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Why the hate on 2.8?

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I wasn't aware of the hate for 2.8. I wanted to play 3D for a long time since i didn't get the chance to buy myself a 3ds so getting on my ps4 is a big plus and we're getting more story and information with Back cover. And also the biggest plus, we're literally getting a KH3 demo. I'm quite happy about it.


My guess is that people hate on 2.8 because :


- It is not KH3

- It will feature the KH game where Sora's personality was the biggest flaw. (According to the majority)

- The fact that people will have to pay $60 and more for a game that as an "ok" remastered game, a movie of about an hour (knowing that days and coded where approximately 3 hours) and a demo of about probably 45 minutes if speed run.

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  On 5/2/2016 at 10:46 PM, xXMikey1stXx said:

I love 2.8 because it's next gen, no more dry season, two new kh games, and because I can stream it this time.So why the hate on 2.8? Explain why people hate it or why you hate it.


  On 5/3/2016 at 3:29 AM, Headphone Jack said:

because it's the most unappealing KH collection we've gotten. 


it's got the game that threw the story off the rails, an hour long movie about X and a demo for KH3.


compare that to 1.5 and 2.5, both of which had 2 full games each and about 3 hours worth of cutscenes (i mean arguably those were fairly underwhelming but still).


on top of that, 2.8 is costing $60 as opposed to the $40 1.5 and 2.5 cost. there was some real value in those collections for that price. but 2.8? not so much. even the one full game it features is not so hot.


i don't hate it though. i'm just pointing out why i'm not jumping on the hype train for this like i did for 1.5 and 2.5 (especially 2.5 because oh man that sweet KH2FM)

pretty much this ^

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Wait, people hate 2.8? I've never heard one person say they hate 2.8, it's not even out yet, we haven't even seen enough of it to be able to judge what it's going to be like in the slightest. People do complain about it yes, and understandably so, I personally feel that the models of Riku, Kairi and Mickey in 0.2 look like utter garbage, they look like a 5 year old made them out of play-doh, Yen Sid looks alright, and Aqua looks good so far, however we haven't even seen her face yet, so we can't judge that much yet. Kairi and Riku look like they have 0 emotion in their face and Mickey's talking animation is clunky and weird as hell. 


Otherwise, I'm satisfied with 2.8, DDD deserved a remaster and Chi needed to be put into a more concise and digestible format for everyone.

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Probably been stated in the comments above (I'm too lazy to read what other people have said), but the main reason people (including me) HATE 2.8 is that we feel the developers and workers for that game could be working on KH 3 instead and get that game done alot faster. Also, I dunno about you, but I personally hate remakes. I understand that it lets younger video game generations experience the games of past generations, but all most people care about is new stuff.

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  On 5/3/2016 at 12:58 PM, Hix said:

Probably been stated in the comments above (I'm too lazy to read what other people have said), but the main reason people (including me) HATE 2.8 is that we feel the developers and workers for that game could be working on KH 3 instead and get that game done alot faster. Also, I dunno about you, but I personally hate remakes. I understand that it lets younger video game generations experience the games of past generations, but all most people care about is new stuff.

I don't wanna wait an extra year for KH3 to come if 2.8 wasn't here. Do you know how p***ed I be and some others? I just want a console game. At least we got one. I will love 2.8

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I wasn't aware that there was hate already, but I'm not surprised. I agree with some of what was said above, it's either "weh another side game just release kh3 already" or "ew dream drop distance" or both.


I'm betting those who complain the loudest and/or refuse to play it will be the same ones complaining when there's no KH3 demo later -- because 0.2 is the KH3 demo. Nomura said as much.

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Because it's not Kingdom Hearts III


No, seriously, that is the only legitimate reason to hate it, and even hating it for that reason alone is stupid.


Kingdom Hearts III is being simultaneously developed with 2.8.

Edited by Guest

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Last time I checked, there aren't any new games in 2.8. DDDHD is a port, XBC is a movie, and 0.2 is a demo.


As Headphone Jack pointed out, when you compare the prices of 1.5 and 2.5 with 2.8, the price of 2.8 is ludicrous.

Also, whether you like 3D or not, I'm personally concerned about the possible/probable changes they'll make to some of the gameplay when moving a 3DS game to the PS4.

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  On 5/4/2016 at 11:19 PM, Xiro said:

Last time I checked, there aren't any new games in 2.8. DDDHD is a port, XBC is a movie, and 0.2 is a demo.


As Headphone Jack pointed out, when you compare the prices of 1.5 and 2.5 with 2.8, the price of 2.8 is ludicrous.

Also, whether you like 3D or not, I'm personally concerned about the possible/probable changes they'll make to some of the gameplay when moving a 3DS game to the PS4.

This is my exact reasoning for not caring about it at all. It kinda feels like a bit of a cash grab at this point. I mean, DDDHD is nice for people that don't have a 3DS, but $60 for the whole package is kind of ridiculous, especially when compared to the past HD collections.


I mean, people can argue that the III demo makes with worth it, but $60 for a demo isn't something I'd be willing to pay. I'm just skipping on this one, I'm fine with the 3DS version of DDD. It's nice for the people that want DDD on the PS4, but I don't personally see a reason that I should get it.

