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Wolf on the Run

2012 (roleplay)

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joe jumped up at the creature quickly followed by ven well well look who it is said joe as he saw quentin and leslie well no time to talk now so lets take this thing out joe ran to were vanitas and he started to fight him you cant beat me zack stop calling me zack for the last time my name is joe hu different name same fait ya me kicking your ass lets see shall we then joe noticed the crest on the chest of the beast they were fighting on owe man that cant be good joe left vanitas then ran to the creatures crest then drove his blade right into the centre of the creatures crest causing it to roar in pain bingo joe said now your done joe still had his keyblade inside the creatures chest then he yelled fira the creature roared in pain again this thime spitting out fire the creature began to desend to the ground and die after the fight was over joe saw the others and walked over to see were they alright

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"quinten, please dont do anything drastic." leslie said

"Leslie, I'll be careful. I promise." Quentin said looking her in the eyes, he kissed her. She nodded and then Quentin, Leslie, and Mickey joined into the fight.

(Vim and Vigor plays in the background for some reason but it sounds cool.)

Mickey jumped over the creature, attempted to land a hit, but was deflected by Vanitas

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"Quentin, is that really you?" Leslie asked.

"I guarantee it." he answered Leslie then Kissed him full on the lips. Quentin smiled, there hands were intertwined; the others didn't really take notice to it. Quentin looked at his friends, they're clothes were ripped, especially Joe who seemed to of been wearing the same thing for weeks.


"So... what happenned?"

"Well that creep was controlling you're body, the-..."

"Vanitas will try again." master xehanort cutoff what Leslie was saying then appeared.

Quentin flinched and turned.

"After all he left a remnant inside you, just to control you once more and to forge the x-blade to spark the keyblade war is my part, but his is to wreak havoc and take control of the Offspring, to then turn against me." he gestured, dramaticly.

"Yeah right!" ven said. Everyone summoned their keyblades.

"Hmph figures...." then master Xehanort disapeared.

Quentin listenned to this, he blanked out for a moment.

"Vanitas, if you're there say something!" He yelled to himself.

"No need to yell, I am just a remnant you know."

"Why do you need me for, you're heart is complete."

"The real Vanitas left me here to keep you fools in check. He had a feeling you'd get out." He answerred.

"He was right, Sorry I'm that hard to snuff out, but I won't let you win." Quentin said to himself.

"I've already won, and don't think jabbing me with a pocket knife will work cause I'll just come back." Vanitas said as his voice echoed away...

"Vanitas, he's still alive, I can feel it." Quentin said.

Then Mickey asked.

"But you just mean inside you right?"

"I sense him there but... he's faint, the real Vanitas is out there somewhere, and he's complete." Quentin said.

Quentin turned towards his friends.

"Guys, if he takes over again, I want you to-..." Mickey cut Quentin off.

"Don't worry, we'll help you get rid of him."

"But if he."

"No buts, we're you're friends and we won't just let you die." Mickey answered. Quentin smiled and patted him on the ears.

"Fair enough... Mickey."


"Well gosh, how did you come back?" Mickey asked.

"... I dunno, back down in the darkness, I got the rest of my heart back, a... friend was holding it for me." Quentin explained.

"A friend?" Ven asked.

"... My fraternal twin brother Collin, he was counting on me to help end this." Quentin said looking down.

Quentin started thinking of his family who he cold not save, visions of his dead brothers flashed he snapped out it.


"So... those things are called offspring?" Quentin asked.

"Yep, you heard what he said." Mickey said. the others nodded.

"...Why is it this always gets more and more complicated when I'm not around?" Quentin asked nobody answered.

"What do we do now?" Ven asked.

"...Well I guess we find the other keyblade weilders before the world is destroyed, then we figure out what to do at the Land of Departure." Quentin said while summoning his keyblade, it had changed.

The colors were reversed; the handle was silver, as the key was golden as well as the keychain. It didn't really shock Quentin, it could have came from Vanitas' influence in his heart.



"... So Joe, what happened while we were gone, I never really asked?" Quentin asked, realizing they've finally found Joe.

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well let me think everyone has been calling me zack saying some organization wiped my memories and some guy named axel keeps appearing out of nowhere and says hes trying to help me but besides that nothing what about you looks like somethings have been happening

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"Hmm, its a long story, you know that bright light at the end of the hallway we ran in to?" Quentin asked Joe. He nodded.

"Well it transported me and Leslie to this place called destiny islands whiile for you, I guess got you away from the Lava."

"We thought you were there with us but I guess not, then we ran into this guy Vexen, he told us our existence means nothing, then we ran into Ven's friend Aqua, she explained we were going to war or something." Quentin explained Ven smiled a bit.


"We then ran into Xaldin, some guy with lances who almost killed me before, but we dealt with him. We then went to the land of Departure to get our mission, and Leslie started struggling with her past. we ran into Xion who well died, and we fought this guy named Saix. We decided coming back for you would be the best way to go so we caame back and slept at my place for a while, I then found out my life is just an experiment, and the heart I had wasn't even mine." Quentin said looking down.

"Then Vanitas, the boy in the mask attacked us and Leslie did that transform thiing you saw her do before. Then me and Yaanely... well never mind" Quentin paused blushing.

"Later, we found you here and fought the offspring." Quentin finished. It seemed to take while for Joe to take this in but he nodded.

"... So Ven, when should Aqua and Terra get here?" Quentin asked.

"Oh well, I just ran off so my guess would be in maybe a few minutes now." Ven answerred.

Suddenly Quentin heard the sound of engines and he could tell that Aqua and Terra had just enterred the atmosphere.

Five minutes later...

Aqua and a tall muscular teenager with brown hair was landing down on the ground.

"Ven, is this them?" Terra asked.

Ven nodded.

"Zack, how have you been?" He asked ruffling Joe's hair. Joe answerred, and then Aqua said.

"Quentin, Leslie. We need to head back, the master is worried sick."

"I dunno, its not like he really needs us, and didn't he threaten to kill me?" Quentin asked.

"Well you pulled the keyblade out first, so I think if anything you need to apologize." Aqua said prissly.

"Over my dead body, now come on we gotta find the other Keyblade bearers here before this planet dies." Quentin said changing the subject.

"yeah Aqua, this place has only like maybe three days left before its fully swallowed." Ven said.

"He has a point Aqua, we need those keyblade weilders if we're gonna save the universe." Terra agreed.

"Oh fine, but do we have any way of finding them?" Aqua asked. Quentin pulled something out of his pocket, it was the map of the world, it had three lights focussed in Ireland, as well as three others focussed in Japan, Washington DC, and Canada.

"We don't have time to go to three places around this world. we're gonna need to split up into teams of three, Mickey we need you to report back to Yen Sid." Terra said. Mickey nodded and agreed cheerfully.

"But what teams?" Quentin asked. Quentin and Leslie were looking at eachother blushing. Aqua then rememberred Eraqus told her to keep them apart, as well as watch Leslie.

