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a few things in my kh experience

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well, ive done two new things kh based (if anyone cares lolz)


first off i've actually taken the time to start my proud play through of the games (that took a while...:|) so im basically doing kh1 and khdays at the same time, (kh 1 when im at home and days on the car rides to school) and im getting nervous at how im gonna do, especially when it comes to Re:com, cuz that was hard enough on normal, but kh2 should be easy enough, sure more damage but i think i can handle it, not sure about demyx or xaldin, maybe i should level up master form and maybe valor form so i can have those drive abilities to avoid that air blast he makes, that thing is evil, ill probably have to choose the sheild again too, i hope it turns out for the better


also i was able to buy the bbs game guide, and ive read through terra's walk through and understanding what im going to be dealing with when i finally get the game, it seems complex but i think ill understand it soon enough, i am deeply anticipating the secret bosses and it looks complex to unlock them, like to get to the new secret boss you (there is some info near the end for vanitas sentiment, very good i must admit)

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lol heres how i do the KH series

KH1: Normal

KH2: Proud

KH2 Final Mix: Critical baby~ chyaaa xD

ReCOM: oh lord...easy plz

BBS: Proud (or thats how its gonna be. cant wait for that secret boss mystery dude. he's intense! that outta be a challenge)

KH Days: Proud (oo~ i absolutely hate fighting that grave heartless)



Kingdom Hearts II is sooooo easy, even on Proud mode.

its a joke almost. but i still adore that game! 8D


i think ive beaten each game in the series like...543284 times, no joke yet slight over-exaggeration. which oddly contradicts eachother D:

i need a life pfft hahaha xD



anyways good luck and most of all have fun with it.

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