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At what point is it considered too much?

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Hey guys, first topic for me, and its something ive been thinking about since the Jump Fiesta trailer...


Combat will be vastly improved, no doubt, and it seems like we are going to have a lot of options to choose from when picking our combat style.  KH for the most part has been hack and slash, a dash of magic (or much more if you're a mage like me) and forms and summons seem to be used as needed.


Now we have seen a lot of combat mechanics and the list will most likely grow.  We have basic melee, magic, an enhanced shot lock, attraction flow, keyblade transformations, something similar to flowmotion, and a lot of us speculate that drive forms may make a return as well as summons.


My question is, if all of this makes its way into the game, at what point does it seem like too much, and would it take away from the combat experience for you if it becomes over saturated with options?


Im undecided on this, I wanna see what you guys think

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There can never be too much!! :D


But seriously, I think the more options you have on how to fight, the better it is. This way everyone can find their "best fighting style", and isn't forced to use a specific style. 

Also most of the combat mechanics, like Flowmotion, Attraction Flow etc. are optional, so if you don't like them you're not forced to use 'em.

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It's just more options to use in battle for me.I know for a fact that i'll mainly use melee with some magic here and there but if that get's boring it's nice to know you have so many other options to use.


Especially when you hit max level,that's kinda the time i start playing around with mechanics i barely used in the beginning just for the fun of it.

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I say the more the merrier. This game is meant to be THE KH game. Better than arguably the best in the series, KHIIFM, while still keeping originality and taking inspiration from across the games i.e Flowmotion from 3D, Shotlocks from BBS, the rumoured return of Drive Forms from KHII. I think they should experiment to a degree with this game, it IS their first big KH next gen console game, ever, after all. They do have 2.8 coming later this year but you can't even really count that either since it's just another HD ReMIX, a movie and Kingdom Hearts III: Ground Zeroes. They've never had to develop for any home console other than PS2, excluding the ReMIXes because they don't exactly count, other than KH1 since they had to basically rebuild that from the ground up. So they should be allowed a lot of creative freedom to show the power of the current gen. Plus it'll give them insight into what does and doesn't work so they can apply that knowledge to KHIV.

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There can never be too much!! :D


But seriously, I think the more options you have on how to fight, the better it is. This way everyone can find their "best fighting style", and isn't forced to use a specific style. 

Also most of the combat mechanics, like Flowmotion, Attraction Flow etc. are optional, so if you don't like them you're not forced to use 'em.


^This! I'm really fond of games that allow you to mix and match abilities rather than giving you a cut-and-dry list of moves (although I like those, too) and since KH3 is an RPG, it might focus more on the optional aspects of gameplay by letting you choose different styles according to your preferences (in addition to the already-present choices of spells, party members, accessories, etc). Even the attraction flow in DDD was optional for the most part, as were the D-Link system and Shotlocks in BBS, so KH3 could be similar.

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The more combat options the better, but I'm more intrigued by the movement options. If glide comes back and if we could use keyblade transformations to also get around too then we will have potentially 5 ways to get around, that will be really interesting for speed runs.

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Too much? That's a hard one to answer because with KH3 and the hardware it will be on, I don't think there really will be a point where it's excessive. As long as it works smoothly and fluidly and conveniently, then really, nothing could be too much.

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I see what you guys are saying, I guess I was just worried that the gameplay may suffer by having too many options, but if you guys feel like theres never too many options (I would probably tend to agree as well in regards to KHIII) then that makes sense too.  I just dont want them to throw something in that will seem dull or useless, kind of like summons in KH2.  I never really saw much use in them except for maybe some Mushroom XIII fights, but i dont think it really took anything away from the game or gameplay in any way

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Well, think of it this way!  It's not so much how overwhelming the combat options may be, think of it more as to how much you can do with said options!  Just think about it! With all these different fighting styles in play, you can be able to mix and match with them, tinkering with the different attacks at your disposal to create a unique style that suits your gameplay needs!  And well, I'm pretty sure that enemies will be tough enough to the point that every combat option is deemed necessary, and isn't left in the sidelines, ya know? 


Let's see what happens when we finally have the game! :D

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I think too much for me would be more in the story but in gameplay I'm not really sure. So long as it stays too the KH2 inspiration it's using I think I'll be fine.

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