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Well, I have the Birth by Sleep game guide, and I now have this sudden urge to talk about it! If you happen to have a question about the game, I'll take a look in it and see if it will answer your question. I'm still getting a hang of how complex the melding guide is, but I'll try and help if I can, if there happens to be a question in that area.

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A person in another topic mentioned 3 new keyblades, but never got back to me on what the third one is, can you confirm or deny?


hm, all i can do is list the keyblades, i don't know which ones weren't in kh bbs other than the ones you receive from the secret bosses



Earthshaker (Terra: Starting Keyblade)

Wayward Wind (Ventus: Starting Keyblade)

Rainfell (Aqua: Starting Keyblade)

Treasure Trove (All: Dwarf Woodlands)

Stroke of Midnight (All: Castle of Dreams)

Fairy Stars (All: Enchanted Dominion)

Victory Line (All: 1st Place on Rumble Racing Castle Circut)

Mark of a Hero (All: Olympus Coliseum)

Hyperdrive (All: Deep Space)

Pixie Petal (All: Never Land)

Ultima Weapon (All: Completion of Villian's Vendeta)

Sweetstack (All: Make All Icecream Flavors)

Darkgnaw (Terra: Completion of Dead Ringer)

Ends of the Earth (Terra: Destiny Islands)

Chaos Ripper (Terra: Defeat Eraqus)

Frolic Flame (Ventus: Radiant Garden)

Lost Memory (Ventus: Destiny Islands)

Destiny's Embrace (Aqua: Completion of Unversed Fight at the Front Doors in Radiant Garden)

Rainstorm (Aqua: Destiny Islands)

Brightcrest (Aqua: Received upon starting the Final Episode)

Void Gear (All: Defeat Vanitas's sentiment)

No Name (All: Defeat the Mysterious Figure)


It doesn't look like there is a third one, but I don't know.


I wish i had the guide. How big r the world maps?


Well Radiant Garden is VERY big, but you should be able to get the hang of it. Some of the other maps very based on who you are playing as, like in Castle of Dreams, it is exclusive to the house, but Terra and Aqua are restricted to outside and the Castle. Also, while Aqua gets most of the world, getting to travel to most of the forest and the castle, Ventus gets all of the forest and the mines while Terra gets little of the forest and the castle. The locations vary bassed on their plot, in the beginning worlds no one person visits the exact same territory as anyone else for the most part.


Edit: Woops, I forgot that Aqua does go into the place ven spends most of his time.


is there a fusion guide in the book?


If you are reffering to combining certain abilities to make others, then yes, a very detailed one at that, I haven't taken the time to look over it yet but I know that some combinations have a high percentage chanced ability and low percentage chanced one. There are crystals through out the game that let you add abilities to the command, and once the command is mastered, you permanetly receive the ability, which is a nice little bonus. There are booklets through out the game that allow you to see the results of the combination before making it, as you can make all combinations without the booklets, you will just not know the result until you make it.


Are there tips on easy leveling?


Suggestively, you should use the Mirage Arena, and you should obtain both emblems for Mickey (While using a D-link, it seems that emblems appear randomly when fighting Unversed, the first one having a greater chance than the second. These emblems affect the finishing combo, the useable abilities during the D-link, and the special abilities the D-link can provide.) since the second one gives you the Double Exp ability when using that D-Link, which is very handy.


If someone wants to know all the details about the D-links, just holar and I'll get typing. You can also make friends into D-Links, their current abilities being limited based on the amount of emblems you have for them, and you can have up to 8 friend D-Links at a time (I don't mean that you can use them all at once, I'm not entirely sure how everything is going to work though, possibly you can have up to 8 D-Links at a time, and that is Gameplay ones as well as Friends combined, but I don't know, sometime though I'll have to get together with some of my friends that will get the game and play the Mirage Arena with them).

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Need help looking for Prize Pots. Only found Radiant Garden in Ventus' story.


You may find that when I am typing these out, it describes something completely off the subject at hand. However, this is all for the sake of consistency, just incase someone needs that extra instruction. These instructions are based entirely on the guides instructions, so I cannot give any further insite considering that I do not own the game. (I may slightly alter sentences to include important facts or disclude unimportant ones). I highly recommend reading the instructions before hand so that you know what you are expecting when seeking out the Prize Pods. All 'compass' directions are based on the book, some may not seem acurrate to the map, but that has been from my perspective. Sometimes certain events must be cleared before the Prize Pods actually appear, if I don't mention it, you will just have to find it when the events of the world are over.


