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Organization Not XIII (Sign-Ups Always Open!)

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I don't get the point of what you are trying to say since the goal of that thread has absolutely nothing to do with evens or odds and the members record itself is an odd number ( 383) xD I wouldn't try to downplay our record when it smashed yours :P Muahahahahahahaha!


That was a joke but okay. xD



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Oh darn


No secret deals were made somewhere aside from this thread


That's for sure uwu


And Sora isn't secretly 0.5


Nope I'm the not evil leader owo

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Anyone who posts shall be made a member in our ranks!

VI. KHUndertaleFan25

VIII. Flaming Lea

XV. Steven Drake (SteVentus)

Also saw Civil War

I knew Team Cap was the way to go, my favorite Avenger owo

Woohoo! Yessss! Thank you, Rüby! I am ready.


Pshhhh, what? Naw, Cap didn't win. It was clearly a tie.









Right? ·_·



Ehm, so, anyways, what can I do now that I'm here? Can I do something of my own, or perhaps start up an adventure? This sword isn't going to swing itself.



Rock on!

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We are a not evil organisation so we will go on not evil quests

Oh, good! Because I figured that since it said this was a Not Evil Organi{z}ation, we wouldn't do any evil things anyhow.


I think to start us off, we should do a simple quest, like delivering cookies to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. They should be waking up in a few hours, so it would be easy to just leave the cookies with a message in the basket of cookies.


However, we would need to keep these cookies away from our fellow cookie-loving members to prevent them from being eaten immediately.

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Oh, good! Because I figured that since it said this was a Not Evil Organi{z}ation, we wouldn't do any evil things anyhow.

I think to start us off, we should do a simple quest, like delivering cookies to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. They should be waking up in a few hours, so it would be easy to just leave the cookies with a message in the basket of cookies.

However, we would need to keep these cookies away from our fellow cookie-loving members to prevent them from being eaten immediately.

Na, our quests will generally be more random than that xD

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