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Um wheres dat SE conference?

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Things can change in the last minute, don't be too concerned.

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Well, that doesn't mean that there won't be KH at E3. After all,last year FF7 remake was announced at the Sony conference, not at the SE one, and FF7 remake it's a big game. We're probably going to get what we want during the Sony conference (that will be at 3 am here -.- ...damn time zones xD).

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idk, if that was true then why post a scheduled. 


The conformation so far, we still have about 4 weeks left. 

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Okay, I'm a bit worried, but KH will most likely be at the Sony conference, so this isn't all bad for us (And probably the only thing I'm excited for this year's E3. Seriously, screw you, Nintendo.).

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Wait, didn't they put out the layout for E3 earlier this year, and square had a huge conference room or something like that? Could've sworn they also confirmed a conference for E3 earlier as well.

I remember too when I think about it. I'll try and see if I can find it 


here it is: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/95159-e3-2016-floor-plan-released-square-enix-will-have-the-same-booth-as-last-years-e3/?hl=%2Bsquare+%2Benix+%2Bfloor+%2Blayout+%2Be3

Edited by Zeldablade7

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Oh, so it's just the booth from the looks of things. But man, I swear I remember them confirming an actual conference, too.

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It isn't terribly surprising, their conference last year was not well liked. Yeah, they showed off great stuff, but it was clear that they had no idea what they were doing. Square will have a large presence no matter what, since they are a huge pillar in the gaming industry.

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Oh, so it's just the booth from the looks of things. But man, I swear I remember them confirming an actual conference, too.

If they have the booth ready, I think we can safely assume that they're going to have an actual conference. It would be a waste of an e3 if they just didn't do anything with the booth. I will take my words back if I'm wrong

Edited by Zeldablade7

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We already got confirmation that KH3 will be at this year's E3, didn't they?

kh3 is going to be there but they might not have a conference


Wait, didn't they put out the layout for E3 earlier this year, and square had a huge conference room or something like that? Could've sworn they also confirmed a conference for E3 earlier as well.



They booked a booth space but It wasn't confirmed they were doing a conference or not. It just means that they will have a place for people to play their games.

If they have the booth ready, I think we can safely assume that they're going to have an actual conference. It would be a waste of an e3 if they just didn't do anything with the booth

that doesn't mean that, every game company that goes to e3 has a booth. it's just a place that they put all their games so people can play them.

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kh3 is going to be there but they might not have a conference




They booked a booth space but It wasn't confirmed they were doing a conference or not. It just means that they will have a place for people to play their games.

that doesn't mean that, every game company that goes to e3 has a booth. it's just a place that they put all their games so people can play them.

ah, I understand now. Thanks for explaining that to me. 

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We already got confirmation that KH3 will be at this year's E3, didn't they?


Square-Enix never confirmed that KH3 would be at E3 2016. It could be there or not, we will just have to see.

Edited by Leamax

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ah, I understand now. Thanks for explaining that to me. 

no prob... but I still wish you were right....

Square-Enix never confirmed that KH3 would be at E3 2016. 

they did but it was in an interview for kh un:x if I remember correctly 

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no prob... but I still wish you were right....

they did but it was in an interview for kh un:x if I remember correctly 


Actually, they didn't. The sites that used that article as a reference said that Square-Enix confirmed it took it out of context. Also, if you watch the video, there is an edit saying that Square-Enix didn't confirm KHIII for E3 as it was the interviewer and Unchained x producer Hironori Okayama in light chatting.

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To clear things up:

  • It is likely, but not confirmed, that SE will NOT have their own conference this year. 
  • The above point does not mean KH will not be presented. KH3 was announced during a Sony conference, so there's no reason to count it out of being at a Sony conference again.
  • SE does have a booth space available. Does not mean a conference.
  • We have absolutely NO confirmation about KH3 or KH2.8 being at E3. As Leamax said, it was taken VERY MUCH out of context. I talked to the man who held the interview himself and he clarified for me. Seems like no one else bothered to do the same.

That should help. Any questions, please ask here or PM me.

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I wouldn't be worried. As has been said, Square will likely just shuffle into Sony's conference. I also doubt they'd drop the ball so badly as to completely leave out KH3 after the huge trailer they gave us last year (and I'm still convinced that at least some of the VAs who've been "working on KH3" were really working on trailers); and this is their last big chance to show off KH2.8 at a non-Japanese event, so it wouldn't make any sense for that to be left out, either.

Edited by ladydualwieldin

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Assuming SE won't have a conference this E3, I am pretty sure we'll atleast see KH2.8 at Sony's conference. KH3 and FFVII Remake could very well show up at Sony's conference as well. 

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