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Plot: A new world, a new cycle. The war of the gods turns to new heroes and new worlds in a new interpretation of DISSIDIA.http://kh13.com/forum/topic/96526-dissidia-zero/ 



1 ) I'll allow all Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/Square characters, OC characters and select guest characters (message me and okay it with me first BEFORE YOU POST. If you want a guest character, MAKE SURE IT FITS EITHER THE FINAL FANTASY OR KINGDOM HEARTS THEME i.e. Fire Emblem, Legend of Zelda, Ye olde fantasy, let's get some interesting crossovers going down.)

2 ) Normal KH13 RP rules

3 ) No god modding
4 ) No killing other RPers characters without permission
5 ) No controlling other peoples characters without permission
6 ) Swearing is fine, but in moderation
7 ) The limit on characters is five. Two Cosmos, two Chaos, and one Neutral.
8 ) Neutral characters either don't follow their god/goddess (In this, you'll have to put "Cosmos/Neutral" or "Chaos/Neutral" in your entry form) or exist outside of the world but have entered it anyway (time travel, Gummi Ship, etc.).
9 ) I'd prefer it if all had one hero and one villain to oppose each other, but if we can't get equal numbers, I won't force it.
10 ) To show me that you have read the rules, type a superhero's alternate identity below your entry form.
Entry form:
Name: (This is a given)
Original Appearance: (Where did they first appear (If OC, then put your story's name followed by "OC"))
Side: (Cosmos, Chaos, or Neutral)
Weapon: (What do they fight with?)
Appearance: (If you have a picture, that'd be great)
Bio: (Give us an idea of who your character is)
Special Abilities: (Anything your character can do that we should know about?)
Edited by Johnny Madman

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I'll start with my first characters.

Name: Johnny Mercer
Original Appearance: Dividing Lines (OC)
Side: Cosmos
Weapon: Excalibur, an ancient greatsword with the ability to transform into other weapons and potentially vehicles. Excalibur, like its legendary counterpart, is made of an unbreakable metal, insuring it never loses its power.

Appearance: Johnny is a twenty-three year-old with a height of 6'2". Brown hair, blue-green eyes. He wears a black t-shirt and black jeans. He also wears two gloves with cables built into the wrists for grappling and black combat boots with built-in technology allowing him to access the Flow, enabling him to become more agile and move incredibly fast.
Bio: Once a member of the Knights of the Order opposing the tyrannical Union of Territories, Johnny was cast into the world below, where he met Jaina Nova, the love of his life. Together, the two fought the Union as they searched for his father, who assisted him in destroying the Union once and for all. Then, being captured by a time traveler, Johnny entered a strange corner of the world where he fought against the machinations of the time traveler. He now finds himself drifting across time and space.
Special Abilities: Johnny can tap into other people's memories to copy techniques or to force them to remember something, potentially causing extreme mental anguish. Using the Flow, Johnny can move at an accelerated rate. Johnny is also accompanied by a fairy named Taybor, who is able to cast various Magicks.

Name: Corrin, Prince of Nohr
Original Appearance: Fire Emblem Fates
Side: Chaos/Neutral
Weapon: Corrin wields the Yato, a sacred Hoshido blade that transforms near other sacred weapons.

Bio: Prince of Hoshido who was kidnapped and raised by Nohr royalty, Corrin was a child of two sides of a war. Meeting his birth family, he still choose to stay with his adopted family in Nohr to stop the machinations of King Garon. Summoned to the battlefield by Chaos due to his massive power, Corrin does not agree with the ideals of Chaos and chooses to walk his own way on the battlefield of the gods.
Special Abilities: Using a Dragonstone, Corrin can change into a Dragon. Also, Corrin can shift parts of his body using the same power. Due to being of royal blood, Corrin can also manipulate Dragon Veins, which can alter landscapes in various ways.
Edited by Johnny Madman

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Name: Neku Sakuraba


Original Appearance: The World Ends With You


Side: Cosmos


Weapons: The Darklit Planets pin set

Weapon Info: http://twewy.wikia.com/wiki/Darklit_Planets


Appearance: Posted Image


Bio: http://twewy.wikia.com/wiki/Neku_Sakuraba


Special Abilities:


1. Can use his Player pin to scan people, allowing him to see what they are thinking about.

NOTE: This does not work on everyone though, for if one's psych or vibe is strong enough they can resist being scanned.


