Wolf on the Run 391 Posted October 10, 2010 as quentin walked away into his room joe lowered his head joe what is wrong my vision how could the organization just make one in my head like that that should be able to happen hum you are right joe maybe before axel helped you escape the organization they did something to you maybe so master but still joe looks to the keychain wait a second i know that keychain no way Riku thats rikus way to the dawn keyblades key chain master i think some friends of mine might be in trouble what do you mean joe do you remember the year i went missing how could i forget ya well the organization only had me for like the last few months of that the rest of the time i was helping out some keybladers i meet on my travels around the worlds one was riku the other kairi and there was also sora they were all great keybladers and we were working together to try and take down the organization because you know how i erased my own memories well the organization did that to sora after a while he managed to get them back piece by piece and since then we've been working together to take down the organization Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 10, 2010 Rupert got settled into quickly, A few days later Eraqus came with an anouncement. "I have now decided our course of action. Zack... I mean Joe, I will send you out to search for you're friends Riku, Sora, and Kairi, Leslie I'm sending you on a special assignment, it'll take a little while to complete so take care, Quentin, I'm sending you to the world that never was, its the home of organization 13. Be careful, I'm sending you there to do recon, and figure out they're plan in full detail." Quentin nodded. "And Rupert, you will remain here and train, as with Terra and Ven, Aqua is training with Master Yen Sid" Eraqus instructed. "You all better get going, remember, the light is always with you." Quentin, Joe, and Leslie nodded. Afterwards, Eraqus gave a brown pouch to the trio that would leave for they're respective missions. Quentin said goodbye to both of his friends and then activated his armor and flew out. he flew for a few hours until he was in front of what looked like a grey city, he landed in there, it was desolate and sad looking, rather grim. "So this is the world that never was, Better get moving." Quentin said as he started moving, he looked inside a pouch master Eraqus gave him, he read the note. 'This cloak will protect you from the darkness, and might help you blend in, be careful.' It read. Quentin held a black organization 13 cloak, he put it over his other clothes and his armor, it fitted him perfectly, he put the black hood over his head and started through the empty city. -somewhere else- The members of Organization 13 were in a meeting room discussing. "Hmm, Xemnas. You know that kid that helped kill lexaus?" Larxene asked. "Yes, what about him?" Xemnas answerred. "He's here, I just saw him land in the city." She answerred. "Is that so? Vexen, it looks like you're little experiment has made it's way home, you wish to conduct another experiment?" Xemnas asked, in a bored tone. "I have one I've been meaning to try out." Vexen said, tossing a keychain around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted October 11, 2010 after recieving his mission joe set out to look for Sora riku and kairi okay kairi should be easy to find shes either in Radient Garden our destiny island i'll try destiny island first joe arrived at the islands and started to look for kairi owe there she is joe could see kairi in the distance sitting on a popuo tree he began to walk towards her hey kairi kairi turns around then see's joe Zack owe my god she jumps off the tree and runs over to hug joe i never though id see you again me sora and riku thought you were dead what the organization kill me ya right cant get rid of me that easly owe by the way call me joe from now on joe how come its a long story i'll tell you later but first do you have any idea were Sora or riku is well i know sora's off training with yen sid and last i heard of riku he was looking for you i was afraid of that what do you mean joe reachs into his pocket i found this on a dieing world wait no kairi raises her hands to her mouth thats thats rikus keyblades keychain i know i'm going to need yours and soras help if were going to find riku okay i understand so lets go get sora so joe and kairi set off to yen sids tower Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted October 11, 2010 A few days later Eraqus came with an anouncement. "I have now decided our course of action. Zack... I mean Joe, I will send you out to search for you're friends Riku, Sora, and Kairi, Leslie I'm sending you on a special assignment, it'll take a little while to complete so take care, Quentin, I'm sending you to the world that never was, its the home of organization 13. Be careful, I'm sending you there to do recon, and figure out they're plan in full detail." Quentin nodded. "And Rupert, you will remain here and train, as with Terra and Ven, Aqua is training with Master Yen Sid" Eraqus instructed. "You all better get going, remember, the light is always with you." Quentin, Joe, and Leslie nodded. Afterwards, Eraqus gave a brown pouch to the trio that would leave for they're respective missions. Leslie said good bye to quentin and her friends, she walked out side and opened the brown bag it had a black coat that the org. 13 members wore and a set of instructions it read : 'in twilight town by a clock tower you will meet and man named axel and a boy named roxas, they will tell you important information you must know, and please wear the coat it will help you not only blend in but our sources say that the town is bieng watched, so please advise to be careful of what you say and note anything suspicous. if any of the townspeople notice are wary you must be warier. once you finished reading this note you will automaticlly be transported by courtesy of aqua Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 12, 2010 Quentin was walking through the city, he ran into heartless, but no offspring, he walked until he was in front of a skyscraper, he saw someone standing there. "Hello!!" Quentin called out. He walked towards him and the figure turned around, he wore an organization 13 coat, and had the hood up. "Who are you?" Quentin asked. The man merly summoned a keyblade, and ran towards Quentin, the keyblade looked like the one Quentin found in Japan, (like Eraqus') Quentin summoned his keyblade and blocked. "We are very alike, but unlike you I don't have to hold the darkness back!!!" It yelled as it was cloaked in darkness, Quentin could see yellow eyes. they started to duel, "Give in to the darkness, its the only way!!" it yelled. Quentin blocked then ducked, and fired a thunder spell at it. It rushed him very quickly, and caught him off balaance, Quentin started to think. 