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Power Jusho

Film First look at Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa in Power Rangers movie

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Rita Repulsa? More like "Rita Ravishing". Hot damn, she's got it goin' on... okay, I'll stop now.


This movie is really shaping up to be something interesting. I'm really intrigued by the direction it's going in. I know that I've made it clear that I have a strong distaste for superhero movies that try too hard to be edgy, but considering it's Power Rangers, one of the cheesiest franchises to ever grace (or degrade, depending on how you look at it) American television, I'm willing to make an exception. Just, you know, don't go too far. I don't need to see the rangers decapitating people or anything.


Another bit on Rita: I think she can still be an intimidating villain who poses a threat to the Rangers while still carrying that same hammy wit she had in the original series. You can do both if you know what you're doing, so I hope that Banks can pull it off.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Wait... people are still making Power Rangers stuff???


*cringes for eternity*


Power Rangers is love. Power Rangers is life.


It's not like Japan is going to stop making Super Sentai any time soon either. xD

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