"... Terra, you're with Joe, you'll head to DC. Quentin, you and Ven go to Japan, while me and Leslie head to Canada. Agreed?" Aqua said. Quentin was going to dissagree since he'd rather team with Leslie.

"Uhh Aqua, I would rather team with-."

"Ven's fine." she cuttoff Quentin. Quentin obliged.

Terra then taught Joe how to create a keyblade rider and armor and the left first.

Quentin then aproached Leslie

"I'm sorry I scared you like that." Quentin said rememberring Vanitas. Leslie answerred something.

"Be careful out there, I hear Canada's pretty nutty." He said. She hugged him.

"Lets go buddy." Ven said.

"Wanna race?" He then asked. Quentin then nodded and activated his armor, then summoned his rider.

"You're on." He answerred confidently.

(Alright now we're heading out to find the others, if they are no longer posting on this thread. I guess we can come up with some bogus story about how they died or something. Just my thoughts though.)

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warning: due to the graphic nature if this post parental disrection is advised for 13 and under. if you are older and not susiptable to nightmares or have a weak stomache ignore it. im an not responsible for anything bad that happens once this statement has been read once you read the whole statment you agree with terms there of.




"I'm sorry I scared you like that." Quentin said rememberring Vanitas."its ok just be carefu.l"

"Be careful out there, I hear Canada's pretty nutty." He said. She hugged him.

"Lets go buddy." Ven said.

"Wanna race?" He then asked. Quentin then nodded and activated his armor, then summoned his rider."You're on." He answerred confidently. then terra and joe suited up then left.



as leslie saw quinten,ven,terra, and joe head off to look for washington dc, and japan on their riders, up high on the blood red horizon. "leslie, lets go." aqua said. "ok....." leslie said suspiously. "what is it?" aqua said. "there's something that you are not telling me....you are hiding something from me aren't you?" aqua bit her lip and stared at the ground, pulling her eyebrows together, a few moments later she took a deep breath. 'she wont lie to me she wouldnt' leslie thought. then memories flashed in her mind. they were pleasant, memories that warmed her heart. she have might have been five years old. "master eraquas told me to watch you but....its for your own good." aqua said. "why leslie." asked. "Im sorry leslie, i promised not to tell, especaily you but please....dont hate me,Im?to." aqua said looking in leslie's eyes, making a fist and holding it closely to her heart. leslie sighed sharply.



"ok i promise you i wont. on?-san." leslie said calmly. aqua made a small smile. 'but will find out soon, one way or another.' leslie thought. "alright then lets go, say who do we have to find?" leslie asked. "lets see..." aqua pulled out a piece of paper and read out loud. "andrew monte, 17, in Brampton Ontario. can be approached." aqua finished. leslie and aqua morphed into their armor and summoned their riders and rode off. they flew over the black ocean. then a swarm of jelly-like creatures most of them were offspring and unversed, few of them started fighting. then nobodies and heartless appeared, there are hundreds of them now but the creatures started to gang up on the offspring. "well thats something you dont see every day." leslie said aqua nodded. "we should get going quick." aqua said. so the two girls sped up significantly. fast enough to make a mini sonic boom. few moments later they both see a broken down sign that says 'WELCOME TO CANADA' and next to it there was a huge canadian flag waving proud in the sunset which surprisingly was still in good condition.



"oh wait were gonna need this." aqua said then muttered a magical incantation. then meteors stared to crash down on them but the meteors simply broke into pieces when they hit them. then something started to beep rapidly, it was her map. "were here." aqua said. the duo morphed back into there regular clothing. they landed at what used to be a school. it was all burned and destroyed there was so much rubble, and many corpses. the smell of dead bodies was very strong. they walked into a path were it seem that someone cleared the rubble. leslie smelled a hint of darkness, very foul. "someone was here..." leslie said, aqua gasped. "what is it?" leslie asked. "your...eyes they're a blood-red! and....you have this strange power i sense in you. what is it?" aqua said surprised. "my true strength....i have been told, i dont know much about it but its quite useful." leslie said. aqua noticed the rip on the right side of her shirt, there was a fresh, long scar. "....and what happened here?" aqua traced the scar with her finger. "it's apart of my true strength, ill show you soon." leslie promised. aqua made a confused look.



then they continued walking in what used to be a hall, there was blood all over it, there were scriptures and somebody wrote: SATAN IS HERE,666, and a star inside a circle upside down all in blood, the scenery made aqua feel uneasy. they walked in the hall it started to get darker and darker. they walked in a room full of books that were ethier ripped, burned, or covered in blood, then the beeping from the mapped stopped. "huh thats strange...." aqua said. "what is it?" leslie asked. "he was on the map a second ago....and now he disapeared.." aqua said. then the map started to beep again, the dot was moving fast heading toward the duo.



"whoa... i guess he found us...." aqua said. then a A young looking, Black skinned boy wearing Black Glasses jumped at the duo. he had Black Jeans, Black and Blue shoes together with a Navy blue T-shirt and hoodie. with a black bag strapped to his shoulder, and has Has a mini-afro. he was coverd in blood,some parts of skin was falling, and he smelled bad. aqua walked a step forward "are you..." aqua was cutoff from his strange roar. "aqua get back, he is a zombie! dont let him bite you!" leslie said in panic. aqua and leslie jumped backwards a dozen feet. "how do we kill him?" aqua asked the zombie was disoriented from not eating flesh in a while and kept walking into a wall several times. "seriously? you havent seen any zombie movies havent you?" aqua nodded in a 'no' "ok lesson one: they are dead but alive only and their only instict is kill you and eat your flesh....and clearly not as smart."



she gestured her hand to the zombie again walking into the wall several times. "ok lesson two the only way to kill a zombie is to...." leslie summoned her keyblade then finally said: "...chop off its head!" aqua coverd her eyes. then leslie ran towards 'drew' then swinging her keyblade, decapitating it. blood smeared on to the wall and his head bounced off the wall and landed in a trash can. some of his brains came out from where leslie cut it off, his body as on the floor with more blood just pouring out of him. "ok that was zombie 101 with leslie." aqua made a disgusted look. "oh yeah by the way if you get bitten or get blood from a zombie you become one." leslie said. leslie saw something that caught her eye it was something shiny,over by the trash can, it was a keyblade it was strange looking. leslie touched it then it dissapeared, leslie felt that she had gotten stronger. "well it looks like we have two for the price of one." aqua said finally walking over to leslie, grimacing of the bloody sight.



leslie made a confused look. "it means that instead of needing an extra person we only need one. it happens rarely but you can use both keyblades at the same time, now you weild at a higher rank, keyblade master." aqua said. "keyblade master?" leslie asked. "as soon as i became one i chose you...because me and master eraquas discovered an ancient proficey.....the birth of a girl who bares the mark of a wolf on her left side, can either change or alter all forms of nature rules itself ethier bring light or darkness, ruin or creation." aqua said. "so you think....?" leslie said. "not think but now so." aqua said in confidence. 'wait....me...x-blade...master xehanort....quentin...keyblade war...' leslie thought.



leslie opened her eyes wide. "what is it?" aqua asked. "i have to talk to quentin." leslie said urgently. "no we need to go meet up with terra first then you can talk to him." aqua said. leslie bit her lip. she nodded so they morphed into their armor then a horde of zombies appeared. "there's too many of them lets get out of here!" aqua said then their riders appeared then left from the corner of her eye she could see a familiar figure in a black mask then dissappeared. 'vanitas...i hope you get eaten by zombies' leslie thought. the zomies were heading where the vanitas was but they ended up walking towards the wall over and over again.