'Maybe I should just give in, its the only way, what would Eraqus say, wait, would I tell him?' 'No, then Vantas would have control, I'll do this myself!!' Quentin finished thinking. He blocked and then knocked the key out of his hands, the mysterious creature, then ran toward Quentin, with some sort of dark attack, that would probably deal some damage, Quentin ducked and then hit him hard with his keyblade, He fell down. Quentin then removed the hood of his attacker, it was... Quentin? Quentin gasped, it had shards flowing out of it, and then dissapeared, leaving behind a keychain, Quentin picked it up, it was the keychain of the keyblade he found in japan. he put it back in his pocket. "What an excellant experiment, clone the keyblade master using his memories, and then setting it against the real thing, it didn't work out the way I wanted it to with Riku, so I tried on you instead, I'll be sure to record this." Veen said waalking out of a portal. "... What do you want?" Quentin demanded pointing his keyblade. "To mearly study my experiment of course." Vexen said ominously. "And what have you decided?" Quentin asked, angry. "Hmm, That you're nobody would serve as a perfect replacement!" Vexen yelled summoning a large frozen shield. He attacked. Quentin rolled out off the way of vexen's ice attack and attempted to hit him to no avail, Vexen blocked and then started muttering something. Suddenly Quentin felt nauseous and clenched his head, Vexen was grinning and then explaining the organization's plan. "And you know the best part? It's all you're fault, and the only thing that can save you, is that darkness in you're heart you block out!" Vexen finished, he was about to pierce Quentin with his shield when suddenly, Vanitas took over. Quentin openned his eyes, they turned from blue to yellow, he blocked with two keyblades. Vexen was distraught. "Wh... what?" He asked. Suddenly Van-tin rushed towards him and telleported all across Vexen making increedible slashes, suddenly Vexen colapsed He started to fade, "Such a... failure." He said gasping his last. "Such a useless scientist." It spat. Suddenly Quentin felt the dark power retract back to his heart, he asked why to the remnant inside of him. 'Simple, we don't need you yet, and its a dumb idea not to protect the host.' 'Thank you.' was all Quentin could think. 'You know what, stop talking to me.' Vanitas suggested. Quentin continued on his way through the city, he saw a large gray castle. -Somewhere else "So let me get this straight. Vexen is dead?" Xigbar asked, playing with his eyepatch. "Indeed." Saix answerred. "What a waste." Marluxia said bored. "Did we atleast get any good data, out of his tests?" Xaldin asked. "Yes, the resaults are being sent to Hojo, o he can create a better replica." Saix said. "We need to deal with this kid, before he kills more of us." Luxford said, tossing cards. "Quentin has the remnant of Vanitas inside of him, that is probably how he defeated and killed Vexen so easily, perhaps we should... aquire him?" Saix said. "Well, sure... why not. The kid can handle himself, but we should be careful, just barging in a and kiling him doesn't sound like a good idea." Xigbar said, intrested. "What we must find is his ace in the hole, the one thing he cares about, that we can use to our advantage." Luxford said grinning. "We'll perhaps that keyblade of his? No. Wait, what about that girl... Leslie is it?" Marluxia asked. "Vanitas' girlfriend? Yes that could work, Marluxia... find out more about this girl, I want a full report." Saix orderred. "Very well." Marluxia said, dissapearing. "And what about Zack?" Xigbar asked. "He's returned, he's a threat no longer, he's more of a... pawn." Saix said. "Kinda harsh?" Xigbar asked. "We are too far into the operation for him to mess it up, soon kingdom hearts will be complete." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 12, 2010 A few days later Eraqus came with an anouncement. "I have now decided our course of action. Zack... I mean Joe, I will send you out to search for you're friends Riku, Sora, and Kairi, Leslie I'm sending you on a special assignment, it'll take a little while to complete so take care, Quentin, I'm sending you to the world that never was, its the home of organization 13. Be careful, I'm sending you there to do recon, and figure out they're plan in full detail." Quentin nodded. "And Rupert, you will remain here and train, as with Terra and Ven, Aqua is training with Master Yen Sid" Eraqus instructed. "You all better get going, remember, the light is always with you." Quentin, Joe, and Leslie nodded. Rupert saw Quentin, Joe, and Leslie leave he felt jealous that they got to go but he knew he had no training so he couldn't complain, when Quentin, Joe, and Leslie left, Master Eraqus said "ok rupert you have a lot to learn now that you have joined here" "ok, what do i have to learn" rupert replied after being told what he has to learn rupert went to his room and sat on his bed and crossed his legs and rested his right fist on his heart as a sign of protection and honor. Than rupert heard a knocking noise on his door, he got up and opened it and was surprised to find Master Eraqus there "just asking master why are you here" rupert said master Eraqus replied "you never turned up for the evening meal and i was worried about you but it is good to know that you are fine and were just asleep" "wow how long was i asleep for" rupert said "um about 6 hours" Master Eraqus said "ok i had better do some night training" rupert answered but was thinking i have to get out of here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 14, 2010 Quentin found a path that lead into the castle, he followed it in. As he walked up the bridge he set his hood up just in case. He enterred a largee room and saw someone shooting dummies, it was Xigbar. Quentin kept out of his site and hid into the next room, It was a large elevator that went straight up, he found a grand door on the wall to his left and Quentin went in, he looked forward and saw a thirteen large chairs all sitting there, he llooked up and saw people talking on them, it was the members of Organization 13. Quentin hid behind one of the looming chairs and listened in. "So Leslie was a subject in his experiments huh, that makes sense." Quentin heard Zexion say, while reading. "She's a toy like him, no wonder they're in love." Quentin heard Larxene say. 'Leslie's a.. what?' Quentin asked himself. "Hojo certainly is... exact, thankyou for the report Marluxia, how did you get it?" Saix asked. "I watched her for a few days, I watched her transform once, then I contacted Hojo, he's rather glad to know it survived. He also demands we capture her, and bring her back to be studied." Marluxia answerred. "So we found what we're gonna use, its about time that world dies." Luxford said. "We still have preparations to make, in the mean time we continue to observe them." Xemnas said bored. 