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No NX at E3, Launching March 2017, Along With New Zelda

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The NX will not be at E3 but will release March next year and Zelda has been confirmed to be delayed to launch alongside the console











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Edited by Kalebninja

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Oh god I'm SO MAD RIGHT NOW. In the november direct they said that we would have enjoyed the 30th anniversary of Zelda with Zelda U... or I should now say Zelda U/NX... Not only we WiiU owners won't have our exclusive Zelda experience... which is by itself bad already... But we have to wait until next year too... that's horrible...

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Oh god I'm SO MAD RIGHT NOW. In the november direct they said that we would have enjoyed the 30th anniversary of Zelda with Zelda U... or I should now say Zelda U/NX... Not only we WiiU owners won't have our exclusive Zelda experience... which is by itself bad already... But we have to wait until next year too... that's horrible...

Well at least that means that my top game this year is FFXV

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Bad year to be a Nintendo fan. It's not all bad news for them, but Zelda was kind of the light at the end of the tunnel, and now it's not even there.Zelda is the only playable game (which isn't bad), but what else do they have? There HAS to be more Wii U games. The three that we know of (Tokyo Mirage Session, Color Splash, and Mario/Sonic Olympics) have mixed enthusiasm AT BEST.At least 3DS owners have Pokemon at the end of the year, but there's not much else.Can 3rd party developers say if they're developing for NX now?

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Are...are they serious? This is a joke, right? PLEASE tell me this is a joke. Because if it isn't their E3 is going to suck for sure this year.

Edited by Tails

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At this point, I'm curious about all the unannounced games left for the Wii U: there better be big hitters than just Zelda Wii U/NX.

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Mario Maker and Splatoon were great games, Nintendo seems to understand what it needs to do, more IP's, more powerful console that integrates what the fans want and the NX seems to be doing that. It seems that they have producing a strong lineup for the NX, and they do not want to botch the launch. I expect Next Level Games, Retro Studios to have some announcements, maybe they have more focus on the 3DS this time? I do not know, all I know is Nintendo seems to be turning the corner hard here. A powerful console that is easy to develop for that integrates there handheld get Mii Verse its own social media page integrating the Iphone and Ipad, get a chat system, Star system aka a trophy system. If Nintendo just produces a powerful console I think they will have plenty of 3rd party developers, however it may be to little to late for Nintendo. If they are waiting a year before they announce it, it might be pretty smart so Sony can put its foot down with the PS 4.5. 

The Legend Of Zelda Wii U/ NX will be the focus of E3. I believe that Nintendo may just hype the console up slowly, and maybe they will show a few games for it at this E3.....

Edited by KingdomHearts123456

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*Read's articles*



*takes deep breath* What.......what......WHAT!?



Wait, wait wait,wait,wait. HOLD ON FOR ONE SECOND! So...Nintendo...you're telling me that instead of revealing your newest console at one of the biggest gaming events ever you decide to have us wait EVEN MORE and not try and build an audience to showcase your newest game console ,that you promised us that we would all see at this year's E3!? Are you kidding me right now!? No, seriously. What the heck is Nintendo thinking with this mindset? So instead of not showing your newest console as well as possibly announcing other games for the Wii U (because seriously, it NEEDS more support) and promising us a a better E3 compared to last year you guys decide that it's a good idea to just skip E3 altogether and only show off Zelda Wii U there!? Well...looks like your "E3 conference" this year is going to blow even harder than last year's. I'm disappointed honestly. Especially what you promised us last year. I mean yeah sure we at least get more Zelda news at E3 this year but it's STILL disappointing. Does Nintendo not know that their consumers are interesting in moe than just one, single game? Because I'll tell you right now, Zelda Wii U will not save the Wii U...at all. In fact I'd say this is further hurting Wii U owners. I love my Nintendo Wii U but..come on Nintendo step it up. I say this because of this multiplatform crap their doing with Zelda U. Not saying the game, itself, will bomb. Just that Nintendo should put more support into Wii U.


Also another thing...IS NINTENDO SERIOUSLY DELAYING ZELDA WII U ALL JUST TO HAVE IT BE A LAUNCH TITLE FOR THE NX!? WHAT!? I'm sorry to any Zelda fans out there but this is a stupid move. Instead of trying to at least push sales of your current console with your most anticipated game for said console, you decide to just delay it even further for it to only be a stinkin' launch title for the NX? That's a shame if you ask me. I mean OK if Nintendo really want to have some interesting launch titles for their newest console than I suggest that they make...oh, I dunno...EXCLUSIVE AAA games for the NX instead of making it a multiplatform game? Because as soon as Zelda U releases I'm getting that game ASAP. Not gonna even think about the NX version unless there's any exclusive features on the NX version that makes the Wii U version inferior in any way. I mean look at the GameCube's launch. It had Luigi's Mansion and that was a good launch title GameCube game in my opinion. It was interesting, and scary at the same time. Even for a Nintendo game.



I'm sorry but I just NEEDED to rant about this. I'm seriously pissed at Nintendo right now for this dumb move. Nintendo's E3 was one of my most anticipated conferences at this year's E3 mainly because of the NX announcement but I guess I have no reason to care for their E3 this year aside from Zelda Wii U E3 gamepla and possible new info. I was promised a better E3 from them...but instead I get more disappointment. *sighs and face palms*. I'm sure there are some fo you guys with different opinions about this. And I'm fine with that but I just hope their E3 won't be a complete flop because of this.

Edited by Tails

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At this point, all I really care about is Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon Sun and Moon.

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At this point, all I really care about is Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Yeah same. But even now I doubt they'll even show Pokemon Sun/Moon after reading this news. Hopefully that won't be the case.

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I mean they pretty much just killed the wii u (I knew this was going to happen) because ports to NX. Why would you buy the wiiu ver. when the better one would be on NX?


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gg nintendo gg....

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The NX is coming next year? YES! I'm very excited to see what the NX has in store.

I'm excited for it too, but the fact that they delayed zelda wii u to march 2017 is just wow to me. Like seriously Nintendo? 

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I'm excited for it too, but the fact that they delayed zelda wii u to march 2017 is just wow to me. Like seriously Nintendo?

I understand, I really do but, sometimes delays can be a good thing though. With how fast time flies, it'll be here before you know it.

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I understand, I really do but, sometimes delays can be a good thing though. With how fast time flies, it'll be here before you know it.

Yeah sometimes delays are good and needed. But not this time. The reason of this delay is obviously not to make the game better, but only to make the game a launch title for the NX. This is why I'm so pissed.

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