2. Can make a pact with another person, essentially teaming up with him/her. During battle with a partner, can pass around a green power puck, which increases both people's stats the more time passed around.


3. Can use his Lv 4 Keypin to unlock almost any lock or barrier.


4. Can pull of crazy parkour stuff via Flowmotion (he gained this power in KHDDD).

Edited by Hix

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Name: MagusOriginal Appearance: Chrono Trigger

Side: Neutral/ChaosWeapon: Dreamreaper, a Scythe that makes it easier to land hits on critical spots.

Appearance: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/chrono/images/a/a5/Magus2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20110903191141Bio: http://chrono.wikia.com/wiki/MagusSpecial Abilities: 

Can cast powerful spells of the Fire, Ice and Lightning elements, but his main focus is the Shadow element(in which, he can use Dark Mist to damage all his enemies, use a Bomb like Shadow spell to damage enemies within a circle and can use a very powerful Shadow attack, Dark Matter). Can summon a black hole, and use a Barrier it increase his or an ally magic defense.



Name: Mog

Original Appearance: FFVI

Side: Cosmos

Appearance: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/e/ee/VI-mog_sd.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120502155948cb=20120724213943

Weapon: Spear(http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/4/40/FFXI_Polearm_9A.png/revision/latest?cb=20120712084405)

Bio:  Ramuh appears to Mog in a series of dreams and orders him to help the Returners, the rebel faction opposing the Gestahlian Empire. It is from these dreams that Mog learns to speak the human language. Joins Terra's party after they save him while he is hanging on  a cliff's edge.

Special Abilities:

Jump(he is one of the 2 that can become a dragoon in the game) 

Dance- Can use 4 abillities based on the terrain(http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Dance_(Final_Fantasy_VI) for more information)

Magic- Can use magic he learns from Eidolons, and is adept at it(high magic stat)

Edited by Shun Kurosaki

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Can I use someone from Chrono Trigger?

Even though you've already been approved, I still wanna say my thought on weather Chrono Trigger characters should be allowed or not. Since music from Chrono trigger was featured as DLC for Theatrythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call, Square Enix has acknowledged that Chrono Trigger is like Final Fantasy, and because of that I say Chrono Trigger characters should be allowed.

Edited by Hix

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Even though you've already been approved, I still wanna say my thought on weather Chrono Trigger characters should be allowed or not. Since music from Chrono trigger was featured as DLC for Theatrythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call, Square Enix has acknowledged that Chrono Trigger is like Final Fantasy, and because of that I say Chrono Trigger characters should be allowed.

I'll ok Chrono Trigger/Cross characters since they fit the Final Fantasy theme. I changed the rules to reflect a more open view to Square games.

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Okay. So here's mine. I'll try to explain my best.


Name: Elsa S. Jones (last name was actually Smith before she married)

Original Appearance: OC

Side: Neutral

Weapons: Guns, knives, her bare hands


Posted Image

Personality: Happy-go-lucky, but will be serious when something bad happens

Bio: Elsa S. Jones is a 21-year old rich girl, though she’s nicer than some. She has wavy reddish-brown hair that she sometimes puts in a braid, a light complexion with rosy cheeks, and beautiful green eyes. She went on to college and now owns an ice cream parlor called “Ice Cream Time”. Her parents are away often, so she doesn’t see them much. But she still loves them no matter what. And she knows they love her, too. She’s happily married to a wealthy doctor (whom she had met in college) named Kevin L. Jones and they have two children named David and Lisa. Also, unlike most people, she’s never greedy. That’s because she’s happy with what she’s got and what she doesn’t need. She also has arachnophobia, which means she’s afraid of spiders.

Special Abilities: She has a special kind of power that was given to her by someone unknown. The power gave her the ability to summon strange creatures called Gaster Blasters, summon bones from out of nowhere, psychoknesis, and teleportation as well, though it's limited to only a few times since she's a human. Two brothers named Sans and Papyrus helped her train the power she was given. She needed no help with teleportation since it's a limited number. After a few months, she was a natural.


Well, what do you think? *waits patiently for response*

Edited by KHUndertaleFan25

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Well, what do you think? *waits patiently for response*

You're in, nevermind what I said prior.

