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ABC's The Family is a thriller series depicting the Warren family's reunion with long-lost son Adam, who had been presumed dead after disappearing ten years ago at the age of 8. His return results in the freedom of Hank Asher, registered sex offender who had been arrested and incarcerated for Adam's murder, as well as the reopening of the Adam Warren case ten years ago in an attempt to find his kidnapper. Meanwhile, fledging news reporter Bridey sneaks her way into the Warren's life in an attempt to write an article about Adam's return.


Last Thursday, The Family was cancelled by ABC. Its season (now series) finale aired last Sunday, in which several threads were left unanswered. 




By the end of the finale, it is revealed that "Adam Warren" is really Ben Murphy, an orphan who had been kidnapped and kept in captivity alongside the real Adam Warren, whose apparent death spurred Ben to escape and later take his identity, a plan concocted by Adam's own sister, Willa. The season finale reveals Adam is in fact alive, now free from captivity, and is on a mission to take his life back from Ben. Also, Bridey is murdered, and Adam and Ben's kidnapper continues to elude arrest. 



You see the problem? How can the Family fandom move on when there's still so much of the story left to be told? Think of how you'd feel if KH III was suddenly canceled, and we'd never get to see Roxas, Xion, Naminé finally live the lives they deserve to have? Ventus forever stuck in his coma, Aqua in the Realm of Darkness, and Terra's fate forever a mystery? More importantly, if we never got the chance to visit all these new worlds and finally kick the crap out of Xehanort once and for all? 


Think about Young Justice, which never got the third season it deserved. Think about Kim Possible, which was saved from cancellation. Wouldn't it be great to save another show like that?


There's a petition online for the Family to be picked up for a second season. If you could sign it, here is the link:  https://www.change.org/p/abc-the-family-needs-a-season-2?recruiter=40731025&utm_source=petitions_show_components_action_panel_wrapper&utm_medium=copylink


Please, my fellow KH fans, please help us Family fans out. It'd be greatly appreciated!

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