'I need to get out of here!' Quentin thought, he needed to tell the others about what he just learned. He pointed his keyblade at the wall attempting to summon a portal but it didn't work. 'Damn, not now!' Quentin screamed to himself. "Oh, it seems we have a rat." Xemnas said looking down straight at Quentin. "Eraqus' Spie." Saix said. Quentin ran through the door, scared out of his mind. Suddenly he saw a blond guy munching on cookies walking by. "Oh... hey Roxas." He said, almost choking. Quentin set his hood back up and then kept running, and actually pushing Demyx over. Quentin saw a few men chasing him, he ducked, on the wall were three razor sharp playing cards, he kept running. he ran through Xigbar's target range and luckily avoided the shots, Quentin was now at the large bridge, he was running down it. Suddenlt it dissapeared, Quentin fell through, everything went dark. "You idiot Demyx, we need him. Why did you cut power to the bridge?" Saix yelled. "Hey, can't we just teleport to him or somethin'?" Demyx asked, still eating from the bag. "No, that requires to much precision, and it takes to long." Zexion said, still reading his book. "Well atleast he's dead and can't tell Eraqus, right?" Demyx asked. "I'm not to sure about that. We found nothing on the surface floor, just this keychain." Xaldin said, holding a golden mickey mouse keychain, the one from Quentin's keyblade. "Hmm, So who do you think did it?" Luxford asked. Everyone suddenly looked at each other and in a monotone voice mouthed "Namine." Quentin woke, he was in bedroom, he was still in the organization 13 coat, he kept it on. "Where am I?" he asked outloud, he looked out the window at his bedside, there was a forest outside with a town at the end of it. Quentin fell back on the bed, sudenly he heard breathing. He sat back up, there was a girl, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a plain white dress with sandals, there was also a blonde boy in a black cloak with a cast around his arm, he was shorter then Quetin, atleat five inches, like Ven. There was also a guy maybe in his twenties with a large sword on his back, he also had blonde hair. "What it this, some kind of blonde convention?" Quentin asked, nobody laughed. "Who are you people?" Quentin asked. The young girl answerred. "I am Namine, he's Roxas, and he's Cloud." Namine said, pointing at her companions. "Who are you?" She asked. "Quentin, what happenned?" Quentin asked. "You were falling out and almost died, until they helped you." Cloud answerred. "Hmm, so how long as I out?" Quentin asked. "About a day, more or less." Roxas said. "Hey Roxas, are you part of organization XIII?" Quentin asked. "No... not anymore, are you?" Roxas asked, noticing Quentin's cloak. "No, I just have the coat." "Well we better go, I need to take care of something." Namine said, leaving. "I'll help." Roxas said following her out. "I might as well go, Axel's about done with my motorcycle." Cloud said also leaving. 'They're a lively bunch.' Quentin thought to himself. Quentin suddenly rememberred what he heard back in TWTNW. "Awwe crap!" Quentin then ran down the stairs, and ran out the door of the mansion, he stepped on something, it was bits and pieces of a black star, suddenly Cloud caught him off guard. "Who are you really?" Cloud asked, pulling out his broad sword. Quentin anserred. "I'm one of master Eraqus' students, he sent me to find out the organization's full plan in detail." "You're a keyblade chosen one, prove it." Cloud demanded. Quentin pulled out his hand, and then summoned his gold keyblade, it'd keychain was missing. "I see, you're friends with Leslie right?" Cloud asked. "Yeah, what about it?" Quentin asked distraught to the sudden change. "Bring her back here, its for her own good." he finished. "What are you gonna do?" Quentin asked. "You'll see." Cloud said, putting his sword away. "You wanna kill her, dont you?" Quentin asked. Cloud breathed. "She is a threat, and like you Vanitas, she needs to be put down." Quentin was shocked. "No way! And it's Quentin!" Quentin said, holding his keyblade up. "What's the difference, you'll soon succumb to his darkness, and Leslie is to dangerous, she's a... a monster." Cloud said, looking down. Quentin felt anger in his heart. "SHUT UP!!" Quentin then threw his keyblade towards Cloud, who caught it, then tossed it aside. "Fine then, Vanitas." He raised his sword, about to attack. Quentin rolled out of the way and then grabbed his keyblade, Cloud over powerred him and then slammed him towards the gate. Quenti knew he couldn't win and summoned a portal, which suprisingly worked, he ran through. "You just keep on running from the truth, keyblade scum!" Cloud yelled. He walked out the gate towards a mounted Motorcycle and started it, he drove away. "Hmm, did he have to leave so Quickly, he forgot to get the rest of his armor I had cleaned back." Namine asked, while holding a shoulder piece with a button on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 15, 2010 As rupert walked outside to the training equipment he saw his chance to go but was unaware that he was being watched by Master Eraqus, rupert activated his armour and heard Master Eraqus running towards him but rupert cared not and summoned his keyblade ride and flew off "we need to get him back here, Terra, go after him" Master Eraqus told terra, "sure master i will go" terra replied and activated his armour and flew off after rupert Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 16, 2010 "Whoaaaa!!!!!" Quentin yelled as he fell head first into sand, he looked around he was at Destiny Islands again. "I guess this was the closest place I could warp to." Quentin said remembering that if you don't use armor you can't go too far. Quentin felt on his left cloaked shoulder for a button. "Now lets back to the Land of Depart-." Quentin stopped, he realized he wasn't wearing his armor parts. "Awwe COME ON!" Quentin yelled out, the day in Destiny islands was about two in the morning, the children were'nt there yet. "What, do I just wait here?" Quentin asked, knowing he can't leave without the armor. He walked around, he walked up to a paupu tree and sat on it, he looked at his sides, and saw what looked like Leslie and Joe at the tree, Leslie was sitting next to him, while Joe was leaning on it, They dissapeared. He looked towards the beach, there was someone on it, he ran out to see who it was. It was a boy, around his age with Brown hair, it looked like... Sora? "Sora?" Quentin asked. Sora turned his head and seemed a bit shocked by the coat, he ran weilding a keyblade in hand. Quentin sumoned his keyblade and blocked, Quentin could see sparks, Sora swung towards his head, and Quentin ducked, Then