Edited by Johnny Madman

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Name: Aqua

Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

Side: Cosmos

Weapon: Keyblade (Rainfell)

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Aqua, alongside Terra, was one of Eraqus's pupils. Like Terra, Aqua also had a dream of becoming a Keyblade master.


One day, a suspicious man named Master Xehanort arrived and gave Eraqus a new apprentice to work with, a boy named Ventus. Terra called out to Aqua and told her that a new apprentice had just arrived. Aqua and Terra tried to converse with Ven and asked him about why he wanted to train to become a Keyblade master. The questions troubled Ven to the point that he couldn't take the pressure. He fainted and shocked Aqua and Terra. Eraqus told Aqua and Terra that the reason Ven fainted was because he had lost his memories. Aqua decided to look after Ven, in case he woke up. Many days passed and, despite Ven being unable to awaken, Aqua did not abandon him. One day, Aqua saw Ven open his eyes and regain consciousness. Overjoyed, she quickly informed a worried Terra and Master Eraqus.


Since that day, Aqua developed a very close relationship with Ventus, acting much like his older sister and becoming very protective of him. Over the years, Aqua, Terra, and Ven forged a strong bond with each other. One night, Ven, Terra, and Aqua watch a meteor shower together and she gives them each a good luck charm, and saves one for herself.


The next day, she takes the Mark of Mastery exam along with Terra, and becomes a Keyblade Master, although Terra fails due to his inability to control his darkness. After Terra and Ventus left, Aqua was the last apprentice to be sent by Eraqus to bring Ventus back to the Land of Departure. Before she left, Eraqus wanted to ask Aqua to keep an eye on Terra, to make sure he is alright, and stays safe from the darkness in his heart. If Terra's heart would become too close to the darkness, Eraqus needed Aqua to bring Terra back immediately.


Special Abilities: Shot Locks, Magic, D-Link.


Name: Link

Original Appearance: The Legend of Zelda

Side: Cosmos

Weapon: The Master Sword, Bow and arrows, bombs, (and more)

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Link is a teenage farm boy leading a fairly normal life in the pastoral village of Ordon until two of his friends, Colin and Ilia, are kidnapped by monsters. During his journey to rescue them, Link discovers that the entire kingdom of Hyrule has been covered by a dark twilight, in which most people are reduced to nothing more than spirits. However, Link is transformed into a feral wolf upon entering the twilight. While in this form, he is aided by Midna, an imp-like creature, and eventually cleanses the land from the twilight. Yet, in his attempt to save his friends, Link discovers an even greater evil only he can stop.

Special Abilities: Light Arrows, Master Sword's Power, wolf Form, (and some other stuff)



Name: Terra

Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

Side: Chaos/Neutral

Weapon: Keyblade (Earthshaker)

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: Terra spent his days as a Keyblade apprentice training under Eraqus at the Land of Departure, along with his friend, Aqua. Terra's long-time dream was to become a Keyblade Master.


One day during training, Master Xehanort visited the Land of Departure, bringing with him a near-catatonic Ventus, in order to ask Eraqus to take care of the boy and train him as a Keyblade wielder. Terra greeted Ven, and he and Aqua introduced themselves, but when Terra started asking him questions about himself, Ven collapsed with a cry of agony. Eraqus explained to Terra that Ventus had no memory. Ventus woke up a few days later.


Ventus later began training with Terra and Aqua, becoming fast friends with them, and Terra often sparred with Ventus. After one long day of training, Terra told Ven and Aqua about his dream of being a Keyblade Master and gave Ven his wooden Keyblade to use instead of Ven's wooden Sword, saying that he, Ven, and Aqua, all carry the same dream. Four years after Ven's arrival, Terra and Aqua take the Mark of Mastery exam in order to become Masters, but while Aqua passes, Terra does not, as he is unable to control his darkness. Unbeknownst to them, Master Xehanort is responsible for Terra's darkness flaring up during the exam.


Surprised and depressed to learn that he holds darkness in his heart, Terra steps outside, where he is approached by Master Xehanort, who tells Terra that he shouldn't try to control his darkness, but rather, to channel it.


Shortly after, Terra and Aqua are sent on a quest to find the missing Master Xehanort and stop the threat of the Unversed, and Eraqus tells Terra he has a second chance to prove himself worthy of being named a Keyblade Master. In the meantime, Eraqus has Aqua follow Terra, to bring him back if he is tempted by darkness.

