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Are You Taking Any Days Off Work/School To Watch E3?

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So E3 is fast approaching and I thought I'd ask this question.Though some of you are probably already on your summer vacation, lol. For me, yeah I plan to take a few days off of work just so I can watch this year's E3. This is one of my most anticipated gaming events and there's just no way I'll miss it for anything. Not even my job shall stop me! :P

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Well it's summer time for me here so I have the time to watch E3 fortunately



Though even then I might gonna skip a conference or two cuz I couldn't care less what EA,Ubisoft and Microsoft would show so I will most likely tune in for Sony's conference and Nintendo's presentation

Edited by Smash Mega Koopa

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So E3 is fast approaching and I thought I'd ask this question.Though some of you are probably already on your summer vacation, lol. For me, yeah I plan to take a few days off of work just so I can watch this year's E3. This is one of my most anticipated gaming events and there's just no way I'll miss it for anything. Not even my job shall stop me! :P

The only conference I'm watching is Sony's, and that starts at 2am for me, the same day I have an exam at 1:30 in the afternoon. So no, I'll archive it like I did with the FF15 uncovered event and watch it when I wake up, before I go to school to sit the exam. 

Edited by Shinobi Palace

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Fortunately the days E3 fall on are the days I work from home, so if need be I can have an E3 stream open in one tab and work related stuff in another. xD


I just have to hope my boss doesn't call me into the office abruptly on one of those days then. 

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idk if i'll watch E3 this year. i never do and instead i just wait till the day after the conferences for all the news sites to start reporting on the reveals and information. i guess maybe the only one i'd consider watching is the Sony conference. we'll see.

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I took Monday off so I can watch all the conferences that day (except for PC Gaming) and I took Tuesday off so I can see Nintendo finish off the WiiU by making LoZ multi-platform like Twilight Princess.

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The only conference I really care to watch live is the Sony conference, and since it is after I get off work I should be good. All the others I just watch in my spare time.

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I'm out of school, so my schedule's all clear. That's good, since I'm thinking about watching all of the streams this year. Doubt that EA, Ubisoft, or Microsoft would have anything that would catch my attention, but I'm just curious about what all's coming up since I usually just focus on Sony and Nintendo. I figure that it wouldn't hurt to be a little more informed. Sony and Nintendo are the two I'm going to make sure I don't miss, though.

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I'll be on summer break by then, unless if I get a summer job during that time I'll try to watch some E3 or see some of the highlights.

Kinda the same here. I'm done with school now, and I don't currently have a job (I plan on finding one this Summer though!), so unless I somehow get a job in the next week, I am for sure watching the majority of E3. I won't bore myself with certain parts of the conferences (Literally anything Call of Duty-related, I will ignore).


Nintendo and Sony are for-sure watches. :)



Rock on!

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I unfortunately did not get the days off for E3 like I had requested when I set them as unavailable. Lucky for me, Bethesda's starts when I get home and Sony's starts as I get off of work so I will be watching the ones that matter. I am completely free for Nintendo's presentation that I only really care about Zelda from.

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