pushed him back. "That darkness... Vanitas?" Sora said pointing his keyblade. "No... Quentin." Quentin said pulling down his hood, Sora wasn't shocked. He ran towards him. "Hey, I thought I helped you. Remember back in the cave?" Quentin said blocking. "Nice try Quentin, the organization told me what you're really after, and I'm with them on this." Sora jumped towards him, Quentin rolled out of the way, then paried. "What did they tell you?" Quentin asked, barely holding on to the keyblade. He felt his eyes change, and his keyblade felt dark. "I think you already know." He said. They continued fighting for a few hours until boats arrived, Sora saw them. "I'll let you go for now, scum." Sora then activted armor and dissapeared. Quentin fell to the ground panting. "God... whats going on?" Quentin asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 16, 2010 as rupert was flying through the corridors of darkness he could sense a clash of light and darkness so he headed towards the source which was destiny island where he saw Quentin fall on the ground "God... whats going on?" Quentin asked. "are you alright" rupert asked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 16, 2010 Quentin turned. Rupert was standing there, he looked like he just go there and saw what happened, his keyblade disappeared. "Are you alright?" Rupert asked. Quentin looked towards the sea, "I'm fine, what are you doing here?" Quentin asked, still looking at the sea. Rupert then explained why he was here, how he bailed on Master Eraqus, and then wanderred around the worlds. Quentin breathed deaply "Rupert, we need to go home, the master's probably worried sick." Rupert shook his head and answerred. "Fine, lets look around a bit first, then we go." Quentin said, Rupert nodded. Quentin walked around the island, he then walked into the cave, the door was openned again, and Quentin could smell darkness erupting from it. He touched it, suddenly Quentin saw more visions of the X-blade, Leslie, and Vanitas, as well as Sora. "God... not now." Quentin clenched his head, the visions finally subsided. He finished closing the door and locked it again, he walked out towards the beach, Rupert was sitting at the tree, looking out. Quentin walked out to the beach, he saw someone apear out of the darkness, it pulled down its hood, it was Larxene of organization 13. "And here I thought Sora would have the balls to kill you, guess I'm doing it for him." She said summoning knives. "What did you tell him?" Quentin sid summoning his keyblade. "That you were consumed with darkness, and al you hunger for is the X-blade, and the keyblade wars, and Orgainzation are willing to help him stop you." The bitch croaked. She suddenly dissapeared and reapered next to Quentin and kicked him hard in the stomach, the force knocked him back some. She then rushed with her knived but Quentin blocked, he then rolled out of the way of her thunder attack, and then cloaked his keyblade in ice threw it towards her, it hit her spot on. "Little brat." she squealed wet. She then shot a lightning attack towards Quentin who blocked and sent it back towards her, she was screaming, she was electocuted, Quentin then shot more lightning at her and she started to fade. "You little BRAAAT!" She screamed, even louder, she bursted into lightning and disapeared. Quentin then saw a vision of a new technique, a way to create those portals and control them. He walked up to the paopu tree, he noticed a small fruit hanging from it, he picked it off and put it into his pocket, Rupert was sleeping. Quentin then slowly used the technique to create a portal to the land of departure, his eyes turned yellow for a short moment, then changed back. He then woke Rupert up and told him to come in with him into the portal. the two walked into the porrtal as it disapirated. They were then at the world of departure standing in front of the building. Quentin had news he needed to tell Eraqus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 16, 2010 They were then at the world of departure standing in front of the building. Quentin had news he needed to tell Eraqus Rupert had a look of disgust on his face and said "great this place again" "what, remember rupert this is our home" Quentin said surprised "well to me it feels like a prison, i want to get out and explore all the worlds but 'master' won't let me, says it is too dangerous for me, pah what does he know about me, nothing" rupert replied, Quentin still surprised said"look Rupert, master does whats best for us ok, give him a chance and you will find out that he was right" rupert than caught sight of a small yellow object in Quentin's pocket, "whats that in you pocket, Quentin" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 17, 2010 "What's in you're pocket Quentin?: Rupert asked. Quentin pulled out a yellow fruit from his pocket. "Its fruit I found from the island, I brought it with me." Quentin said tucking it back in, thinking of Leslie. Suddenly Eraqus came out from the doorway. "Rupert, where have you been, it is much to dangerous, thankyou for finding him Quentin." Eraqus said, Rupert was about to complain until Quentin said. "Hey Master, do you know... Sora?" Quentin asked. "Yes, we have met on occasion, why ask?" Eraqus asked. "He sorta attacked me, and said I was Vanitas' slave and wanted the X-blade." Quentin said confused. "Hmm, we barely know who to trust, Sora was fooled. And what of you're assignment, any important intel?" Eraqus then asked. Quentin then explained the organiation's plan and then that the organization plan to destroy the land of departure. "I see, we must prepare our defenses and be patient for the attack. Rupert we have a leson come along, Quentin... you should rest up." Eraqus said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 17, 2010 "I see, we must prepare our defenses and be patient for the attack. Rupert we have a lesson come along, Quentin... you should rest up." Eraqus said. "NO, i won't, i am not your slave any more Eraqus, i want to get out and explore not stay in this prison of a world" Rupert said quite harshly "Rupert, we need to prepare a defense or the world will be destroyed" Quentin said feeling quite hurt and shocked that Rupert would say that to Master Eraqus "has the darkness taken you Rupert" Master Eraqus said with suspicion "i don't care if it has, all i want is it explore" Rupert said calmer "look Rupert, how about we talk first before you do any thing stupid" Quentin suggested "thats a good idea, good thinking Quentin" Master Eraqus said, Rupert reluctantly agreed and followed Master Eraqus and Quentin in to the building for the training session Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 17, 2010 Quentin followed Eraqus and Rupert into the building, Eraqus was explaining the use of the reflect spell. "Yell out reflect, and then motion you're keyblade like this." Eraqus explained. Quentin and Rupert did so and it worked. "Very good you two, now Quentin leave, I need to speak with Rupert in private, Quentin nodded and left the room, leaving them to themselves. Quentin walked outside and sat under a tree, he rested his eyes, and soon fell asleep. 