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What is your favorite film based on a video game?

What is your favorite film based on a video game?  

105 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite film based on a video game?

    • Ratchet & Clank
    • Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
    • Mortal Kombat
    • Tomb Raider
    • Super Mario Bros
    • Silent Hill
    • Final Fantasy Advent Children
    • They're all bad..
    • Something else? Share below!

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I'm curious as to why Wreck-It Ralph isn't on this list, considering that it's based on video games, and features many cameos from many different gaming icons!  But yeah, that's my choice for favorite film based on a video game!  Advent Children and The Sands Of Time come at a close second, but Wreck-It Ralph is just perfect! It manages to create an enticing story while adding some awesome video game character cameos for good measure! :D


I want a sequel to Wreck-It Ralph so badly!!! X_X

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i'd like to say the Ratchet and Clank movie but i haven't seen it yet. also the reviews for it sure aren't looking too good which worries me. i've heard some say it's a good movie for the fans though, which i could see being the case. however i'm concerned about the humor in it. one of the lead writers behind the games left production of the movie two years ago because he and the director had differing opinions on various matters, including the humor. 


and from the trailers it seems like there is something a bit off about the humor. could just be the way it's edited though. i know they released some cringey short trailers for kids networks that just played characters' names over a beat. it was awful.


as for movies i have seen, the CGI Resident Evil movies aren't that bad. i found them to be pretty enjoyable and faithful to the source material. the Persona 3 movies are also very good. 

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Let's see here, I haven't gotten to see Ratchet and Clank yet, Prince of Persia was the worst waste of time I have ever had, never seen Mortal Kombat, Same about the Tomb Raider films, Super Mario Bros was the worst kick in the balls that has ever happened to the Mario series (it is even worst than Mario's Hotel and games like that), never seen Silent Hill, and I haven't seen Advant Children yet, but that has to be the best out of all these choices besides possibly R&C!


So I am going to go with the Pokemon movies! (They count as seen here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_video_games) These movies normally don't let me down, and when they do it was for some specific reason and not about the whole movie in general.

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Wreck-It Ralph


I'm curious as to why Wreck-It Ralph isn't on this list, considering that it's based on video games, and features many cameos from many different gaming icons!  But yeah, that's my choice for favorite film based on a video game!  Advent Children and The Sands Of Time come at a close second, but Wreck-It Ralph is just perfect! It manages to create an enticing story while adding some awesome video game character cameos for good measure!  :D


I want a sequel to Wreck-It Ralph so badly!!! X_X


Preach, It's already been confirmed: it just has to be formally announced for D23 2017.

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The first Silent Hill movie is perfect, best adaptation by far, for one the entire soundtrack is taken directly from the games other then 1 song, it goes as far as utilize the exact same camera angles from the first game and the story while different is still Silent hill in nature (bonus points for being based on true events, the city really did blow up in the past and it's still plagued by ashes to this very day), they kinda dropped the ball on the second one though, while it's story is a direct lift from Silent Hill 3 the execution is terrible. Prince of Persia and the first Tomb Raider are good as well.

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Why in the world is Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike not an option here?o_0


Seriously, that movie is SO good. It's a fantastic film in its own right (with amazing themes, character development, and plotting, with a clear beginning, middle, and end), but it also sets up the game itself SO very well.


It's even a movie you can watch without knowing anything about ToV, or the Tales series at all, and still be able to enjoy (as I watched it with my boyfriend, who knows nothing about the Tales series, but he really liked/understood the film and even wanted to play the game afterwards), and if that doesn't make a good movie, I don't know what does. Haha.



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