constant reminders that he has a long way to go before he can claim redemption. Even having to fight Kain (mind control aside) is a show that there's still pain from throwing his old life and friends away, so the only thing that is keeping Cecil going forward is that he wants to do right. The ultimate culmination of his change comes at the end,

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Cecil,Terra,Cloud and Zidane



Although in FF6 every member of the party(except a few members) is as much of a main protagonist as Terra as the game focuses on them just as much so I'd argue that Locke,Celes,Edgar and Sabin are pretty much equal to Terra

Edited by Smash Mega Koopa

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