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Info | Sign ups DISSIDIA -Zero- RP ~Sign-ups~

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Rosco and Shun, approved! 


I'm tempted to join this, simply because my main OCs have not been truly 'battle tested.' I'll hold off for now until I can figure out if I can join later :3

By all means, if you want to wait. I'm hoping this ends up like the best Dissidia RP I used to be part of.


Anyone want... A Gilgamesh?(Not quite the Gilgamesh that I'm used to, but I hardly object!)

DO IT. Let's bring in the big guy!

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Official roleplay is now open!http://kh13.com/forum/topic/96526-dissidia-zero/Just a few last reminders for you guys:1) The original cast of Dissidia (everyone who was in Dissidia 012) that is not being controlled by a player is free game for you to use.2) Everyone who is signed up for the official rolepay should follow the official topic. Let's keep things alive, people!3) For our true Neutral characters (you know who you are, not you Cosmos/Neutral or Chaos/Neutral), explain how your characters got to World B.With these three things in mind, let's get going!

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I feel like it would be hard for me to explain how Elsa got there (maybe she brought her husband and two children by gummi ship). Meh, i'll try my best to explain T-T.


Eh, it doesn't have to be a good reason. Just a reason to be.

Aw, heck, I'll take control of Garland


Name: Garland

Original Appearance: Final Fantasy
Side: Chaos
Weapon: Garland wields a massive sword that transforms into various other weapons, such as an axe, lance, mace and whip. The sheer size of the weapon makes it rather unwieldy, but as Garland swings it, it is a weapon of mass destruction.


Posted Image

Bio: Formerly the greatest knight in Cornelia, now a servant of Chaos. Garland is destined to one day become Chaos in his own world, but now acts as this Chaos' guide.
Special Abilities: Garland can channel the abilities of the Four Elemental Lords.

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It's still open, it will remain open until the roleplay dies.Currently, we've got more Cosmos than Chaos (and two true neutrals), but you can still join any side you want.

Ahh, good. (Only just saw this. xD)


Do I have to message you regarding OCs, should I want to make one? Or is that just for characters from IPs different to the ones listed?

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Ahh, good. (Only just saw this. xD)


Do I have to message you regarding OCs, should I want to make one? Or is that just for characters from IPs different to the ones listed?

Just seperate IPs from Square. OCs are fine.

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I may have a few characters to throw into the mix if you're still accepting new players.


(This *was* going to be Janus, but seeing as Magus was already taken that wouldn't really work : P  I thought it’d be very interesting character development to throw Schala into the mix, however, especially since we have another Chrono fan on board.)


Name: Schala Zeal

Original Appearance: Chrono Trigger

Side: Chaos

Weapon: Javelin with a golden handle and inscriptions of the ancient zealot language.

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Schala is the elder daughter and princess of the Kingdom of Zeal.  Growing up she doted on her little brother Janus (who, later in life took upon the name Magus) and shielded him from the wrath of her mother, Queen Zeal.  Schala is very gifted in the art of magic, as she had been from the time of her youth, and was beloved to all the people.  Tragically, however, the princess was lost to the evils of a Time Devourer, making her body a vessel of all the evil it has in store for mankind.  While she truly despises all of the work she does, she is nothing but a slave to this creature until she could be one day freed.

Special Abilities: Schala is a magic user that can using healing spells and light magic, including but not limited to Holy, Lightning, and Luminaire.


Name: Noel Kreiss

Original Appearance: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Dual swords that can be combined into a spear and can be thrown like a javelin.

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Noel is from the far future, watching the last of his race die to a terrible illness.  Eventually, he was the last man on the planet and wanted to take desperate measures to change the past and save his future.  That is how he got mixed into the mess he currently is, struggling to protect the future as well as his beloved friends he has made along the way.  Noel fights for what matters to him, and no terror he could encounter would ever scare him away.

Special abilities: Being a shadow hunter, Noel can use a number of physical combatant moves that make even his best opponents get on their toes.  One of his most noteworthy moves is Meteor Javelin, an ability that can strike an enemy multiple times, but takes a great amount of energy to successfully pull off.