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Quentin and Ven were riding on they're keyblades for what seemed like hours, until the aproached what use to be a high-tech metropalis. It was ruins now, and somewhere in that large heap of garbagee lied a keyblade chosen one...

"Jesus christ." Ven mutterred. The duo landed nearest to the dot on the map in tokyo, they landed on top of a skyscraper, they could not fit they're vehicles on the ground floor.

"Hmm must be a dead end, there's no way he could of survived." Quentin said, afraid to look down.

"Maybe." Ven said. he then backed away a few steps and then jumped off of the building.

"VEN!!!" Quentin yelled. He waited for that crushing sound but he heard nothing, he looked down. Ven had jumped onto a wire and came down using his keyblade. Quentin summoned his and slowly made his way down, being careful.


They aproached an apartment building, the ground litterred with corpses, and the horrid stench of death. The bulding was still intact and they walked up the stairs, Ven made conversation and asked Quentin about himself.

"Sooo, you like Leslie right?" Ven asked.

"Well I-"

"Don't need to explain to me, I saw you two lovebirds smoochin'." He said.

"Right." Quentin answerred back blushing.

"Just be careful, she's like our little sister, and Terra would be pissed if you did anything to her, especially since that prophecy and all." Ven aid.

"What prophecy?" Quentin asked. Ven paused for a moment, trying to change the subject.


"So where do you suppose this guy... Hinote is?" Ven asked.

"I already said I bet he's dead, this place has been overun for weeks." Quentin answerred.

"If he's still alive I doubt he would stay put around here." Quentin answerred back. They reached the top floor,

"Alright I'll head down to the west wing, you take care of the east." Ven said.

Quentin nodded and he started openning doors. he finally enterred a large room, possibly used for entertainment. Quentin gasped, there were dozens of offspring in the room, he prepared his golden keyblade and fought them off, after five minutes of fighting he fell down from exhaustion.

"How many are there!" Quentin yelled. suddenly they all dissapeared, an old man was standing in the room, dissmissing his keyblade.

"Master Xehanort?" Quentin gasped, then summonned his keyblade.

"Put you're key down boy."

"Why, so you can kill me and then help Vanitas!" Quentin yelled.

"You do not understand, you were Vexen's experiment as Vanitas' was mine, I mean sure I wanted the Keyblade War, but Vanitas is truly a wild beast out of control. He has no control over his heart before he completed it, there's no way he can control it now. I am willing to give up my own agenda to make sure he is destroyed." He reasoned.

"What about Joe?" Quentin asked.

"Zachary, he shows no restraint, I was meerly testing him." Xehanort answerred.


Quentin lowerred his golden Keyblade.

"What do you need me to do?" Quentin asked.

"Simple, I can feel the remnant Vanitas inside of you, he holds back power in you, the old heart kept hidden. Simply take control of the darkness inside of you to access this power. Then find Vanitas and end him once and for all."

"... I always thought that the darkness was evil, and could destroy you if you fell into it." Quentin asked.

"That is if you let it control you, you must control it, you are rather powerful, I believe you can take tabs over you're own heart." Xehanort continue.

"I have even seen you use the darkness to protect you're friend Leslie, against Saix remember? That was a rather impresive display of control, I have great faith in you, my boy." Xehanort said, patting Quentin on the shoulder.

"Alright Master Xehanort, but what if it does win?" Quentin asked.

"Do you doubt you're own strength to keep it at bay, you'll do fine." Xehanort said.

Quentin thought for a moment, the darkness seemed tempting and could help him, maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

"Thank you for you're help Master Xehanort, I have one queston though." Quentin said.

"Go ahead, I owe you that much." Xehanort answerred.

"Who is Leslie really? I wanna know." Quentin asked.

Xehanort paused for a moment dramatically.

"She is the chosen one, the one who will darken the light." Xehanort smiled, then suddenly dissapeared.

"Chosen one? For what?" Quentin then walked out of the room and opened the last door.


he openned a door and enterred a clean room, all that was in the room was a keyblade sitting on a table. Sudennly Quentin started feeling strange in his heart.


"Vanitas, what do you want now?" He asked.

"What do you think? You should pick up that keyblade, the owner is dead." He said.

"Wait, why would you care?" Quentin asked himself.

"Well cause it seems er powerful." Vanitas stuttered.

"Wait, do you want to help me?" Quentin asked himself smilling.

"Well I, uh NO, it just looks kinda cool." He answerred back.

"Right, fine I guess I can do that." Quentin said ending the conversation.

"Loser." Vanitas stutterred. Quentin walked over to the keyblade on the table and picked it up, he couldn't tell if the owner really was dead but it shined and dissapeaared.

Ven walked into the room, bored.

"Hmm, guess the guy who already had it couldn't handle it." Ven said.

"This Keyblade, I feel... stronger."

"Who told you to pick it up?" Ven asked.

"Vanitas' remnant I think, he said it looked cool." Quentin answerred back.

"I see, so you're having conversation's with Vanitas now, what the heck." Ven said giggling.

"Well, its better then talking to you." Quentin said. the two friends laughed in agreement,

"We better get out of here, we got the keyblade, and now we should head back. come on." Ven said while breaking a window and creating a portal, when followed him in.

Later Quentin and Ven were in the hospital building in Ireland,they were the last to finish, and suddely Leslie was rushing to see him.

"Leslie, whats wrong?" Quentin asked. Looking the girl in the eyes with concern.

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As joe and Terra were on there why to washington joe asked terra hey how come you and everyone keeps on calling me Zack when my names joe and you acted like when you first saw me like you knew me terra turned wait you really dont remember i guess they really did erase your memories okay the truth is your names is Zack and your my little brother joe/Zack looked at terra in shock what what are you talking about so does that mean i'm not even from ireland Zack that doesnt just mean your not just from ireland it means your not even from this world


Joe/Zack looks at terra wait so were am i really from then your from the same world as me the land of deparcher thats the main reason your so much more adapted to the keyblade then the others youve been training with the keyblade for years but around a year ago some things happened and well you just disappeared wait but didnt you came looking for me we did but theres alot of worlds out there and the group that took you organization 13 are good at hidding there tracks


but all those memories i have from ireland and my friends my family fake they were the memories of another boy from this world that the organization desposed of what they killed someone just to hid me how could they do such a thing how could they be so heartless simple its because they have no hearts what owe man okay then how do we get my old memories back well were going to need to bring you back home and then let master eraques try and restore them okay i'm okay with that but will i still have all the memories of the last year ya of course well in that case just call me Joe from now on bro i like it better then Zack hey look i think thats washington up ahead when joe and terra arrived in washington they knew they had no chance of finding another one of the keybladers because from the look of washington no one was alive they had all dieded in a volcano eruption owe man no point staying here it would take a miracle to find someone alive in this

