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I'd like to apologise for my extended absence, guys. :( Life has been very busy for a while, settled down now but I don't think I can catch up sufficiently. :/


I'd also like to say sorry for not mentioning this to any of you. :(

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I'd like to apologise for my extended absence, guys. :( Life has been very busy for a while, settled down now but I don't think I can catch up sufficiently. :/


I'd also like to say sorry for not mentioning this to any of you. :(

Would you like a recap or are you dropping out?

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I'd like to apologise for my extended absence, guys. :( Life has been very busy for a while, settled down now but I don't think I can catch up sufficiently. :/ I'd also like to say sorry for not mentioning this to any of you. :(

It's ok. So you're dropping out?

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Name xigbar

Weapons twin arrow gun

Origin kh2

Appearance https://www.google.com/search?q=xigbar&client=ms-android-metropcs-us&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWu4H7_pvNAhXMZiYKHepRC2IQ_AUICCgB#imgrc=DMZQeEdkZy599M%3A

Powers spacial manipulation

Bio a guard to radient garden who served ansem the wise. One day he was approached by an elderly man named xehanort. He told him of the keyblade and the outside world. He became interested in the keyblade and xehanort promised him one if he cooperated with his plan. So he did so and became a somewhat clone of xehanort. He ended up helping terra xehanort delve into the darkness and banished they're master Ansem to the realm of darkness. He then became a nobody and formed the group known as organization 13. And was inducted as they're 2nd member

Side chaos

Edited by rosco258

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Yo, Yessie? I'm sorry for being like that to you. I was having issues (I'm starting to fix them, though), so I hope you forgive me :...

It's ok, I forgive you. :) if You want, you can tell me more about Elsa and her family. I'm not forcing you. :3 Edited by Yessie Maltese

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Hmm since kunivas dropped out...I can sorta take control of Mateus.


I was planning on killing him with Hektor. But I think rping as him might be more interesting...cue a long post of their battle too...xD

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thought I bring this here since I left the PM.



EX Mode: Wingblade. His Keyblade transform into 6 Blades. He's also more faster and stronger than usual. Posted Image

Weakness: Darkness, and stronger heavyweight enemies.



EX Mode: Unbreakable Connection. Aqua Changed her standard Keyblade into the More powerful version of it. Her keyblade glows with a blue aura, mainly because of her wayfinder connected to Ven's and Terra's Wayfinders and also their friendship with her. She's also gotten a lot stronger than usual.

Weakness: Unknown




EX Mode: The Lingering Will. After he goes to EX Mode, Terra is wearing his armor but with the yellow and blue cape. he changed his standard Keyblade into the More powerful version of it.


Posted Image


Weakness: Fast combat Enemies, Magic, and his Darkness.




EX Mode: Hero of Twilight. He Can Change Forms From human to wolf with a help of the Twilight Princess, Midna.


Posted Image


Weakness: Magic and anything Sharp.




EX Mode: Ultimate Replica.

Posted Image


Weakness: unknown

Edited by Yessie Maltese

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....is this still open? I have been gone for a VERY long time. I'M BOOOORRREEEDD.

Yes, we're always accepting, just a few things for you.1) Don't play your character too overpowered, don't godmod.2) Follow and keep up with the main thread. Our last newbie posted for one day and didn't return.3) Characters need to fit a Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts setting to be accepted. ie. Johnny fits a FF7 theme, Draksis fits a FF4 theme, etc. Other Square characters can be accepted, as well as guest characters from other franchises (we've got Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem), just okay them with me first before posting them here.Read up on the story so far (I can make a TL;DR version if you need it) and have fun!

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Posted Image

Ok, I'm gonna try my best to explain the story thus far.

