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Yea I'm turning sixteen at the end of the month(literally) and I really don't care. I personally don't like fighting with donald and goofy. As for Sora, he's cool but the whole "goody two-shoes" act kinda gets old. That's why I'm playing as Terra first.

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Yea I'm turning sixteen at the end of the month(literally) and I really don't care. I personally don't like fighting with donald and goofy. As for Sora, he's cool but the whole "goody two-shoes" act kinda gets old. That's why I'm playing as Terra first.


YEAHHH!!!! Terra. Then who?

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im 16, i don't care, in fact im glad for the turn of events, im tired of just roaming the worlds making friends with every form of life you meet, i like the passiveness of bbs more, even though it is still similar, you get to experience the events from everyone's eyes, it's a great setup

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I say its about d*** time to play as somebody else. Personally, I've been getting tired of Sora. I was hoping Nomura would mix it up like the FF series after the Xehanort Saga, but no control over that. Though it would be pretty interesting to see more of the history of the story and what happens from the perspectives of other characters, like in BBS. Though maybe Nomura will change his mind in the future, though just wishful thinking.

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What does age have to do with anything? Anyways, I've always loved moments in KH where you control another character. Whether it's a Shadow in KH1, Roxas in KH2, or the multi player characters of Days, the change is always fun for me. I'm particularly looking forward to playing TAV, because they're basically power, speed and magic based versions of Sora (Who himself is defense) plus Ven wields his keyblade backwards. That's all I need.

Except maybe wielding 3 keyblades backwards.

Or 3 double bladed keyblades.

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