Name: Locke Cole

Original Appearance: Final Fantasy VI

Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Valiant Knife, along with another simple dagger that he dual wields.  The valiant knife is unique in that the more fatigued Locke becomes, the greater power that his knife unleashes.

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Locke was a simple boy raised by his grandmother in the village of Kohlingen.  There he learned many trades and received a basic education which, much to his grandmother’s dismay, was never put to good use.  He became what was commonly referred to as a thief, but in his eyes his occupation was treasure hunting.  He used to pilfer things regularly and go spelunking, though after the loss of someone dear to him he has begun to seek something more.  While he isn’t certain what that something is yet, he has managed to wind himself up with the warriors of Cosmos where he wages a battle greater than one he could’ve anticipated.

Special abilities: apart from massive physical attacks, Locke has basic magic including fire spells and haste.


Also, Vaude was also interesting in joining this RP, so would it be possible to save him a spot, please?

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Also, Vaude was also interesting in joining this RP, so would it be possible to save him a spot, please?


You're approved. And Vaude can join whenever. They just need to figure out where their characters will appear and fit in.

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Thank you for holding a position for me, Mystics!  A question for the original poster:  are original characters acceptable?  I have a character that never managed to be in an RP, and I'm a little eager to test him out.  He'll be below, and feel free to reject him if he doesn't fit.  In lieu of the Final Fantasy 6 characters, I shall add . . .


Name: Gau
Original Appearance: Final Fantasy 6
Side:  Neutral/Cosmos
Weapon: Fang, Claw, and Fist
Appearance:Posted Image

Personality: Gau is a feral child raised by animals on the plains called the Veldt from nearly birth.  He had learned speech through mimicry of caravans passing by and the Final Fantasy 6 cast, and is altogether very curious of everything outside the grasslands.  Technology is not his strongest suit, as a result, and commonplace things become a matter of intrigue, but he has a sweet personality and a loyalty beyond that of any dog to those who give him jerky.

Biography:  As indicated before in Personality, Gau is a feral child raised from birth by animals.  Somehow he managed to spend enough time with each animal on the Veldt to gain their respect, and he in full effect became the guardian of the land as a result.  After finding Cyan and Sabin on the plains, he palled along and became friends with a number of freedom fighters who combated against nefarious rulers.  That's all said and done, and now he finds himself in a battle fielded by Cosmos and Chaos themselves, fighting for survival.

Special Abilities:  Rage, which takes upon the characteristics of an animal Gau had previously spent time with on the Veldt, a grassland in Final Fantasy VI).  Types of Rage accrued are Stray Cat (!Catscratch, a piercing physical ability), Chimera (!Aqua Rake, a standard water magic ability), Vectaur (!Pearl Wind, a standard healing magic for self and allies), and Io (!Flare Star, a powerful fire magic ability; not often used).


Strengths: Raw strength, mobility, agility, and beast-like tactics of patience and effective strikes.

Weaknesses:  Almost unintelligent to anything technology-related, has childlike innocence, and extremely linear assaults.





Next up is an uncertain character, but here he is:


Name:  Ruddy Infratel, the Craftsman

Original Appearance:  Idora Tales, a sign-ups thread here on KH13.
Side:  Chaos
Weapon:  Gladius, a Roman short sword with a powerful heft, average reach, and an inherent quickness.

Appearance:  With untamed dark hair, pale skin, a wiry frame, a predatory red gaze, and a dressage of dark rags which droop from his shoulders like a loose robe, Ruddy does not offer much appeal towards the average individual, and several would call him a beggar or castaway upon first glance.
Personality:  Aloof, mischievous, oily, and flighty, Ruddy is very much like a bird or a serpent, as slippery and dodgy of trouble as he can manage.  He takes what he can and leaves behind the rest, never returning to a location unless he knows that something of service awaits him.  This makes him difficult to track for friend and foe alike unless they have a serpent's stone, a hand-carved rune which he gives others to track him down.  Deep down, he is an artisan, a lover of all crafts and a provider for most, and his most prized possessions usually are things that he makes himself.  Not many know this of him, and those that do usually have something he made in their possession.
Bio:  Since he was born into the world, he had a deep-rooted love for the beauty of manmade and natural objects, fostered and nurtured by adoptive parents.  He kept close ties with them as he wandered the earth and beyond, travelling north, south, east, and west to sate his lust for inspiration, but rarely did he feel a need for friends.  Instead, he had allies or associates with little ties to him beyond name, but all things are subject to change.  Over time, he found himself conscripted by Chaos, fighting the goody-goodies that he dislikes as a wily soldier.