'Boy, what is with Rupert? He's only been here for maybe four days and he's acting like this, whats with him?' Quentin thought to himself. Leslie and Joe were still gone, probably still on they're missions, Leslie was sent to twilight town, and Joe was sent out to find his friends Sora, Riku and Kairi. Sora attacked Quentin back on the islands. 'So, you're not curious about Sora?' Vanitas' Remnant asked in his mind. 'He almost killed me, why would I do that, I need more training.' Quentin thought back. 'You were weak, if you used the dar-' 'I used it, and it still wasn't enough, I need to use it better, and I'm till not sure about it.' Quentin thought back. 'C'mon Try it, these dummies would be perfect for training, and you need it.' Vanitas said. "You know what, why not?" Quentin said, his eyes turned yellow and his keyblade apeared and formed into two. He ran towards the dummies and teted his new abilities, he was now able to throw two keyblades at once, use two keyblades proficiently, and learn a way for the cloak not to hinder his movement, he was even faster. "Hyyahh!" Quentin yelled slamming a dummy across the room, Vanitas was now helping him. 'You were right, thanks' Quentin thought. 'You're welcome, just as long as you don't let it take over, other wise I won't be able to use you when the time comes.' 'What?' 'Nothing, thats enough for now, I think Eraqus is coming.' Vanitas' Remnant said, Quentin obliiged and then blocked the darkness. Eraqus was walking down the road, Rupert following. "Quentin, I have something you need to deliver to Yen Sid, a scroll" Eraqus said handing Quentin a package. "I unlocked the lanes between, use them to get there." He said. "But sir, my armor piece dissapeared, I can't transform." Quentin explained. "Hm, and we lack the resources to make another... Quentin, I have friends you should meet, follow me. Rupert... stay put." Eraqus demanded, Rupert grumbled. Quentin followed Eraqus into the building Quentin loked at the portraits on the wall, All of Aqua's predecessors, and... succesors? Quentin looked at the portraits outside of Ven, Terra, Aqua's, there were seven, three of which were scratched out, leaving four. "Sir, what are these?" Quentin asked. "Why... those are portraits of the keyblade weilders that trained here, those four are of you, Leslie, Zack, and hmm what was it again?" "Rupert." "Yes Rupert, he strikes me rather odd, he accepted the training, but later rejects it, he lacks discipline." Eraqus said. "Well, maybe omething happenned to him, or he wants to go out or something. He already has a handle for the flyers, maybe you should send him on a mission" Quentin suggested. "Perhaps, any more questions?" Eraqus asked. Quentin thought for a moment. "... Whose the closest to finishing the training?" Quentin asked, Eraqus paused for a moment. "Hmm, you." He said smiling." "Me?" Quentin asked. "Yes, you learn rather quickly and you work well under pressure, and Terra an Ven like you a good bit." He said. "Doesn't it bother you I have a piece of Vanits inside of me?" Quentin asked. "Perhaps he is the one helping you in the training, does he talk to you?" Eraqus asked. "Yes... a lot of times... he offers me... power." Quentin said. "Have you ever used the darkness, under his influence?" Eraqus asked. Quentin paused. "...No, I haven't." Quentin lied. "Then there is no problem, now Quentin I like you to meet our friends Chip and Dale." Eraqus said. Quentin looked around. "Sir, nobody's here except us and those chipmunks." Quentin said confused. "Hey watch what you say! We have feelings to you know." Chip squeaked, it caught Quentin off guard. "What the." "As I said, our friends Chip and Dale, they specialize in gummi space technology." Eraqus explained. "Yeah, Eraqus is a good buffy of ours, and we're here to help." Dale squeaked. "They have a ship for us to use, since you lost you're armor piece, until we find it we'll use they're ship. follow me. Eraqus said. Quentin followed the three down the stairs and stood in awe to the large space ship. "Woah, this is way cooler then the riders." Quentin said, his eyes were large. "Yep, so whre are we headin?" Chip asked. "Master Yen Sid's tower." Eraqus explained. "Good luck Quentin he said. Quentin then handed something to him. "Could you give this to Leslie when she's back?" Quentin asked handing the paopu fruit. "Very well, be careful, we've already owe disney castle a huge loan whan Ventus broke the last one." Eraqus said, putting the fruit in his pocket. Quentin, chip and Dale all walked into the large ship and the chipmunks explained using it to Quentin. Quentin nodded and started it, it went through the door and out of the land of departure, into space. The trio flew for a few hours until they were in front of a world, one with a large spiraling tower. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 18, 2010 Rupert was stuck in his room, grounded by Master Eraqus "great what am i supposed to do, i know i will look around the land see what the rest of this world looks like" as rupert left his room and headed towards the main hall he heard Terra and Ventus talking " whats wrong with Rupert, Master says he is ill" Ven said "i don't think so, maybe he has been taken by the darkness" Terra replied, Ven had a shocked look on his face and said "what no Master would never allow him to be here if he is under the control of the darkness" Rupert heard what they said and walked away quickly "well it seems i'm not wanted here by them or any one else so it might be best if i leave" he said wiping a tear from his eye, Rupert heads to Master Eraqus's office and writes a note "Dear Master Eraqus, i have come to the conclusion that i am not wanted here at the Land Of Departure. I am sorry to say that i am leaving but i will try to visit when i can but don't expect me to be here every day. I am sorry goodbye from your student Rupert" Rupert than headed back to his room where he got some of his stuff and headed out to the training equipment where he said "this will be the last time i see the sun so clearly farewell" and activated his armor and summoned his keyblade ride and flew away with out looking back. After a hour of flying Rupert found that he was at Destiny Islands "wow looks so different" he said and noticed Sora and Riku but didn't fly near them but landed at the odd shaped tree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted October 18, 2010 when joe and kairi arrived at yen sids tower they ran up the tower to were sora was training hey sora joe said