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Testing Interest for DISSIDIA or KHX RP

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I'd like to start up a Dissidia RP or a Kingdom Hearts Unchained RP, but I want to see who else would like to be a part before starting a proper topic.If there's enough interest, I'll turn this into the sign-up board.

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Wow, quick response. Let's do a Dissidia RP (speak now or forever hold your peace if you wanted a KHX RP)Here's the rules and entry forms, guys. I think I'll wait to see if more people want in, but we can start claiming characters. 



1 ) I'll allow all Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts characters, OC characters and select guest characters (message me and okay it with me first BEFORE YOU POST. If you want a guest character, MAKE SURE IT FITS THE FINAL FANTASY THEME i.e. Fire Emblem or Legend of Zelda. Ye olde fantasy)

2 ) Normal KH13 RP rules

3 ) No god modding
4 ) No killing other RPers characters without permission
5 ) No controlling other peoples characters without permission
6 ) Swearing is fine, but in moderation
7 ) The limit on characters is five. Two Cosmos, two Chaos, and one Neutral.
8 ) Neutral characters either don't follow their god/goddess (In this, you'll have to put "Cosmos/Neutral" or "Chaos/Neutral" in your entry form) or exist outside of the world but have entered it anyway (time travel, Gummi Ship, etc.).
9 ) I'd prefer it if all had one hero and one villain to oppose each other, but if you can't decide on one or the other, I'm not
10 ) To show me that you have read the rules, type a superhero's alternate identity below your entry form.
Entry form:
Name: (This is a given)
Original Appearance: (Where did they first appear (If OC, then put your story's name followed by "OC"))
Side: (Cosmos, Chaos, or Neutral)
Weapon: (What do they fight with?)
Appearance: (If you have a picture, that'd be great)
Bio: (Give us an idea of who your character is)
Special Abilities: (Anything your character can do that we should know about?)
Edited by Johnny Madman

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