Prize Pods appear after you clear the area of all enemies, or at random. However, they do not appear 100% of the time. The Prize Pods disappear after 20 seconds, and they have so much HP that you have little hope of actually defeating them. However, every successful hit you land generates an item that you can use in the upcoming Disney Town Ice cream shop.


Terra's Story:


Enchanted Dominion: Location: (Waterside: Once you cross the bridge, you can backtrack a bit to meet a new enemy. If you return to the landing spot and jump up on the hill to the north, you might trigger a battle with a pack of Prize Pods.)


Castle of Dreams: Location: (Palace Courtyard: Don't miss the pack of Prize Pods that materialize in the central pool once you clear away all the other foes.)


Dwarf Woodlands: Location: (Underground Waterway: The only gimmick in the Underground Waterway is a series of gates that open for a few seconds when you smack a wheelshaped switch with your Keyblade. After you hit the first wheel, you have seven seconds to run through the gate to the east. The Passage beyond that gate leads to another wheel, and this time, beating the 13 second clock is a lot tougher. To get a head start, hit the wheel and dash via the SQUARE button to soar over the water and head straight to the gate (which is near the first wheel). Run through the newly accessable central area before the gate on the other side slams shut. Leap over a small gap to the north to reach a pair of chests. Before you drop down, step into the water just east of the chests to battle a bunch of Prize Pods for this world's batch of ice-cream ingredients.)


Mysterious Tower: Location: (None)


Radiant Garden: Location: (Fountain Court: From Castle Town, head north to the Fountain Court. On the ground level you find a Panacea and possibly a pack of Prize Pods (in the water on the east side of the map).


Disney Town: Location: (Raceway: The Main Plaza's shimmering manhole leads to an underground area known as the Gizmo Gallery. There are only two chests on the ground floor and, strangely, both contain the Thunder command...Could that be some sort of hint?

Add both to your Command Deck, and fill it out with any other Thunder-type attacks you can find. Then fire them off against the yellow contraption in the southern part of the area. Each hit moces the needle a little more to the right, and if you consecutively pound the machine with Thunder attacks, you can get electricity flowing through the room's many gears.


Hop onto the Mickey Mouse-shaped elevator in the southeast, and leap to the north to grab the first two chests (which include the Absolute Zero Shotlock). Then ride the same elevator up to the gears to the south, jump onto the moving hand, and ride that to the next set of gears to the east. From there, wait until the Mickey Mouse-shaped pusher retracts, then run across the first two hands to the north. At the north end of the second hand, leap to the third and then the fourth hand. Then jump up and Air Slide to the north to reach another pair of chests.

From the same set of gears on the est side of the map, do an Air Slide to the southwest to grab a sticker. Instead of doing the dash at the peak of the jump, let yourself fall a bit and swing your Keyblade when you get close to ensure that you grab it. Aiming is a bit tricky, so this may take a few tries.


Finally, leap across the rolling-pin gears in the maps' south end to reac the area's final treasure chest and the entrance to Pete's Rec Room.

Disney Town's final area is a giant pinball machine, and Terra is the pinball. Climb the stairs to the top, then jump downthe tube and leap from the plunger. You bounce off the machine's various bumpers, and when you fall to the button, you can press the L and R buttons to activate the flippers at the bottom. You needen't leave everything to fate; you can still perform Air Slides to control your movement, allowing you to reach the four treasure chests on the machine: one in the center, above the ring of moving bumpers; one to the left of the ring of bumpers; and one to the right, far above the bumpers. The final chest is in the center, blocked by a series of bars. To lift the bars, bounce into each of the four turquoise-shaped bumpers marked with a crown. Then push the analog stick toward the machine's back wall to grab onto the alcove.


The higher of the two center chests contains an exit that takes you out to the rooftops above the Racetrack. The area's final chest is here, and if you stand on the top of the crates and look to the northwest, you spot the area's final sticker along with the area's Prize Pods. To reach it, you need to come back when you've maxed out the High Jump skill, and make a flying leap followed by a chain of Air Slides. If you fail, let the enemies below kill you so you can immediately continue from the rooftop.


Olympus Coliseum: Location: (Town Near Thebes: You can find this set Prize Pods to the southeast of the map.)


Deep Space: Location: (Turo Prison Block: Pass through the giant doors at the Turo Prison Block's north end to reach a small place that holds a save point and this area's map. The center of the adjoining room contains a transporter that warps you to another part of the ship. From here, you can head either north or south. First, go to the south, where you can grab a pair of treasures in a small, blocked-off region of the Ship Corridor area. Return to the transporter room, where you can now proceed to the north, or return to the Toru Prison Block to face a group of Prize Pods that appear only if the player has activated the transporter at least once.