sora turned to face him zack no way i thought you were dead as if owe and calll me joe from now on joe began to explain his story to sora and kairi so you gave up your memories to hide from the organization for a while yap now they thing i'm know thread at all they still think i cant remember so we got an advantage over them just then yen sid walk in a joe eraqus told me you were going hum joe tilts his head how did he know id come here never mind that now i believe theres part of the story you forgot to mention well i didnt forget it i just disided to put it off a bit joe lowers his head then reachs into his pocket to pull out rikus way to the dawn keyblade keychain joe were did you get that sora asked i found it on a dieing world called earth well riku did go looking for you so he could of ended up on that world ya thats what i though but i'm afraid the organization might of captured him yen sid speaks if so you three will need to got to the organzations world here talk these all three took the black coats yen sid held out wait sora said these are the coats the organzation wair that is correct yen sid replied joe speaks the'll help you hide are pressons from the organization that is correct now go there is no time to waste all three put on the cloaks then headed to the world that never was when they arrived kairi spoke this place is creepy meanwhile: Zexion: Lord Xemnas we have guests Xemnas: Who might that be Zexion Zexion: Sora Kairi and Zack or should i say Joe hard to tell with him Saix: No douth they have come for Riku Xaldin: Then the trap worked isnt that right Riku Riku: Shut up Sora and Zack will beat you beat all of you and when i get free you got me sora zack and kairi to deal with you wont stand a chance Xigbar: Is that right kiddo last time i checked zack couldnt even remember his own name never mind how to fight (All Laugh) Xemnas: Well i guess well just have to wait and see how it all turns out wont we Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 19, 2010 Quentin departed from the ship, he walked into the tower, he ran into heartless, as well as offpring, but defeatted them quickly. He walked up, and walked by a duck and a large dog like creature. "Do you think the kings alright by himself?" The dog asked. "Awwe don't worry Goofy, he'll be back soon. He promised." "You're right Donald." Goofy answerred back. The two suddenly took notice to Quentin. "Well shucks, you must be Quentin, Eraqus' student?" Goofy asked. "Yeah, and you two are?" Quentin asked. "I'm Donald, and that's Goofy." Donald said, quacking. "Great to meet you two, so where's Yen Sid?" Quentin asked. "Umm... he's not here no'more, he left like maybe... two... three days ago?" Goofy said counting from his hand. "A few minute after you're friend left." Donald quacked. "You mean Joe was here?" Quentin asked. "Yeah, he brought Kairi, and then set off to find Riku, Sora left too." Goofy said. Quentin clenched at the sound of his name. Sora was there, the same sora that attacked him? "Do you guys know when Yen-Sid will be back?" Quentin asked. "Umm, he didn't say, you wanna go find him?" Goofy asked. "Maybe, one more question, have you seen Leslie anywhere?" Quentin asked. "Uhh no, should we?" Goofy asked. "Well. it looks like I'm gonna need to contact Eraqus." Quentin said creating a portal in front of Eraqus. "Master, Yen Sid isn't here, and these two haven't are stranded here." Quentin said, Eraqus responded. "And Aqua's here with me, Quentin we have a problem. Rupert hass ran away from home, I have a task for you." Eraqus said. "What is it?" Quentin asked. "I can't contact Zack either so, I need you to find Master Yen Sid, bring Rupert back, and find Zack, and Leslie, as well as locate king Mickey, and bring them all home. It was a mistake to send them on this mission in the first place." Eraqus said, frowning. "Alright sir, why did Rupert run away?" Quentin asked. "He over heard Ventus and Terra talking about him falling to the darkness, and left." Eraqus said. "Are you gonna send any help?" Quentin asked. "We are tight, Ventus and Terra are busy with defenses, while Aqua is attending to the weak points. You'll have to get help on you're own. Good luck, and if this works out, I think you'll be ready for the mark of mastery exam." Eraqus finished, the portal dissapeared. Goofy and Donald stood there, with a confused expression on they're faces. "Umm..." Quentn said trying to find the right words to ask for they're help. "Thats alright Quentin, i'm sure me and Donald can help you out." Goofy cheered, Donald nodded. "Really, why?" Quentin asked. "Well, you sorta remind us of a friend of ours, he's really distant now, but is still our friend,and we wanna find the King...again." Donald explained, Quentin smiled. "And I bet if we help you, we can stop organization 13, and Vanito... Vanitanamo... Vaniso-" "Vanitas." Donald squeaked. "Alright, I'll bring you guys along." Quentin said. The two then put they're hands in the middle, Quentin sat his hand on top. "All for one and one for all." Goofy said. "Yeah." Donald also said. "Alright, guys, we're a team now." Quentin said. They walked to the top of the tower and walked into the main room, there as a keychain on the desk, Quentin picked it up, the trio then boarded the gummi ship ad then set out into space. 'So Eraqus is worried Rupert will be corrupted after hearing Ven and Terra, I thought he'd be more fearful of me... I'm even closer to slipping into the darkness.' Quentin thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 19, 2010 as Rupert walked around Destiny Island he kept seeing the faces of those he left behind when he got the keyblade "damn why did it chose me, what did it think i could do with it, well might as well go home, i wonder how much it has changed" Rupert said, so he activated his armor and summoned his keyblade ride and headed towards earth when he got there, Rupert nearly had a heart attack, he saw what was the remains of his old home " no no noooooo what has happened to the one place i can call home, now i am a wandering nobody" Rupert said falling on his Knees and crying than he heard a noise and got up and turned around, it was a man wearing a black cloak "ah i have found you Rupert" he said, Rupert noticed he had a British accent "who are you, tell me you name" Rupert asked the man lowered his hood and walked towards Rupert "before i do how about a little game" he suggested "what are the rules first" rupert said "oh i never bother with them" the man said and through a deck of cards at rupert who managed to avoid them "your attacks remind me of an old friend i lost a while ago when i first got my keyblade" Rupert said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted October 19, 2010 as joe and the others were walking around the world that never was joe could hear voices they know were here sora turned to joe ya your right i can feel there power be on your guard joe says summoning to keyblades here kairi take this joe hands kairi one of the keyblades then all of a sudden Vexen appears in front of them well well what have we here three lost heros dont act dum sora says owe quit a tongue on you boy all four summon there weapons the speaks vexen weres riku owe temper temper boy you dont even know who riku is dont be so shore vexen looks at joe shocked no you cant have your memories back thats what you think joe runs at vexen and knocks him to the ground then points his keyblade at his throat enough messing around vexen were is riku as if i would tell you good bye vexen smirks then disappears Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 20, 2010 The trio flew through space, Quentin was thinking to himself. 