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KHBbS Data Install

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And I noticed in the playthrough that the loading times for the english version seem to be DRASTICALLY shorter. Like the longest i've seen is lioke 3 seconds.


Most of the playthrough are running on computers, and they probably data installed.

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Yeah, it's definitely worth it if you do the full install, it'll reduce load times by alot.

How much space on your Memory stick does a Data install take up? And is there other amounts?


Well, I don't know about the English version, but the Japanese version data install had three separate choices. Small install, medium and large. Small took up 200mb, medium 400mb and large 600mb, the English versions data install shouldn't be much different in size.

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Yeah, it's definitely worth it if you do the full install, it'll reduce load times by alot.


How much space on your Memory stick does a Data install take up? And is there other amounts?


Well, I don't know about the English version, but the Japanese version data install had three separate choices. Small install, medium and large. Small took up 200mb, medium 400mb and large 600mb, the English versions data install shouldn't be much different in size.


I've heard a rumor that the English version would have a 800mb install, but I'm not sure.

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i dont understand want data onstall is...


It's just a way to reduce load times on the game by installing as the name suggests data to your PSP, not too many PSP games have the option to do it.

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what is data install


look above

so if you dont, ur screwed?


not nesseceraly(yes i know i spelled that wrong) i have dissidia ff and the load times in that arn't that long without data install


Dissidia is a completely different matter. The load times in BBS range from 30 seconds to several minutes, without Data Install.

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