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"well that was crazy. i never incountered a living dead person before." aqua said. "well there is a whole kind of crazy you are not used to believe me, and i bet they are crawling all over the place." that made aqua shiver. "say where are we heading next?" leslie asked trying to change the subject. "washington D.C. terra sent me a message, he wants to talk to you." aqua said. leslie nodded. in about twenty minutes or so, leslie could see of what used to be the washington monuement, it was broken in half. the first half was in the lake floating in the lake near it full of corpses and blood. the other half was merley a pile of rubble.leslie and aqua could see that the once patriotic city itself was completely destroyed, burned, and blood with satanic messages on the wall and monuments. this made aqua uneasy again, leslie could feel it.



they landed near a the monuement and morphed back but leslie's eyes were still blood-red, there was a large area full of dead grass and bodies. they walked several yards away from the monuement. then there was an old building and on the bloody,sign it said: 'School Without Walls Senior High School', then there was a small sign that (yes i know i found it on google maps) aqua pulled out her map. "there close, right inside." aqua said. "well, what are we waiting for lets go!" leslie said taking a few steps forward, only to see that aqua hasnt moved. leslie sensed something in the building, three people two were darkness, but one was significantly stronger than the other, it must be Vanitas has has gotten stronger and stronger, and the third was light, it must be joe. "vanitas has gotten stonger... and even stronger somehow..we need to be on our guard." aqua said, somewhat confused. so they went inside, it was dark and smelled like dead bodies. "hello, my love." Vanitas said darkly, emerging from the darkness. "stop calling me that!" leslie said enraged. her wing grew out completely, aqua had a surpised look on her face.



"then come on sweetie, lets dance!" vanitas said jumping and summoning his keyblade to attack her, but leslie blocked it in time and jumped back. aqua attacked vanitas from behind, but when she attacked it was an illusion of him, she quickly relized then vanitas was going to attack at full force, then leslie blocked it. leslie could feel that she and vanitas were powering up, but leslie knew that vanitas was drawing the power from somewhere else but she didnt know where. they both jumped back, aqua whispered a magical incantation, it made leslie feel faster. "huh up to your Dirty tricks again, you priss. well i got some of my own?" vanitas said. Vanitas summoned another keyblade in his hand. it looked like quinten's. "where did you get that?" aqua yelled. "just something little jr, me gave me.



now master x said to keep aqua alive...but i could say it was an accident" vanitas said devishly. "Not on my watch, you bastard!" leslie said, she attacked but it turns out in a split second it was an illusion. leslie could see that the real vanitas was standing and aqua on the floor bleeding and passed-out. "well then, how about another kiss?" vanitas said walking towards leslie. "ASSHOLE! IM GONNA END YOU FOR GOOD!!!" leslie roared. she was at full power, black electricity was crackling around her, a red aura appeared, and she could feel her senses highten. "man, i could so tell that you could be good in bed." vanitas said darkly.



leslie let out a roar again, she charged towards Vanitas, But he dodge so easily. then disappeared. "well, i dont see the fun in that...since that quinten guy in is 'our' way i will take care of him myself, sweetheart." Vanitas voice echoed away. Leslie felt so furious that she puched the wall then it fell. then leslie reliazed that she had to focus on aqua and picked her up. then her head started to hurt, all she could think about was destroying the place.



Leslie followed her senses so she dashed so fast that she found terra and joe, who were surpised at leslie at first sight but they quickly reconized her and aqua who was passed out in leslie's arms. "leslie what happend to you? and what happend to aqua?" terra asked in horror. "ill explain on the way and i have to talk to quinten, but did you find the other keyblade bearer?" leslie asked. they both nodded in a 'no' "we found him dead then he tried to attack us. then joe absorbed her keyblade" terra said some what confused, joe looked horrorfied. "well lets go, everyone quickly." leslie said.



everyone morphed to their armor and summoned their riders, terra had to carry aqua on board with him, and headed where quinten and ven where, because leslie followed her senses. it took minutes, they shortly landed in the hospital in ireland. "quentin!" leslie yelled, then hugged him."Leslie, whats wrong?" Quentin asked. Looking the girl in the eyes with concern. leslie told quentin everything.

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"...I see, so you are the person in some prophecy who can save, or destroy everything, I... I'm sorry Leslie." Quentin said looking down.

Leslie seemed to doubt herself, believing she will end up destroying the worlds.

"Leslie, you are strong and brave, there's no way that you'll end up destroying well... everything. I believe in you, and you should too." Quentin reassured her.


She then mentioned Vanitas and Quentin's connection.

"So you think Vanitas is using me to get the X-blade... I sorta expected that. He never takes no for an answer. I... need to stop him once and for all, for me, and for you, I hate seeing him torture you like that." Quentin said deeply, Leslie smiled.

"So you saw him again huh?" Quentin asked. Leslie then explained that Vanitas used Quentin's keyblade. Quentin then summoned his keyblade, it felt sorta heavier in his hand.

"So now Vanitas is syphoning my power, that little asshole." Quentin said dismissing the keyblade.


Leslie put a hand over his, they stood facing eachother, she drew in closer and brushed her lips over his, he did the same.

'Don't worry Leslie, We can do this, just have faith.' Quentin thought to himself during the kiss. Little did they know Joe was standing there grinning.

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joe stud there grinning for a minute then though to himself i wonder if there is anything terra is not telling me about my past joe turns to the others hey guys can we head off to the land of departure i want to see if this eraques guy can restore my memories and all that terra turned to joe master eraqueas joe okay okay calm down remember i lost my memories all of a sudden joe heard a voice from behind him it sounded familer wait axel i know its you show yourself well well joe dont you havesome ears on you terra and ven saw axel then both summoned there keyblades axel what are you doing here hey guys calm down its okay axel wont attack us finally it looks like some of your memories are coming back all by themselfs you got that right joe walked over to axel and high fived them joe what are you doing hes one of them the organization ya so if it wasnt for axel i might not be alive you see when the organization first captured me they had planned to kill me not any of the stuff that involved erasing my memories that was all axel he helped me escape them after i was coght he knew if i keeped my memories id be cought again so i got them erased to hid my tracks ya to bad we picked a world with an espertion date hey axel dont talk like that we still might have a chance to save this world but first i think it would be best if we got the rest of my memories back first

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"Hey guys can we head off to the land of departure? I want to see if this Eraqus guy can restore my memories and all that." Joe said, not taking any notice to Quentin and Leslie


Terra turned to Joe

"Master Eraqus Joe." Terra said.

"Okay okay, calm down remember I lost my memories." Joe said. All of a sudden they heard a familiar voice, which came from behind Joe.


"Wait axel? I know its you show yourself." Joe demanded turning around, Quentin and Leslie turned.

"Well well Joe, don

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leslie noticed that Master Eraquas was staring at quentin darkly. "Master Xehanort and I will have a talk with Zack." Eraqus finished.

