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Name: Kelon
Original Appearance: Final Fantasy Z (OC) (The RP mentioned is run by kingdomhearts45.)
Side: Neutral
Weapon: Shadowsplicer: A medium sized jet-black-colored sword that looks ancient in design, with small cracks present on the blade, which is is shaped like a samurai's sword, but a little serrated, and with gold-colored lines on it, with purple and green-gold-colored Crystals on them, The blade also has a purple-colored Aura around it. Beneath the handle has a mysterious symbol being shaped as a Crystal with lines of Darkness wrapping around it. This sword was passed down Kelon's family through generations, and is associated with legends of yore.
Appearance: A young tanned-skinned man with long black hair, and an eyepatch over his right eye, and wears a shredded headband around his head. He wears a black-colored long-sleeved shirt, with a long brown-colored scarf hanging around his neck, the shirt having gold-colored lines, and wearing long black-colored pants with grey-colored lines going down them, and wears jet-black-colored boots. He is 22 years old.
Bio: Kelon is a mysterious young man who traveled across Orbis, and helped saved it alongside a band of comrades from a great evil. He left Orbis one day seeking an adventure, seeking to help others in need, and he eventually came across World B, after coming across a portal somewhere in Orbis, and entered it, finding himself in the middle of a conflict. This disturbed him as to what was going on. Wanting answers, he decided to travel the strange World, and find an end to the conflict. He is a Smart, Calm, Solemn, Kind, Collective, Benevolent, Caring, and Firm person.
Special Abilities: He can control Light and Darkness to utilize in EX Mode, encasing him an armor of Light and Darkness, resembling that of a Knight's armor mixed in with that of a Dragon, and can can channel Light and Darkness into his Shadowsplicer, and strike down at the opponent with great force as an Ex Burst.




Bruce Banner


AcceptedAnd also, I'm sorry to see you go, Vaude!But, Ruddy's demise (at the hands of Draksis' EX Burst) can mean something for the group that stayed to fight Draksis. Johnny will feel motivated to win the war for Ruddy, a person he never had a chance to meet. Johnny stayed to fight Draksis to get answers from Ruddy, and he never did.

Edited by Rey Starkiller

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That sounds great to me!  If you can use a character death, use it.  Also, thank you for your words, all, and best of wishes in this RP and beyond!

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I think a few of us are to blame. I myself am feeling a little out of creative juice (mostly due to focusing on writing Johnny's actual story!), work is always keeping me from writing, and my computer doesn't like this site.

I say we give the RP a week. See if things pick back up. If not, I have a few ideas for a possible reboot (mostly my idea is going back to the battle of Melmond and changing some things around to where we get a massively different story) or to just start fresh after a month or so.

Ideas are welcome. I'm working on a new post right now.

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A reboot may be ideal to recruit more players, as we have lost quite a number of people over the course of the start.  I may or may not participate in a reboot, however, as college classes have recently started back up for me and that, paired with work, is taking a lot of my time.  While I'd want to join it I just don't know if I would have the time to, y'know?


On another note, a post is coming from me soon, probably either within the hour before I go to work or tomorrow afternoon.  Before I do, though, I have a question for you, Johnny: who is Xemnas ready to swing at?

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As of my recent return (Due to PC troubles I could not be on and actually write proper posts and more.)


I would be more then glad to join in a Reboot as I feel just jumping straight back in would be insulting and just not the best ideal thing.

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So, I think we're going to end up doing the reboot.


I'll take a week and then put up new sign-ups for the reboot, then we'll go from there.

I see, I may end up using Ardyn from FFXV and Kelon from FFZ in the reboot when it shows up.

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I'll most likely play as two characters one from a fanfic of mine from an entirely different fandom and game series but he fits the theme of the RP quite well.

Send me the details, I'll see if it's OK.

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