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The 13th Kenpachi

Kingdom Hearts Fist Fights

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Dolan VS. Gooby


Gooby, he's taller, therefore he has more weigh than Dolan, so his punches are more powerful. This one is easy.


Ansem SOD VS. Xemnas


I mean, have we ever seen a shirtless Xemnas? I'll leave this here just in case you forgot how buff Ansem is:



  SPOILERS: Click to reveal





KHII Riku is your typical emo kid™ that would rather suffer than make anyone else suffer, so even though he is stronger than Sora, he wouldn't even last a round.


Terra VS. Aprentice Xehanort


Same reason as Ansem SOD VS. Xemnas. Those damn muscle made by the Olympus Gods themselves can defeat anybody anywhere.


Ventus VS. Roxas


Here we go again. Roxas too busy crying and questioning his own self to care about a fist fight. Ventus is more extrovert and physically active. Roxas > poems about hearts; Ventus > fighting people.


Xion VS. Kairi


Kairi vs. who?????


Old Xehanort VS. Old Eraqus


Have you ever seen those weird things Xehanort does with his fingers. Always wiggling. Always moving as if every finger has a mind of their own. He probably has arthritis. Eraqus is my bet here.


Mickey VS. Stitch


Stitch was designed to destroy everything he touches. He would firetrucking obliterate Mickey without a doubt.

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this is my kind of topic xD


Dolan vs Gooby - idk man, we saw how Dolan jumped Yao without so much as blinking. He's originally a sailor so he's probably been in a few bar fights. I'm gonna say Dolan.


Ansem SOD or Xemnas - These guys are both ripped, so it's hard to say, but we've seen that Xemnas is very proficient in fighting in close-quarters while Ansem relies mostly on his Guardian and magic. So Xemnas.


Sora (KH2) vs Riku (KH2) - We've seen that Riku's willing to play dirty, and Sora's not the brawler type, so Riku.


Terra vs Apprentice Xehanort - Xehanort's too busy being creepy and mysterious to know how to brawl. Terra.


Ventus vs Roxas - oooh. hm. If you wanna get technical, wielding a sword backhand the way Ven does requires more forward arm movements and thrusts, and he does a lot of quick backstepping and other footwork in his fighting style; Roxas' movements are heavier and rely more on slashes. Long story short, I'd say Ven would adjust more quickly to throwing and dodging punches, so he would have the upper hand.


Xion vs Kairi - I'm gonna say Xion, just because she has more battle experience.


Old Xehanort vs Old Eraqus - Hm. Well, we've seen that Xehanort can crush steel with his bare hands, and can hold someone as big as Terra at bay with only one hand, sooo I'mma say Xehanort.


Mickey vs Stitch - As talented as Mickey is, Stitch's super strength is no joke. Stitch.

Edited by ladydualwieldin

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  On 6/5/2016 at 2:56 PM, ladydualwieldin said:


this is my kind of topic xD


Dolan vs Gooby - idk man, we saw how Dolan jumped Yao without so much as blinking. He's originally a sailor so he's probably been in a few bar fights. I'm gonna say Dolan.


Ansem SOD or Xemnas - These guys are both ripped, so it's hard to say, but we've seen that Xemnas is very proficient in fighting in close-quarters while Ansem relies mostly on his Guardian and magic. So Xemnas.


Sora (KH2) vs Riku (KH2) - We've seen that Riku's willing to play dirty, and Sora's not the brawler type, so Riku.


Terra vs Apprentice Xehanort - Xehanort's too busy being creepy and mysterious to know how to brawl. Terra.


Ventus vs Roxas - oooh. hm. If you wanna get technical, wielding a sword backhand the way Ven does requires more forward arm movements and thrusts, and he does a lot of quick backstepping and other footwork in his fighting style; Roxas' movements are heavier and rely more on slashes. Long story short, I'd say Ven would adjust more quickly to throwing and dodging punches, so he would have the upper hand.


Xion vs Kairi - I'm gonna say Xion, just because she has more battle experience.


Old Xehanort vs Old Eraqus - Hm. Well, we've seen that Xehanort can crush steel with his bare hands, and can hold someone as big as Terra at bay with only one hand, sooo I'mma say Xehanort.


Mickey vs Stitch - As talented as Mickey is, Stitch's super strength is no joke. Stitch.


Congrats! First person who has actually given serious and honest answers xD

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  On 6/5/2016 at 1:24 PM, Shinobi Palace said:

Who'd win in a fist fight? No powers, just fists.

Dolan vs Gooby

Ansem SOD or Xemnas

Sora (KH2) vs Riku (KH2)

Terra vs Apprentice Xehanort

Ventus vs Roxas

Xion vs Kairi

Old Xehanort vs Old Eraqus

Mickey vs Stitch

Dolan vs. Gooby


Gooby has already tasted the sweet embrace of death and is way more edgy and hardcore™ than the Dolan 


Ansem SOD vs Xemnas


Nomura has stated that Xemnas is the strongest character in the Kingdom Hearts Universe. But alas, Xemnas's only job was to recruit 11 vaguely acceptable vessels and it took him 10 years to get a grand total of 1 vessel (who was a traitor too). He also just sits on a throne all day and lets Saïx run the organization. Ansem would win because Xemnas obviously can't accomplish anything by himself and Ansem SOD already has guardian to help him by default. 


Sora (KH2) vs Riku (KH2)


Riku's too busy drowning in some quality self loathing. Sora's actually able to focus on the task at hand: beating the shit out of your long lost buff friend. 


Terra vs. Apprentice Xehanort


Apprentice is more the type of person to sabotage elderly people who offer support to the homeless and experiment on defenseless citizens than actual hand to hand combat. Terra on the other hand is more then ready to sucker punch anyone named Xehanort repeatedly in the face. I'd say it's pretty obvious here. 


Ventus vs. Roxas


Neither. Ventus is an orphan who just wants his best friends to stop fighting and have a good time. Do I need to even explain Roxas. These two do not need anyone punching them in the face. Instead just let the children eat ice cream in peace. 


Xion vs. Kairi


Kairi because I assume it would be pretty easy beating someone who doesn't exist in a fight. 


Old Xehanort vs. Old Eraqus


We will never know because the conversation that led to the fight in the first place was too long and convoluted to stay interested longer then a minute. 


Mickey vs. Stitch


Did you see Mickey after Gooby died? That is the face of a man who can and will cross any line


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Edited by Shimmy

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