Never Land: Location: (Skull Rock: Entrance: The Cliff Path leads to a sea cove, where you find a couple of treasure chests and a small boat docked at the map's north end. Save your game and row across to the Skull Rock Entrance area. Without entering the cave to the north (wich triggers an event and a boss fight), grab the chest at the island's west end, and leap up the series of ledges to the south of the chest; you may need to press the SELECT button and move the camera around to spot them. Don't be fooled by the Spiderchest at the top-the real treasure lies through the opening, which takes you to an otherwise inaccessible chest inside Skull Rock.

After grabbing that, go back out to the top ledge in the Skull Rock Entrance area, stand at its tip, and look to the east. Spot a second ledge at the bottom of the skull's other eye socket. Air Slide over to it, and get ready to fight; you trigger this area's Prize Pod encounter as soon as you land. If you're determined to get the Prize Pods' treasures, follow them down after you knock them off the ledge, and make your way back up after they disappear.)


Keyblade Graveyard: Location: (None)



Ventus's Story:


Dwarf Woodlands: Location: (Mine: Clear away all of the enemies in the mine loop's east side, and a pack of Prize Pods may appear.)


Castle of Dreams: Location: (Mousehole: After you claim the thread, drop down to the ground floor and return to the mousehole area. This time, after you leap of the first fork, cross the gap to the south. Next, use a second fork to leap up to a matchboc that's crammed into a gap in the south wall. Smack it with your Keyblade to push it through the other side. Then use that as a bridge to reach a spiderweb that has trapped two pieces of cheese to create a pair of platforms on the ground floor. Now look over the ledge, toward the west, until you spot the next sticker. To reach it, you need to jump toward it and swing your Keyblade as you fall past it.


Wipe out the enemies on the ground floor, and then approach the candle in the northwest corner to trigger the appearance of this area's Prize Pods.)


Enchanted Dominion: Location: (Audience Chamber: Ventus begins his Enchanted Dominion adventure in the room of Princess Aurora. Use the shop and visit the Tower room through the large fireplace. Then make your way down the hall to the Audience Chamber. Players who have visited this area as Terra might be suprised to discover the pack of Prize Pods in the room's southwest corner, where they appear only for Ventus.)


Radiant Garden: Location: (Fountain Court: The north passage out of Castle Town takes you to the Fountain Court, where you need to make your way to the map's higher levels by leaping onto jets of water that propel you upward. Before you begin your ascent, clear out the Blue Sea Salt Unversed in the map's east side to spawn a pack of Prize Pods.)


Disney Town: Location: (Raceway: Advance through the Gizmo Gallery and Pete's Rec Room the same way as you did before in Terra's story, setting aside most of the treasures and stickers, since they generally won't even be in the same place in Ventus's story. Upon finally exiting Pete's Rec Room, you can find the next set of Prize Pods to the right of the crates.)


Olympus Coliseum: Location: (Town Near Thebes: Like in Terra's story, you can find this Prize Pod in the southeast corner.)


Deep Space: Location: (Durgon Transporter: Begin this mission at the entrance to the Ship Corridor, where a long hallway and several chests becon you onward. Before you proceed in that direction, turn around and enter the dead-end Transporter Room. You find a chest with an Abounding Crystal, which is the rarest kind, able to unlock powerful EXP abilities like EXP Walker. And, as soon as you slay the local Unversed, the Deep Space pack of Prize Pods spawns in the alcove to the northwest. Surely, that's worth a brief detour.)


Never Land: Location: (Mermaid Lagoon: Use your flying skill of choice to soar from the central island to the northeast exit of Mermaid Lagoon, which leads you to the Cliff Path. Here you face the usual local Unversed while you're peppered with cannon fire from Hook's ship. Try to fight with a pillar of rock between you and the ship whenever you can. At times, the cannons actually come in handy, blowing away the piles of brown boulders that block the path and, in the northwest, completely cover the chest that holds the Treasure Raid command. If the cannons don't cooperate, you can clear away the boulders with a full combo.

Climb to the top of the pillar in the map's northern area, and glide south from there to the pillar with a treasure chest. You can also glide east to the top of a palm tree. This tree marks the entrance to a cave that takes you to the previously inaccessible ledge at the northern part of Mermaid Lagoon. Tread carefully as you approach the chest with the Blitz command. If an enemy knocks you off, you have to do the whole thing again. If you stay on your feet and clear out all the other foes, you're rewarded with a pack of Prize Pods.)