"Alright, come out to see us when you're done Joe." Quentin said walking out the door. leslie stayed behind. "otosan....what do you have against quentin?" leslie asked curiously. eraquas made a hard unreadable expression on his face. "Watashi no musume....im just trying to protect you as a father should, after all he IS a boy or do i need to have this...talk with you?" leslie was confused.



"when two people care for each other deeply something happ-" leslie cut off eraquas, her eyes were very wide, blushing and embarassed. "oh....no that is pretty much taken care of!" leslie said awkwardly and gave him an awkward smile and he smiled awkwardly back. "so yeah...im gonna like...go.." leslie said and she sprinted out of the door, to where ven and quentin were. quentin was too deep in thought to even notice that leslie had an intense grimace on her face. "hey what happend with you?" ven asked surpirised.



"NOTHING!!!!...just er-forget about it." leslie said. "ok....lets start your training." ven said warily. ven showed leslie and quentin a bunch of speed-type techniques. "ok but the most important thing you need to learn is-" "hey what about strength? they need muscle too." terra said while coming down the stairs with his hands in his pocket. "hey no fair, terra. im sopposed to be the one teaching!" ven cried. "relax...you are but it wouldnt hurt to see how strong this guy is." terra said looking at quentin. "so...you and my little sis huh?...if i were you i would watch my step." terra said, ominously a quinten and summoning his keyblade. "terra, you might not want to do that." leslie mumbled. " awww,come on. i just want to see if he can take care of you. lets see what you got." terra said. quentin summoned his keyblade.

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"Lets see what you got!" Terra said, twirling his keyblade in a taunting fashion, Quentin summoned his golden keyblade and got into a stance, Ven was counting off,

"Commence combat on my mark, Three, Two, One, MARK!" Ven yelled. Tera suddenly jumped towards Quentin with his keyblade over hand, quentin rolled to the right out of the way, and started parrying Terra's blows. Terra fought like Lexeause except his weapon had a longer reach, and he fought even harder, Quentin could barely block and avoid, The fought like this for five minutes until Quentin rememberred what Ven said about speed, and that reversal trick. Quentin did so and slid behind Terra who was unprepared. He fell down.

"Well what do you know Terra, I am a good teacher." Ven said laughing to himself.

"Lucky shot." Terra then stood back up and attacked even harder, Suddenly while fighting Quentin almost ran out of strength to continue.

'So, seems he's got you beat huh?' Vanitas asked inside his head.

'What, you wanna try?' Quentin thought to himself.

'Hmm, well personally I would like to bring this guy down a peg, why not, you gonna let me try?' Vanitas asked.

'As long as you don't act like a sex offender when you do.' Quentin thought to himself, remembering what Xehanort said about the darkness.

'Funny, I'll remember that. I'll give back control when I'm done.' And with that the remnant took over, Quentin's eyes turned Yelow, a dark aura emitted from him, but Terra didn't notice, and then Quentin's keyblade split into two.

"Alright, lets go." Terra said proudly. Van-tin rushed with a flurry of keyblade attacks toward Terra who couldn't keep up, eventually Terra came down, from exhaution, he attempted to hit Van-tin, but it was deflected and the keyblade fell from his hand, and Van-tin caught it.

'Alright, and as promised.' Vanitas said relinquishing control.

'how did you do that?' Quentin asked.

'You remember what the old man said, I block power in you're heart, that I am capable of using.'

Quentin held Terra's keyblade in hand, he looked down at Terra, who seemed to be having a good time.

"Here." Quentin said handing the keyblade back.

"You're not so bad, I guess you can take good care of our little sis" Terra said, grinning. Quentin looked back, he couldn't see Leslie anywhere,

"Where is she anyway?" Quentin asked.

"Hmm, when you started winning I think she left to see Aqua." Ven suggested.

"Alright, I'll go see her." Quentin then huried down the trail.


"So Terra, do you think that was darkness he was using?" Ven asked.

"Oh definently, he must of let the remnant take control, he fought just like Vanitas." Terra said smiling.

"Should we tell Master Eraqus?" Ven asked. Terra was about to say no when suddenly-

"Tell master Eraqus what?" Eraqus asked, catching his pupils off guard.

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as the other left the room joe turned to master eraqus and xehanort joe summoned his keyblade Zack you can put your keyblade away master eraqus said id rather to keep it out i still dont trust the old guy Zack have more respect to your masters hes not my master i cant even remember anyting about anyone except for axel well that would sound about right xehanort said as he was the last person with u when your memories were erased


speaking about my memories can you restore them eraqus looks at joe well since you didnt make it premanent i think so master eraqus summoned his keyblade and raised it above joes head a glimer of light shone from the keyblade and then all kinds of images began to appear into joes head joe fell to the ground and pasted out but he could still hear eraqus and xehanort talking there that should do it all his memories are restored i'll carry him out to the other of course eraqus but what of quentin and yanley we will descusse that later id rather not speak of it with zack here now lets go out to the others

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so terra and quentin started to fight. from the looked of it terra had the upper-hand. 'maybe i should check on aqua....' leslie thought. so she returned where the door was and went inside the grand temple that used to be her home. memories of her time there...warmed her heart and smiled, she could hear the echoes of the times she spent there. she almost felt like a little girl again. she eventually found aquas room and gently knocked.


"come in." aqua said. leslie walked in, aqua was in her bed all banaged up. "hey, are you ok?" leslie said with guilt. "yeah im no im fi-" aqua grunted with pain, when she tried to lift herself up. "no its ok you dont have to stand up! ill just help you with whatever you need." leslie said with worry.


aqua nodded and sat herself down. "aqua im-" "you dont have to apologize." aqua cutoff leslie. "but it was my fault i would never would have want you to get hurt, i promised myself that i would never let anybody i care about get hurt." leslie said sincrely. aqua looked at leslie in her eyes. then quiten came in through the door panting, with a triumphant smile across his face.

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Lets see here, hmm probably this room, suddenly Quentin heard Leslie's voice through the door

"I promised myself that I would never let anybody I care about get hurt." leslie said sincrely.

'Thats sweet, I guess she messed up on that tons of times.' Quentin thought rememberring all those times he got hurt. He enterred the room, Aqua had a medical cast over her arm.

"So, I take it you'ree doing well?" Quentin said to Aqua.

"Yeah, more or less." Aqua said, grunting.

"How'd it go with Terra?" Aqua asked. Quentin walked closer to Leslie's side.

"Pretty well actually." Quentin replied. Aqua started Yawning, then she seemed to doze off.

Quentin put his hand in Leslie's, she smiled. Suddenly the intercom spoke up.

"Quentin, and Leslie. You are both needed in the audience chaamber right away, please comply." Eraqus yelled.

"Lets get going." Quentin suggested. Leslie complied and followed him out the door.

"So, did you know Joe before?" Quentin asked Leslie. Slowly Leslie answerred.

"I see, what about Master Xehanoort?" Quentin asked. Leslie then answerred again. They kept walking.


"I heard what you said to Aqua back there." Quentin said.

"Hmm, you're bad at keeping promises." Quentin teased, the two close friends started laughing, for the first time in a while.