'Alright, so we need to find king Mickey, Joe, Rupert... and Leslie, as well as master Yen Sid. Where do I start?' Quentin thought to himself. Donald leened forward. "You have a plan yet?" The Duck asked. "Well... I don't know where to start, you have an Idea?" Quentin asked. "Well umm, maybe we should find the king, he always has a plan." Goofy suggested. "Alright, so where would he be?" Quentin asked. Goofy thought for a moment. "I dunno, he said something 'bout a graveyard, and Keys." Goofy said. Quentin realized Goofy was talking about the keyblade graveyard, the only place the X-blade can be forged. Quentin decided to go ahead. "Alright thats where we're heading then." Quentin said. He took control of the ship and turned it the other way, off to the keyblade graveyard, they landed in the baren wasteland. "So Mickey said he would be here?" Quentin asked looking around. "Yeah, he said he was looking for something then suddenly dissapeared." Donald said, they looked forward, suddenly heartless apeared. "Heartless!" Quentin yelled summoning his keyblade, Donald and Goofy both summoned a wand, and a shield. "You guys no how to fight?" Quentin asked. The two nodded. "Yeah, I'm the captain of the king's royal knights." Goofy said. "And I'm his magician." Donald said. Quentin nodded and the trio attacked, Quentin ran from heartless to heartless attacking each, as Donald released a dazzling lightning spell that stunned them, and Goofy threw his shield with perfect accuracy, the trio finally defeated the heartless. "Well,that was... intresting." Quentin said panting. "You bet, we haven't had this much fun in a long while, like when we teamed up with Sora." Donald said. "Yeah, so where do you think the king is... hyuck?" Goofy asked. "hmm, my guess is probably somewhere cleared out, like maybe-." Quentin said turning towards a darkend area with large cliffs that looked like they suddenly popped out of the ground and stayed like that for years. "There?" Goofy asked. "Wanna check it out?" Donald asked, Quentin nodded and the trio started climbing, after about half an hour Quentin managed to climb almost to the top, while Donald and Goofy were struggling to make it to the cliff under Quentin. "When I get up there I'll take a look aroud." Quentin yelled down, the other two meerly grunted on agreement. Quentin made it to the top. He saw someone kneeling down near a large mouse, a girl with black hair dressed like Quentin in an organization 13 coat... Leslie. She stood up and ran towards Quentin, he embraced her, and realised how much he missed her, She cried into his coat. "I missed you so much." She cried. Quentin felt happy, he hasn't seen her in days, and thought the organization might of killed her, but here she is crying in his arms. "Leslie... I love you, I'd never leave you" Quentin said. Leslie was very pretty, even in the black coat. She looked into his eyes, Quentin slowly moved his face closer to her's. She did the same, then in a flash and she was gone. Then Quentin sunk into dispair, realizing Leslie was not here, it was his imagination, playing tricks on him. He could hear Vanitas high pitched laughter in his head. He felt tears fall from his eyes, then Donald and Goofy finished climbing, they stared at Quentin confused. "Did somethin' happen Quentin?" Goofy asked. Quentin shook his head, he finally remembered the king was lying down there, unconcious. the trio ran over to the mouse. He sustained little injuries, is clothes were ripped, and torn. "We need to get him some help." Goofy announced to the world, Quentin and Donald nodded. Suddenly the gummi-ship pilotted by chip and dale rose near the structure, the hatch openned. "C'mon in, we can feel a storm coming." They said. The trio nodded, Goffy picked micky up and hurried to the ship. Donald then looked out and saw Vanitas firing balls of fire towards the ship, Quentin ran towards him, and attacked, Vanitas blocked and then knocked him back, Donald was firing lightning attacks from his finger tips, and Quentin was backing away. "So... how am I doing, you gonna give him control yet? Cause I know you want to." He said laaughing, Quentin ignored this and then ran into the gummi ship, donal packed away, the ship started movng. "AACK." Donald quacked, Vanitas laughed, backing Donald into a the edge. "i always wanted to try duck." Vanitas said, Donald jumped, and found his fetherred hand caught byQuentin's, Vanitas grimaced and then sent fireballs, Donald used a reflect spell and then shattered part of the cliff. they started to move, Quentin pulled Donald in and closed the hatch, keyblades started to hit the ship hard. "Its gonna be a bumpy ride fellas." Dale chirped. The ship flew out and escaped the wasteland into space. Quentn could still hear Vanitas' laughter in his head. 'I can't believe you believed it, are you that desperate.' He laughed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 20, 2010 As Rupert battled the organization member he could feel a lot of power flowing in to him "ha is this all you got, the keyblade wielders i have fought before were a lot stronger" the man said "well you shouldn't judge people by their appearance" Rupert replied and suddenly had the image of a new move in his mind "wow that looks good" Rupert thought to himself "how about this than" rupert said he threw his keyblade in to the ground and suddenly five huge black pillars rose, they started to glow at the top and shot some sort of electricity to each other than they formed on beam in the middle and blasted the organization member in too oblivion "wow that was powerful but it seemed to be using the power of darkness so i had better be-careful when using it" Rupert said, he than activated his armor and flew to another world that looked liked a wasteland and caught a glimpse of a odd ship flying away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted October 20, 2010 after vexen disappeared joe turned to sora and kairi guess he didnt see that coming me having my memories back meanwhile: Vexen