Elsa and Lisa travel through a portal and appear in the middle of Sanctuary (location of Cornelia) shortly after the warriors are summoned. It is apparent to Johnny and the Warrior of Light that Elsa was not summoned by Cosmos.
Meanwhile, Corrin, Magus, Xion, and Terra secretly leave, not wanting to be part of Chaos' war. Ruddy joins them, motives unknown.
Xathnan projects his voice to Sanctuary, threatening Elsa and Lisa. Johnny rounds up a party consisting of Aqua, Link, Lightning (who also had a mysterious appearance similar to Elsa), Mog, Ace and Elsa. Lisa is left in the care of Cosmos and the Warrior.
In Melmond, Xathnan, Kefka and Garland form a tentative alliance to fight the warriors of Cosmos.
Johnny's party walks to Melmond, gaining Gau, but Lightning charges into Melmond blindly, resulting in the fight going poorly.
Xathnan summons his Bahamut, and Elsa is KO'ed. Noel appears and Johnny tells him to retreat back to Sanctuary with her. Locke joins the fray.
Bahamut prepares Gigaflare and nukes Melmond.
Johnny manages to save all the warriors, and the party splits. Locke and Gau stay at the Western Keep, battling Humbaba.
Meanwhile, Caius and Schala have watched the fight and Caius tries to get Schala to bend to his will and fight.
Gabranth appears in Sanctuary and fights the Warrior.
Noel joins the battle against Gabranth, but Elsa comes to and attacks Gabranth with a Gaster Blaster. Gabranth leaves peacefully.
Ventus appears in Sanctuary, crashing his glider.
Meanwhile, Corrin and his group have discovered Exdeath's portal at the Rift. Elia, the White Mage, comes upon them and helps Corrin destroy the portal, resulting in a huge loss in Manikin numbers.
Terra and Elia fly to Cosmos' domain while Corrin and the rest walk on foot, all now branded traitors.
Johnny, Aqua, Lightning, Mog, and Link walk to Elfheim, where they try to regroup and gather supplies. Johnny gets summonstones for the rest of the party.
Johnny tells Lightning she acted recklessly in Melmond and this does not sit well.
After landing at Whisperwind Cove, Terra and Elia are attacked by Garland, who uses some of Terra's darkness to create Xehanort from a manikin.
Xehanort leaves in search of his chosen rival, but not before Hector shows up and questions him. Hector states that if Xehanort harms any apart from his chosen rival, he will answer to Hector.
The Emperor and Xemnas are sent by Chaos to deal with Elia and Terra and the gathering warriors at Elfheim. Xathnan, Caius and Schala are sent to deal with the other traitors, who are now at Lufenia.
Lufenia is under attack by Draksis, a dark spirit. Corrin and his party start to do battle with him.
Ace appears in Lufenia, drawn there by Golbez, and joins the fight against Draksis.
Meanwhile, Genesis and Sora appear in Sanctuary, and Genesis senses Draksis. Lisa grabs a Teleport Stone and is transported to Lufenia. Noel, Ven, Elsa and Genesis leave for Lufenia, leaving Sora behind.
Xehanort attacks Elfheim, attempting to draw out his rival, who is revealed to be Johnny. The two begin their battle.
The Emperor attacks Hector, who teleports Terra and Elia to Elfheim.
Xemnas attacks Elfheim, trapping Lightning, Mog, Aqua and Link.
Johnny summons Odin to free them and distributes summonstones. Lightning gets Odin, the others are yet unrevealed.
Seeing that they cannot win, Johnny summons the Genie, who sends Xehanort to Lufenia and Xemnas elsewhere.
Johnny and his group meet with Terra and Elia, who tell them about the other traitors.
Meanwhile, Xehanort summons a manikin of Sora and prepares to bring back Vanitas using Ventus, Corrin and Elsa, with a hint of Draksis' darkness.
Johnny wishes his group to Lufenia, following Xehanort, where Laguna, Squall and Gabranth have also shown up.
Vanitas is created and Johnny's group battles him and Xehanort, while Genesis, Link, Magus and Ruddy fight Draksis.
Link and Genesis get wary of Ruddy after Ruddy tries to broker a deal with Draksis.
Vanitas passes out after using too much power and Xehanort retreats with him to Kefka's Tower.
Schala meets up with Magus, and Magus starts to fight Caius.
Xathnan meets Ruddy and he decides to betray Chaos.
Lightning runs away to the Mirage Sandsea, not wanting to fight anymore.
A girl named Serena shows up, trying to run away from someone...
Johnny's group meets Corrin's group, but the reunion for some is interrupted by Draksis, still ready to fight.
Caius retreats with Schala, and Magus pursues him back into Chaos' domain.
Corrin, Xion and Serena retreat to Sanctuary as Johnny, Terra, Aqua, Ven, Mog, Link and Ruddy fight Draksis. Xathnan teleports away to Cosmos' domain. Genesis flies after Lightning
Noel, Elsa and Lisa use the teleport stone to escape, and appear in the Lifespring Grotto, where they meet mermaids. Elsa is rude to them, causing the mermaids to attack them.
Xathnan and Cosmos talk and Cosmos sends Xathnan to save Noel and Elsa.
Elsa is shocked at Xathnan and runs away, ending up attacking a vision of Cosmos with a Gaster Blaster.
Xathnan and Noel confirm Xathnan's alliance, and Laguna and Squall meet up with Elsa, who has started to lose her mind a bit (she is a normal person in a weird fantasy world).
Genesis brings Lightning to Sanctuary, and they meet Corrin, Serena, Xion and Sora.
Draksis summons his dragon, and Johnny tries to fight a mental battle with Draksis. Draksis' backstory has parts explained.
Schala escapes from Caius and teleports to Gau and Locke (hey, it's been a while!)
Caius is sent after Schala, and Xemnas is sent after other warriors in Cosmos' domain, with the assistance of Xigbar.
Xehanort and Vanitas are attacked by Kefka, Garland and the Warrior of Light. The fight does not go well, and the two retreat again. Kefka also now has Terra Branford under control.
Elsa returns to Noel, forgives Xathnan and the trio go to Kefka's Tower.
Magus learns of Garland's location before going to Sanctuary and telling Cosmos. Magus then goes to Kefka's Tower.
Magus attacks Xathnan, not knowing of his changing sides, as the fight with Noel, Elsa, Xathnan vs Garland, Kefka and Terra Branford starts.
Ven is sent away from the fight with Draksis by Aqua and appears in Sanctuary.
Ganondorf appears in Cornelia, in pursuit of Serena. He comes to Sanctuary and Sora, Genesis, Ven, Lightning, Corrin and Xion stand to protect Serena.
Mog summons Ramuh (not his summonstone, Mog brought Ramuh with him) and Ramuh uses Judgement Bolt to attack Draksis and his dragon. Johnny is caught in the blast.