They kept walking until they enterred the large room, Joe was sitting in a chair dazed, and master Xehanort was stanfing there in the middle of the room dramatically.

"Ahh, Leslie, Quentin, excellant you came, Master Eraqus wishes to speak with you Quentin." Xehanort said.

"I saw what you did out there Quentin, I was rather impressed, you showed excellant control over... it." Xehanort said, noticing Leslie.

"Thank you, Master Xehanort." Quentin said, bowing his head respectfully, and then walked down the stairs. Leslie remained upstairs.

"Master Xehanort said you needed to talk with me?" Quentin asked Eraqus.

"Yes he did, didn't he? I watched you're spar with Terra, you used you're darkness, do you know how dangerous that is?" Eraqus yelled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not even you're student, and you're telling me off!" Quentin yelled back.

"You're little stunt could of gotten Terra killed, do you know how dangerous Vanitas is??" He asked.

"Well I thought he could handle it, and he did." Quentin spat back.

"Thats not the point, if you use the Darkness, it wil eventually take over, and can destroy you... and-"

"What, what else could it destroy?" Quentin yelled.

"And Leslie." Eraqus finished, Quentin gasped.

"I've seen you interact with her, the feelings you show, you... you-"

"I love her." Quentin cutted him off.

"Precisely, the darkness will taint, and corrupt her, and it would be all you're fault, think about that." Eraqus said. Quentin looked down.

"What should I do?" quentin asked.

"Learn to say no to Vanitas, refuse the power he offers, there's nothing wrong with losing." Eraqus said.

"Alright sir." Quentin went deep inside himself, he saw Vanitas there, telling hom to let thim have control again and kill this fool. Quentin shut the door inside his heart. He felt light and opened his eyes.

"Now Quentin, If you let us train you, you can learn to reject him fully. Do you accept me as you're Teacher?" Eraqus asked, offering his hand.

Quentin thought for a moment, he took it.

"Yes master Eraqus, thank you." Quentin said, smiling.

"Good, I look forward to training you, lets head back up. I have an announcement for our strategy." Eraqus said, Quentin started walking up the stairs, he went by Master Xehanort who was scowling.

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joe heard the others leave the room then he woke up with a roar ANSEM XEMNAS XEHANORT joe jumped up and he saw axel and master eraqus run up to him joe whats wrong axel said zack those names your yelled what were they who were they and i could make out was Xehanort i know who one of the names i roared was Ansem then axel spoke you also called out Xemnas the organizations leader joe replied to both what could me roaring there names like that even mean i am not shore Zack but we will find out but what of your memories are they all back joe replys ya i think so and master i'd rather you called me joe from now on i understand joe now here take this master eraqus places a keychain in his hand whats this keychain turn my keyblade into it will turn your keyblade into one with mighty streaght which is called oblivion okay joe axel come we will speak with the others

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Rupert saw a lot of things happen but his feet wouldn't move, he suddenly had a vision of something where he saw a man on the beach with a odd white object the man walked towards the tree completely ignoring rupert he than put the object on the tree than the object moved and it turned out to be a boy who had a keyblade and than the vision ended when rupert awoke every one was gone.

"what the hell was that, i need to find out" rupert said

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"so..has your power overwhelmed you yet?...to cause chaos and destruction?" xehanort asked. "that will never-" "join me, allow me to become your master." xehanort cutoff. "not only you will control your powers but embrace the darkness....you are capable of doing anything your heart desires without being a pawn to destiny." xehanort said dramatically. "...and you think that in my heart i would ever would want to join you? . . .over.... my...dead..body." leslie said with tension in her voice.

"foolish Girl, im offering you help but you refuse to accept me? the power in you will destroy everything you hold dear, espeaclly that-" "HE HAS A NAME! AND ITS QUENTIN!!" leslie said furiously, she immeditely felt stronger and felt that she was transforming. "dont you see? your heart is too closely linked to your powers, thats why you can easliy have them at your disposal, all controlled by your emotions but in the end itwill take over you. Mark my words." xehanort said. there was a brief moment of silence. "oh...you've finally stopped talking...i was kinda hoping that you were having a stroke." leslie said through her teeth, while summoning her keyblade, quickly aiming at his neck.

xehanort scowled with comtempt all over his face. "just remember....one false step...and i will have your head on a pike. do you understand?" leslie snarled. xehanort calmly composed his features, he gave leslie a short glare then walked out. leslie felt a a warmth in the pit of her heart. she wanted to destroy everthing in sight. 'no i wont...i cannot make him right.' she thought then her head started to hurt a little to throbbing pain in her whole body, like if it was on fire.




leslie growled then got herself into a crouching position. she felt like her body was going to spring at the wall, destroying the whole place into smithereens but when she resisted, the firey pain went from bad to unbearable. she let out a pained shriek, trying to control her urge to destroy but she punched the wall leaving a big hole that broke the concrete. leslie had a large piece of rubble in her hand, once she squeezed it then it turned into dust. she was now on the floor in a fetal position, trying to contain herself. she closed her eyes and thought of quentin. the fire in her body was calming down, she was panting and sweaty. unable to move she felt trapped in her own body. once her breathing was even and she stopped sweating she stood up and took a deep breath. 'i need to take control...xehanort knows my weakness, without a doubt he will use it against me.' she thought sadly.

moments later leslie heard a large crash that shook the ground. "what the hell?" she ran outside to the main courtyard. leslie saw heartless, nobodies, unversed, and offspring, they were everywhere, but they were still. then a blurry figure came fast then landed on a pillar leaving a large crack, leslie couldnt see and covered her face from debris coming right at her. once the dust cleared she could see that the figure was Vanitas, he was covered in blood and passed out. "well now, he didnt put much of a fight." said saix emerging from the shadows.



"what the hell is going on?" leslie yelled then summoning her keyblade. "your lover is interfearing with our plans, and he was trying to take our kingdom hearts for himself." he said blankly. "for the last firetrucking time...he is NOT my boyfriend!" she said trying to push down her rage inside her heart. "Are you angry? Do you hate me? Then, take that rage, and direct it at the Heartless and offspring." he said. "Nah...i'd rather choke the life out of you first." leslie growled then she jumped, high into the sky coming down at him hard, he grunted in pain. Leslie could hear the keyblade ripping deep into his flesh making a wet squishing sound. so much blood came gushing right out of him, like a hose under too much pressure. it covered some of the walls and on leslie. saix tried to jumped backwards but he couldnt then knelling on the ground. "ah i see you are at critical state, your most primal instincts take over. all you have is blood lust, you are becoming more animal than human." he managed to say, he snapped his fingers then all of the heartless, nobodies, unversed, and offspring started to move towards leslie. leslie swung her keyblade then all of them were gone. "truly fascinating..." saix said disappearing into the shadows.

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Quentin felt the ground shake, he hurried up the stairs, ran by Xehanort, and saw Leslie, finishing off the offspring.

Vanitas was on the ground, battered.