appears back in the round room Vexen: Lord Xemnas Zack has his memories back Xemnas: Hum it seems that zack is capible of more then we thought Siax: Even though he is still no match for the power of the organization Xemnas: Maybe so so dont forget joe does not hhave a limit to how strong he can become but vexens exsperiment Quentin does and he still managed to defeat and destroy lexeaus Vexen: That was the origanal design but it seems some how quentin has managed to surpase his origanil design Xemnas: Hum interesting back with joe and the others Joe: Right time to go for the castle by now i say they all know where coming and that i have my memories back so i say we'll have some fight on are hands Sora: you got that right but we can handle it when joe and the others arrived at the entrence to the castle they all heard a voice Xigbar: Well Zack have you been a good boy this last year Joe: I'd say i have been Xigbar Xigbar jumps down i front of the three Xigbar: Good to know but you arent getting back into this castle not unless you were chained up xigbar summons his sharp shoters and joe sora and kairi summon there keyblades Xigbar: Get ready zack cause here i come Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roxaskeybladeart55 72 Posted October 21, 2010 Chip and Dale were flying through space, donald was trying to wake up king mickey, while goofy sat there, and Quentin looking at his phone. "So... when do you think he'll wake?" Quentin asked. The duck shook his head. "He took a bad bump, maybe a few hours." Donald then walked away from the mouse. "So where do we go next... hyuck." Goofy asked. quentin thought for a moment, he looked at and saw the world that never was, they tried to get closer but the darkness prevented they're entry. the ship turned. "Hmm, maybe we should start looking for maaster Yen sid, where do you think hee went to?" Quentin asked. "He said something about a garden, that was radiant." Donald said confused. "Like Radiant garden?" Quentin asked. "Gawrsh yep thats the one. We went there dozen of times with Sora. Yen-Sid mentioned something 'bout merlin" Goofy said. "I guess thats where we're headin then." Quentin said. The ship made a sharp turn towards radiant garden, and landed there. Before Quentin was a large metropolis that was very grand, and very historical, people were walking through the treets, conversing with eachother, buying at markets, and they all seemed to have a bright light in there hearts. Quentin walked through the streets, he noticed goofy inhaling the smells of sweet pies, and Donald in front of a magic store pressing on the glass looking at the spellbook behind it like a child, this place seemed even better then earth. The trio walked through the streets and made there way to a shop titled "MERLIN'S" Quentin walked in. There was an old man with a beard that dropped to the ground fiddling with a book. "Hello? Are you Merlin?" Quentin asked. The old man turned his head and nodded. "Yes thats me, what can I do for you?" He asked seting the book down, it had a picture of a boy with a bear. "I was told I could find master Yen-Sid here?" Quentin explained. Merlin frowned. "I'm afraid Yen Sid left a while ago, a few hours maybe. He had a large order, but he might still be in the city." MErlin explained. "Whats you're name son?" He asked. "I'm Quentin, I'm one of Eraqus' apprentices, I was sent to find master Yen Sid as part of my mission." Quentin explained. "Hmm I see. Well in that case could you hold on to something for me?" Merlin asked. "Sure what?" Quentin asked. "A very important book, I have a feeling you could keep it safe, Eraqus asked to inspect anyways, can I trust it with you?" He asked. "Sure, give it here." Quentin said. MErlin then picked the book off of the counter and handed it to Quentin, it was a storybook with a bear on it titled "WINNIE THE POOH" Quentin then sat it in his bag inside of his coat. "Thank you for you're help sir-" "And Quentin one thing you should know." Merlin cutted him off. "What?" "... I can sense the darkness in you, and I can feel the conflict, don't let Vanitas win." He said. Quentin nodded. "I'll try." Then Quentin left the building, he was now in front of Donald and Goofy, who seemed to of just bought a lot of new stuff. Quentin then leaded them into the city, in hopes to find Yen Sid. After about an hour of looking the trio was about to give up... until they saw a man in a black coat, he faced them and ran away. He seemed to of been leading them somewhere, the man ran through people and knocked carts over, Quentin evaded and dodged them, his coat had built up a good amount of dust from the debris "Hey you! WAIT!!!" Quentin demanded. He chased him until they ran into a room under the gardens. (where Terra fought Braig) He ran down the walkway, and Quentin ran down it as well, the man was now standing in the middle of the room. Quentin ran in, and Donald and Goofy bounced off an invisible barrier. Quentin was alone, He summoned his keyblades. "Is that you... Joe?" Quentin asked. He's the only person Quentin remembered to also get a black coat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Argonath 0 Posted October 21, 2010 As Rupert saw the odd ship fly away he decided to have a look round the wasteland "well this is new to me, it looks like there was a big battle here, i wonder what about" Rupert said to himself as he walked around he suddenly saw some blue monsters running, one of the spotted him, Rupert than summand his keyblade and started to fight the monsters off but there were millions of the things "i had better get out of here" Rupert said but suddenly the new move that Rupert had just learnt was starting to make Rupert use it "no i wont fall to the darkness" Rupert thought and summoned his keyblade ride and flew away but something was drawing the keyblade to a new world that was filled with light when Rupert got there he saw a giant castle it looked amazing "wow i would like to see the inside of that" Rupert said than saw a boy who looked like Quentin and a duck and a weird dog run past "better be careful don't want them to see me but i think i will follow them to see where they are going" Rupert said to himself, Rupert followed them into a room under the gardens. (where Terra fought Braig), and saw a man in a black cloak run down the walkway with Quentin following, the man stopped in the middle of the room and Quentin followed but the duck and odd dog bounced off an invisible barrier. Quentin was alone, He summoned his keyblades. "Is that you... Joe?" Quentin asked. Rupert was shocked to hear that name as he had completely forgotten about the other keyblade wielders "could it be, but i don't know he might be one of the organization and Quentin is taking a big risk here if he losses" Rupert thought to himself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites