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i'd say he won't even appear until the final stretch. Terra returning seems like an mid to endgame kind of deal (emotional effect and all that jazz). Terra obviously would have to get his own body back, so whenever that fight happens LW will probably finish the battle or something.

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I'd imagine he'd be still under Xehanort's control (either via Terranort or via Xemnas. Personally, I prefer the latter) and then be saved by Sora's gang and reunited with Aqua and Ventus. Probably later in the game but hey who knows. 

Seeing as how he doesn't appear to have the recusant sigil on his damn face like a certain someone, I can kind of see him serve as a double agent once he's breaks free of Xehanort's control. Theoretically speaking, if the sigil tracks the vessel's movement and Terra no longer goes by Xemnas or Xehanort, they wouldn't be able to keep a tab on him. That'd be pretty nifty if I say so. 

That being said I'm not particularly sure what'g going to happen to Terra. I'm just musing. 

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I really hope Nomura does something unexpected and doesn't make him a seeker of darkness. Like Riku in KH2, where everybody thought he is a member of Org. 13 but he wasn't. Hopefully Terra will be somehow the secret hero of KH3 where he protects his friends behind the shadows and reveals himself in the final battle.

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He will return for sure. As for how that's done, Sora after he obtains the Key to Return Hearts fights Terra-Xehanort and defeats him. That is how Terra ejects Master Xehanort from his heart and body or as he put it, how he "shows the door" to the old man.

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I think he'd be last one to rescue. He'd be added to the party either as you're heading to the final world or when you're in said final world.


Of course, my idea is that Terra comes back right before the final battle with Xehanort and becomes a massive part of the final battle.

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Whether he's going to be a Guardian of Light or not, two things have to happen:


1) Gotta convince the Lingering Will to be an ally so it doesn't go apeshit on everybody who faces it (the most logical choice would probably be Riku and Micky since that's what their objective is)


2) Gotta find Terra-nort and rip the original Terra out of him (if possible).

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I can probably see The Lingering Will be the representative of Terra in Kingdom Hearts III as his body is possessed by Xehanort to really see him as a re-completed ally.

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  On 5/21/2016 at 10:58 PM, Col.Random said:

his role might mostly be a late game thing.I hope he does something pretty huge because of his line in BBS "Ven, Aqua, one day I will set things right". So I'd like it if he does something big instead of Sora being the only one saving the day


^THIS. I think all of the lost wielders are going to end up participating in the final battle, and I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see any of them until pretty late in the game.


As for Terra specifically... it makes no sense to me for him to be a Seeker of Darkness (it utterly contradicts his character development shown in Blank Points, and I think DDD gave very strong hints that he isn't) and I don't think Terranort could possibly exist at this point as a being (old man!Xehanort was reborn in DDD, after all). I would think that his heart is somewhere else and we just need to find it.



Edited by ladydualwieldin

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  On 5/28/2016 at 1:19 PM, ladydualwieldin said:

I don't think Terranort could possibly exist at this point as a being (old man!Xehanort was reborn in DDD, after all).


Maybe the one from the past via time travel?

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  On 6/1/2016 at 1:40 AM, Dravoo said:

The unwilling Vadar. Controlled but revolts mid to late game when Riku and Sora use that heart dive power trick they got in KH3D.


Um, who is "Vadar"?


Is it this guy?:


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Edited by Alan Smithee

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I'm pretty sure we'll have to save him somehow, just like we'll have to save Aqua and Ven. Other than that though, not too sure. I think if he successfully save him, he'll most definitely join the Guardians of Light.

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