I think I got most of the major events thus far.

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Name: Szybel Yamark
Original Appearance: Dissidia Zero
Side: Chaos/Neutral 
Weapon: Pauldron -Demi Oros
Posted Image
Bio: Being Weak and Feeble isn't all there is to Szybel. Despite Lack of Evidence, She was summoned very wrongly to the World she appeared in, and Suffers From an Extreme case of Amnesia. Szybel Is actually a Horse Of the Apocalypse in a human form. She is actually more known for being the Only Pegasus of the Apocalypse. She is quite Afraid and Flightful of all things, But her pauldron called Demioros Is a Very hard and useful weapon to use. It is meant for ramming and Battering. Placed on her shoulder and covered with a scarf she keeps it hidden. it can Shatter Walls Like the horn of jericho. making it ideal for pushing strong foe back.
Before being Dragged into this realm she (As a horse) Was Actually being Barraged by priest as her and the horseman were escaping a 100yr captivity. She was put in a seal just as being summoned. which effectively dumbed her status in this world. being that so, taking her lightly will most definitely be the death of you. She is still quite strong under pressure. and is widely considered to be a Shepard Deity. 
Her personality summed up is helpless. But she will and has defended herself. Is she faking The way she acts? Will she ever get her memory back? Not likely to be true.
She is a really creative person. That when it boils down to it she is Very skilled at strategy. But that is all concluded because she does even know of the powers she is capable of.
Special Abilities: Her Pauldron can summon a horse that looks Nothing more than like a shade, but will charge an enemy to shatter the foe upon impact. 
Stampede is a kick that Would Blow through a person, Decimated metal, and Leave castles in Shambles. It has the force to cave the Ground in and cause Tremors and the ground to tear open.
Shell Shock is a ram that she does to charge you. Covering herself with energy she closes her eyes and hopes fore the best. Darting towards her enemy like a comet able to change direction at will.
Neigh will negate magic in her immediate area. Thrown or projectile magic will Dissipate in the midst of her Scream.
Miasma Give her wings to fly at high speed. as if she Flashes across the field. The wings are not visible.
Endura Cause her to get mad with pain and become stronger.
Prance heals her and others in the effected area.
Rush allows her to walk on any surface. even Scaling the Ceiling.
Over Run She can Match Forces With bare hands.
Peter Parker

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It gives me great displeasure to say this, but I'm bowing out of the RP for personal reasons, having little time to spare and fearing that over time I would make everybody wait for longer period of time than even now.  Thank you all for the wonderful month (or is it months?) of roleplaying, and I wish you all the best in this magnificent roleplay!


Divvying up my few characters between available and deceased, I would like Gau to be available and Ruddy to be either dead or erased from in-roleplay characters' memories.  Again, thank you very much for the wonderful experience participating with you all.

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It gives me great displeasure to say this, but I'm bowing out of the RP for personal reasons, having little time to spare and fearing that over time I would make everybody wait for longer period of time than even now.  Thank you all for the wonderful month (or is it months?) of roleplaying, and I wish you all the best in this magnificent roleplay!


Divvying up my few characters between available and deceased, I would like Gau to be available and Ruddy to be either dead or erased from in-roleplay characters' memories.  Again, thank you very much for the wonderful experience participating with you all.

Nooooooo!  Who else will Locke eat ice cream and drumsticks with? : P


But really, you will be missed dearly, and I'm very saddened to see you leave.   :( I understand entirely what you mean about the lack of spare time, as that too is something that I'm struggling with and have contemplated how worthy I am to remain in the RP as well.  You take care, and I'll see you around, of course!

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Name: Kelon
Original Appearance: Final Fantasy Z (OC) (The RP mentioned is run by kingdomhearts45.)
Side: Neutral
Weapon: Shadowsplicer: A medium sized jet-black-colored sword that looks ancient in design, with small cracks present on the blade, which is is shaped like a samurai's sword, but a little serrated, and with gold-colored lines on it, with purple and green-gold-colored Crystals on them, The blade also has a purple-colored Aura around it. Beneath the handle has a mysterious symbol being shaped as a Crystal with lines of Darkness wrapping around it. This sword was passed down Kelon's family through generations, and is associated with legends of yore.
Appearance:  A young tanned-skinned man with long black hair, and an eyepatch over his right eye, and wears a shredded headband around his head. He wears a black-colored long-sleeved shirt, with a long brown-colored scarf hanging around his neck, the shirt having gold-colored lines, and wearing long black-colored pants with grey-colored lines going down them, and wears jet-black-colored boots. He is 22 years old.
Bio: Kelon is a mysterious young man who traveled across Orbis, and helped saved it alongside a band of comrades from a great evil. He left Orbis one day seeking an adventure, seeking to help others in need, and he eventually came across World B, after coming across a portal somewhere in Orbis, and entered it, finding himself in the middle of a conflict. This disturbed him as to what was going on. Wanting answers, he decided to travel the strange World, and find an end to the conflict. He is a Smart, Calm, Solemn, Kind, Collective, Benevolent, Caring, and Firm person.
Special Abilities: He can control Light and Darkness to utilize in EX Mode, encasing him an armor of Light and Darkness, resembling that of a Knight's armor mixed in with that of a Dragon, and can can channel Light and Darkness into his Shadowsplicer, and strike down at the opponent with great force as an Ex Burst.




Bruce Banner

Edited by KHLegendIII

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