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Well, in my honest opinion, I don't hate 2.8, because said game will be bringing one of my favorite entries in the series, which is Dream Drop Distance!  Add Back Cover and 0.2, and those are the makings of an awesome bundle that's set out to hype up Kingdom Hearts III all the more!  I can't wait for a release date at this year's E3, because I want to play 2.8 so badly!!!! X_X


Damn it, I want to see Aqua in the Kingdom Shader already!!!!! D:

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Some rhyme you got there ;). In all seriousness though, hate? What hate? I don't ever recall seeing any hate ever. There is not reason to hate it, but unfortunately, there are people out there that are irrational for any possible reason you could think of and therefore not be happy with 2.8.

  On 5/4/2016 at 7:48 PM, ladydualwieldin said:

I wasn't aware that there was hate already, but I'm not surprised. I agree with some of what was said above, it's either "weh another side game just release kh3 already" or "ew dream drop distance" or both. I'm betting those who complain the loudest and/or refuse to play it will be the same ones complaining when there's no KH3 demo later -- because 0.2 is the KH3 demo. Nomura said as much.

I second this 100%.

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Let's be realistic. Out of all the collections, 2.8 has the most niche appeal. One full game, that itself is treated like a side game, a movie tie-in to a side game, and a glorified demo versus two full games(one a "main game") and a longer, more self contained movie.



I honestly think it would have been a bit wiser on Square's part if they just packaged DDD HD with KH3. Having it be the main piece of a collection is not.

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I can understand the hate. Not a lot of people like KH3D in comparison to what 1.5 and 2.5 offered in terms of full games. Back Cover is also far shorter than both Days and Re:coded. Personally I'm excited for 0.2 Birth by Sleep, because I love both Aqua and new plot.


I understand the issues with cost, but I wasn't surprised by the €60 price tag to be honest. It's a PS4 game and there was no way (after what Square Enix did with Type-0 HD) that it would be sold for €40 like 1.5 and 2.5 were. It sucks I know, but with both Back Cover and 0.2 BbS being developed on the new engine, and KH3D being essentially re-worked for bigger single screens, I just think Square Enix are looking for an excuse to bump the price up. PS3 Remasters had a somewhat default $40/€40 price and it's understandable that 1.5 & 2.5 followed this trend. While nowadays on the newer systems we've seen remasters charge whatever they like (Zelda TP HD was €60, while Type-0 HD cost me €70 on PS4).


Of course there could also be hate for the game not making it's way to Xbox One as KH3 is, but this hate would have stretched back to 1.5 & 2.5 also not appearing on the Microsoft platform.


Overall, people are gonna complain and others aren't. We all knew KH3D would be remastered as it was the only important game missing from 1.5 & 2.5. The additions of Back Cover and 0.2 BbS seem to be there to pad out the collection that little bit just for more of a connection to KH3. If you are fine with that then enjoy 2.8. If you aren't then you've already made up your mind and more power to you.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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I don't hate it... well yeah, I kinda do, it's just milking KH to an extreme, we've been expecting KH3 for 10 years, and when we have an announcement we keep getting filler games like 1.5 and 2.5. Ok, up to there it was just fine, that way those who couldn't play the previous games could play them now (but only if they had a PS3), but when there seemed to be no way of getting another KH game before KH3 they announce 2.8. I started laughing for a long time, what's the purpose of this game if it isn't milking the series? Before this I thought that KH3 would be my last KH game, but once KH2.8 was announced I literaly gave up on KH, they made me stop caring about it.


I know I could explain this a bit better, but there's no point in repeating something that was already said in the past. I completely agree with both of these rants:


DemyxIsBest's rant


Smash Mega Koopa's rant

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I don't hate it, but I think it is unnecessary. We have waited 10 years for Kingdom Hearts III, and when we finally get something about it, this game comes and pushes back development on Kingdom Hearts III (in my opinion). Dream Drop Distance was just released in 2013, making it a little too soon for an HD remake for it. Not only that, 2.8 is hardly a "game" game, in my opinion. About 70% of it might just be cutscenes, while the 30% is Dream Drop Distance and the short gameplay for 0.2 Birth By Sleep.


But regardless, I am excited for this game, although I do question why Square Enix can't just somehow implement the plots of 0.2 Birth By Sleep and Unchained Back Cover into Kingdom Hearts III.

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  On 5/5/2016 at 2:25 AM, KingdomHearts3 said:

Some rhyme you got there ;). In all seriousness though, hate? What hate? I don't ever recall seeing any hate ever. There is not reason to hate it, but unfortunately, there are people out there that are irrational for any possible reason you could think of and therefore not be happy with 2.8.I second this 100%.

Just because people aren't interested in something that you're excited for doesn't make them irrational. Plenty of us have legitimate reason for not being interested in, or even disliking, 2.8. Doesn't make us any less rational than anyone else.

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  On 5/7/2016 at 5:31 AM, Shulk said:

Just because people aren't interested in something that you're excited for doesn't make them irrational. Plenty of us have legitimate reason for not being interested in, or even disliking, 2.8. Doesn't make us any less rational than anyone else.

I never said anything about them being interested. What I meant was there are probably people out there that will be irrational in some way with expectations for HD2.8 and dislike it because they had some unrealistic expectation and so because of that, they will have a disdain for HD2.8.

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  On 5/7/2016 at 12:48 PM, Way2Dawn said:

Do we know for a fact that 2.8 will be $60?  Doesn't really make sense considering 1.5 and 2.5 were $40

Square Enix has confirmed that it will cost $59.99 and it currently has a placeholder date of 12/30/2016

Does it particularly make sense because 1.5 and 2.5 were $40? Nah not really, but then again, this game is for the ps4 instead of the ps3 and will have a preview of Kingdom Hearts 3 gameplay so that probably jacked up the price a bit. I'm personally excited but I don't blame others for not being so. 

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