Mysterious Tower: Location: (None)


Keyblade Graveyard: Location: (None)



Aqua's Story:


Castle of Dreams: Location: (Foyer: Head to the left side of the stairs on the ground level to find this group of Prize Pods.)


Dwarf Woodlands: Location: (Flower Glade: Here you can encounter a pack of Prize Pods that hang out near the river in the southwest part of the map.)


Enchanted Dominion: Location: (Waterside: You can find this group of Prize Pods near the exit towards the Forest Clearing.)


Radiant Garden: Location: (Fountain Court: This set of Prize Pods should be in the same area you can find the ones in Terra and Ventus's stories.)


Disney Town: Location: (Raceway: You can find this pack of Prize Pods just out side of the Raceway Registration booth in a corner to the northwest.)


Olympus Coliseum: Location: (Town Near Thebes: You can find this set to the southeast of the map, if you are facing the exit towards the Coliseum Gates.)


Deep Space: Location: (Turo Prison Block: Before you can find these few Prize Pods at the south end of this area, you must head through the transporter in the Durgon Transporter section of the map, then head back to the south end of the Turo Prison Block again, upon which they should appear.)


Never Land: Location: (Indian Camp: This set can be found at the north end of this map, which is also the area you start the world in, just leave the area then return and head to the northern end to find them, since they probably won't appear at first...)


Mysterious Tower: Location: (None)


Keyblade Graveyard: Location: (None)


Finally, I've put together a good version of this! If you happen to see any mistakes, let me know in a Private Message, and tell me exactly what part is messed up, then which person's story it's in, and which world, and I will go correct it.

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From the guide does it look like the crown stickers are in hard places to find or does it vary?


Have you played or watched KH2 Final Mix+? They're pretty much in a bunch of places you need a certain ability to reach, or you jump off of something, for example, in KH2, you could find a Crown Sticker by jumping on the table that has the Winnie the Pooh book, then high jumping off that (You couldn't reach it with your normal jumps height)

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From the guide does it look like the crown stickers are in hard places to find or does it vary?


Have you played or watched KH2 Final Mix+? They're pretty much in a bunch of places you need a certain ability to reach, or you jump off of something, for example, in KH2, you could find a Crown Sticker by jumping on the table that has the Winnie the Pooh book, then high jumping off that (You couldn't reach it with your normal jumps height)


It seemed rather pointless to watch the whole game to see where the crown stickers were. I only watched the specific things such as CoR, data battles, mushroom xiii etc. The lack of growth abilities compared to kh2 made me wonder how they would do this.

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by the way, i can only answer some questions on the weekends since i usually have homework, ugh, highschool


Yeah, can you tell us what the guide says about the Crown Stickers?


Please be a little more specific, cuz it doesnt really seem to say too much about it, in this one though, it doesnt make a puzzle, it seems that there is a few back grounds, and each sticker is of a character or an object that you can put on there

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http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=9770 does the guide explain how Ventus got small in Cinderella. If so post it in my inquiry


nope, not really, it says something about ventus not entirely understanding space travel and that might have caused him to get so small, it isnt really explained.


From the guide does it look like the crown stickers are in hard places to find or does it vary?


well, it does kind of vary, some you can easily spot by looking around, it is probably just harder to get to some of them rather than finding them

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If it says so in the guide would you mind telling me what the requirements are to get the trophies in the Trinity Archives? They seem to have changed from the Japanese version.

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If it says so in the guide would you mind telling me what the requirements are to get the trophies in the Trinity Archives? They seem to have changed from the Japanese version.


STEP TROPHY: Walk 99999 steps

BATTLE TROPHY: Kill 9999 enemies

TIME TROPHY: Complete all stories within 80 hours

ARENA TROPHY: Complete all arena matches

ICE CREAM TROPHY: Eat 30 ice cream items from the Ice Cream Shop

MUNNY TROPHY: Earn 33333 Munny

CLEAR TROPHY: Clear one story

TRINITY TROPHY: Clear all stories on Proud mode


I'm hating the Step, battle and Ice Cream Trophies :/

The complete the story in under 80 hours is pretty easy though, seems like a long time limit.

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Where can you find Vanitas Lingering Spirit?


after completing the final episode and saving it on a file, you should travel to the keyblade grave yard and enter into the new place called the Badlands, but you must use a file other than the Final episode save point,

you should see a purplish glowing orb with the image of Vanitas's keyblad keychain, you will be asked whether you want to face the danger of it or not, and that will activate the battle if you accept

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