"Leslie, what the hell hapenned?" The girl he fell in love with, was battered and bruised and could barely stand up, Quentin walked over to Vanitas, he had hole's in his mask. Quentin saw yellow eyes pop open and heard a blood curdling laugh.

"Hahahah." Vanitas said. He stood up.

"You again, haven't you've done enough to me already?" Quentin yelled summonning the keyblade.

"Hmm, I guess I'll humor you." Vanitas said summoning what looked like Quentin's old Silver Keyblade, his mask dissipated.

The two started to battle in a duel until Vanitas gained the uper hand,

"You know, maybe you should listen to me, instead of just shutting the remnant out." Vanitas suggested.

Quentin ducked and got behind him bashed toward his head, breaking his nose.

"Damn it, What is with you and breaking me? First you shoved a Knife up my ass and now this!" Vanitas yelled. Leslie stood up to attack but fell over as Vanitas dissapeared, Quentin caught her.

"See you later, sweetcheeks." Vanitas echoed.

Leslie seemed to weak to answer, and instead dropped her keyblade.

"C'mon, lets get you someplace safe." Quentin said, supporting Leslie into the building.

"Master Eraqus, we need help." Quentin said.

"What happenned?"

"Vanits came, and so did the offspring, and Saix." Quentin answerred, Master Xehanort gave a blank stare towards Leslie.

"Hm, I'm assigning you each a room, take Leslie to her's" Eraqus said, handing Quentin a sheet of paper, and keys.

"Uhh sir, Where's Joe?" Quentin asked.

"Zacks in his quarters, head to the housing complex, Quentin when you get to her room set her down on her bed and use this spell. And then keep tabs on her condition, keep us informed, I trust you'll do well." Eraqus said handing the cure spell to Quentin.

"It doesn't work in full healings, so be careful, she'll be out for a while, I don't even know if she'll wake up, I'm sorry Quentin." Eraqus finished.

"...I understand sir." Quentin managed to answer, Leslie was leaning on his shoulder. he walked out towards the second building, and walked Leslie into the housing complex. He walked into a white room with a Bed and a stand next to it.

He looked around the room, it was pale white, and had the type of things a four year old would have in there room, the only thing large in the room was the bed which looked new, and the stand, as well as afew chairs


Quentin set Leslie on the Bed, he looked inside the bedstand and found more bandages, he set them on Leslie's shoulder, to stopped the bleeding.

"You know Leslie, maybe you should stop putting my hard work to waste." Quentin thought. he succesfully used the Cure spell, and then put bandages over her wrist, right leg, and other shoulder. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then sat on one of the chairs by the bed.


Quentin then sat and waited by her bedside, once in a while he'd leave to get a meal for himself, or Leslie, or train with Eraqus and Joe, but the majority of the time spent was at Leslie's bedside, Everyone would visit some times, especially Master Xehanort. Who would talk to Quentin, over his feelings for Leslie, or the darkness.

Leslie seemed to toss and turn in her sleep, muttering things, but never waking up.

She seemed in pain, it hurt Quentin to see her like this. Master Xehanort enterred the room.

"So, Vanitas did this?" He asked.

"I dunno, I wish I did though." Quentin answerred back. Master Xehanort breathed deaply.

"I know why, you were weak, afraid of you're own darkness. If you used it, you could of helped her." Xehanort said.

"It doesn't matter, its already done and over with." Quentin said darkly.

"Indeed, just... listen boy, if you truly love her, you'd give into it to protect her, just think about that." Xehanort said, leaving the room. Quentin didn't reflect on what he said. he waited for days, which slowly turned into weeks, he fell deeper, and deeper into despair, until she openned her eyes


She then woke up, slightly dazed.


"Leslie you're awake, you had me scared there." Quentin said smiling.

Leslie answerred, then tried to stand up.

"Try to take it easy, you've been out for a while." Quentin answerred.

"Thought I almost lost you." He said sincerely.

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joe was in is room lieing on his bed in the land of departure when he had a vision if master xehanort back on earth attacking another keyblade what owe man last time i had one of those things all that stuff came true joe ranto master eraqus and told him everything joe i understand axel go with joe to earth and joe bring quentin with you i want him away from yanley so i can speak with her yes sir am will i bring ventus or terra since it was xehanort i saw in the vistion yes do now go get quentin joe runs up to yanleys room hey there love birds joe says out of breath hey quentin i need you to came with me to earth there a keyblader there thats in trouble so me u axel and terra going so come on

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As rupert walked along the beach he saw a boy in read wearing a mask "hey who are you " rupert called "hmm you look weak i won't bother with you" he said "what, don't judge someone by their looks" rupert said as he summoned his keyblade "well lets see than" he said as he summoned his keyblade (a fight starts and rupert starts to have an upper hand against the boy in the mask)

"Your good perhaps i will keep you around" he said "whats that meant to mean and what is your name" rupert replied

"you will find out soon good bye"

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"Leslie, what the hell hapenned?" she heard a fading voice ecohed, then everything went black. she saw strange images flash in her mind and various voices talking all at once. then leslie could see a light, her eyes were opened she felt dazed."Leslie you're awake, you had me scared there." Quentin said smiling."im ok." Leslie answerred, then tried to stand up."Try to take it easy, you've been out for a while.Thought I almost lost you." He said sincerely. "dont worry, im fine." leslie insisted. when she tried to stand up, she almost fell but quentin caught her then kissed her. aqua walked in, she looked fully recovered. "oh thank goodness, your awake." aqua smiled. "so how long was i out for?" leslie asked. "about five days, now that you are awake we have a speical request for you from master eraquas: find a keyblade bearer named rupert and you will go alone." aqua looked at quentin. aqua handed an envolope with a set of instructions inside."good luck,leslie." aqua said, quentin scowled at aqua. so leslie walked out of her room, and made it outside. she morphed into her armor and summoned her rider. she opened the evolope and there was a piece of paper that said: 'Name: rupert, Age: 18, Appearance: brown hair, blue jeans, red top. location: destiny islands.' leslie read. so she kicked her rider into high gear and went up and up into the blue sky. it took about 15 minutes to visit the serene island again.




Leslie landed next to a tree with star shaped fruit. she could feel the hot sand beneath her feet, and a cool breeze. 'i never noticed that before..' leslie thought. "oh hi its you again!." said a familiar voice. "hey kairi." leslie said. 'the kid hasnt changed much.' she thought. "say what kind of tree is this?" leslie asked. "oh you mean you dont know the legend of the paopu fruit?" leslie nodded in a 'no'. "well to legend if two people really care about each other and share it they get to be together forever and ever...." kairi said with a dreamy look on her face then stared into space. "um..are you ok?" leslie asked. "....oh im sorry. would you like some cookies?" kairi asked handing a small brown bag. "thats ok..hey have you seen a boy with a key?" leslie said, she put the small bag in her pocket. "sure go past sora and riku." kairi pointed at the two boys playing, there was a brunette haired boy with a toy wooden sword and a silver haired boy with a box that has a smiling face on it it leslie could hear them playing and saying. " No riku this is my sword it has a mind of it's own and i cant control it." then sora beat the box until it was partally smashed. "look at what did you to my best friend?" riku said. "but riku i thought i was your best friend.." sora said then picking up a marker trying to write on the box. "Dont deface dennis!" riku yelled. "i wasnt tring to deface him i was trying to give him a face." sora said. "he already has a face!" sora quickly drew over the smile that the box had on it. the two boys started to fight for the marker, but riku had it and drew a mad face on dennis. "look now hes mad!" riku said "thats dennis? is he displeased?" "uh-uh" riku nodded. "is he so displeased that there is so little to displease him?" sora asked. "...i soppose so." riku said.