Special Abilities:  Aero, Aerora (not often used), Haste (not often used), Float, Fashion.  Fashion whittles raw solid materials he touches to suit his purpose with air magic, or materials he uses himself.  Examples of this are stones from a mountain's face or his gladius which can be cut down to a dagger for greater swiftness.


Oh, right, the identity of a superhero.  Erm . . . Wally West, one of the Flashes of DC Comics.

Edited by Vaude

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Thank you for holding a position for me, Mystics!  A question for the original poster:  are original characters acceptable?  I have a character that never managed to be in an RP, and I'm a little eager to test him out.  He'll be below, and feel free to reject him if he doesn't fit.  In lieu of the Final Fantasy 6 characters, I shall add . . .

Both are accepted, Vaude. And all OCs are fine. It's just non-Square and non-OC characters that need to be OK'ed by me first.

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Name Ace

Weapon cards

Origin Final Fantasy Type 0 

Bio since the age of 8 ace trained in a special facility to hone his combat and magic skills under the watchful eye of Areicis Al-Rashia by the time he was 16 along with his other class mates assissted in the dominion liberation campaign to kick the nation of Milites off theyre land after Milites deployed the crystal jammer.  Class zero  succeded in this mission and became an elite cadet squad at akademia with ace at the head.

Appearance has medium length blonde hair  wears khaki pants adark blue shirt with golden sholder pads and a crimson cape.

Side Cosmos/Neutral

Powers teleporttion (To an extent)  Can use elemental magic can fire his jackpot shot laser beam from a card and can use blind stud basically a card mine

Edited by rosco258

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Name: Elia the White Mage
Original Appearance: Final Fantasy
Side: Cosmos
Weapon: Elia mainly carries a staff to cast White Magic, but she also carries a Mage Masher and a Hammer for self-defense if she needs it.

Posted Image

Bio: Elia is a White Mage who previously fought alongside the Warrior of Light in their original world. Now, in World B, she wanders the land, trying to find a way to heal the broken world.
Special Abilities: Elia can cast White Magic, mostly healing and support spells. She does have a few offensive White Magics in reserve, should she need them.

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I just saw your latest post, and I think you missed my post with Noel addressing Elsa and asking her to leave the battle . . . ?  I was going to respond, but I wanted to run this by you first since I doubt that she deliberately ignored everything he said. : P


Mr. Madman, might I inquire as to if this Roleplay is still open? And what is the current side balance?


(AlsoExBurstsorgtfo. xD)

Kunivas!  You must join!  Me and Vaude insist! (Totally speaking for Vaude here, but I'm sure he would).  I'd love to see some of your characters enter the Chaos crew, if I may say so.  You have a thing for villains that I admire. :D

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Here be my Character Sheets. I went more in-depth with the last two as I know more about them. X3
Name: Emperor Mateus
Original Appearance: Final Fantasy II
Side: Chaos
Weapon: Staff, mainly uses it to channel his power.

Posted Image

"A callous monarch who views all as mere pawns in his attempts to rule over the world."
The Emperor of Palamecia, who after committing suicide later ruled Heaven and Hell with his Light Side and Dark Side respectively, is a completely composed and focused ruler who will stop at nothing to ensure his total domination of the world and beyond. His goal contrasts to many of the Chaos side who seek to destroy rather than conquer, but his tenacity and power rank him just behind Garland. His "Iron Fist" demeanor makes him highly deplorable in the eyes of freedom seekers, such as Firion; his nemesis.
Special Abilities: Mateus is a man capable of powerful magic, from the Elements and Trap Moves such as Crests and Bombs, to Energy Manipulation and causing the heavens to rain their wrath upon his foes with the powerful, yet lengthy to cast Starfall, which calls forth a massive meteor if the incantation is successful.