Special Abilities: Power of Darkness, Shot Locks, Magic, D-Link.


Name: Xion

Original Appearance: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Side: Chaos/Neutral

Weapon: Keyblade (Kingdom Key)

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: http://www.khwiki.com/Xion

Special Abilities: As an indirect Replica of Sora, Xion's fighting style as a playable character is very similar to his. After absorbing many of Sora's memories using the Organization XIII Devices, Xion is able to replicate Sora's Limits from Kingdom Hearts. However, Xion's movement is quite similar to Limit Form's, jumping back and stepping forward between attacks and slashing through the enemy in the finisher. Like Roxas, she thrusts with one hand and her finisher resembles the Vortex ability. Before Xion obtains the Keyblade herself, she is limited to simply shooting basic spells from her palm.


Once she obtains her Keyblade, Xion proves adept at handling it, being able to fight with it using her right or left hand. Her boss battle depicts her using many powerful melee attacks she seemed to have inherited from Sora. She also uses light much more often during her boss fight, such as creating spiraling circles of Light that suck in the player, leaving them vulnerable to one of Xion's aforementioned physical attacks.


Sooo, what do you think? :3

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BTW Johnny, how many people will we need to start this?

I was gonna wait for maybe another person or two. Give this topic a day for more people to join for the initial start.

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Name: Lightning Farron

Original Appearance: Final Fantasy XIII

Side: Neutral

Weapon: Blazefire Saber (Gunblade)

Appearance:Posted Image


Special Abilities: Nothing to special, mainly magic and her Fal'Cie abilities(rarely used).

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Allow me since no one has done it yet.


Name warrior of light

Weapon sword and shield

Original appearence final fantasy (1)

Bio a warrior created to be a perfect manikin of cid of the lufaine. A man from an ancient race from another realm. Due to him possessing no past he has no memories and in the original dissidia story was fought over as to whose side he would join. Cosmos's side won out and he reveived her spirit and has embraced the light ever since. He then fought to end the conflict of the gods and ousted them and his new companions got to return home. With crystal in hand he heads for castle cornelia along with 3 other warriors of light. The king of the castle demands to see the warriors of prophecy and asks them to save his daughter the princess grom the knight Garland who used to serve the kingdom. The warriors agree after the king agrees to fix the bridge in return for theyre services. They arrive at the old chaos shrine and see garland and the princess they battle garland and he is easily defeated. They return the princeds to the castle and travel the land defeating the 4 fiends and restore the light of the crystals but theu point back to the chaos shrine were they encounter a resurected garland and he travels 2000 uears into the past so the 4 fiends can send him back to his time and negin again the warriors engage him one final time as chaos and end the time loop

Powers strong light based abilities and low tier magic equally skilled with blade and sheild

Side cosmos

( will add pic latet)

Name xathnan

Side chaos

First appearance oc

Appearence dons the organization robes he has a tan complextion and an old gash on his right cheek. He has blonde hair with a sliver streak going thru the midline of his hair

Bio from a time of kh lore that hasnt been told. He is from the era after the keyblade war when the wirld was being reconstructed. He traveled around seeking what strong opponents he could find. But eventually that wasnt enough. He decided to make examples of the weak. His heart gave way to darkness and he grew ever stronger. He gights to cause anarchy and ruin. He seeks no end to his vicious cycle

Weapon dual ended spear

Speical abilities corridors of darkness teleportation and telekinesis and dragoon ability jump

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Name: Mog

Original Appearance: FFVI

Side: Cosmos

Appearance: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/e/ee/VI-mog_sd.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120502155948cb=20120724213943

Weapon: Spear (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/4/40/FFXI_Polearm_9A.png/revision/latest?cb=20120712084405)

Bio:  Ramuh appears to Mog in a series of dreams and orders him to help the Returners, the rebel faction opposing the Gestahlian Empire. It is from these dreams that Mog learns to speak the human language. Joins Terra's party after they save him while he is hanging on  a cliff's edge.

Special Abilities:

Jump(he is one of the 2 that can become a dragoon in the game) 

Dance- Can use 4 abillities based on the terrain(http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Dance_(Final_Fantasy_VI) for more information)

Magic- Can use magic he learns from Eidolons, and is adept at it(high magic stat)

Hey, just edited my post to add another character.

Edited by Shun Kurosaki

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