'well enough of that...' leslie thought and she walked by the two boys then eventually saw a door then opened it. she was now on the other side of the island that looked like a playground then saw a boy with brown hair and blue jeans walking away. "Hey you!" leslie ran toward him then a figure appeared in the shadows, it was a tall thin guy with a mullet and blue eyes. he was wearing the organization 13 cloak. leslie summoned her keyblade. "who are you?" leslie yelled,the man stepped back scared. "oh geez, i told them that they were sending the wrong guy. lets see..." he said nervously pulling out a piece of paper. "....if subject fails to respond use agression to liberate her true dipostion. survival against target is minimal.....Huh? MINIMAL?!" he yelped. "tell me your name!" leslie demanded. the man had an uneasy look on his face then gulped. "Demyx...so.. your looking lively." demyx said. leslie walked a step forward then jumped right at demyx real fast with her keyblade, but he yelled "dance water dance!" and summoning a blue sitar. a water spout came at leslie but she dodge it, leslie swore that demyx cried "Mommy." demyx was on the sand bawling.



leslie felt somewhat sypathetic, given he was lousy fighter. "here." leslie handed demyx the small brown bag full of cookies, he gasped. "COOKIES!" demyx said exited and ate them all. leslie scratched her head in confusion. 'what am i going to do with him?' then nobodies appeared, leslie looked around but demyx was gone. "oh great!" leslie said. leslie took them all out in less than five minutes. leslie quicky ran to where rupert left, but she finally made it. "hey....your rupert right?" leslie panted. rupert nodded, then smiled warmly, he notice the keyblade that she was holding into her hand. "ok, lets go. ive been looking all over this island for you...its a long story but i will explain it to you on the way."



leslie morphed into her amor and rider. "ok it looks like your gonna have to ride with me." rupert nodded, then he was about to climb into the rider with leslie, but leslie sees a figure coming towards her, form the other side of the beach. it was a tall silvered haired man, dressed in black, he took out a long sword. once he took it out it almost touched leslie, even though he was 30 feet away. leslie jumped backwards and so did rupert. "ah...i have come for you to help restore mother." the man said coldly. "what are you talking about?" leslie asked and morphed her rider back into a keyblade. the man looked at leslie, then attacked her, but she barely dodged it. "i see you are not ready yet, expect to see me again soon." the man then dissapeared into the shadows. "geez, what was that about?" leslie said, but rupert shrugged. leslie transormed her keyblade back into her rider and they were off to land of departure.

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Quentin and Joe were riding towards what looked like earth, they're orders were to set down on earth, and find the keybearer Joe saw, Terra would meet up with them later. They landed in what use to be Ireland, again. The lava has raised, and almost engulfed all the high buildings, Joe was about to attempt freezing them but Quentin stopped him.

"Joe, we don't have time for this, this place is already lost, and I doubt freezing the lava will work this time." Quentin said, Joe looked down.

The two flew around the city until they reached a bright light, they touched down on the building.

"So Joe, you said you saw it around here?" Quentin asked. Joe nodded, then walked towards a pile of rubble, there wa a keychain sitting there, but nobody else.

"What the-" Quentin was cuttoff when suddenly two figures walked out of the shadows, two organization 13 members,

(Orgnization 13 starts playing)

"A trap?" Quentin asked Joe, he raised his shoulders


One removed his hood, to reveal blonde hair, and an earing, he seemed british, the other one removed his hood to reveal a scared face with an eyepatch.

"So, this punk helped kill Lexause huh." The pirate said, looking at Quentin.

"You wanna take them both Xigbar, I could come another time." he suggested.

"Oh sure thing Luxford, lets have fun." Xigbar said, summoning what looked like purple guns. Luxford meerly created a portal and left.

"So, you're Quentin, and you're Zack right?" He asked, Quentin and Joe nodded and summoned they're keyblades.

"Lets dance." He said. (The thirteenth struggle suddenly plays)

Xigbar startes the fight off by keeping at a distance, and dissapears as Quentin and Joe attack him. hi teleports across the area, and fire's his guns, which supringly aren't as painful as the real thing, but still hurts a ton. After 20 minutes Quentin and Joe were both really tired out, Quentin felt strength from his legs dissapear, possibly from vanitas, his feet colapsed, and he fell to the ground, He couldn't see Joe,

"Hmm, looks like you're buddy bailed, Now it looks like someone's not coming home for supper." Xigbar said, walking closer, Quentin used his hands to crab walk away, he was near the edge of the building, Lava was extreemly high.

"Don't worry, I'll have you're nobody say goodbye for you!" He yelled about to shoot Quentin in the head, Quentin saw Joe and immediately rolled out of the way, Joe gave a strong push and knocked Xigbar into the lava.

"Little firetruckERS." He screemed, a dark portal appeared. and he dissapeared with it.

Joe offerred his hand, Quentin took it.

"Thanks man, you know, I really think we're starting to become friends." Joe smiled.

Suddenly all around them heartless and offspring apeared on the rooftops by the thousands, Quentin and joe couldn't take them all, and there wasn't any space to suit up and fly out, they were backed to a side of the rooftop, where there was a 60 story drop, with rocks pointing out of the water, and lava pouring in.

"Joe, I have an idea, but it might sound crazy." Joe looked behind them, he got the idea too,


they backed towards the edge, and activated they're armor, they jumped, as they fell Quenin attempted to remember how to create a portal, and Joe was yelling at him to hurry up, at the last second Quentin created a portal they fell in through, and they slammed onto the ground of the land of departure hard. Quentin could feel a rib was broken.


"Ugghh, that was... frightning." Quentin realised Joe was on top of him.

"Hey, Joe. Do you mind getting off of me?" Quentin asked. Joe obliged and rolled over. Master Eraqus walked outside.

"Quentin, joe, What happenned." he demanded.

"It was a trap, we got there, found some keychain, and then were attacked by the organization, then we jumped off a building to escape the monsters, oh and Terra never made it." Quentin said plainly.

"Can I please go to my room now?" Quentin asked.

"Very well, But first." Eraqus said, then emmited green aura from his hand onto Quentin's chest, easing the pain.

"Thanks master, here's the keychain." Quentin said handing it over.


He was still a bit dazed and walked out to his room, he slept for a few hours when then Leslie arrived with the new Keybearer.

Quentin was eating in the hall when Leslie came in with Rupert, Eraqus greeted him and showed him around. Leslie walked over to the table and sat down next to Quentin, She asked him what happenned and he replied

"You don't wanna know."

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