Name: Xemnas
Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (Face shown in Kingdom Hearts II)
Side: Chaos
Weapon: Ethereal Blades, crimson energy blades formed from Nothingness itself, these mainly function as blunt, but painful and formidable weapons, along with being Projectiles that can be fired rapidly, placed as traps or launched in massive quantities around opponents.

Posted Image

"A truly emotionless lord of the void who values the power of the Heart and its most negative emotions above all else, even the lives of his comrades."
The Superior of the In-Between and leader of the first iteration of Organization XIII, a group of Nobodies, people without Hearts to call their own, is a manipulative and charismatic man, bordering on apathetic with his lack of displayed emotion but his voice speaks volumes about his position, carrying a tone of deep authority and a calmness that rivals Mateus in controlling a situation. His goal is to obtain the ultimate and absolute power and he seeks this by gathering a mass of Hearts into an Artificial Kingdom Hearts in his own universe, how he'll obtain it here, well...he already knows. His rival would be Sora, a Keyblade Wielder that once stopped his ambitions and was virtually the opposite of Xemnas in every aspect.
Special Abilities: As the most powerful of the Nobodies, Xemnas has absolute control over Nothingness, the "Power In-Between". With this, he manipulates energy expertly into his Ethereal Blades, Orbs of Unstable Energy that start small but rapidly expand upon hitting their Target or certain distance, can teleport freely using either a slow Darkness Orb or instantly (Latter only in Final Form) and he can curse his enemies. He can use a greater arsenal with his Final Form, wherein his Cloak changes to a combination of White and Black and gives him more power. He is not unstoppable, but he is a force to be reckoned with. He also possesses powerful Telekinesis. Final Form Appearance:

Posted Image


Name: Sora
Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts
Side: Cosmos
Weapon: Keyblade, in this case the Kingdom Key, as it is his signature Keyblade, which is capable of channeling much power through it but does serve its own purposes, aside from either bluntly hitting or possessing exceptional cutting power, it can send forth a Beam of Focused Light to unlock doors, special Keyholes or even unlock Hearts.

Posted Image

"A endlessly optimistic hero who will always protect those he cherishes and remain steadfast against the oncoming Darkness."
Once a boy who would look out to the horizon with his best friends in curiosity about other worlds, now a determined Keyblade Wielder who will respond to the call to protect the worlds from the Darkness and those who wield it or succumb to its influence. Sora's general aura plus a special Heart causes him to form bonds with people he encounters quickly, lest they be on the other side of his blade. He possesses a remarkable capacity for forgiveness, even to those against him, sworn enemies, misguided figures or otherwise, plus he is utterly selfless to the point of assisting those he barely knows. Sora has no tolerance for cowardice or selfishness however, and although once mildly arrogant, he was quickly taken down a notch to a more humble person due to a failed Mark of Mastery Exam that almost had him become a vessel for Xehanort. He is far from stupid, but he can be oblivious or even downright gullible in certain circumstances, plus he is impulsive, jumping into dangerous situations without thinking. His rival in all of his is Xemnas, although while he will fight the Lord of Nobodies and stop at nothing to prevent his schemes coming to fruition, he wants desperately for Xemnas to stop this madness. On another note, while he may view all of his friends as equal, he has a special connection to his best and long time friend: Riku, who he hopes to see again soon.
Special Abilities: Sora is an exceptional Keyblade Wielder and while not recognized as a Master, is capable of great feats. His fighting style lacks trained finesse but his offensive nature and raw power more than make up for it, plus he has learned over the years how to use the environment and even the momentum of his enemy to his advantage. His abilities are very advanced, incorporating Light Magic into his attacks and making use of powerful elemental magic when the need calls for it, even making use of Darkness if need be. He is highly athletic, able to perform Parkour-esque moves when running and while without his Keyblade he can't fight as well, he can still use Magic and if desperate, can assume Anti-Form: A Heartless-like form that coats Sora in Darkness and has him claw, punch and kick his enemies along with erratic movements and the power of Darkness.

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